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云南丰富多彩的少数民族传统文化,在天文方面呈现为“物侯历”、太阳历和阴阳合历等等,曾在历史上长期并存使用,与各个民族的社会经济发展相适应。这种现象与民族的迁徒紧密联系,早期的越人和羌人迁徒云南,可追溯到战国时期,甚至是新石器时期。大规模的迁徒意味着文化的迁徒,迁徒可促进文化的发展,也可使文化倒退,重要的原因之一,是能否与外界进行交流,吸取先进的成分来发展自己。认同他人的某些传统内容,也会形成地域性的共同文化现象,除历法外,鼓文化也是典型例子。  相似文献   

傣族历法是自成体系的阴阳合历, 其中的干支纪日纪年法是重要的组成部分, 并与汉族历法有渊源关系, 既保留有古汉语的读音, 又继承着称为“母子”的习惯。对其由来, 以往的一些讨论并未得到圆满的解释, 本文从迁徙史的角度提出, 傣族历法中的干支等内容, 是其先民从中原迁徙而带入今云南傣族地区。  相似文献   

傣族历法是自成体系的阴阳合历,其中的干支纪日纪年法是重要的组成部分,并与汉族历法有渊源关系,既保留有古汉语的读音,又继承着称为“母子”的习惯,对其由来,以往的一些讨论并未得到圆满的解释,本文从迁徙的角度提出,傣族历法中的干支等内容,是其先民从中原迁徙而带入今云南傣族地区。  相似文献   

哈尼族原始的历法,是将一年分成10个月、每个月固定为36天,另外5-6天余日用于过新年,简称十月历。在受到汉族的农历影响,接受了一年分成12个月的概念后,十月历与十二月历被混淆在一起,出现了有月份重叠的现象,即在生活中,注重以十二生肖纪日,以物候指导生产,纪月相当模糊,相差几天也无所谓的局面。据哈尼族的神话传说和云南绿春县的白氏家谱分析,哈尼族从使用十月历转向接受十二月历的概念,约开始于公元14世  相似文献   

哈尼族原始的历法,是将一年分成10个月、每个月固定为36天,另外5~6天余日用于过新年,简称十月历。在受到汉族的农历影响、接受了一年分成12个月的概念后,十月历与十二月历被混淆在一起,出现了有月份重叠的现象,即在生活中,注重以十二生肖纪日,以物候指导生产,纪月相当模糊,相差几天也无所谓的局面。 据哈尼族的神话传说和云南绿春县的白氏家谱分析,哈尼族从使用十月历转向接受十二月历的概念,约开始于公元14世纪,而后逐渐扩展开来,十月历渐渐被淡忘。但是,转向完全使用农历,却经历了漫长的历史时期,直至1950年还没有完成这一转变过程,主要原因是经济发展极端缓慢,交通困难,很少与外部进行交流。  相似文献   

中国传统文化的一个核心内容是历法,《尚书尧典》中云:"历象日月星辰,敬授人时。"它是指用日、月、星等天文现象来描述、认识时间。在古代天文学中,中国传统天文主要做的就是历法,历经朝代更迭,共制定了102部历法。清朝最后颁行的历法名为《时宪历》,从字义上看就是以时为法,可见历法在中国传统社会中的重要。  相似文献   

我国古代早在东汉就明确发现了月亮运动的迟疾现象,在隋代以前的六部历光(乾象历,景初历,元嘉历,大明历,正光历,甲子元历)中就列有月行迟疾的有关数据。在本中对这些数据的精度进行了初步分析。计算表明,它们与利用克普勒方程运算得到的数据之间的均方偏离为0.3古度左右。利用这两类数据与现代月亮日行数据比较,其均方偏率也只有0.4古度左右。它们与现代月亮日行数据按近点月日期的平均值更为接近,其均方偏离只有0.2古度左右,表明这些数据是当时月亮平均运动的反映,显示了当时人们对月亮运动的观测精度已经相当高了。但是六部历法中推求月亮运动的方法会产生较大积累误差,与现代月亮日行数据比较可短,在一个近点月左右的时间内,这种积累误差最大值有时可达8古度左右。  相似文献   

Apophis是一颗对地球具有高潜在威胁的小行星(Potentially Hazardous Asteroid,PHA).对其开展高精度定位观测可为精确计算其轨道提供基本数据。2013年2月4~7日,使用云南天文台2.4m望远镜云南暗弱天体光谱及成像仪(YunnanFaint-Obiect Spectrograph and Cainera.YFOSC)对Apophis进行观测,采用天体测量软件Astrometrica处理原始CCD图像,获得了一批定位结果,并与JPL历表和IMCCE历表进行了外部比较,结果表明,当与JPL历表比较时,赤经、赤纬两个方向的观测位置减去计算位置(0一C)不大于O.1arcsec,每个方向单次测量精度约为0.1arcsec。  相似文献   

历书是历法的民用本.考察了明嘉靖六年(1527年)<大统历>历书,根据历书所颁朔日和节气时刻,以及先期恢复的<授时历>和<大统历>推步术,并利用现代天文历算结果,可考校得出:(1)历书所载朔日和节气日期、时刻确由<大统历>推得;(2)<大统历>与<授时历>推步结果存在差异,推朔平均差33.35 min或34.93 min,推气平均差86.40 min,且两者均有差1日现象;(3)<大统历>与现代推算合朔时刻的平均误差为24.50 min或44.03 min,与现代推算节气时刻的差平均为1.25 d,若扣除太阳中心差则节气推步的误差将减少到86.40 min.  相似文献   

彝族十月太阳历简称十月历,它的发现是20世纪天文界的一件大事。继十月历之后又在彝族地区发现了十八月历,即把一年分成18个月,每月20天的阳历。从现有的证据看,中国上古时代确实存在过十八月历,它就是尧都观测遗址显示的"二十节气"历。据《吐鲁窦吉》阐述,1年10个月,1月36天,半月18天,1年为20节气,1个节气18天也称为1个月。据此可以证明,彝族先民对十八月历并非独自创造,只是继承而已。植根于中国阴阳五行中的十月历,也可称作阴阳五行历,它与十八月历可看作是一回事,只是表述形式不同又互有联系的一种阳历,也可用简单的数学式表达:36天×10 (月)=20天×18 (月)=18天×20 (节气)=12天×30 (节气)  相似文献   

布朗族使用傣历(祖葛历),以月份结合物候变化指导生产,生活中使用7d(天)为1轮的纪日制度,并将7个日名赋予不同寓意。这种状况可能距今只有200余年的历史,在此以前的历法,由于没有文字记录而被完全淡忘了,但从其先民的崖画和口头流传的传说中,有阴阳并重、同时崇拜太阳和月亮的内容看,是处于阴阳合历初期的“物候历”,其内容应与佤族(清朝时分化)的阴阳历相似。  相似文献   

阿昌族有独立的语言而没有文字,是否有传统的天文内容,过去还未有人进行发掘。我们首次从实地调查的结果得知,阿昌人中流传的对宇宙的解释,属于天文学发展初期的认识。大约从明朝改用农历后,还保留有4个传统节日和部分原始信仰。从六月火把节和十月会街节推断,其原用历法是将一年分成10个月的“十月太阳历”,两个节日是源于“十月历”的冬夏两次过新年。崇拜太阳而不崇拜月亮可作为旁证。  相似文献   

The proposal that cometary dust particles play a significant role in the emergence and evolution of both life and disease on suitable planets was first made some 25 years ago by Hoyle and Wickramasinghe. Fundamental to this proposal was a process of punctuated seeding by particular (bio)chemical species believed to originate naturally and predominantly in larger comets, say those with diameters greater than about 100 kilometres. Rather less well known is a parallel proposal likewise favoured by Hoyle that a particular giant comet, the most recent to settle in cis-Jovian space, accounting for the latest significant phase of evolution on Earth, also had a significant part to play in the cultivation by homo sapiens of its civilization and culture. Such proposals may be seen by many as examples of excessively lateral thinking but they by no means lack independent support and have important implications for the otherwise uncertain origin of the latest ice-age (basic to climatology) and for the otherwise uncertain generation of early calendars (basic to the management of society). Aspects of these proposals are considered here in relation to a much respected supposedly Chaldean calendar probably passed down by the dynastic Isins (also the Essenes?) which evidently bears witness to known early mathematical and astronomical skills but which largely ceased to be available to subsequent scholarship beyond the Early Christians (ca. 100 CE) pending its (recent) recovery through the medium of Dead Sea Scrolls.  相似文献   

李勇 《天文学报》2007,48(2):256-268
“干支回推法”是针对中国历史时期所特有的干支材料而设计的新天文年代学方法.以一组假设的材料为例,系统地给出了该方法的完整求解过程.指出该方法的优势在于准确高效,能有效地处理某些年代学难题.此外,除材料的公历日期外还能将当时的历法细节一同迭代解出.  相似文献   

The Ecuadorian Amazon, one of the richest reserves of biodiversity in the world, has faced one of the highest rates of deforestation of any Amazonian nation. Most of this forest elimination has been caused by agricultural colonization that followed the discovery of oil fields in 1967. Since the 1990s, an increasing process of urbanization has also engendered new patterns of population mobility within the Amazon, along with traditional ways by which rural settlers make their living. However, while very significant in its effects on deforestation, urbanization and regional development, population mobility within the Amazon has hardly been studied at all, as well as the distinct migration patterns between men and women. This paper uses a longitudinal dataset of 250 farm households in the Northern Ecuadorian Amazon to understand differentials between men and women migrants to urban and rural destinations and between men and women non-migrants. First, we use hazard analysis based on the Kaplan–Meier (KM) estimator to obtain the cumulative probability that an individual living in the study area in 1990 or at time t, will out-migrated at some time, t+n, before 1999. Results indicate that out-migration to other rural areas in the Amazon, especially pristine areas is considerably greater than out-migration to the growing, but still incipient, Amazonian urban areas. Furthermore, men are more likely to out-migrate to rural areas than women, while the reverse occurs for urban areas. Difference-of-means tests were employed to examine potential factors accounting for differentials between male and female out-migration to urban and rural areas. Among the key results, relative to men younger women are more likely to out-migrate to urban areas; more difficult access from farms to towns and roads constrains women's migration; and access to new lands in the Amazon–an important cause of further deforestation–is more associated with male out-migration. Economic factors such as engagement in on-farm work, increasing resource scarcity–measured by higher population density at the farm and reduction in farm land on forest and crops–and increase in pasture land are more associated with male out-migration to rural areas. On the other hand, increasing resource scarcity, higher population density and weaker migration networks are more associated with female out-migration to urban areas. Thus, a “vicious cycle” is created: Pressure over land leads to deforestation in most or all farm forest areas and reduces the possibilities for further agricultural extensification (deforestation); out-migration, especially male out-migration, occurs to other rural or forest areas in the Amazon (with women being more likely to choose urban destinations); and, giving continuing population growth and pressures in the new settled areas, new pressures promote further out-migration to rural destinations and unabated deforestation.  相似文献   

Li  Y.  Zhang  C.Z. 《Earth, Moon, and Planets》1997,76(1-2):11-17
The Shoushi calendar (epoch of AD 1281, Yuan dynasty) is famous and very accurate in ancient China. It has evolved perfect and complete theoretical models of solar system objects, such as solar and lunar motions during that period. Almost every part of this work corresponds to the modern astronomical yearbooks. Compiled by native Chinese astronomers, it sums up through their studies many real observing results. The mathematical methods were adopted in this calendar before the foundation of Newton’s mechanical system. It is presented in this paper that the indirect system is also very useful to recover the real observing historical material. By selecting these calculating results, we may sum up the integral data of the secular variation of the Earth’s rotation from 1000 BC to AD 1500. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

十月历在历史上的存在,已有彝文文献的发掘证据,并可从中窥视其演变脉络。原是1年分成阳年和阴年两半,以五行循环2次或以十兽纪月;继而改以五行代表三季,每季含阳和阴2个阳历月分;受汉族农历影响后,再把五季改造成四季,吸收十二生肖纪日纪年,改以数字纪月,为过渡到改行十二月历奠定了基础。  相似文献   

彝族在一年内要过两次新年,是源于传统的天文历法十月太阳历中原始的阴阳观念,上半年1至5月为阳年,下半年6至10月为阴年。十月历的创立原是以观测太阳回归年的时间长度为基础,参照北斗星座的斗柄指向,制定每月36天、10个月360天、剩余5至6天安排过新年的太阳历。本文对北斗星座存在着岁差和自行等问题进行了讨论,证明其不可长期定季节。十月历的原貌应是观测太阳达到北、南回归线时,分别以夏至日、冬至日作为阴年和阳年的开始,冬天的新年十月年占有4天余日,夏天的新年火把节占有1至2天余日。  相似文献   

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