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The present study was undertaken with four fold objectives, namely, (i) to estimate land surface temperature using MODIS TIR data; (ii) to calculate relative emissivities from MODIS TIR data; (iii) to identify various lithologies based on relative emissivity and land surface temperature estimation; and finally, (iv) to carry out comparative assessment analysis between the prepared lithological map and the published lithological map. The land surface temperatures for different pixels were estimated using two methods, viz., Reference Channel and Emissivity Normalization; whereas, relative emissivities were calculated by applying three methods, viz., Reference Channel, Emissivity Normalization and Alpha Residual. Lithological maps were subsequently prepared based on the estimated land surface temperatures and relative emissivity values. The present study shows that the Emissivity Normalization method gives the best results for land surface temperature estimation and also for lithological discrimination based on emissivity estimation. Twenty-four lithounits demarcated by the present study match with those of the published map, while four lithounits of the published map could not be identified in the present study. On the other hand, six additional unclassified lithounits could be demarcated in the present study, which need to be crosschecked by field study.  相似文献   
以非海相介形类为依据而建立的侏罗纪末至白垩纪的生物地层学,尤其是欧洲所谓"Purbeck-Wealden层段"(提塘阶顶部至巴列姆阶/阿普特阶底部)和全球同期沉积层的生物地层学建立已久,但这一生物地层学存有很多问题与局限性。本文对中生代晚期(聚焦于早白垩世)的非海相介形类生物地层学的基本原理、历史、目前进展、存在问题和前景进行了综述。因为介形类的繁殖、扩散与成种机制已有比较成熟的研究,所以介形类的生物地层学的应用潜力被认识已久。然而,全球不同地区中生代晚期的非海相介形类众多的研究积累已构成了一个丰富但常常混乱和矛盾的文献库。这些问题不仅存在于介形类的分类鉴定中,也见于关于古环境和系统发育的解释中。虽然地区性的盆地内的介形类生物地层学研究已产生了好结果,并可能能够用于局部地区的高精度对比。但是在进行地区间(盆地间至全球)的对比时,其实用性广遭怀疑。在过去的二十年间,许多学者采用了将今论古的古生物学研究方法,努力修订和更新中生代晚期的非海相介形类的生物地层学与古环境意义,从而促进了地区间生物地层学研究和对比的发展。古生物学家认识到,对于许多非海相介形类动物来讲,它们的分布和扩散不仅仅局限于单个的水系或较小的地理区域,而是和现生的非海相介形类一样,晚侏罗世至白垩纪的非海相介形类动物和它们的卵可被较大的动物或风长距离搬运,跨越迁移的屏障,进行扩散。鉴于以上事实,地区间的对比必须涉及两大内容:分类学的应用与古环境背景。缺乏适用于地区—全球的稳定和一致的分类学系统是进行正确对比的重要障碍。由于大量地方性分类命名、地方性特有动物的假设、与壳体特征相关的分类和生态型认识的混乱,以及对种内变异尺度的统一认识的缺乏,导致了对生物分异度的过高或过低的估量。非海相白垩纪介形类的地层记录受到诸多因素的影响:分类单元的演化与灭绝、扩散事件、当地的环境变化和地区性至全球的气候变迁。在生物地层学的应用中,我们可以通过不同手段去把握同时代的Cytheroidea,特别是Cypridoidea中具重要地层意义的Cypridea属及其亲近者(即CypridoideaMartin,1940)的分类单元的形态变异度。解释种内变异时需要格外谨慎。区分生物自生(内因)导致的变异(遗传的和形态的变异)和环境(外因)导致的变异(生态表型)是一大难题。比较保守的分类学观念(分类单元很少,但变异极大(分类单元中包含了多种生态表型))有助于不同古环境间的(生物地层)对比。另一方法是运用随着时间的古环境变化及其对介形类组合的组成的影响来进行(生物地层)对比。古生物工作者已在利用受环境控制的周期性介形类组合变化建立对比关系方面进行了大量有意义的尝试,但这些工作仍处在争议中。建立全球生物地层学方法,建立统一而持久的分类概念这一目标可以达到,但不可能在短期内实现。用现代的思想(概念)理解和研究非海相介形类的古生物学和古生物地理学及新资料将有助于修订工作的进展。尽管我们对中生代的非海相介形类的演化和分布的认识还很不全面,但目前我们已取得了可喜的进展。盆地间至大陆间的对比是否可行,早已不是问题。目前和未来的指导原则无疑是发展以介形类为基础,并与其他的年代地层学和地质年代学资料及方案相结合的从地区至全球范围的地层对比系统。因为我们正在迈向一个非海相晚中生代介形类生物地层学的重新解释和应用的新时代,我们必须承认我们还有许多东西需要学习。  相似文献   
Most of the radio galaxies with z > 3 have been found using the red-shift spectral index correlation. We have started a programme with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) to exploit this correlation at flux density levels about 100 times deeper than the known high-redshift radio galaxies, with an aim to detect candidate high-redshift radio galaxies. Here we present results from the deep 150 MHz observations of LBDS-Lynx field, which has been imaged at 327, 610 and 1412 MHz with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) and at 1400 and 4860 MHz with the Very Large Array (VLA). We find about 150 radio sources with spectra steeper than 1. About two-thirds of these are not detected in Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), hence are strong candidate high-redshift radio galaxies, which need to be further explored with deep infra-red imaging and spectroscopy to estimate the red-shift.  相似文献   
Titanosaurs were a globally distributed group of sauropod dinosaurs. They had diverse forms and a wide-gauge stance, with a few of their species reaching immense sizes, such as Argentinosaurus huinculensis and Patagotitan mayorum (reaching >35 m in length). There are about 100 valid titanosaur species known so far, but most of the originally described species are no longer valid, due to the incomplete nature of fossil materials. Our understanding of titanosaur skull morphology is based on very few incomplete fragmented cranial materials and findings of the complete skull are even rarer. Understanding the skull morphology of extinct animals helps palaeontologists make deductions of feeding mechanisms and also provide an idea about their appearance when they were alive. Diversity in titanosaur skull morphology is greater than that of any other sauropod clade, indicating diversity in feeding mechanism among these dinosaurs. Titanosaurs were the last surviving clade of sauropod dinosaurs, occupying nearly every ecological niche around the world during the Late Cretaceous, and resulting in a rich diversity in this group. This article highlights diversity in the basic structure of sauropods with special emphasis on titanosaur skull morphology.  相似文献   
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