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加大海岸整治修复力度是推进海洋生态文明建设的必然要求。沙坝-潟湖海岸具有典型的生态系统和独特的社会价值,同时也因人类活动受到不同程度破坏,是“蓝色海湾”等整治修复项目的重要对象。文章以辽宁省浮渡河口沙坝-潟湖为例,总结国内外河口沙坝-潟湖主要生态修复思路和方法,提出生态修复过程中沙坝-潟湖受损机制和生态修复评估体系构建两个关键技术问题。在此基础上,为深入推进我国海岸生态保护修复管理和海岸整治修复工程实践,需要做好顶层设计和提升整治修复能力两方面主要工作。  相似文献   
滇池生态系统退化成因、格局特征与分区分步恢复策略   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
选取生态系统中重要的组成成份:浮游植物、底栖动物、水生植物的历史演变和现在分布状况数据,结合水质变化情况,揭示了滇池生态系统退化原因:在外因上,污染物持续输入以及围湖造田、直立堤岸和水量交换缓慢等外力干扰加剧系统组分失衡是直接原因;在内因上,由于滇池所处的地理位置、气候等原因,蓝藻生物量对营养盐增加的响应远高于其他湖泊(太湖、巢湖),草型向藻型湖泊的转换进程更快;与太湖和东湖的生态系统比较,高原湖泊滇池生态系统相对脆弱,如物种的同域分化、窄生态位,导致系统的稳定性差、自我修复能力弱.通过对滇池生态格局特征、湖岸带结构的分析,将滇池划分为5个生态区:草海重污染区、藻类聚集区、沉水植被残存区、近岸带受损区和水生植被受损区,并提出"五区三步,南北并进,重点突破,治理与修复相结合"的滇池生态系统分区分步治理的新策略和"南部优先恢复;北部控藻治污;西部自然保护;东部外围突破"的总体方案.  相似文献   
太湖五里湖生态重建示范工程—大型围隔试验   总被引:35,自引:5,他引:30  
五里湖是太湖北部富营养化程度最为严重的一湖湾.从2004年1月起,为了改善水质,重建五里湖生态环境,在五里湖南岸建立了一个面积为10×104m2示范工程试验区,采用多技术措施集成应用,开展湖泊生态重建技术研究.经过近2年的生态重建研究与实践,在示范工程试验区内建立了挺水植物、浮叶植物和沉水植物群丛23个,水生植物种类从生态重建前的零上升至15科、22属、32种,水生植物的多样性指数(Shannon-Wieher index)达到2.33,覆盖度达到40%- 55%.水质监测结果表明,示范工程区内水体的TN、TP、NH4-N、NO3-N、NO2-N及PO4-P的平均值分别比示范工程区外下降了20.7%、23.8%、35.2%、21.1%、45.6%和54.0%,TN、TP分别下降至2.50mg/L、0.080mg/L以下,水质得到明显改善,达到或低于“浅水湖泊稳态转换理论”指出的向“稳定清水态”转换的临界值,水体透明度(SD)平均值也有较大幅度提高,平均从0.39m提高至0.70m;初步实现湖泊水体从藻类占优势浊水态向大型水生植物占优势的清水态转变.因此重建与恢复湖泊生态系统要从沿岸带着手,首先重建湖滨带结构与功能,通过湖滨带水生生物一系列反馈机制, 逐步改善湖泊水质,最终实现沉水植被恢复;湖泊敞水区应主要采用生物操纵技术措施来实现湖泊生态恢复.  相似文献   
大量城市建筑使得高分影像中含有许多阴影区。这些阴影区在土地利用分类、植被绿度调查等遥感应用中会较大地影响结果精度,降低数据使用效率并增加研究成本。基于同一地物阴影区与临近非阴影区反射率相等这一辐射特征关系,通过建立辐射传输方程,发展了一种新的城市高分遥感影像阴影校正方法 RERB(Reflectance Equality Relationship Based Method)。利用RERB对不同城市(北京和荷兰Enschede)不同高分多光谱影像(Geo Eye-1和Quick Bird)进行阴影校正,并对比分析其与被广泛采用的均值方差变换法MVT(Mean and Variance Transformation)的校正结果,通过定性和定量精度评价发现:(1)RERB能很好地将城市阴影区影像视觉特征(颜色、纹理、色调等)信息恢复到与非阴影区同一水平上;(2)RERB恢复后的阴影区具有丰富的细节信息且在视觉上与临近非阴影区具有良好的一致性;(3)RERB恢复后的城市柏油路面和水泥路面阴影区辐射信息具有较低的误差,可见光-近红外波段的平均误差分别为7%和9%。同时RERB能较好地恢复城市阴影区植被波谱特征信息。  相似文献   
2016年4月对厦门无居民海岛猴屿开展了植被和土壤调查,采用全岛调查的方法查清全岛植物种类及生长状况,采用样方调查的方法分析比较人工恢复林和次生林物种多样性和土壤肥力特征,以期为无居民海岛生态修复提供借鉴.结果表明,全岛共有乔木5科5属6种,灌木有10科12属13种,草本植物有21科39属40种.由于被海包围、面积狭小、地形简单,物种传播速度慢,猴屿生物多样性较低,猴屿人工恢复林物种多样性与次生林差异不显著.人工恢复林土壤肥力显著低于次生林,植物生长及其产生的凋落物可以促进土壤肥力的改善.海岛普遍风大、缺水,植被恢复应选用适应海岛环境能力强的物种.猴屿植被破坏导致生态位缺失,进而造成马缨丹生物入侵,影响海岛生态系统稳定性.  相似文献   
Agricultural land provides not only food and fiber (an important element of food security), but also serves as a non-market commodity with characteristic externalities and public services. However, there are also many negative impacts on environment of the paddy production. Thus, Payments for paddy ecosystem services encourage farmers to engage in ecological or organic agricultural practices and agro-ecological/environmental supply. However, compared with forest, wetland, and pasture, the eco-function and ecosystem services of paddy fields have gotten insufficient attention. It is necessary to establish an eco-compensation mechanism for paddy fields that boosts behavior that protects farms to benefit the ecosystem. Based on a review of eco-compensation for paddy fields, this paper proposes the policy game framework of eco-compensation for paddy fields, which is oriented to ecological restoration. Secondly, this paper introduces methods for determination of compensation standards, including the cost the farmers’ willingness to accept, and the ecological benefits of adopting environmental friendly farming practices. And finally, this paper puts forward policy recommendations for eco-compensation for paddy ecosystems.  相似文献   
Ecological degradation is a global problem, and ecological restoration technologies have played and will continue to play an important role in its mitigation. However, the lack of systematic research and evaluations of ecological technologies has thus far affected their effective application in vulnerable ecological regions. This study therefore provides an overview of the main technologies for remediating soil and water erosion, desertification, and rock desertification in China and throughout the world. It addresses key issues and recommends approaches for evaluating ecological restoration technologies. Restoration technology emerged as early as 1800. Over the years such technology has changed from single objective applications to multi-purpose, multi-objective applications employing strategies that take into account ecosystem rehabilitation and integrated ecological and socioeconomic development. Along with this technological evolution, different countries have taken pertinent actions as part of their restoration initiatives. However, key issues remain, including the lack of location-specific restoration technologies and a methodological strategy to assess and prioritize existing technologies. This study proposes a four-level analytical hierarchical framework in conjunction with an indicator system that highlights the establishment and adaptation of associative indicators, while also recommending a three-phase evaluation method (TheMert), targeting TheMert to qualitative (quick and extensive) and quantitative (detailed) evaluations in order to select the most appropriate restoration technologies available. This study can also be used as a basis for understanding the evaluation and prioritization of restoration technologies, while increasing the awareness of decision makers and the public on the role of technology in restoring degraded ecosystems.  相似文献   
湖泊生态恢复的关键因子分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国是一个多湖泊的国家。由于经济快速发展及湖泊资源不合理的开发利用,中国湖泊的污染问题和生态系统退化相当普遍。特别是由于氮、磷等营养元素的富集造成的水体富营养化,导致蓝藻水华频繁发生,甚至出现了饮用水危机事件。由于缺乏基础理论的指导,中国湖泊富营养化治理曾经走过弯路。在没有实现控源截污的条件下,片面强调生态恢复来净化湖泊水环境,一度成为富营养化湖泊治理的主流思想。实际上,湖泊生态恢复是有条件的,而对这些条件的诊断和分析是开展湖泊生态恢复的前提和基础。通过对太湖水生植物分布及其影响因子分析,确定沉水植物恢复的核心条件是水下光照条件。水下光照条件受富营养水平、悬浮物浓度与水深等因子的影响。只有当一个水域的真光层深度接近水深的情况(比值>0.8),恢复水生植物才有可能。改善水下光照条件,包括降低水深,提高透明度,消除风浪等措施,实际上,都是增加真光层深度与水深的比值。在上述生态恢复条件不具备的情况下,湖泊治理与恢复的工作更多地应该聚焦在控源截污方面。这对中国湖泊污染治理与生态恢复具有普遍的意义。  相似文献   
Historical, human‐induced channel adjustments in lowland gravel‐bed rivers have been documented in several geographical contexts worldwide. In particular, it is now widely accepted that the vast majority of European rivers are far from any natural, reference state prior to anthropic disturbances, and a ‘complete’ restoration is hardly achievable. However, few investigations have addressed changes that have occurred in mountain rivers of the Alps, and these channels are commonly reckoned quite ‘natural’ by society. This paper intends to describe how human pressure on Italian Alpine basins has been quite relevant for several centuries – in terms of land‐use variations, in‐channel structures, timber transport (splash damming) and riparian vegetation management – such that nowadays ‘reference conditions’ cannot be found even in small mountain creeks. In addition, recent natural climatic variations (e.g. the Little Ice Age) are superimposed on human disturbances, thus defying the definition of any ‘equilibrium’ morphological conditions even under ‘human‐free’ states. A summary of published as well as unpublished works on historical channel adjustments in rivers of the Italian Alps is presented in order to document the impacts deriving from human pressure at different basin scales and for different river morphologies, from steep confined streams to large unconfined rivers. General options for river management and restoration actions aiming to combine geomorphological functionality and flood hazard mitigation are discussed, in the light of the current European legislative context. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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