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The paper treats the problem of averaging two independent determinations of the same function (curve, surface, etc.). Starting from the simple arithmetic mean, the problem is successively generalized to scalar and vector functions, arriving at an integral equation of Wiener-Hopf type. Aspects of least-squares collocation are also included. Finally the problem of determining transformation parameters and other systematic deviations is treated, furnishing a simple example of continuous least-squares adjustment.  相似文献   
A statistical approach by a modified Markov process model was used to prove that the lower Permian coal measures of the Tanzanian Mchuchuma basin developed distinct cyclicities during deposition. From results the transition path of lithologic states typical for this coal sequence is as follows: (A) coarse sandstone, (B) medium sandstone, (C) fine-very fine sandstone, (D) shale, (E) mudstone, (F) coal or (E+F) and again (A) coarse sandstone. The majority of cycles is are asymmetric (ABCDEF-ABC.)but symmetrical cycles are present as well (ABCDEFED). The statistical results concur with observed sedimentological evidence of depositional environment. Fining upward cycles correspond to the development of basal channel bars, changing into levées, then into back swamps which are topped by coal swamps. Frequent interbedding of coal and mudstone in the upper part of the coal measures calls for periodic flooding and flushing of fine clastics into coal-forming swamps causing interruption of peat formation. Cyclical deposition is explained by wandering channels in response to varying discharge and rate of deposition, their lateral frequent shifting caused the formation of asymmetrical cycles in this fluviodeltaic depositional model.
Zusammenfassung Das kohleführende untere Perm des Mchuchuma Beckens (SW-Tanzania) wurde statistisch mit Hilfe der Markov Analyse auf Zyklizität innerhalb der Abfolge untersucht. Die statistischen Daten zeigen, daß die bevorzugte und für dieses Kohlebecken typische Sequenz folgende lithologische Abfolge umfaßt: (A) grober Sandstein, (B) mittlerer Sandstein, (C) feiner Sandstein, (D) Siltstein, (E) Tonstein, (F) bzw. (E+F) Kohle und erneut (A) grober Sandstein. Es existieren meist asymmetrische Zyklen (ABCDEF-ABCD...) aber symmetrische Zyklen (ABCDEFED) treten ebenfalls auf. Die Markov Analyse ergänzt sehr gut die Beobachtungen bezüglich des Ablagerungsmilieus in den Aufschlüssen. »Fining up« Zyklen beginnen mit basalen Gerinnesanden, überlagert von levée Ablagerungen, welche ihrerseits übergehen in »back swamps« und Kohlesümpfe. Der obere Teil der Kohleabfolge ist durch häufige Wechsellagerungen von Kohle mit Tonstein charakterisiert, die auf periodische Überflutungen und Verfrachtungen von Feinklastika in die Kohlesümpfe zurückzuführen sind. Wandernde Flußgerinne, ausgelöst durch rasch wechselnde Sedimentfracht und Ablagerungsrate, führten zu zyklischen Ablagerungen. Häufig auftretende laterale Gerinneverlagerungen erklären die asymmetrischen Zyklen in diesem fluvio-deltaischen Ablagerungsmodell.

Résumé Des analyses statistiques ont été effectuées par la méthode de Markov sur le Permien inférieur charbonnier du bassin de Mchuchuma (Tanzanie du sud-ouest) dans le but de montrer l'existence de cycles sédimentaires. Les résultats font apparaître une séquence, typique de ce bassin, qui s'ordonne ainsi de bas en haut: (A) grès grossier, (B) grès moyen, (C) grès fin à très fin, (F) siltite, (E) pélite, (F) charbon ou (E+F) et de nouveau (A) grès grossier. Les cycles sont pour la plupart assymétriques (ABCDEF-ABC...) mais il en existe aussi de symétriques (ABCDEFED).Les résultats obtenus par la méthode de Markov concordent avec les observations sédimentologiques relatives au milieu de dépôt. Les cycles granoclassés débutent par des sables fluviatiles surmontés par des dépôts de levées suivis à leur tour de »back swamps«, et se terminent par des dépôts de marais tourbeux. La partie supérieure de la série est caractérisée par une stratification alternée de charbon et de pélite due à des inondations périodiques amenant dans les marais des produits clastiques fins qui interrompaient la formation de la tourbe. La sédimentation cyclique s'explique par la migration de chenaux, provoquée par les variations de l'apport sédimentaire et de la vitesse de dépôt. Les fréquents déplacements latéraux des chenaux expliquent l'asymétrie des cycles, dans ce modèle fluvio-deltaïque.

- Mchuchuma (-). , : (A) ; (B) ; (C) - ; (D) ; (E) ; (F) , (E + F) (A) . (ABCDEF-ABCD), (ABCDEFED). . « » , , , . (). , , , . / .
As part of the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP), the 1.5-km-deep borehole Yaxcopoil-1, located in the Chixculub meteor impact structure in Mexico, has undergone further study after drilling operations ceased. Temperature logs were repeated ten times at intervals 0.3–0.8, 15, 24 and 34 months after borehole shut-in. The logs bear a distinct signature of transient heat transfer by groundwater flow manifested by a gradual distortion of the linear temperature profile when a cold wave of 0.8–1.6°C amplitude was detected propagating downward from 145 to 312 m at a rate of 4–6 m/month. To understand the nature of this moving anomaly, a 20-day monitoring of the cold wave was carried out at a depth of 307 m that showed further cooling of 0.6°C during the first 16 days of the passage followed by temperature stabilisation. As an explanation of this unusual phenomenon, a theory is proposed, whereby the drilling mud has accumulated within the overlying and cooler highly porous and permeable karstic rocks during the drilling and migrates downward. The observed migration rate suggests a permeability higher than 10?11 m2. This indicates a high vulnerability to contamination of the only freshwater aquifer in the Yucatan region.  相似文献   
We report results of hydrothermal experiments on four alluvial zircons from Sri Lanka, which cover a wide range of radiation damage, at 450 °C and 1.3 kbar for 744 h with 2 M CaCl2 solution as reactive fluid. After the hydrothermal treatment, the most metamict samples show micrometer-thick reaction rims, which surround apparently unreacted zircon, as revealed by cathodoluminescence (CL) and Nomarski differential interference contrast (NDIC) images. These rims have sharp, curved, and transgressive boundaries with unreacted zircon and are, in some cases, spread out along cracks. The thickness of reaction rims increases with increasing cumulated !-dosage of the starting materials. The reaction rims are strongly enriched in Ca (up to 7000 ppm) and a water species and depleted in radiogenic Pb, Zr, and Si, as revealed by electron microprobe analyses. A significant Th loss from the reaction rims was detected in the case of the most metamict sample, whereas U remained in the structure. FT-infrared spectrometry and X-ray diffraction measurements revealed that the bulk run products were recrystallized. Using micro-Raman spectrometry, we were able to demonstrate that differential recrystallization took place. The reaction rims are strongly recrystallized, whereas the unreacted grain interiors underwent only minor recrystallization. Recrystallization of the rims is accompanied by an enhancement of the integral CL intensity. It is suggested that recrystallization in the reaction rims was catalyzed by water infiltration and ion exchange and prevented significant congruent zircon dissolution under the given experimental conditions. Previous zircon studies have shown that (1) a transgressive morphology, (2) a reduced Th-U ratio, and (3) an enhanced CL emission are also characteristics of rims in zircons from high-grade metamorphic rocks. Based on these similarities between natural and experimentally produced rims, it is suggested that leaching-catalyzed recrystallization is an important alteration process in zircon under wet geological conditions and can account for many complex core-rim structures found in natural zircons. Furthermore, the strong enrichment of Ca in the reaction rims supports previous assumptions that high Ca concentrations in natural zircons are of secondary origin. It is suggested that lower U-Pb concordia intercept ages obtained from single-phase zircons with high Ca contents date a leaching event.  相似文献   
Conclusion Studies that include moderate climate forecasts, farmer adaptation, carbon fertilization, and warm-loving crops tend to show that climate change will have only mild impacts on average global agricultural output and may even improve temperate agricultural production. On this point, recent studies yield strikingly consistent results. Of course, impact estimates still contain uncertainties. Key questions include how agriculture might change by 2060, how tropical and subtropical farming will be affected, and how effects will be distributed regionally. The most likely threat to agriculture from climate warming is regional damages in relatively poor areas that lack either the knowledge or the financial resources to adjust. Although it is not clear which regions will actually suffer, the ones that are most vulnerable lie predominantly in or near the tropics (IPCC, 1995). Nonetheless, on average, the factors discussed in this essay will help mitigate the impact of climate change on agriculture.The authors are grateful to the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) for financial support. We also wish to thank Richard Adams, Cynthia Rosenzweig, Kathleen Segerson, Joel Smith, Robert Unsworth and Thomas Wilson for their helpful comments. The authors alone are responsible for any remaining errors or omissions.  相似文献   
Ohne Zusammenfassung Communication présentée à l'Assemblée générale de l'Association Internationale de Géodésie (Helsinki 1960).  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Drei Waldbodenprofile auf Zechsteinletten, Unterem Buntsandstein und Zechsteindolomit am südwestlichen Harzrand wurden mit Hilfe von Korngrößenanalysen, optischen und röntgenographischen Methoden auf ihren qualitativen und quantitativen Mineralbestand untersucht. Außerdem konnte anhand von Bodendünnschliffen ein Einblick in die Mikromorphologie der in ihrer Lagerung nicht gestörten Bodenhorizonte gewonnen werden. Dabei ließen sich mit dem Mikroskop nicht mehr auflösbare Strukturelemente auf röntgenographischem Wege aus dem Dünnschliff heraus identifizieren.  相似文献   
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