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恒星形成于分子云之中, 分子外向流是恒星形成正在进行的重要动力学特征, 也是研究和认识恒星形成的重要契入点. 利用紫金山天文台青海观测站德令哈13.7m毫米波望远镜, 采用5种分子谱线探针(包括12CO、13CO、C18O、HCO$^+$ $J=1-0$和CS $J=2-1$, J为角动量量子数), 对一个包含IRAS 19230+1506、IRAS 19232+1504和G050.3179--00.4186这3个源的大质量恒星形成复合体进行了成图观测研究. 通过对以上分子谱线数据并结合红外波段巡天数据的分析, 在这3个源中首次探测到了分子外向流活动, 并确定了分子外向流的中心驱动源. 最后对这3个源进行了分子外向流相关物理量参数的计算, 分析了这些物理量参数之间的关系, 结果表明分子外向流的性质与中心驱动源的性质息息相关.  相似文献   

W51M (W51 Main)是一个和HⅡ区成协的大质量恒星形成区,在其中可以探测到众多的分子谱线和H、He射电复合线.中国科学院上海天文台基于天马65 m望远镜对W51M的观测数据,证认了主量子数在74–117之间的H、He复合发射线,其中主量子数在74–78之间的H和He的α复合线均被探测到.结合H和He复合线的多普勒致宽,算出该HⅡ区的电子温度约为7400 K, He+/H+的离子丰度比约为0.09,这与已有的研究基本吻合.考虑高信噪比的复合线,即H(n)α(74n78),计算得出W51M的平均湍动速度是13.767 km·s-1.通过确定W51M或其他HⅡ区中的复合线,获取电子温度、湍动速度以及其他物理参量,在电子数密度、元素丰度、恒星形成率等方面进行了探讨,对分子谱线以及其他波段的复合线研究具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

利用青海站13.7 m毫米波望远镜对17个与星团成协的恒星形成区进行了~(12)CO(J=1-0)、~(13)CO(J=1-0)和C~(18)O(J=1-0)的同时成图观测.除了IRAS04547+4753,这些源均探测到较强的C~(18)O(J=1-0)的谱线发射.由于分子云的大小不同,有13个源观测到~(13)CO(J=1-0)谱线积分强度极大值的一半处,其他源因分子云延展范围较大,没有进行大面积的成图观测.基于观测数据,计算了各云核的谱线线宽、亮温度、尺度、密度和质量等,~(13)CO和C~(13)O云核的维里质量与局部热动平衡(LTE)质量之比分别为0.66和0.74,它们接近于维里平衡状态.为了从形态方面比较云核与星团,将谱线的积分强度图与2MASS的K波段图像叠加.同时,计算了与云核成协的星团的大小和质量,数据采用了2MASS的近红外点源测光结果.基于云核与星团的质量结果,计算了分子云的恒星形成效率,大致在10%~30%的范围.  相似文献   

王敏  杨戟  耿韬  朱留斌 《天文学报》2007,48(3):289-301
利用紫金山天文台青海观测站13.7 m毫米波望远镜对IRAS 23133 6050云核进行~(13)CO、C~(18)O、HCO (J=1-0)谱线观测.~(13)CO、C~(18)O、HCO 分子谱线辐射所对应的云核直径分别为4.0pc、2.1 pc、2.3 pc,质量分别为2.7×10~3M_⊙、0.9×10~3M_⊙、2.3×10~3M_⊙,气体平均密度分别为2.7×10~3 cm~(-3)、5.1×10~3 cm~(-3)、4.6×10~3cm~(-3).用幂律模型n(r)~~(-P)的形式分析了云核的密度分布,得到的指数p分别为1.75、1.56、1.48.分析发现,密度结构谱指数从云核的外部向内部逐渐变平坦.观测得到HCO~ 丰度为4.6×10~(-10),比暗云低一个数量级以上,比巨分子云也略低,而~(13)CO、C~(18)O的相对丰度比X_(13/18)为12.2,这与暗云11.8和巨分子云9.0~15.6的情况一致.该区域发现存在~(13)CO双极外流.由IRAS远红外光度和维里质量得到的光度质量比,分别为18.1,51.1、21.2.  相似文献   

利用12CO(1-0)、13CO(1-0)与C18O(1-0)分子谱线成图观测数据,并结合ATLASGAL (The APEX(Atacama Pathfinder Experiment) Telescope Large Area Survey of the Galaxy)尘埃连续谱巡天观测结果详细地研究了9个红外暗云(Infrared Dark Clouds, IRDCs)中团块的物理性质与运动学特征.给出了红外暗云的速度区间,以及在红外暗云所对应的Spitzer (Spitzer Space Telescope) 8μm辐射背景上叠加了与红外暗云轮廓基本吻合的13CO和C18O积分强度分布图. 9个红外暗云中有8个呈纤维状结构.在这些红外暗云中共找出51个致密团块,质量偏大的团块大部分聚集在红外暗云的枢纽位置.质量统计直方图中表现出明显的双峰结构,进一步证实纤维状分子云物质输送的图景.12CO(1-0)计算所得的典型激发温度Tex...  相似文献   

利用从斯隆数字巡天(Sloan Digital Sky Survey,简称SDSS)第4次释放的光谱数据中选取的10~5个发射线星系样本,研究了[O_Ⅱ]λ3727/Hα流量比与星系尘埃消光、气体电离态和金属丰度的关系.发现尘埃消光改正对[O_Ⅱ]λ3727/Hα谱线流量比影响显著,消光改正前、后的[O_Ⅱ]λ3727/Hα谱线流量比的中值分别为0.48和0.89;尘埃消光改正后,F([O_Ⅱ]λ3727)-F(Hα)的弥散显著减小.贫金属星系的[O_Ⅱ]λ3727/Hα谱线流量比随星系气体的电离度增高而减小,而富金属星系不存在这种关系.另外,[O_Ⅱ]λ3727/Hα流量比与星系金属丰度相关.当12+lg(O/H)8.5时,星系[O_Ⅱ]λ3727/Hα流量比随金属丰度增加而下降;12+lg(O/H)8.5的星系,谱线流量比与金属丰度正相关.最后,利用气体电离度参数和星系的金属丰度,给出了计算不同类型星系[O_Ⅱ]λ3727/Hα流量比的公式.LAMOST望远镜将观测到大量红移z0.4的星系光谱,利用该公式可以给出星系的[O_Ⅱ]λ3727/Hα流量比,从而可以利用[O_Ⅱ]λ3727谱线流量计算z0.4星系的恒星形成率.  相似文献   

杨戟  单文磊 《天文学报》2022,63(3):26-14
大视场、高灵敏度、高分辨、宽带信号接收以及多偏振成份接收等,是银河系毫米波分子谱线巡天不断追求的目标.从一氧化碳(CO)多谱线巡天的最新进展出发,归纳了未来银河系大尺度分子巡天可着重瞄准的几个前沿科学目标,包括广域弱发射区的探查、分子云内部结构的多探针成像以及银河系大尺度气体结构与物质循环调查等.介绍3毫米波段新一代多波束接收系统的一套概念设计.结合最新的技术预研,给出实现该方案的技术要点.新一代多波束接收系统的概念设计瞄准了100波束的接收规模,众多谱线以及双偏振成份的接收能力.在继承边带分离混频原理的基础上,基于新近发展的超导混频器集成电路,实现双偏振接收的新模式.在多谱线信号接收的基础上扩大每个信号边带至8 GHz从而同时接收众多谱线.参照已有的技术基础和近期预研的进展,本概念设计方案完全可以实现.与现有毫米波多波束接收设备相比,新一代毫米波多波束接收系统的综合接收能力预计将提升89–178倍.该设计将为毫米波多波束接收能力再次实现变革性的飞跃提供可能.  相似文献   

利用ALMA干涉阵望远镜(Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array)的高分辨(~0.2′′–0.7′′)的多谱线数据,包括CO (1-0)、CO (2-1)、CO (3-2)、HCN (1-0)、HCO+(1-0)、 HCN (3-2)、 HCO+(3-2)、HCN (4-3)和HCO+(4-3),并结合连续谱数据对近邻星系NGC 1068核区的物理性质进行了研究.速度积分强度图显示核周盘(CircumNuclear Disk, CND)呈现不对称的环状结构,尺度~300 pc.各分子谱线均显示, CND上的东发射结(E-knot)比西发射结(W-knot)有着更强的发射,且E-knot处表现出的分子气体的速度比W-knot更高.致密分子气体含量占比(用HCN或HCO+不同转动跃迁线与CO (1-0)的积分强度比值表示),以及致密分子气体比值(HCN/HCO+)均在CND的东部表现出更高的值,意味着CND东部和西部有着不同的物理环境或化学组成. CO ...  相似文献   

朱留斌  杨戟  王敏 《天文学报》2007,48(2):153-164
利用中国科学院紫金山天文台德令哈观测站13.7米望远镜在IRAS 02232 6138方向进行了13CO,C18O,HCO 和N2H 的观测.随着探针分子的激发密度从13CO到N2H 逐渐增加, IRAS02232 6138云核的尺度从13CO的2.40 pc减小到N2H 的0.54pc,云核的维里质量从13CO的2.2×103M⊙减小到N2H 的5.1×102M⊙.研究发现,该方向区域内存在双极分子外流.对云核的空间密度结构用幂函数n(r)αr-α的形式进行拟合分析,得到α=2.3-1.2;随着探测密度的增加,该指数逐渐变平.分析得到, 13CO/C18O分子丰度比值为12.4±6.9,与暗云的11.8±5.9及大质量核的9.0-15.6值一致;N2H 丰度是3.5±2.5×10-10,与暗云核的1.0-5.0×10-10和大质量核的1.2-12.8×10-10值一致;HCO 丰度为0.9±0.5×10-9,接近大质量核的1.6-2.4×10-9值,没有发现HCO 丰度增长.结合IRAS数据,得到云核的光度质量比范围为37-163(L/M)⊙,由IRAS光度估计, IRAS 02232 6138方向云核内嵌埋的大约是一颗主序O7.5星.  相似文献   

光谱观测显示类星体SDSS J091613.60+292106.1 (简称J0916+2921,系统红移zem=1.1418±0.0018)中有特殊的2175?尘埃消光特征,其强度显著大于银河系平均强度.光谱同时探测到与尘埃成协的丰富气体吸收线,确定吸收线系统红移为zabs=1.1413±0.0002,和类星体红移一致.气态金属离子柱密度相对太阳丰度的比例为[Al/Zn]=-1.68±0.10,[Cr/Zn]=-0.49±0.10,[Fe/Zn]=-0.81±0.18.尘埃耗散作用显著,说明该系统中尘埃十分丰富,与观测的强尘埃消光特征吻合.类银河系的2175?尘埃消光特征在类星体光谱中多见于中间插入吸收线系统,至今未明确认证内禀吸收线系统出现该特征,类星体SDSS J0916+2921是目前仅有的数个候选者之一.该类星体X射线辐射相较一般类星体更强,后续可用作研究2175?尘埃在强高能射线照射条件下的形成与离解平衡,以揭示2175?尘埃的化学成分、物理性质和起源.  相似文献   

A set of samples of 13 massive star-forming cores were observed in SiO (2-1), CH3OH (2-1) and C34S (2-1) thermal lines. Nine of these cores were detected in all three lines. Among the nine SiO detections, three were new detections, and relatively faint. Most of the lines have wide wings, which might be interpreted as the evidence of ongoing energetic out?ows in the cores. The line widths of SiO are generally the broadest, which might further suggest that the SiO emissions are due to higher velocity out?ow, and closer to the excited source. We derive the rotational temperatures, column densities and chemical relative abundances of the cores. There is a strong correlation between SiO and CH3OH abundances, with correlation coeffcient R = 0.77, but no correlation is observed between SiO and C34S.  相似文献   

The MSX infrared dark cloud G79.2+0.38 has been observed over a 11′×′ region simultaneously in the J=1-0 rotational transition lines of the 12CO and its isotopic molecules 13CO and 18CO. The dense molecular cores defined by the C18O line are found to be associated with the two high-extinction patches shown in the MSX A-band image. The two dense cores have the column density N (H2) (5 – 12) × 1022 cm−2 and the mean number density n (3 ± 1) × 104 cm−3. Their sizes are 1.7 and 1.2 pc in 13CO(1-0) line, 1.2 and 0.6 pc in C18O(1-0) line, respectively. The masses of these cloud cores are estimated to be in the range from 2 × 102 to 2 × 103 M. The profile of radial mean density of the cloud core can be described by the exponential function ¯n(p) p−0.34±0.02. Compared with the cases of typical optical dark clouds, the abundances of the CO isotopic molecules 13CO and C18O in this MSX infrared dark cloud appear to be depleted by a factor of 4–11, but at present there is no evidence for any obvious variation of the relative abundance ratio X13/18 between 13CO and C18O with the column density.  相似文献   

Using the 13.7 m millimeter-wave telescope at the Qinghai Station of Purple Mountain Observatory, we have made observations of 13CO, C18O, HCO+ and N2H+ molecular lines towards IRAS 02232+6138. As the excitation density of the probe molecule increases from 13CO to HCO+, the size of the cloud core associated with IRAS 02232+6138 decreases from 2.40 pc to 0.54 pc, and the virial mass of the cloud core decreases from 2.2 × 103M to 5.1 × 102M. A bipolar molecular outflow is found towards IRAS 02232+6138. Using the power function n(r) ∝ r to fit the spatial density structure of the cloud core, we obtain the power-law index  = 2.3 − 1.2; and we find that, as the probed density increases, the power function becomes more flat. The abundance ratio of 13CO to C18O is 12.4 ± 6.9, comparable with the values 11.8 ± 5.9 for dark clouds and the values 9.0–15.6 for massive cores. The abundance of N2H+ molecules is 3.5 ± 2.5 × 10−10, consistent with the value 1.0 − 5.0 × 10−10 for dark cloud cores and the value 1.2 − 12.8 × 10−10 for massive cores. The abundance of HCO+ molecules is 0.9 ± 0.5 × 10−9, close to the value 1.6 − 2.4 × 10−9 for massive cores. An increase of HCO+ abundance in the outflow region was not found. Combining with the IRAS data, the luminosity-mass ratio of the cloud core is obtained in the range 37–163(L/M). Based on the IRAS luminosity, it is estimated that a main-sequence O7.5 star is probably embedded in the IRAS 02232+6138 cloud core.  相似文献   

The photodissociation of surface species, caused by photons from the cosmic-ray-induced and background interstellar radiation fields, is incorporated into our combined gas-phase and grain-surface chemical models of quiescent dense interstellar cores. For the cores studied here, only cosmic-ray-induced photons are important. We find that photodissociation alters gas-phase and surface abundances mainly at large cloud ages (≳ 106–7 yr). The abundances of those surface species, such as H2O, that are readily reproduced on the surface following photodissociation are not strongly affected at any time. The abundances of surface species that are, on the other hand, reformed slowly via surface reactions possessing activation energy (e.g. CH3OH) are reduced, while the abundances of associated surface photoproducts (e.g. CO) increase. In the gas phase, inclusion of surface photodissociation tends to increase molecular abundances at late times, slightly improving the agreement with observation for TMC-1.  相似文献   

We used the 13.7 m millimeter-wave telescope of the Qinghai Station of Purple Mountain Observatory at Delingha to carry out simultaneous mapping observations in the 12CO(J = 1 − 0), 13CO(J = 1 − 0) and CO18 (J = 1 − 0) lines towards 11 isolated star-forming molecular cores selected from the sample of Spitzer's c2d program. For all three lines, these sources were all observed to the positions of half the peak intensity of the 13CO(J = 1 − 0) line. The volume density, local thermodynamic equilibrium mass MLTE and virial mass MVIR were derived for each of the molecular cores. The obtained ratio of MVIR to MLTE is 0.85 ± 0.40 for the 13CO(J = 1 − 0) cores and 0.77 ± 0.35 for the CO18 (J = 1 − 0) cores. The density profiles of the cloud cores were also calculated.  相似文献   

We present echelle spectroscopy in the 3500- to 7060-... range for two positions of the Orion nebula. The data were obtained using the 2.1-m telescope at Observatorio Astronómico Nacional in San Pedro Mártir, Baja California. We have measured the intensities of about 220 emission lines, in particular 81 permitted lines of C+, N+, N++, O0, O+, Ne0, Si+, Si++ and S+, some of them produced by recombination only and others mainly by fluorescence. We have determined electron temperatures, electron densities and ionic abundances using different continuum and line intensity ratios. We derived the He, C and O abundances from recombination lines and find that the C/H and O/H values are very similar to those derived from B stars of the Orion association, and that these nebular values are independent of the temperature structure. We have also derived abundances from collisionally excited lines. These abundances depend on the temperature structure; accurate t 2 values have been derived comparing the O II recombination lines with the [O III ] collisionally excited lines. The gaseous abundances of Mg, Si and Fe show significant depletions, implying that a substantial fraction of these atoms is tied up in dust grains. The derived depletions are similar to those found in warm clouds of the Galactic disc, but are not as large as those found in cold clouds. A comparison of the solar and Orion chemical abundances is made.  相似文献   

A multitransition 3-mm molecular line single pointing and mapping survey was carried out towards 29 massive star-forming cores in order to search for the signature of inward motions. Up to seven different transitions, optically thick lines HCO+(1-0), CS(2-1), HNC(1-0), HCN(1-0) and 12CO(1-0), and optically thin lines C18O(1-0) and 13CO(1-0) were observed towards each source. The normalized velocity differences (     ) between the peak velocities of optically thick lines and optically thin line C18O(1-0) for each source were derived. Prominent inward motions are probably present in either HCO+(1-0) or CS(2-1) or HNC(1-0) observations in most sources. Our observations show that there is a significant difference in the incidence of blueshifted asymmetric line profiles between CS(2-1) and HCO+(1-0). The HCO+(1-0) shows the highest occurrence of obvious asymmetric features, perhaps owing to different optical depth between CS(2-1) and HCO+(1-0). HCO+(1-0) appears to be the best inward motion tracer. The mapping observations of multiple line transitions enable us to identify six strong infall candidates: G123.07-6.31, W75(OH), S235N, CEP-A, W3(OH) and NGC 7538. The infall signature is extended up to a linear scale  >0.2 pc  .  相似文献   

A model is constructed of the material in front of the star Cygnus OB2 no. 12 in which dense cores are embedded in diffuse clumps of gas. The model reproduces the measured abundances of C2 and CO, and predicts a column density of 91010 cm2 for HCO+.  相似文献   

We have observed a large sample of compact planetary nebulae in the near-infrared to determine how the 21P–21S He  i line at 2.058 μm varies as a function of stellar effective temperature, T eff. The ratio of this line with H  i Br γ at 2.166 μm has often been used as a measure of the highest T eff present in a stellar cluster, and hence of whether there is a cut-off in the stellar initial mass function at high masses. However, recent photoionization modelling has revealed that the behaviour of this line is more complex than previously anticipated. Our work shows that in most aspects the photoionization models are correct. In particular, we confirm the weakening of the 21P–21S line as T eff increases beyond 40 000 K. However, in many cases the model underpredicts the observed ratio when we consider the detailed physical conditions in the individual planetary nebulae. Furthermore, there is evidence that there is still significant 21P–21S He  i line emission even in the planetary nebulae with very hot     central stars. It is clear from our work that this ratio cannot be considered as a reliable measure of effective temperature on its own.  相似文献   

Transient microstructure in the diffuse interstellar medium (ISM) has been observed towards Galactic and extragalactic sources for decades, usually in lines of atoms and ions, and, more recently, in molecular lines. Evidently, there is a molecular component to the transient microstructure. In this paper, we explore the chemistry that may arise in such microstructure. We use a photodissociation region (PDR) code to model the conditions of relatively high density, low temperature, very low visual extinction and very short elapsed time that are appropriate for these objects. We find that there is a well-defined region of parameter space where detectable abundances of molecular species might be found. The best matching models are those where the interstellar microstructure is young (<100 yr), small (∼100 au) and dense  (>104 cm−3)  .  相似文献   

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