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A new lightning locating technology, called Lightning Mapping Array (LMA), has been developed. The system takes advantage of GPS technology to measure the times of arrival (TOA) of lightning impulsive very high frequency (VHF) radiation events at each remote location. The spatiotemporal development processes of lightning are described in three-dimension by measurement of the system with high time resolution (50 ns) and space precision (50-100 m). The charge structures in thunderstorm and their relationship with lightning discharge processes are revealed. The temporal and spatial characteristics of preliminary breakdown process involved in negative cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning discharges are analyzed based on the data of lightning VHF radiation events. The effect of positive charge region in lower part of thunderstorm on the occurrence of negative CG lightning discharge is discussed. The results indicate that the preliminary breakdown process with longer duration in negative CG lightning discharges is an intracloud discharge process. It occurs between negative and positive charge regions located in middle and lower parts of thunderstorm respectively. It initiates from the negative charge region and propagates downward. After propagating into the positive charge region, the lightning channel develops horizontally. The characteristics of the preliminary breakdown process are consistent with that of intracloud lightning discharges. The stepped leaders are initiated by the K type breakdown which occurs in the last stage of the preliminary breakdown process and develops downward through the positive charge region. The existence of positive charge region in lower part of thunderstorm results in the occurrence of preliminary breakdown process with longer duration before the return stroke of negative CG lightning discharges.  相似文献   
统计分析襄城县1960~2005年雷暴和降水观测资料发现夜雷伴有降水次数占夜雷发生次数的94%,昼雷伴有降水次数占昼雷发生次数的86%,下午雷暴伴有降水次数占下午雷暴发生次数的83%.  相似文献   
林志强 《广东气象》1997,(2):41-41,37
1概况1996年广东省的强对流天气季节自3月16日开始至9月14日结束,历时近6个月,全省先后有110个站次出现雷雨大风、冰雹等强对流天气(根据各地气象台站的正规WS报资料),比1995年的57个站次约增加了一倍。本文所统计的强对流天气是指2~9月份雷达开机联防探测期间,省内各测站观测到冰雹、龙卷风或)17m/s的雷雨大风(实际上,其它月份也未曾出现过上述天气)。21996年几次主要的强对流天气过程2.1灾情最严重的一次强对流天气过程4月18~19日,在锋面低槽的影响下,广东省西南部和珠江三角洲等地区,遭受了一次严重强对流天气的袭击,…  相似文献   
本文使用一维的发展雷暴模式,用于试验多种电荷转移参数对雷暴充电发展的重要性。电荷转移资料(数据)是电在水滴超冷却状态下,冰晶从软雹反弹离去时实验观测所得到。实验表明,电荷转移取决于冰晶大小和碰撞速度。因此,在模式中试验了许多冰晶大小及碰撞速度。通过应用有不同雷暴程度的三个个例的初始条件进行计算,发现计算所得的充电率在比较初始雷暴条件和所选的典型的冰晶大小和软雹速度,更受前者影响。  相似文献   
贺元鑫 《四川气象》1996,16(1):28-29
通过对双流航站一次系统性雷雨过程动力条件、水汽条件,稳定度条件的初步分析,提出几点预报航站系统性雷雨过程的预报思路。  相似文献   
浅谈雷暴天气的下击暴流对飞行安全的危害陈远洪(山西省侯马86160部队气象台043003)下击暴流是一种局地强下沉气流,气流下沉速度大于3m/s以上,是下沉气流中最强的一种。它单体尺度小,区域直径只有4Km左右,维持时间短,通常只有15到20min。...  相似文献   
1997年广东省10~12月天气的主要特点是冷、暧空气势力强盛而交替频繁,忽冷忽热天气明显;雨水分布前期和末期偏多、中期偏少,12月下旬初省内大部分地区降大雨到暴雨,并出现冬雷的罕见现象。1 冷暧天气频换  10~12月,共受5次强冷空气入侵,比历年同期多1次。5次强冷空气分别在10月25日,11月16日、29日,12月7日、22日影响广东,广州市过程降温分别达8-4、11-2、7-9、10-2和8-6℃,其中11月中旬和12月上旬后期的强冷空气使北部地区出现低温霜冻天气,12月10~13日广州…  相似文献   
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