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随着城市的不断发展,基坑开始由传统的二维模式向三维空间转变。该文借助于坑壁土体的三维破坏模式,推导出双层土体的破坏模型,在此模型基础上基于土体塑性上限理论及极限平衡分析理论,提出了考虑空间效应的土压力计算公式以及相应的空间效应影响系数。该计算公式可用于基坑土钉墙、护坡桩、地下连续墙等支护系统的设计。  相似文献   

针对矩形顶管上竖向土压力计算模型研究较少的现状,借助Terzaghi土压力计算理论,结合矩形顶管工程特点建立了考虑注浆作用的矩形顶管竖向土压力计算模型,提出了改进的竖向土压力计算公式;依托苏州某矩形顶管工程中竖向土压力实时监测数据,探究了其变化规律并验证了该计算公式的准确性。研究结果表明:土体中的剪切带从管道外壁两侧产生并沿竖直方向发展,且可贯穿至地表;临界状态下剪切带上的膨胀角完全发挥,以临界内摩擦角及其正弦值计算剪切带上的摩擦系数;不同的注浆压力下,管道上方可能出现“主动土拱”和“被动土拱”。计算值与实测值的对比分析表明,改进后的计算方法能够较好地包络矩形顶管竖向土压力范围。   相似文献   

为了探究锚杆不确定性对加固边坡失稳概率的影响, 建立了施加锚杆后的边坡模型, 通过以下两种途径来考虑锚杆的不确定性: 其一是假定锚杆与锚固体之间接触面上的单位表面摩擦力为对数正态分布变量, 其二是引入锚杆与锚固体之间接触面上的单位表面摩擦力衰减系数来考虑运营过程中锚杆的不确定性。采用极限平衡分析法并结合蒙特卡罗抽样法, 计算并对比分析了两种途径下锚固边坡失稳概率变化曲线, 最后以深圳假日酒店基坑边坡支护工程为例, 证明所提方法的有效性。结果表明: 对于途径一, 在相同土体统计参数下, 随着锚杆与锚固体之间接触面上单位表面摩擦力变异系数的增加, 加固边坡的失稳概率缓慢增加, 增幅介于18.03%~41.90%之间。对于途径二, 随着锚杆衰减系数自1.0逐步减小至0, 加固边坡失稳概率迅速增加, 增幅介于55.64%~124.90%之间; 在同一衰减系数下, 加固边坡失稳概率随着锚杆衰减根数的增加而增大。研究结果可以为锚杆施工与运营期间的管理提供决策支持。   相似文献   

降雨是引起膨胀土基坑边坡失稳最主要的因素。以成都某膨胀土基坑边坡为原型,建立了一个0.6m×0.4m×0.4m 的相似模型,施加40g离心加速度及模拟降雨作用,测试模型的变形及含水率特征。结果表明,降雨入渗对膨胀土基坑边坡的影响包括:膨胀土强度降低导致桩后的主动土压力增大,以及导致锚固段抗力降低,膨胀土吸水产生附加膨胀力。悬臂桩支护下的直立型膨胀土基坑边坡形成的破裂面可分为两段:上 段 为 拉 张 性
质,近竖直;下段为剪切闭合性质,呈圆弧型。破裂面的上边界位于坡后1/2~2/3坡高处,下边界位于坡脚。   相似文献   

帷幕结合基坑内降水的方案是深基坑工程中地下水控制的主要趋势,由于基坑渗流场的复杂性和尺度效应,业内尚无成熟且精确的解析计算方法。在分析悬挂式帷幕基坑与闸坝渗流场特点异同的基础上,对闸坝改进阻力系数法进行修正,提出了承压水条件下悬挂式帷幕基坑渗流段的分段方式,推导了新的考虑基坑特殊段"水平汇流段"的等效阻力系数计算公式,并将之拓展至含水层各向异性条件下,实现了悬挂式帷幕基坑涌水量和坑外水位降深的定量计算;最后,结合典型基坑案例,通过数值模拟验证了该方法的精确性。研究表明:经过合理分段、等效和修正处理后,改进阻力系数法在悬挂式帷幕基坑承压水渗流计算中,与数值法计算结果的相对误差能控制在5%以内,精度较高,且具有分段灵活、计算简单的优点,能适用于不同场地条件下基坑降水设计的计算。   相似文献   

土压力滑楔理论的统一解   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于滑楔理论计算土压力的基本原理,运用考虑中间主应力效应的统一强度理论,对传统的土压力公式不能反映土体材料强度的中间主应力效应的公式进行了改进,推导了基于滑楔理论的土压力统一解公式,Coulomb和Rankine土压力公式为其特例.通过变换统一强度参数,可获得一系列的解.在工程运用中可根据土质和工程的实际情况,适当选择统一强度参数和应力状态来确定土压力的大小.  相似文献   

认为第三平台挡土墙及地面变形并非土体整体滑动造成 ,而是由于墙后上层滞水的形成和富集及地面堆载的作用 ,使得墙后土体产生了湿陷变形和一定的压缩变形 ;同时又使土体湿化 ,降低了土的抗剪强度 ,增大了主动土压力所造成。  相似文献   

一、工程概况位于嘉兴市中环东路的某花园北部为六幢地面以上高度为十八层、地下室为一层的住宅楼,建筑物采用桩基础,六幢建筑物的地下室相互连通,地下室基础底面标高为-2.25m.自然地面标高为2.00~2.15m,整个基坑长度为305m,宽度为34.2m,基坑边坡采用水泥搅拌桩和锚杆加喷浆进行支护。由于基坑设计和施工时没有考虑在三号楼地段分布的古河道位置内存在最大厚度达12m砂质粉土夹粉质粘土透镜体,在三号的地段基坑开挖至标高约-1.3m左右时基坑内发生了严重流砂现象,致使基坑开挖施工无法继续进行,并危及基坑边坡的安全,如何处理基坑内流砂问题成为当时施工中急需解决的一大技术难题。  相似文献   

针对目前盾构施工既有建(构)筑地基加固依靠经验,缺乏完善理论作为支撑的现象,有必要研究盾构掘进中、离开后既有建(构)筑地基承载力影响机理及加固后土体稳定性。为了解水泥土加固体的受剪工作状态,开展水泥土三轴试验,结果表明,当偏应力达到屈服之前,(σ13)-ε1关系近似直线,应变很小,且加固体与未加固土抗剪强度相差甚远,稳定性分析时,不考虑加固体位移及其外侧未加固土对剪力的分担。盾构掘进中,其周围土体受到挤压产生的剪应力,扩散至桩侧形成附加正摩阻力,基桩承载力提高;盾构离开后土体卸荷,桩侧产生负摩阻力,基桩承载力降低。盾构施工中加固体上段内侧受被动或主动土压力,外侧及下段受静止土压力,土压力差产生剪应力,潜在滑动界面产生拉、压应力,并导出加固后土体复合滑动面安全系数公式,通过工程实例验算加固体强度及加固后土体的稳定性。   相似文献   

沉管灌注桩施工在土体中引起的附加应力计算*周东(桂林工学院建工系桂林541004)沉管灌注桩施工所产生的巨大侧向挤压力常造成地面隆起,影响邻近建筑物的正常使用,甚至导致各类建筑物的毁坏。针对宁波地区的工程地质条件,根据园柱孔扩张理论,建立起单桩周围土...  相似文献   

文章通过理论分析和工程实例 ,指出运用等代内摩擦角 φ′来计算深基坑土压力的局限性。  相似文献   

This paper presents a general solution for active earth pressure acting on a vertical retaining wall with a drainage system along the soil-structure interface. The backfill has a horizontal surface and is composed of cohesionless and fully saturated sand with anisotropic permeability along the vertical and horizontal directions. The extremely unfavourable seepage flow on the back of the retaining wall due to heavy rainfall or other causes will dramatically increase the active earth pressure acting on the retaining walls, increasing the probability of instability. In this paper, an analytical solution to the Laplace differential governing equation is presented for seepage problems considering anisotropic permeability based on Fourier series expansion method. A good correlation is observed between this and the seepage forces along a planar surface generated via finite element analysis. The active earth pressure is calculated using Coulomb’s earth pressure theory based on the calculated pore water pressures. The obtained solutions can be degenerated into Coulomb’s formula when no seepage exists in the backfill. A parametric study on the influence of the degree of anisotropy in seepage flow on the distribution of active earth pressure behind the wall is conducted by varying ratios of permeability coefficients in the vertical and horizontal directions, showing that anisotropic seepage flow has a prominent impact on active earth pressure distribution. Other factors such as effective internal friction angle of soils and soil/wall friction conditions are also considered.  相似文献   

Portal water injection sheet pile (PWISP), as a retaining wall, appeared in seashore engineering in 2000. Although there have been many systematic methods addressing the issue, there are very few focusing on the new structure because of the difficulties in defining the earth pressure between the two piles. A new method is proposed in this paper to obtain the earth pressure between the PWISPs. Stability analysis against overturning follows as a consequence. Using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) software ANSYS, both the nonlinear characteristics of the soil and those of the contact elements are taken into account to obtain the earth pressure distribution on the contact surface. Based on the results of the FEA, Rankin's theory and the slip plane theory, the formula of the earth pressure on the inner surfaces between the piles is given. Assuming the PWISP as the analysis object and the earth pressure as an outside force acting upon it, the equation of stability against overturning of the PWISP is presented. Finally, some parameters are discussed about the stability of the PWISP against overturning, such as the embedded depth of the front pile, the distance between the two rows of piles, the internal friction angle and the cohesion of the earth. The results show that the increase of the cohesion and the internal friction angle will decrease the distance and the embedded depth, and therefore enhance the stability against overturning. Specifically, when the distance is 1/3-2/3 of the maximal excavation depth, the two rows of piles give the best performance in stability.  相似文献   

Stabilizing pile is a kind of earth shoring structure frequently used in slope engineering. When the piles have cantilever segments above the ground, laggings are usually installed to avoid collapse of soil between piles. Evaluating the earth pressure acting on laggings is of great importance in design process. Since laggings are usually less stiff than piles, the lateral pressure on lagging is much closer to active earth pressure. In order to estimate the lateral earth pressure on lagging more accurately, first, a model test of cantilever stabilizing pile and lagging systems was carried out. Then, basing the experimental results, a three-dimensional sliding wedge model was established. Last, the calculation process of the total active force on lagging is presented based on the kinematic approach of limit analysis. A comparison is made between the total active force on lagging calculated by the formula presented in this study and the force on a same-size rigid retaining wall obtained from Rankine's theory. It is found that the proposed method fits well with the experimental results. Parametric studies show that the total active force on lagging increases with the growth of the lagging height and the lagging clear span; while decreases as the soil internal friction angle and soil cohesion increase.  相似文献   

In this paper, a generalized limit equilibrium method of solving the active earth pressure problem behind a retaining wall is proposed. Differing from other limit equilibrium methods, an arbitrary slip surface shape without any assumptions of pre-defined shapes is needed in the current framework, which is verified to find the most probable failure slip surface. Based on the current computational framework, numerical comparisons with experiment, discrete element method and other methods are carried out. In addition, the influences of the inclination of the wall, the soil cohesion, the angle of the internal friction of the soil, the slope inclination of the backfill soil on the critical pressure coefficient of the soil, the point of application of the resultant earth pressure and the shape of the slip surface are also carefully investigated. The results demonstrate that limit equilibrium solution from predefined slip plane assumption, including Coulomb solution, is a special case of current computational framework. It is well illustrated that the current method is feasible to evaluate the characteristics of earth pressure problem.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence factors on the seismic response and deformation modes of retaining walls using large-scale model shaking table tests. Experimental results showed that the distribution of peak seismic earth pressures along the height of a wall was a single peak value curve. The seismic earth pressures on a gravel soil retaining wall were larger than the pressures on the weathered granite and quartz retaining walls. Also, the peak seismic earth pressure increased with increases in the peak ground acceleration and the wall height. The measured seismic active earth pressures on a rock foundation retaining wall were larger than the calculated values, and the action position of resultant seismic pressure was higher than 0.33 H. In the soil foundation retaining wall, the measured seismic earth pressures were much smaller than the calculated values, while the action position was slightly higher than 0.33 H. The soil foundation retaining wall suffered base sliding and overturning under earthquake conditions, while overturning was the main failure mode for the rock foundation retaining walls.  相似文献   

文章对深基坑支护设计土压力计算中的几个存在问题进行了剖析,并结合工程实例提出一些可行的解决办法.  相似文献   

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