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利用1961—2018年广东86个国家气象观测站逐日最高气温资料,NCEP/NCAR月尺度再分析大气环流资料、海表温度资料(ERSST V5),国家气候中心大气环流指数资料,采用相关、合成、突变分析等方法分析了广东高温的气候变率及其与大气环流和海温的关系。结果表明,近58年来广东平均高温日数以3.0 d/(10 a)的速率显著上升,并在1998年发生增加的突变。广东高温日数具有显著的年际和年代际变化并且其对应的大气环流和海温的异常特征基本相同,但年际差异比年代际差异更加明显。在6—9月,对流层中高层位势高度正异常是广东高温日数偏多的一个重要原因,同时南亚高压和西太平洋副热带高压偏强、影响华南的偏北气流偏强,大陆高压加强也对应高温日数偏多。在5—8月,热带印度洋、热带西太平洋、南海海温偏高有利于广东高温日数增多。   相似文献   
This paper aims to assess the performances of different model initialization conditions (ICs) and lateral boundary conditions between two global models (GMs), i.e., the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), on the accuracy of the Global/Regional Assimilation and Prediction System (GRAPES) forecasts for south China. A total of 3-month simulations during the rainy season were examined and a specific case of torrential rain over Guangdong Province was verified. Both ICs exhibited cold biases over south China, as well as a strong dry bias over the Pearl River Delta (PRD). In particular, the ICs from ECMWF had a stronger cold bias over the PRD region but with a more detailed structure than NCEP. In general, the NCEP provided a realistic surface temperature compared to the ECMWF over south China. Moreover, GRAPES initialized by the NCEP had better simulations of both location and intensity of precipitation than by ECMWF. The results presented in this paper could be used as a general guideline to the operational numerical weather prediction that use regional models driven by the GMs.  相似文献   
2007年5月20日粤西茂名与阳江海岸带地区发生一场小时降水量达到115 mm的短时大暴雨。采用NCEP/NCAR FNL 1 °×1 °再分析资料,结合多普勒天气雷达、高空探空、自动站资料和风廓线雷达观测资料,分析此次暴雨过程的天气尺度系统与中尺度系统特征,探讨不同尺度系统对这次暴雨天气过程的作用。分析结果表明:(1)此次暴雨过程是由准线状中尺度对流系统导致的,对流系统的移动速度缓慢是导致出现暴雨的主要原因;(2)在暴雨发生前,整层大气水汽充沛,处于近饱和稳定状态;暴雨发生期间局地大气处于条件不稳定状态;中层弱冷槽过境及“上干下湿”的温湿结构增加了环境大气的不稳定性;(3)北部湾低压(槽)发展导致的强盛低层西南气流为暴雨发生提供了充沛的水汽;高空槽后干冷空气南下形成的深厚干层,有助于对流凝结潜热的释放;高层辐散、低层辐合环流为低层暖湿空气提供了垂直上升动力;(4)中尺度对流系统在地势相对平缓的沿海地区发展和加强,地形的动力抬升和辐合作用不大。对流活动诱发的低层密度流在对流带前缘不断激发出新的对流单体,对对流系统的维持和发展起关键作用;(5)对流单体的风暴传播效应使对流系统具有逆风传播的特征,移速缓慢;层云降水的蒸发冷却有可能改变其低层的温度梯度,使环境大气的不稳定性加强。   相似文献   
The solid and liquid particles which constitute polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) are of manifold importance to the meteorology of the stratosphere. The heterogeneous reactions which take place on and within these particles release halogens from relatively inert reservoir species into forms which can destroy ozone in the polar spring. In addition, solid PSC particles are instrumental in the physical removal of nitrogen oxides (denitrification) and water (dehydration) of regions of the polar stratosphere. Denitrification, in particular, allows extended ozone destruction by slowing the conversion of chlorine radicals back into reservoir species.We review the historical development of PSC studies, with particular emphasis on results from the last decade, encompassing developments in observations, in laboratory experiments, and in theoretical treatments. The technical challenge of measuring sufficient of the parameters describing any given PSC, to allow its microphysics to be understood, has driven forward balloon-borne, aircraft, and satellite instrumentation. The technical challenge of finding suitable laboratory proxies for PSCs, in order to observe the microphysics under controlled conditions, has resulted in a wide variety of experimental designs, some of which maximise the probability of observing phase change, others which mimic the surface–volume ratios of PSCs more closely. The challenge to theory presented by PSCs has resulted in improvements in the thermodynamics of concentrated inorganic solutions of volatile compounds, and a new general theory of freezing of water ice from concentrated aqueous solutions. Of the major processes involving PSCs, heterogeneous reaction probabilities for ternary HNO3/H2SO4/H2O solutions, and heterogeneous freezing to produce nitric-acid hydrates, are the least well understood.  相似文献   
2019年5月18日,广东省韶关市出现了局地特大暴雨,刷新了韶关有气象记录以来的雨量记录。利用常规观测资料、区域气象自动站观测资料、韶关双偏振多普勒天气雷达资料,以及NCEP 1 °×1 °再分析资料对本次过程进行详细分析,探讨本次过程发生的极端性成因。(1) 本次过程是粤北历史罕见的局地暖区突发性特大暴雨过程,天气尺度的背景场较弱,极端性条件不显著,但能从中尺度分析场分析出暴雨潜势。(2) 暴雨发生之前,韶关一直处于偏南暖湿气流控制的区域,并且随着对流抑制减小为0,对流有效位能增强,自由对流高度下降至近地面,使得气块更容易被强迫抬升。(3) 多个单体持续发展与合并,出现“列车效应”,近地面冷池维持向南楔入,低层西南风加强叠加于冷池上导致强风速辐合辐散区和中气旋的出现,是维持强回波持续发展的重要原因;回波呈暖区降水的垂直结构特性,也呈现出近地面层冷池对暖湿气流强迫抬升的结构特征,侧面说明了强降水触发机制。(4) 地形对对流触发和暴雨的增幅有重要影响,峡谷和喇叭口地形加强了偏南气流的汇入及辐合作用,山前迎风坡除了地形抬升作用外,位于山前的地面辐合线对于对流既有触发又有加强与维持的作用。(5) 山前强水平温度梯度为对流发生提供了有利的环境条件,当初生对流出现降雨之后,水平温度梯度进一步加强,形成了温度梯度与对流强度之间的正反馈过程,因而对流持续发展与维持。(6) 对于此类突发的短历时强降水造成的暖区暴雨,监测和短临预警仍然是主要手段。   相似文献   
有些南海弱台风在登陆广东时,由于路径复杂、移动缓慢,会对广东地区造成较长时间和较大范围的风雨灾害。使用双偏振雷达对2018—2020年登陆广东的南海弱台风分析,发现南海弱台风在登陆前强降水区主要有两个:一个是位于海上的台风中心南侧眼墙的降水区,另外一个是在台风移动方向的右前方,台风螺旋雨带上岸的区域。在眼墙中,ZH和KDP的大值区在低层同位相,ZDR大值区位于偏上风方向,降水粒子在移动的右侧开始激发,移动的右侧至右前侧为浓度较大的小粒子降水,而右侧和右后侧为大粒子降水。而且台风降水粒子在海洋和陆地有明显差异,陆地由于地形摩擦和抬升作用,降水粒子浓度较大,但水汽和能量供应不足,降水粒子直径较小;海面由于水汽和能量供应充足,对流发展较高,主要为大雨滴的对流降水,但降水粒子浓度不及陆地。   相似文献   
By deriving the discrete equation of the parameterized equation for the New Medium-Range Forecast (NMRF) boundary layer scheme in the GRAPES model, the adjusted discrete equation for temperature is obviously different from the original equation under the background of hydrostatic equilibrium and adiabatic hypothesis. In the present research, three discrete equations for temperature in the NMRF boundary layer scheme are applied, namely the original (hereafter NMRF), the adjustment (hereafter NMRF-gocp), and the one in the YSU boundary-layer scheme (hereafter NMRF-TZ). The results show that the deviations of height, temperature, U and V wind in the boundary layer in the NMRF-gocp and NMRF-TZ experiments are smaller than those in the NMRF experiment and the deviations in the NMRF-gocp experiment are the smallest. The deviations of humidity are complex for the different forecasting lead time in the three experiments. Moreover, there are obvious diurnal variations of deviations from these variables, where the diurnal variations of deviations from height and temperature are similar and those from U and V wind are also similar. However, the diurnal variation of humidity is relatively complicated. The root means square errors of 2m temperature (T2m) and 10m speed (V10m) from the three experiments show that the error of NMRF-gocp is the smallest and that of NMRF is the biggest. There is also a diurnal variation of T2m and V10m, where T2m has double peaks and V10m has only one peak. Comparison of the discrete equations between NMRF and NMRF-gocp experiments shows that the deviation of temperature is likely to be caused by the calculation of vertical eddy diffusive coefficients of heating, which also leads to the deviations of other elements.  相似文献   
Renewable energy sources, especially wind power, were believed to be able to slow down global warming; however, evidence in recent years shows that wind farms may also induce climate change. With the rapid development of wind power industry, the number of wind farms installed in mountains has gradually increased. Therefore, it is necessary to study the impact of wind farms in mountainous areas on local climate. The Suizhou and Dawu wind farms in northern Hubei Province were chosen for the present study on the impact of wind farm operations on the local climate in mountainous areas. The mesoscale meteorological numerical model Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) and the Fitch model, together with turbulence correction factor, were used to simulate wind farm operations and study their effects on local climate. The results showed the characteristics of wind speed attenuation in mountainous wind farms: the amplitude and range of wind speed attenuation were stronger in the nighttime than in the daytime, and stronger in summer than in winter. The surface temperature increased and became more significant in summer. However, a cooling variation was observed above the surface warming center. The height of this center was higher in the daytime than it was in the nighttime. The latent heat flux in the wind farms decreased at night, accompanied by an increase in sensible heat flux. However, these changes were not significant. Some differences were observed between the impact of wind farms on the climate in the plains and the mountains. Such differences are more likely to be related to complex terrain conditions, climate conditions, and the density of wind turbines. The present study may provide support for the development and construction of wind farms in mountainous areas.  相似文献   
一次海南秋季台风暴雨的特征和成因分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
利用ECMWF再分析资料、TRMM-3B42降水资料及FY2E卫星TBB资料综合对2013年一次海南秋季台风“海燕”的暴雨特征及成因进行了诊断分析。结果发现:(1)台风内的中尺度云团是造成海南大暴雨的直接影响系统, 地形抬升作用和弱冷空气的入侵加剧了海南大暴雨的强度, 暴雨中心落在五指山迎风坡; (2)偏南气流和东南气流的辐合及低空急流的存在是触发和维持大暴雨的有利条件; (3)暴雨产生在θe面陡峭密集区, 陡立密集导致了倾斜涡度发展。MPV1和MPV2与强降水有很好的对应关系, 暴雨发生时, 对流层低层MPV1 < 0, 同时MPV2>0;(4) 850 hPa垂直螺旋度正值区对未来6 h强降水落区有很好的指示意义。   相似文献   
利用美国中尺度数值模式WRF,选取两个局地(QNSE、MYJ)闭合和两个非局地(YSU、ACM2)闭合的边界层参数化方案对台风“莎莉嘉”(2016)进行了4组模拟试验,结果表明,不同边界层方案对台风路径影响较小,但对台风强度和结构有明显的影响,就本个例研究而言,非局地闭合边界层方案明显优于局地闭合边界层方案。台风强度的差异是热力和动力共同作用的影响。局地闭合方案模拟的地表焓通量、水汽通量和动量通量更大,台风偏强;局地闭合方案模拟的边界层高度更高、边界层顶的夹卷过程更强、垂直混合更强、台风暖心结构更强,从而台风也更强。台风强度的差异和台风结构的变化密切相关。   相似文献   
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