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草鱼呼肠孤病毒(Grass carp reovirus, GCRV)是草鱼出血病的病原.从患病草鱼体内分离到一株草鱼呼肠孤病毒GCRV 096,经反转录PCR,克隆得GCRV 096 长度为855 bp 的vp7 基因,并分析该基因编码蛋白的特性.结果表明,同一基因型分离株VP7 蛋白间的差异不大,但不同基因型分离株VP7 蛋白间存在很大的差异.对GCRV 096 VP7 蛋白生物信息学分析表明,信号肽位点位于20 氨基酸处,且VP7 含有4个潜在的抗原决定簇.构建GCRV 096 vp7 基因的酵母表达载体pGBKT7-S10,并成功转化至酵母中.  相似文献   

【目的】研究广东湛江地区凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)烂尾病主要病原及其药敏特征。【方法】从对虾病灶部位分离纯化细菌,用2株代表菌株对健康虾进行创伤浸浴感染试验,分析菌株形态特征、生理生化特征以及16S rRNA和HSP60基因序列,以哈维氏弧菌(Vibrio harveyi)和坎氏弧菌(V. campbelli)溶血素基因特异引物扩增菌株基因组DNA,通过纸片扩散法测试菌株对17种药物的敏感性。【结果】从患病亲虾和养殖对虾分别分离获得编号2018B22和2018MZ1的代表菌,两株菌16Sr RNA和HSP60基因序列均与哈维氏弧菌最相似,且均可被哈维氏弧菌溶血素基因引物特异扩增,表型特征亦与哈维氏弧菌相近;两株菌均可引起凡纳滨对虾烂尾病,其中菌株2018B22的致病力较2018MZ1更强,而后者的耐药谱更广。【结论】湛江地区凡纳滨对虾烂尾病主要病原为哈维氏弧菌。  相似文献   

鱼类诺卡氏菌病是全球性的鱼病,杀鲑诺卡氏菌(Nocardia salmonicida)是引起鱼类诺卡氏菌病的主要病原之一。根据杀鲑诺卡氏菌16S-23S转录间隔区(ITS)序列设计引物,建立特异性PCR检测杀鲑诺卡氏菌的方法。结果表明,筛选的PCR引物可特异性地扩增出杀鲑诺卡氏菌的ITS片段,检测灵敏度(DNA浓度)为28.3 pg·μL-1。检测人工感染杀鲑诺卡氏菌的鱼组织,结果显示,该方法可从未分离到病原菌的病鱼组织中检出阳性片段,较传统细菌分离鉴定方法更为高效灵敏。  相似文献   

通过平板菌落计数法检测编号为GD1、GD2、GD3、GD4、GD5、JS、JX、SD1和SD2等9种水产养殖用芽孢杆菌制剂的有效活菌数,结合形态、生理生化和16S rRNA基因序列分析对各制剂中分离的产芽孢细菌代表菌株进行鉴定。结果显示:除GD1、GD2和GD5制剂未标明芽孢数量外,其余制剂检测到的芽孢数量均低于或远低于标注数量;经鉴定,各制剂中最优势类型,GD2、GD3、GD5、SD1和SD2制剂为地衣芽孢杆菌(Bacillus licheniformis),GD4、JS和JX制剂为解淀粉芽孢杆菌(B.amyloliquefaciens),GD1制剂为枯草芽孢杆菌(B.subtilis)。除GD4、GD5和SD1制剂未标明具体菌种以及GD2的标注菌种与检测结果不一致外,其他制剂的标注菌种与被鉴定的优势类型芽孢杆菌基本一致。  相似文献   

1 Introduction Blacktigershrimp (Penaeusmonodon)isthemajorshrimpspeciesculturedinIndonesia .Itsculturehasbecomemoreintensivebecauseofitshighdemandandeconomicvalue .Infact,shrimpexporthasyieldedthehighestIndonesianincomeinfisherysector .Itwasestimatedthattheproductionofculturedshrimpwas 80 0 0 0metrictonnesin 1995 .Consequently ,theneedforthefryforstockingpondculturesteadilyin creased .Thetotalnumberoffryrequiredwasabout 6millionperyear (FAO ,1995 )and 90 %oftherequiredanimalswereobtained…  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of long-term low-salinity on the growth performance,proximate composition,amino acid and fatty acid profiles of Scylla paramamosain.The salinity of the low-salinity-culture group(LC)and maintained-salinity-cul-ture group(MC)were set at 5 and 25 respectively.After rearing for 30 d,the survival rate(SR)of the LC group was significantly lower,whereas the average daily molting frequency(ADMF)was significantly higher than those in MC group(P<0.05).There were no significant difference for weight gain rate(WGR)and specific growth rate(SGR)between the two groups.The moisture content of the LC group was slightly higher than the MC group without significant difference.The contents of ash,crude lipid and crude pro-tein in the LC group were lower than those in the MC group,but no significant differences were found except for ash content.A total of 17 free amino acids and 23 fatty acids were identified from the muscle of S.paramamosain.The total amino acids(TAA),essen-tial amino acids(EAA)and essential amino acid index(EAAI)had no significant difference between the two groups.The crabs from LC group had a significantly higher HUFA,including EPA,DHA,ARA.The percentage of n-3 PUFA and the ratio of n-3/n-6 PUFA were significantly higher in the LC group.These results indicated that S.paramamosain rearing at low salinity had significantly de-creased SR;however,the low-salinity environment significantly promoted the accumulation of unsaturated fatty acids(UFAs),espe-cially the n-3 PUFA,which might be related to the osmoregulation mechanism.  相似文献   

准确了解我国海岸带红树林种类组成有助于红树林资源调查、保护和利用。本文基于广西海岸带2018—2020年共 14景GF-2多光谱影像,通过植被指数法和一阶微分法进行光谱特征数据重构,使用支持向量机分类方法,对广西海岸带红树林开展种间精细分类研究。结合现场数据以茅尾海为例,通过与原始数据和一阶微分的分类结果进行对比分析,来验证光谱特征数据重构对红树林种类识别的有效性。结果表明,基于光谱特征重构数据的分类精度最高,为91.55%,Kappa系数为0.8695,分别比原始数据和一阶微分提高了6.92%和11.17%。以此开展了广西整个海岸带红树林类型识别,结果表明,广西主要分布有7种真红树分别为桐花树、白骨壤、无瓣海桑、秋茄、红海榄、木榄、老鼠簕和一种盐沼草本植物茳芏,湿地植被总面积为7402.98 hm2,防城港市、钦州市和北海市红树林面积分别为1826.16、2496.18和3080.47 hm2,其中桐花树和白骨壤为广西红树林优势物种,分布面积最大,分别为3372.09 hm2和3445.17 hm2,二者占总面积的92.09%,其次为茳芏287.50 hm2占总面积3.88%,无瓣海桑与红海榄次之,面积分别为135.97 hm2和126.52 hm2,共占红树林总面积的3.55%,老鼠簕、木榄和秋茄面积极少,均不足20 hm2,三者相加不足红树林总面积的1%。北仑河口、山口和茅尾海3个红树林自然保护区的红树林总面积分别为1009.21、715.56和1546.62 hm2。本文基于高分数据的光谱特征数据重构方法开展红树林精细分类研究,可以为广西红树林管理、保护和重建提供技术和数据支撑。  相似文献   

Mud crab (Scylla serrata) is an important commercial crustacean in China. An experiment was designed to study the effect of cold stress on S. serrata. After a one-week adaptation at 28oC, the temperature is suddenly reduced to 4oC. The crabs were sampled every 2 h for 10 h and dissected immediately to measure the enzyme activity. The crabs at room temperature (28oC) were used as the control group. The activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX), the content of malondialdehyde (MDA) and the activity of 4 ATPases (Na , K -ATPase; Mg2 -ATPase; Ca2 -ATPase; Ca2 , Mg2 -ATPase) were measured biochemically. In contrast to the control group, the SOD activity increased significantly from 2 to 6 h after the cold stress, and then decreased. The CAT and GPX activities increased in 2 h, and then decreased gradually. The content of MDA increased gradually in 4 h. The activity of Na , K -ATPase decreased in 2 h, increased up to the top value at Hour 6, then decreased again. The activities of Mg2 -ATPase, Ca2 -ATPase and Ca2 , Mg2 -ATPase increased significantly in 6 h, insignificantly in any other hours. Under cold stress, the activity of antioxidative enzymes in S. serrata was reduced at first then stabilized, ROS-scavenging weakened, and MDA accumulated gradually in the gill after 6 h. The activity of the 4 ATPases in the crab decreased after 6 h, suggesting that the ability to regulate ion concentration has been paralyzed. Therefore, the maximum period to sustain healthy meat in the crab under cold stress is 6 hours.  相似文献   

Three wild populations of Meretrix meretrix sampled from Dongxing, Beihai, and Shankou along the coast of Guangxi, China, were investigated with morphometry and karyometry. Six morphological indices (shell length, shell height, shell width, hinge length, total wet weight and shell weight) were measured. Differences in all morphological indices except hinge length were significant among the three populations (P 〈 0.05). The mean values of these indices (except for the hinge length) in the Dongxing population were larger than those in the Beihai and Shankou populations, although the latter had the largest hinge length. The karyotype of the Beihai, Shankou and Dongxing samples had ten metacentric, six submetacentric, and three subtelocentric chromosome pairs. No significant difference was shown in the centromeric index values of the chromosomes in the populations (P〉0.05). However, the order of metacentric, submetacentric and subtelocentric chromosome pairs was variable among the three populations. The results indicate a high level of inter-population variation in morphology and karyotype.  相似文献   

Fishery-independent surveys can provide high-quality data and support fishery assessment and management.Optimization of sampling design is crucial to increase the quality of fishery surveys.Crab pots are important fishing gears used to catch crabs.We analyzed the impacts of sampling design of crab pots on the abundance of Portunus trituberculatus in the Changjiang(Yangtze) River estuary to the Hangzhou Bay and its adjacent waters in East China Sea.The crab pots were cylindrical,240 mm in height and 600 mm in diameter of the iron ring.Our sampling designs(including fixed-station sampling,simple random sampling,stratified fixed-station sampling,and stratified random sampling),three number of stations(9,16,and 24),and three numbers of crab pots(500,1 000,and 3 000) were simulated and compared with the "true" abundance that obtained from bottom trawl survey s in the study area in 2007.The scenarios with16 stations were set in stratification as a control group for comparison with unstratified designs.Results show that simple random sampling can obtain more stable results than fixed-station sampling in the abundance estimation of P.trituberculatus.In addition,stratified sampling resulted in more accurate abundance than unstratified sampling.The accuracy of the simulated results improved with the increase of the number of stations.No remarkable differences in the re sults were found among the scenarios of different number of crab pots at each station.However,resource-intensive areas exerted great impacts on simulation results.Thus,prior information or pre-survey results about resource abundance and density distribution are necessary.This study may serve as a reference for future sampling designs of crab pots of P.trituberculatus and other species.  相似文献   

为研究广西典型海湾物质输运的时间尺度,建立了钦州湾和铁山港湾水动力与物质输运数学模型,计算了钦州湾和铁山港湾物质输运的滞留时间和半交换周期,探讨了滞留时间随入海径流量的变化以及与半交换周期的关系.结果显示,钦州湾的滞留时间为413 - 595 h,半交换周期为148 - 178 h,铁山港湾的滞留时间为215 - 598h,半交换周期约为50 h,钦州湾和铁山港湾的滞留时间均随径流量增大而减小.铁山港的滞留时间在小流量情况下随径流量的变化显著,在大流量下随径流量变化较小,而钦州湾的滞留时间随径流量大致呈线性变化.钦州湾和铁山港的滞留时间和半交换周期之间尚无明确的函数关系,这反映了不同海域的水深、地形及径流与潮汐相互作用的差异性和复杂性.  相似文献   

利用线粒体16SrRNA基因和线粒体细胞色素氧化酶亚基Ⅰ(cvtocllrome oxidase Ⅰ,COI)基因片段初步研究钦州湾牡蛎(Ostxea)的物种组成。以特异引物进行PCR扩增,对扩增产物进行纯化、测序,分析表明,16SrRNA基因部分长度为413bp,COI基因部分长度为535bp,2种牡蛎序列的碱基组成均显示出较高的A+T比例:16SrRNA基因598%;COI基因605%。对位排序比较表明,16SrRNA片段种内个体间变异较小,存在7个变异位点,4种单倍型,其中包括5个转换位点突变,2个颠换位点突变;COI片段有30个碱基存在变异,7种单倍型,其中包括16个转换位点突变,14个颠换位点突变。运用MEGA4软件计算出不同个体间的遗传距离,并构建了NJ和UPGMA系统树。香港牡蛎(Crassostrea hongkongensis)16SrRNA和COI序列与白肉牡蛎的遗传距离均为0000,有明巨牡蛎(Crassostrea ariakensis)16SrRNA和COI序列和红肉牡蛎(redmeatostxea)的遗传距离分别为0000和0011,白肉牡蛎16SrRNA和COI序列和红肉牡蛎之间的遗传距离分别为0035和0146。结果表明,钦州湾牡蛎分为2个不同的种,线粒体16SrRNA和COI基因在种间存在明显的多态性,证实了16SrRNA和COI基因序列适用于牡蛎的系统学分析。  相似文献   

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