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Vanadium, improving mechanism and jointing capacity of steel products, is a kind of excellent additive during steel-making and its industry gets support from national industry policy. On account of shallow buried depth and low technique request of exploitation, there is much exploitation by local people lacking system management and technique guidance in area rich in vanadium since years ago, which damages regional environment dramatically. Accordingly, taking stone coal-vanadium as an example, the paper focuses on environment impact on water environment and eco-environment caused by exploitation in open air. Impact of exploitation on surface water mainly includes mining drainage and eluviated water of stock yard. According to civilian exploitation in the area, the rock suffers man-made disturbance, therefore, water quality indicators of mining drainage like heavy metal, permanganate, CI, SO4^2-, F are able to be analogies of ground water quantity in the region since the primary component of drainage is surrounding rock ground water. Water monitoring result of local well shows as follows: pH 6.68, SO4^2- 5.76 mg/L, F- 0.005 mg/L, Fe 0.025 mg/L, Mo 8.08 μg/L, Ni 5.91 μg/L, Co 0.61 μg/L, and all of them reach corresponding standard of water quality. Ground water turns into acid mine water by oxygenation after it discharges and with the help of sulfur the acid water contains nocuous elements which permeate in groundwater and surface water arousing pollution. The value of pH in the range of standard indicates that the acidification of mine water is relatively weak in the diggings. Eco-environment damage is another aspect that cannot be ignored, it acts as: (1) peeling work and establishment construction destroy landform; (2) stack of waste soil and rock occupies amounts of land; (3) various exploitation activities like vegetation peeling, landform change will enlarge the scope or enhance the intensity of soil erosion, which destroys eco-environment by leading water and soil loss;  相似文献   
In order to find out whether Aha Lake was polluted by the acid mining waste water or not, the concentration and distribution of different mercuryspecies in the water columns and sediment profile collected from Aha Lake were investigated. It was found that discernible seasonal variation of different mercury species in water body were obtained in the Aha Reservoir. With regards to the whole sampling periods, the concentrations of HgP in the Aha Reservoir water body were evidently correlated to the concentrations of total mercury, showing that total mercury was mostly associated with particle mercury. The concentrations of methylmercury in water body were also evidently correlated to the concentrations of dissolved mercury. The dissolved mercury evidently affects the distribution and transportation of methylmercury. However, there is no correlation between methylmercury and total mercury. The dissolved mercury, reactive mercury, dissolved methylmercury levels in the water body of high flow period were much higher than those in low flow period. The distribution, speciation and levels of mercury within the Aha Reservoir water body were governed by several factors, such as the output of river, the release of sediment . Discernible seasonal variation of total mercury and methylmercury in porewater was described during the sampling periods, with the concentrations in high flow period generally higher than those in low flow period. The methylmercury in pore water column was evidently correlated to that of the sediment. The results indicated that highly elevated MeHgD concentrations in the porewater were produced at the depths from 2 to 5 cm in the sediment profile, and decreased sharply with depth. A positive correlation has been found between MeHgD formation and sulfate reducing bacterial activity. These highly elevated concentrations of MeHgD at the intersurface between waters and sediments suggest a favorable methylation condition. Moreover,  相似文献   
一个已开采46年的老锡矿山,由于后备矿石资源不足,矿山与选厂的生产矛盾日益突出.为了缓解供需矛盾,同时也为了自己的生存与发展,在矿山生产中加强了矿石资源动态管理,客观地分析保有资源,以市场经济为导向,确定合理的经济品位,盘活存量,充分而合理地利用矿石资源,保证了矿山持续生产.  相似文献   
苦竹岽锡矿位于密坑山杂岩体北西部边缘与侏罗系上统鸡笼嶂组火山岩接触部位,明显受近东西向、南北向断裂带和接触带三者控制,为岩浆期后高中温气化热液微细脉浸染型矿床。在矿山探(采)过程中,进一步分析研究了锡矿的控矿因素和矿体的变化规律,指导矿山探(采)工程的布置,收到良好的效果,对今后矿山的探(采)工作具有较大的现实意义。  相似文献   
江苏的经济发展较快,对矿产资源的需求量亦大。多年来的无序开采,对生态环境造成很大的破坏和影响,出现了山体植被遭受破坏、土地被占用、环境受污染、诱发地面沉降、地面塌陷等一系列问题,已影响到国民经济的发展。随着省人大和省政府关于限制开山采石和保护环境等政策、法规出台和落实,近几年乱采滥挖现象基本得到了有效的遏制。人们的环保意识得到了加强,不少矿山已逐步开始对环境治理,且初见成效。文章介绍了江苏生态环境现状、存在的主要问题和治理对策,以期引起各级政府和广大民众在对矿产资源开采的同时更要注重环境保护。  相似文献   
通过龙永煤田现有煤矿状况调查分析发现:许多矿井已步入“花甲之年”,接近矿井服务年限。为了保障我省能源安全,应当采用有效勘探方法,方能使它们“返老还童”。研究发现危机矿山延长服务年限的几种勘探模式是:其一为扩大(延伸)勘探模式;其二为小型井田(块段)勘探模式;其三为资料分析研究模式。经探采对比发现,采用这三种勘探模式后,产生了巨大的经济效益,使一大批老矿井青春再度焕发。  相似文献   
华东地区铀成矿条件良好,铀资源丰富,经过近50年的铀矿勘查,探明了大量的铀资源/储量,目前全国保留的八大铀矿山中华东有三个,每年给国家提交一定量的铀资源。随着我国核电的快速发展,铀资源的需求日趋紧迫,立足铀资源国内的原则必须继续寻找南方硬岩型铀资源。作者在总结调查报告成果的基础上,从全局的高度出发,分析了华东铀资源开采、利用现状及铀资源潜力,在实地考察华东三大铀山铀资源开采、利用情况的基础上,初步分析了资源危机程度,提出了华东铀矿山接替资源勘查工作意见。  相似文献   
煤层气俗称“瓦斯”,在我国煤矿重大恶性事故中,瓦斯爆炸引起的事故约占70%~80%。同时煤层气又是宝贵的气体能源。江西省煤层气资源比较丰富,埋深1500m以浅的煤层气资源量为268亿m3,大于10亿m3的煤矿区有7个,具有良好的开发前景。开发利用煤层气既可治理瓦斯,又可利用能源,应该加大煤层气科研、勘探、开发的力度,以改善、优化能源结构和矿山生产环境。  相似文献   
第一条为了保护和改善地质环境,防治地质灾害,促进矿山企业履行矿山地质环境恢复和地质灾害治理的法定义务,根据国务院《地质灾害防治条例》和《山西省地质灾害防治条例》的规定,制定本办法。第二条在本市行政区域内从事矿产资源开采的采矿权人,应当边开采边恢复治理,并按照本办法的规定,缴纳矿山地质灾害防治保证金(以下简称保证金)。第三条市、县(区)国土资源主管部门负责保证金的收缴、使用和监督管理。矿区范围在县级行政区域内的,保证金由矿区所在地的县级国土资源主管部门负责收取;矿区范围跨县级行政区的,保证金由市国土资源主管部门…  相似文献   
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