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基于Weinberg-Salam理论,考虑Coulomb效应对连续态电子气体的影响,对恒星演化晚期核素12C、16O、20Ne、24Mg、28Si和56Fe在完全电离环境下的K壳层连续态自由电子俘获过程的中微子能量损失进行了讨论.根据Beaudet、Petrosian和Salpeter (BPS)的方法所得结果与我们的结果进行了比较.结果表明:相对较高温度环境(如T9=0.1和T9=1.T9是以109 K为单位的温度),两种结果符合很好;而低温环境(如T9=0.01和T9=0.001)核素16O、20Ne、24Mg和28Si的中微子能量损失,BPS的结果比我们的结果高10~70倍,对核素12C甚至高出2个数量级.我们的研究可能对恒星演化晚期尤其是白矮星核坍塌到相对低温和中等密度阶段冷却机制的研究具有重要意义.  相似文献   

HE1005-1439是一颗金属丰度极低([Fe/H] ~ - 3.0)的碳增丰贫金属星(Carbon Enhanced Metal-Poor,CEMP), 该星的s-过程元素显著超丰([Ba/Fe] = 1.16±0.31, [Pb/Fe] = 1.98±0.19), 而r-过程元素温和超丰([Eu/Fe] = 0.46±0.22), 使用单一的s-过程模型和i-过程模型均不能拟合该星中子俘获丰度分布. 采用丰度分解的方法探究该星化学元素的天体物理来源可有助于理解CEMP星的形成和化学演化. 利用s-过程和r-过程的混合模型对其中子俘获元素的丰度分布进行拟合, 发现该星的中子俘获元素主要来源于低质量低金属丰度AGB伴星的s-过程核合成, 而r-过程核合成也有贡献.  相似文献   

利用朗道能级量子化近似和核壳层模型,研究了超强磁场对~(53,54,55)Fe的电子俘获的影响.结果表明在超强磁场下的电子俘获率比在弱场近似下的电子俘获率增加了约2个数量级.在弱场近似和磁场为B=4.414×10~(15)Gs条件下计算了每个核素的电子丰度变化率和总的电子丰度变化率,它们一般相差3个量级以上.这些结论对将来的磁星演化的研究起到重要的作用.  相似文献   

超新星ASASSN-15lh是近期发现的一颗光变曲线类似于Ia型超新星(SN Ia)的超亮超新星(Super Luminous Super Novae,SLSNe).~(56)Ni的衰变状况与SN Ia爆炸过程中的光度直接相关,考虑生成核的退激发能,详细计算了超新星ASASSN-15lh爆炸环境中~(56)Ni衰变产生的热量,估算出所需的~(56)Ni的质量为31.32 M_⊙,与观测所得的光变曲线给出的ASASSN-15lh所需~(56)Ni≥30 M_⊙的估计相符.超新星ASASSN-15lh的爆发机制至今还在争论之中,计算结果为进一步研究该超新星的前身星和爆发机制提供参考.  相似文献   

CS30301–015和HE1045+0226是两颗C元素和s-过程元素均超丰的贫金属(CEMP-s)星.视向速度观测发现这两颗星可能为单星.采用叠加与分解的方法探究这两颗星化学元素的天体物理来源能够为更好地理解银河系早期化学演化提供线索.计算结果表明:这两颗星的轻元素和Fe族元素主要产生于大质量星的primary过程.对于CS 30301–015,中子俘获元素主要来自AGB (Asymptotic Giant Branch)星中的主要s-过程. Pb的显著超丰主要归因于主要s-过程的贡献(约占Pb观测丰度的99.8%).需要更多的视向速度观测来确定这两颗星的轨道特征.对于HE 1045+0226, 56Z (质子数)62的重中子俘获元素主要来源于主要s-过程; Eu主要来源于主要r-过程.而轻中子俘获元素Y和Zr主要来自快速自转大质量星的primary弱s-过程,这一核合成过程对HE 1045+0226的Y和Zr丰度的贡献分别约为69.8%和67.6%.这从观测的角度证明弱s-过程能够在贫金属环境下发生.  相似文献   

为了研究有大质量恒星形成的分子云与其它分子云之间的差异,对北天的59个作为大质量恒星形成区的Spitzer延展绿色天体(Extended Green Objects,简称EGOs)视线方向进行了分子云~(12)CO J=2-1和J=3-2频谱观测,并与文献中对同一批天体方向观测得到的~(12)CO J=1-0频谱数据合并进行分析.对与EGO天体成协的分子云(简称EGO分子云)和其它non-EGO分子云进行了CO多跃迁谱线强度和宽度的统计比较分析.在数据统计的基础上,讨论了这两类分子云的气体温度分布、密度分布、速度场分布对观测数据统计特征的影响.分析结果表明,直接决定是否有大质量恒星形成的关键因素可能并不是巨分子云的质量是否足够大,而是巨分子云的引力塌缩程度足否充分(即分子云团块的体积填充因子是否足够大).  相似文献   

本文考察一个大质量恒星(取星体质量为15M,其中央星孩区为1.5 M质量),受到来自外界能量冲击时所发生的影响.为了数值模拟这种效应,采用一维球对称多方指数模型,在星体外人为地附加一个1.6M的外壳,并假设此外壳具有向心运动速度为u_λ(=1.4×10~9cm/sec),仿佛星体四周有活塞向心在推动。用外壳的动能来等效外来的能量.当星体内单位质量的总能量E_(tot)(包括内能、动能、引力势能)≥33×10~(50)erg时,取最外层的u_λ=0,表示从那时起停止外来能量的冲击。本文一方面给出数值实验能量向星体内部的传递过程,激波运动到达星核区界面的时间等数据结果,另一方面分析和比较了空间网格剖分和时间步长的不同选取对结果的影响。  相似文献   

The variation in the orbital period of the W UMa type contact binary V502 Oph is analyzed. The orbital period exhibits a wavelike variation with a periodicity of 23.0 years and an amplitude of △P = 1.24×10~(-6) days superimposed on secular decrease of dP/dt = 1.68×10-7 day per year. The long-term decrease may be accompanied by the contraction of the secondary at a rate of 83 m per year and a mass transfer rate from the primary to the secondary of 4.28×10~8 M per year. The short-term oscillation may be explained by the presence of a third component. Orbital elements of the third body and its possible mass are presented.  相似文献   

利用紫金山天文台青海站的13.7 m射电望远镜首次对W31分子云西北部区域中不同速度成份的分子云进行了C18O(J=1-0)的成图观测与研究,观测范围为16′×25′,观测波束间隔为1'.对不同视向速度的分子云分开进行处理,在成图范围内新观测到3个C18O分子云团块,发现它们均属于较年轻的稳定分子云.根据谱线辐射温度(T*R)和半宽(△V),利用LTE方法计算了每个被测团块的物理参数,讨论了该区域的团块分布、HII区、脉泽源与恒星形成的关系.  相似文献   

探讨了认为中心致密天体(CCO)起源于双星的可能性.首先, CCO与正常遗迹脉冲星有着相似的平均自旋周期,但CCO的平均表面磁场强度(B~5.4×10~(10)Gs)低于正常遗迹脉冲星(B~7.7×10~(12)Gs)~2个量级.同时,几乎所有的正常遗迹脉冲星均分布在爱丁顿吸积加速线以上,而CCO全部分布在自旋加速线以下.因此怀疑CCO可能起源于双星吸积加速过程.其次,基于中子星再加速理论,分析了CCO可能的双星演化过程:双星系统中, CCO以M~1017g·s~(-1)的吸积率,经过~106yr的时间共吸积△M~10~(-2)M⊙的物质,其自旋周期将会从P~10 s降低至P~0.1 s,表面磁场强度将会从B~10~(12)Gs降低至B~1010Gs.考虑到~106yr的演化时标远大于CCO遗迹的年龄(~0.3–7 kyr),猜想CCO可能是双星系统中第1颗恒星超新星爆发的产物,而第2颗恒星超新星爆发后双星解体,留下CCO和第2颗恒星的超新星遗迹.该模型预言在CCO附近可能存在一颗年轻的正常脉冲星(P~0.02 s, B~1012Gs),并期望未来的射电望远镜和高能探测器能够进行搜寻.  相似文献   

Based on the theory of relativity, the assumption of a superstrong magnetic field (SMF), and the shell model, the neutrino energy loss (NEL) rates of nuclides 56Fe, 56Co, 56Ni, 56Mn, 56Cr, and 56V by electron capture are investigated in the range of magnetic fields from 1013 G to 1018 G in magnetars. We also discuss the rates of change of the electron fraction (RCEF) in SMF and compare our results in SMF with those of FFN and Nabi, which is for the case without SMF. The results show that the NEL rates are increased greatly and even exceed by eight orders of magnitude in SMF. The RCEF are decreased largely and even exceed by seven orders of magnitude in SMF. On the other hand, our calculated NEL rates with SMF are larger by seven orders of magnitude than FFN’s at B=1018 G, and even by eight orders of magnitude compared to Nabi’s.  相似文献   

Based on the shell-model Monte Carlo method and random phase approximation theory,the neutrino energy spectrum(NES) and the electron capture(EC) of56 Fe,56Co,56 Ni,56Mn,56 Cr and56V are investigated in presupernova surroundings.The results show that the EC rates are affected greatly at different densities and temperatures. The rates increase greatly and even exceed six orders of magnitude at lower temperature. On the other hand,the NES is very sensitive to stellar temperature and electron energy. The higher the temperature and the lower the electron energy,the larger the influence on NES is. For example,the maxima of NES in the ground state are 9.02,160,80,24.01,0.44,1.42 me c2for56 Fe,56Co,56 Ni,56Mn,56 Cr and56V respectively at ρ7 = 10.7,Ye = 0.45 and T9 = 15. Furthermore,the influence on NES due to EC for different nuclei has some otherness because of different Q0-values. For example,the spectrum of56 Co shows a double bump structure.  相似文献   

Upper bounds are derived for the masses of pure Ni56 and Fe56 stars, which are dynamically stable with respect to photodisintegration. Possible effects on stellar evolution are discussed.  相似文献   



A.W. Harris  J. Young 《Icarus》1979,38(1):100-105
Photoelectric observations of six asteroids are presented. The following synodic periods of rotation and amplitudes of variation are reported: 42 Isis, P = 13h.59, Δm = 0.32; 45 Eugenia, P = 5h.70, Δm = 0.30; 56 Melete, P = 13h.7 or 19h.0, Δm = 0.06; 532 Herculina, P = 9h.408, Δm = 0.15; 558 Carmen, P ≈ 10h, Δm ≈ 0.25. The asteroid 103 Hera exhibited no periodic variation in excess of about 0.03 magnitude. The period found for 532 Herculina is one half that previously reported by other observers.  相似文献   

We simultaneously fitted light and velocity data for the star–planet system OGLE-TR-56 with the Wilson–Devinney (WD) binary star program. We solved for orbital and planet parameters, along with the ephemeris using all currently available observational data. Parameters for the star (OGLE-TR-56a) were kept fixed at values derived from spectral characteristics and stellar evolutionary tracks. Our results are in good agreement with parameters obtained by other authors and have slightly smaller errors. We found no significant change in orbital period that may be due to orbital decay.  相似文献   

对于超新星遗迹MSH 15-56和CTA 1,本文较详细地公布了由爱因斯坦卫星得到的X射线观测资料.根据这些资料,导出其物理特性,推导和预言其射电流量,并与前人的射电观测进行了比较.  相似文献   

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