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The Doñana region, in southwestern Spain, comprises a large and important nature reserve, the wetlands of which are affected by human activity. Planting of an extensive eucalyptus forest in the 1950s and, more recently, the use of aquifers for irrigation and water supply for some coastal tourist resorts, have altered the natural groundwater-flow system. The area of the study is the western sector of the region, called El Abalario, which is a gentle topographic elevation between the Atlantic coast and La Rocina Creek (Arroyo de la Rocina). Underneath a variable layer of eolian sands with high dunes near the coast, thick Plio-Quaternary detritic strata, mostly fine silica sands, overlie marls. Near the base there is a variable, deltaic-origin layer of coarse sands and gravels. The dome-shaped water table, inside the sands, is close to the surface everywhere except beneath the dune belt, and small, temporary, shallow lagoons are numerous. The coarse sand and gravel layer conditions groundwater flow and behaves as a semiconfined layer between sands. A cross section through the area was simulated with a model to check the validity of the conceptual groundwater-flow pattern and its sensitivity to the hydraulic parameters. The model was calibrated using parameter values obtained by pumping tests and multilevel piezometric data, and checked against the estimated groundwater discharge into La Rocina Creek. Groundwater flows peripherally to the sea coast, to La Rocina Creek, or directly east and southeastward into the Doñana marshlands, in the Guadalquivir River delta. The average net aquifer recharge rate was calculated to be between 100 and 200 mm year–1 for the area covered by brush, but is remarkably lower in the areas of eucalyptus trees. The transient-state model shows that recharge varies spatially and is not clearly proportional to annual precipitation. Phreatic evapotranspiration plays an important role in decreasing the net value of aquifer recharge to approximately 0.4–0.6 of that calculated with a soil-balance model. The cross section model was used to study the effect of groundwater abstraction on water-table depth by subtracting the contribution of vertical flow, calculated by a well-hydraulics formula, to the semiconfined deep aquifer. The result was a decrease in phreatic evapotranspiration, flow into La Rocina Creek, and lagoon-inundation frequency. Replacement of the eucalyptus forest with native vegetation may raise water-table levels and even reactivate old tributaries to La Rocina Creek.
Resumen La región de Doñana, situada en el sudoeste de España, incluye una gran e importante reserva natural, cuyos humedales están siendo afectados por la actividad humana. La extensa plantación de eucaliptus en la década de 1950 y el uso más reciente de los acuíferos para riego y para abastecimiento de centros turísticos costeros han modificado el sistema de flujo del agua subterránea en esta zona. Este estudio se ha realizado en el sector occidental, llamado El Abalario. Se trata de una elevación suave situada entre el océano Atlántico y el arroyo de La Rocina. Debajo de un manto variable de arenas eólicas, que forma un alto cordón dunar costero, se encuentran sedimentos detríticos plio-cuaternarios formados por arenas silíceas finas, que hacia la base incluyen una capa de arenas gruesas y gravas de origen deltrico, los que a su vez yacen sobre margas. El flujo de agua subterránea está relacionado con niveles de gravas y gravillas semiconfinadas por las arenas fluvio-marinas que contienen el nivel freático. El nivel freático es somero excepto debajo del cordón dunar. Son frecuentes pequeñas lagunas temporales. Se ha simulado el flujo de agua subterránea en una sección para comprobar el modelo de flujo conceptual y la sensibilidad a variaciones de los parámetros. El modelo fue calibrado usando los valores de los parámetros hidráulicos obtenidos en ensayos de bombeo y datos piezométricos medidos a diferentes profundidades, y la descarga estimada al arroyo de La Rocina. La recarga de agua subterránea drena lateralmente, por un lado hacia la costa y por otro lado a través del arroyo de La Rocina, o directamente hacia las Marismas de Doñana situadas en el delta del río Guadalquivir. Con una lluvia media anual entre 550 y 600 mm, la recarga neta media estacionaria anual del acuífero, considerando periodos de tiempo largos, se estima entre 100 y 200 mm en las zonas de vegetación autóctona, y es notablemente menor en las zonas de plantación de eucaliptos. El modelo transitorio indica que la recarga varia espacialmente y no es claramente proporcional a la precipitación para periodos de un año. La evapotranspiración freática varia espacialmente y juega un papel importante; disminuye el valor neto de la recarga al acuífero para dejarlo en 0,4 a 0,6 de lo que se calcula mediante un balance de agua en el suelo. La sección modelada sirve para estudiar el efecto de la extracción de agua subterránea sobre la profundidad del nivel freático mediante la substracción del flujo vertical, que se calcula mediante una fórmula de hidráulica de pozos para el acuífero semiconfinado profundo. El resultado es una disminución de la evapotranspiración freática, del flujo al arroyo de la Rocina y de la frecuencia de inundación de las lagunas. La substitución del bosque de eucaliptus por vegetación nativa puede elevar los niveles freáticos e incluso reactivar antiguos "caños" tributarios al arroyo de La Rocina.

Résumé La région de Doñana, située dans le sud ouest de l'Espagne, comprend une importante réserve naturelle avec des zones humides, affectée par l'activité humaine. L'exploitation de vastes plantations d'eucalyptus pendant les années 50 et l'usage plus récent des nappes souterraines pour l'irrigation et l'alimentation en eau des centres touristiques côtiers ont modifié le système de flux d'eau souterraine dans cette zone. La présente étude a été réalisée dans le secteur occidental, appelé El Abalario. Ce secteur consiste en une légère élévation située entre l'Océan Atlantique et la ravine de La Rocina. Une couverture variable de sables éoliens, formant une haute crête dunaire côtière, recouvre des sédiments detritiques plio-quaternaires, déposés eux même sur des sables siliceux lesquels reposent à leur tour sur des marnes. Près de la base se trouvent des sables grossiers et des graviers d'origine deltaïque, dont l'épaisseur varie spatialement. Le flux d'eau souterraine est conditionné par l'aquifère semi confinés des graviers et des sables grossiers. Le niveau phréatique de l'aquifère libre des sables fluvio-marins est peu profond, excepté sous les dunes. On y trouve souvent des petites lagunes temporaires peu profondes. Le flux de l'eau souterraine a été simulé dans une section verticale pour vérifier le modèle hydrogéologique conceptuel et la sensibilité aux variations des paramètres. Le modèle a été calé en utilisant d'une part les valeurs des paramètres hydrauliques obtenus par des essais de pompage et d'après les données piezométriques mesurées à différentes profondeurs, et d'autre part l'apport estimé de la ravine de La Rocina. L'écoulement d'eau souterraine s'effectue par drainage latérale dans trois directions, d'une part vers la côte, d'autre part à travers la ravine de La Rocina et finalement directement vers les Marais de Doñana situés à l'est et sud-est dans le delta du fleuve Guadalquivir. Avec une pluviométrie moyenne comprise entre 550 et 600 mm, la recharge nette moyenne annuelle des nappes, pour des périodes de temps assez longues, est estimée entre 100 et 200 mm dans les aires de végétation autochtone, et elle est nettement inférieure dans les aires plantées d´eucalyptus. Le modèle transitoire montre que la recharge varie dans l'espace et qu'elle n'est pas clairement proportionnelle aux précipitations annuelles. L'évapotranspiration phréatique joue un rôle important et diminue la valeur nette de la recharge des nappes de 0,4 à 0,6 de la valeur calculée avec un modèle de bilan d'eau dans le sol. La section modélisée est utilisée pour étudier l'effet de l'extraction d'eau souterraine sur la profondeur du niveau phréatique en soustrayant le flux vertical, calculé grâce à une formule d'hydraulique des puits, de la nappe profonde semi-confinée. Le résultat de cette extraction est une diminution de l'évapotranspiration phréatique, du flux au niveau de la ravine de La Rocina et de la fréquence d'inondation des lagunes. La substitution de forêts d'eucalyptus par de la végétation autochtone peut permettre la remonté des niveaux phréatiques et même réactiver d'anciens ravins affluents à La Rocina.
《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2019,351(6):451-460
In this paper, we focus on the southeastern coastal zone of the island of Samos (east-central Aegean Sea), in order to reconstruct the evolution of coastal landscapes and the relative sea-level changes during the late Holocene. We use geomorphological mapping, sedimentological and palaeontological proxies of late Holocene coastal deposits from two lagoon environments. We further compare our results with previously published sea-level data and we show that the southeastern part of Samos was characterized by a subsidence trend at least during the late Holocene, with RSL rise rates of ∼0.8 mm/yr. Our study additionally highlights that local-scale tectonics is responsible for the evolution of the coastal zone of Samos.  相似文献   
Bellechester, Minnesota, is a small community of approximately 155 residents located on the county line between Goodhue and Wabasha counties in southeast Minnesota's karst region. Bellechester is served by a 21-year-old wastewater treatment facility (WWTF) consisting of three waste-stabilization ponds. On 28 April 1992 six sinkholes were discovered to have drained cell 2 of the WWTF resulting in the loss of approximately 8.7×106 1 of partially treated effluent and about 600 m3 of soil into previously undetected subsurface voids of unknown dimensions. In the week following the collapse, approximately 200 water wells located within a 5-km radius of the WWTF were sampled in an after-the-fact, emergency sampling program. Twelve samples with elevated fecal coliform levels, 18 samples with nitrate-nitrogen greater than the 10 mg/1 standard, and no samples with elevated chlorides were found. However, the elevated levels could not be unambiguously attributed to the WWTF collapse. This is the third WWTF to fail by sinkhole collapse in southeast Minnesota since 1974. All three collapsed lagoons have been located in similar geomorphic and stratigraphic settings. However, at least two lagoons have collapsed in the adjacent area in northeast Iowa, and these lagoons are located at different stratigraphic positions. Twenty-two WWTFs constructed in southeast Minnesota's karst region in the last 25 years have been identified as subject to potential sinkhole collapse. An unknown but significant number of manure storage lagoons, flood control structures, etc., have also been constructed in the karst region and are at risk. Public agencies are beginning to develop plans to deal with the risk associated with existing and future waste lagoons in this environment. The critical hydrogeologic parameters that can be used to prioritize the risk of collapse at existing facilities include: (1) the lithology of the first bedrock beneath each lagoon, (2) the thickness of surficial materials between the lagoon and the bedrock surface, (3) the presence and construction of liners (seepage rate), and (4) the proximity to existing sinkholes.  相似文献   
Archaeology and geomorphology are closely linked in Barrancas, Argentina, where both disciplines are necessary to understand human–environment interactions during the Holocene. The geomorphology suggests that the area was located in a distal alluvial environment of the Zonda paleo-river that drained to the east. Active tectonics during the Pliocene-Early Pleistocene caused the gradual uplift of the Lunlunta Sierras to the southwest, which led to the bifurcation of the paleo-river. For most of the Holocene, the area was seasonally flooded, suggesting a lacustrine microenvironment. A long record of human occupation beginning in the Early Holocene suggests an extended period of intimate human–environment interactions. Recently, the environment has shifted dramatically. Erosion has created a badlands and significantly impacted the archaeological record. Understanding geomorphological processes is central for archaeological research in general, and especially in Barrancas. This research is an integral part of the ongoing community archaeology program in the area, and for the planned creation of an archaeological reserve.  相似文献   
Abstract. The temporal variations of nutrients, chlorophyll a (chl a ), suspended particulate matter (SPM) and particulate organic carbon (POC) were measured over 12 months in three shallow coastal brackish water lagoons of the Amvrakikos Gulf, Ionian Sea. Two of the lagoons, Tsoukalio and Rodia, are interconnected but separated from Logarou by a narrow strip of land. Logarou has a better water exchange with the sea as indicated by the higher salinity and dissolved oxygen concentrations and the smaller variation of the above-mentioned parameters. Nitrate concentrations were largely the same in the three lagoons and higher than in the Amvrakikos Gulf. Phosphate concentrations in Logarou exceeded by far those of Tsoukalio/Rodia; the increased phosphate levels recorded in January caused an extended phytoplankton bloom with chl a concentrations higher than in the other two lagoons. Chl a in Tsoukalio was positively correlated with nitrate whereas in the most shallow lagoon, Logarou, it showed a positive correlation with light winds (force 4 and lower), probably caused by resuspension from the sediment. Increased phytoplankton biomass in Logarou coupled with the better water exchange may be related to the higher fish production in this lagoon.  相似文献   
The soft-bottom communities of eight Italian lagoons were analyzed for eight biological traits (feeding, mobility, adult life habitat, body size, life span, reproductive technique, type of larva and reproductive frequency) in order to identify the dominant traits in different transitional environments. We considered the ecological quality status (EcoQS) of the stations, assessed by two biotic indices, AMBI and Bentix. Stations were categorized into EcoQS classes to investigate the relationship between biological functions and ecological quality. The results indicate that the variability of the data was governed by traits linked to resource utilization rather than to life cycle. Lagoons affected by chronic disturbance displayed a poor functional composition, which usually corresponded to poor EcoQS in some cases, correlations between ecological groups and traits modalities were ecologically relevant; however, classes of EcoQS were found to be relatively independent from the functional structure of the considered stations.  相似文献   
Two stochastic models are developed to describe the BOD output (i.e. effluent) variation of facultative aerated lagoons in series. One of the models uses the uncertainty analysis (UA) technique and the other is based on the moment equation solution methodology of stochastic differential equations (SDE's). The former considers a second-order approximation of the expectation (SOAE) and a first-order approximation of the variance (FOAV). The SDE model considers that output variability is accounted for by random variations in the rate coefficient. Comparisons are provided. Calibration and verification of the two models are aciieved by using field observations from two different lagoon systems in series. The predictive performances of the two models are compared with each other and with another SDE model, presented in a previous paper, that considers input randomness. The three methods show similar predictive performances and provide good predictions of the mean and standard deviation of the lagoon effluent BOD concentrations and thus are considered as appropriate methodologies.  相似文献   
Radium isotopes (223Ra, 224Ra, 226Ra, and 228Ra) and water chemistry were used to identify two chemically distinct sources of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) in Celestún Lagoon, Yucatán, Mexico. Low salinity groundwater discharging from springs within the lagoon has previously been identified and extensively sampled for nutrient concentrations. However, a second type of groundwater discharging into the lagoon was detected during this study using radium isotope activity measurements. This second type of groundwater is characterized by moderate salinities (within the range of lagoon salinities) and very elevated radium activities in comparison to the low salinity groundwater, mixed lagoon water, and seawater. Further analysis showed that the two types of groundwater also have distinct chloride, strontium, and sulfate ratios, along with slightly different nutrient concentrations. Groundwater discharge occurs through large and small springs scattered throughout the lagoon, and both types of groundwater were detected discharging from one of the larger springs. The relative proportions of low salinity groundwater and brackish high radium groundwater varied over the tidal cycle. In order to better understand the relative contributions of each type of groundwater to the lagoon, a three end-member mixing model based on the distinct chemical and isotopic compositions of both types of groundwater and of seawater was used to estimate the distribution of each water type throughout the lagoon in different seasons. This study suggests that substantial groundwater discharge to the lagoon can occur during both dry and rainy seasons. The presence of two groundwater sources has implications for monitoring and protection of the Celestún Lagoon Biosphere Reserve, since the two sources may have different susceptibilities to anthropogenic contamination depending on their respective recharge area and recharge rates.  相似文献   
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