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本文以Coma星系团为例,研究了富星系团中热电子对红外背景的Sunyaev-Zel′dovich效应。对Carr等人所提出的红外背景的近黑体辐射解释作了比较细致的讨论,其结果是:红外背景畸变(ΔI_ν/I_ν)~10~(-3)—10~(-4)。此外,我们还得到了畸变与波长以及星系团参数τ、θ的关系。因此,通过对畸变的观测,可以确定富星系团内电子的密度和温度以及哈勃常数H_0。  相似文献   

宇宙微波背景辐射在1965年被发现后,科学家们对来自天空四面八方的这种辐射继续做深入的探索。该辐射最重要的特征之一是具有很好的黑体辐射谱,从0054厘米直到数十厘米波段内的测量表明,背景辐射是温度近于27开的黑体辐射,习惯称为3开背景辐射。黑体谱...  相似文献   

基于新发现的2—5μm的红外背景和星系前星,我们讨论了各种模型的尘埃对3K宇宙微波背景谱所产生的影响。结果表明,如果中性氢的含量很少,即星系前恒星的辐射谱无Lyman截止,尘埃的再辐射将使3K背景辐射在其峰值频率附近产生0.1K—0.2K的畸变,而与模型无关。反之,如果中性氢的含量很高,则尘埃的再辐射将不可能使3K宇宙微波背景谱产生畸变。  相似文献   

本文根据星族Ⅲ在有Lyman截止和无Lyman截止情况下,分别讨论了被星族Ⅲ(形成星系前的大质量恒星)加热的尘埃的辐射谱。利用数值积分方法,我们得到了尘埃在这两种情况下的辐射谱曲线。主要结果是:(1)如果星族Ⅲ的辐射谱无Lyman截止,即中性氢含量很少,尘埃的辐射将是很强的。它必将使宇宙微波背景在峰值附近产生0.1—0.3K的畸变,而且一定能在100μm<λ<1000μm波段被观测到。(2)如果星族Ⅲ的辐射谱有Lyman截止,即其内的中性氢的含量很大,这时尘埃的辐射与微波背景相比是极其微弱的,显然它不会使宇宙微波背景产生畸变,而且也不可能被观测到。因为它已被宇宙微波背景所掩没。(3)利用气球或卫星进行200μm<λ<1000μm波段的搜索,以判断上述两种情况何者正确,从而得到宇宙学的一些重要信息。  相似文献   

Matsumoto等人所探测的一种新的亚毫米波段宇宙微波背景辐射表明在300μm和1000μm之间有过量的辐射,这个大的过量辐射相应于其黑体背景的10%。本文利用由星际的硅酸盐粒子和石墨粒子构成的宇宙尘埃模型得到了Matsumoto所观测到的这一亚毫米波段过量辐射。我们的结论是:(1)星系前的VMO_s推测是正确的;(2)VMO_s的产生年代可能是z=80附近;(3)中性氢含量很少;(4)在宇宙中,尘埃的主要成份是硅酸盐粒子,碳微粒是第二组成部分。  相似文献   

张宇颖 《天文学进展》2002,20(3):265-281
存在于星系团电离气体中的大量高温电子会对宇宙微波背景的光子产生逆康普顿散射,引起所谓的Sunyaev-Zel‘dovich(SZ)效应,SZ效应是研究星系团的一种非常有效的手段。特别中SZ效应只与星系团的内禀性质有关,而与所处的位置无关,这有利于发现高红移的星系团,因此对星系团的演化有着极其重要的意义,正在建造中的SZ巡天望远望,将提供 条全新的确定宇宙参数的有效途径,如物质密度参量(ΩM),真空能密度参量(ΩΛ)和8h^-1Mpc尺度内的质量涨落均方差(σ8),SZ星系团巡天确定宇宙参数,特别是定量分析利用SZ星系团巡天确定宇宙参数中可能存在的所有不确定因素,可以更好地限制宇宙学模型。在SZ星系团巡天完成之前,人们必须对这些不确定因素有清楚的了解,以便能利用未来的SZ星系团退天结果有效地测量宇宙参数。  相似文献   

正在现代的天体物理观测中,有许多天文现象包括星系旋转曲线、星系团的质量测量、宇宙微波背景辐射的角功率谱等,难以用现有模型进行解释.它们跨越多个尺度—小至星系尺度,大至整个宇宙尺度,需要在模型中额外引入一定的质量才能令观测现象得到很好的解释,而提供这些质量的"物质"却难以用通常的电磁波或中微子手段探测到.这部分物质被称为"暗物质".根据现有的观测结果,它们应具有正常的引力相互作用,没有强相互作用和电磁相互作用,寿命很长(显著长于宇宙的寿命).对暗物  相似文献   

本文假设星族Ⅲ是由大质量恒星VMOs组成,VMOs的高光度辐射将使背景宇宙重新获得电离。我们讨论了宇宙热电子对宇宙微波背景的康普顿散射效应。结果表明,VMOs时期的电离宇宙将使3K背景辐射产生一个畸变,在低频的瑞利一金斯频率范围,温度偏差为:凸T_0/T_0~10~(-3)—10~(-5),一旦这个量被观测到,将是对VMOs现象进行确证。  相似文献   

本文提出具幂津谱分布的非热电子在多重偶极子磁场中产生回旋同步辐射是晚型恒星宁静微波辐射的一个可能机制。文中假设有10—20个磁偶极子随机地分布在恒星光球之下,非热电子与背景热电子数密度之比<10~(-3),并且在非热电子分布中引入了与其寿命有联系的因子。由此计算并分析了回旋同步辐射谱和偏振性质,并获得了辐射源的空间分布特性。  相似文献   

宇宙微波背景辐射 宇宙微波背景辐射是一种充满整个宇宙的电磁辐射。其特征和绝对温标2.7开的黑体辐射相同,频率属于微波范围。宇宙微波背景辐射大约产生于大爆炸后的三十万年。  相似文献   

We study the spectral distortions of the cosmic microwave background radiation induced by the effect in clusters of galaxies when the target electrons have a modified Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution with a high-energy nonthermal tail. Bremsstrahlung radiation from this type of electron distribution may explain the suprathermal X-ray emission observed in some clusters such as the Coma Cluster and A2199 and serve as an alternative to the classical but problematic inverse Compton scattering interpretation. We show that the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect can be used as a powerful tool to probe the electron distribution in clusters of galaxies and discriminate among these different interpretations of the X-ray excess. The existence of a nonthermal tail can have important consequences for cluster-based estimators of cosmological parameters.  相似文献   

During the nineteenth century, it was common for physicists to believe in the existence of a material vacuum composed of an incompressible fluid that fills the whole universe. This fluid was called the aether. Its original purpose was to provide an elastic tenuous medium for light propagation through space. Although it is well understood today that no such medium is needed for light propagation, the existence of a cosmic aether medium in space is still possible and its physical properties can be understood on models of cosmology that have nothing to do with Big-Bang cosmology. It is possible that electromagnetic radiation emitted by the cosmic aether medium has already been detected. The low-frequency electromagnetic radiation emitted by the aether is called the cosmic microwave background radiation. The present study outlines a model for an aether medium that explains the genesis of the microwave background radiation in a closed static (nonexpanding) universe. It is shown that the spectrum of the microwave background radiation is a perfect blackbody with a temperature T rad=2.77 K in harmony with the perfect cosmological principle. It is further shown that the aether medium is opaque at radio and microwave frequencies. This particular feature of the model does not contradict any observations regarding the existence of distant radio galaxies and quasars.  相似文献   

The production of ultrahigh energy photons, electrons and neutrinos as the decay products of pions produced in photomeson interactions between cosmic-ray nucleons and the blackbody microwave background is discussed in terms of the resultant energy spectra of these particles. Simple asymptotic formulas are given for calculating the ultrahigh energy photon spectrum predicted for the universal cosmic-ray hypothesis and the resulting spectra are compared with those obtained previously by numerical means using a different propagation equation for the photons. Approximate analytic solutions for the photon spectra are given in terms of simple power-law energy functions and slowly varying logarithmic functions. These can be used to estimate ultrahigh energy photon fluxes for various astrophysical parameters. The generic relation between the various secondary components is then discussed in terms of their astrophysical implications which are summarized in the conclusion.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of the redshift-space power spectrum, P ( k ), of rich clusters of galaxies based on an automated cluster catalogue selected from the APM Galaxy Survey. We find that P ( k ) can be approximated by a power law, P ( k )∝ kn , with n ≈−1.6 over the wavenumber range 0.04< k <0.1 h Mpc−1. Over this range of wavenumbers, the APM cluster power spectrum has the same shape as the power spectra measured for optical and IRAS galaxies. This is consistent with a simple linear bias model in which different tracers have the same power spectrum as that of the mass distribution, but shifted in amplitude by a constant biasing factor. On larger scales, the power spectrum of APM clusters flattens and appears to turn over on a scale k ∼0.03 h Mpc−1. We compare the power spectra estimated from simulated APM cluster catalogues with those estimated directly from cubical N -body simulation volumes, and find that the APM cluster survey should give reliable estimates of the true power spectrum at wavenumbers k ≳0.02 h Mpc−1. These results suggest that the observed turnover in the power spectrum may be a real feature of the cluster distribution, and that we have detected the transition to a near-scale-invariant power spectrum implied by observations of anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background radiation. The scale of the turnover in the cluster power spectrum is in good agreement with the scale of the turnover observed in the power spectrum of APM galaxies.  相似文献   

Relativistic and magnetized plasma ejected by radio loud AGNs through jets form the diffuse lobes of radio galaxies. The radiating particles (electron/electron–positron) in lobes emit in radio via the synchrotron process and X-ray via inverse-Compton scattering of cosmic microwave background photons. The thermal environment around radio galaxies emits X-rays via the thermal bremsstrahlung process. By combining information from these processes we can measure physical conditions in and around the radio lobes and thus study the dynamics of radio galaxies, including double–double radio galaxies.  相似文献   

Scattering of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) in clusters of galaxies polarizes the radiation. We explore several polarization components which have their origin in the kinematic quadrupole moments induced by the motion of the scattering electrons, either directed or random. Polarization levels and patterns are determined in a cluster simulated by the hydrodynamical enzo code. We find that polarization signals can be as high as  ∼1 μK  , a level that may be detectable by upcoming CMB experiments.  相似文献   

We consider the distortion in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) resulting from galactic winds at high redshift. Winds outflowing from galaxies have been hypothesized to be possible sources of metals in the intergalactic medium, which is known to have been enriched to 10−2.5 Z at z ∼3. We model these winds as functions of mass of the parent galaxy and redshift, assuming that they activate at a common initial redshift, z in, and calculate the mean y -distortion and the angular power spectrum of the distortion in the CMB. We find that the thermal Sunyaev–Zel'dovich (SZ) effect resulting from the winds is consistent with previous estimates. The distortion arising from the kinetic SZ (kSZ) effect is, however, found to be more important than the thermal SZ (tSZ) effect. We find that the distortion resulting from galactic winds is an important contribution to the power spectrum of distortion at very small angular scales ( l ∼104). We also find that the power spectrum resulting from clustering dominates the Poisson power spectrum for l ≤(4–5)×105. We show explicitly how the combined power spectrum from wind dominates over that of clusters at 217 GHz, relevant for PLANCK . We also show how these constraints change when the efficiency of the winds is varied.  相似文献   

We derive analytic expressions for the leading-order corrections to the polarization induced in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) owing to scattering of photons off hot electrons in galaxy clusters along the line of sight. For a thermal distribution of electrons with kinetic temperature k B T e∼10 keV and bulk peculiar velocity V ∼1000 km s−1, the dominant corrections to the polarization induced by the primordial CMB quadrupole and the cluster peculiar velocity arise from electron thermal motion and are at the level of ∼10 per cent in each case, near the peak of the polarization signal. When more sensitive measurements become feasible, these effects will be significant for the determination of transverse peculiar velocities, and the value of the CMB quadrupole at the cluster redshift, via the cluster polarization route.  相似文献   

Quasar-driven winds are currently the best candidates for accounting for the pre-heating of the intergalactic medium in clusters. Such winds, occurring during early phases of the evolution of spheroidal galaxies, shock-heat the interstellar gas, thus inducing a detectable Sunyaev–Zel'dovich effect. We estimate the amplitude and the angular scale of such an effect as well as its counts as a function of the Comptonization parameter y . The contamination arising from radio emission by the quasar itself is also discussed. The corresponding mean Compton distortion of the cosmic microwave background spectrum is found to be well below the COBE /FIRAS upper limit.  相似文献   

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