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运用单片机技术,设计了无线遥控的家电集中控制系统,该系统由发送部分和接收部分组成,发送部分由无线发送电路、无线发送控制电路组成;接收部分由无线接收电路、继电器构成的开关控制电路和可控硅调光电路组成。实验表明,该控制系统能够完全准确实现家电的无线控制。另外,可以根据实际生活需要设计相应的电路,对家中所有家用电器实现多功能的控制,让家居生活更优质、高效、舒适、安全。  相似文献   
可调桨使用与故障处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自第一台可调桨问世以来,由于技术上还不够成熟,其应用也不广泛。后来可调桨随着机械制造、液压技术、电子技术的发展,尤其是遥控技术的应用而日趋完善,由于其灵活机动性好,在一些领域得到广泛的应用。向阳红09船作为国内最早的科学考察船之一,于1983年最先应用了从瑞典引进的卡梅瓦(KAMEWA)可调桨,型号为79KS/4,为四叶桨,直径3130mm,设计的功率为6615Kw,对应的转速为200rpm。可调桨的桨叶与桨毂中支持桨叶的承座相连接,通过桨毂中的旋转机构操纵桨叶旋转,旋转机构的动力则由液压、机械、电力等不同方式输出。可调桨在不同工况下充分利用主机的功率与转速,对于桨叶负荷的变化适用性较好,可使船-机-桨处于良好的匹配状态。  相似文献   
一、概述 (一)无人机及特点。无人机是是利用无线电遥控设备和自备的程序控制装置操纵的不载人飞机。机上无驾驶舱,但安装有自动驾驶仪、程序控制装置等设备。地面、舰艇上或母机遥控站人员通过雷达等设备,对其进行跟踪、定位、遥控、遥测和数字传输。  相似文献   
Landslides triggered by rainfall can possibly be foreseen in real time by jointly using rainfall intensity-duration thresholds and information related to land surface susceptibility. However, no system exists at either a national or a global scale to monitor or detect rainfall conditions that may trigger landslides due to the lack of sufficient ground-based observing network in many parts of the world. Recent advances in satellite remote sensing technology and increasing availability of high-resolution geospatial products around the globe have provided an unprecedented opportunity for such a study. In this paper, a framework for developing a preliminary real-time prediction system to identify where rainfall-triggered landslides will occur is proposed by combining two necessary components: surface landslide susceptibility and a real-time space-based rainfall analysis system (http://trmm.gsfc.nasa.gov). First, a global landslide susceptibility map is derived from a combination of semi-static global surface characteristics (digital elevation topography, slope, soil types, soil texture, land cover classification, etc.) using a GIS weighted linear combination approach. Second, an adjusted empirical relationship between rainfall intensity-duration and landslide occurrence is used to assess landslide hazards at areas with high susceptibility. A major outcome of this work is the availability for the first time of a global assessment of landslide hazards, which is only possible because of the utilization of global satellite remote sensing products. This preliminary system can be updated continuously using the new satellite remote sensing products. This proposed system, if pursued through wide interdisciplinary efforts as recommended herein, bears the promise to grow many local landslide hazard analyses into a global decision-making support system for landslide disaster preparedness and mitigation activities across the world.  相似文献   
浅海信道中,多途干扰是水声遥控指令可靠检测的首要障碍,本文探讨频率编码遥控指令的抗多途对策,即通过阻塞多途来削落多途干扰。  相似文献   
1 前言 载人潜水器、遥控潜水器、海洋能、遥感、水下成像和海洋仪器是世界海洋勘探、开发的工具,与海洋勘探、开发密切相关的这六个方面,最近取得迅速进展。本报告按高级海洋技术委员会给出的题目编写,每一部分扼要阐述  相似文献   
Classification is always the key point in the field of remote sensing. Fuzzy c-Means is a traditional clustering algorithm that has been widely used in fuzzy clustering. However, this algorithm usually has some weaknesses, such as the problems of falling into a local minimum, and it needs much time to accomplish the classification for a large number of data. In order to overcome these shortcomings and increase the classification accuracy, Gustafson-Kessel (GK) and Gath-Geva (GG) algorithms are proposed to improve the traditional FCM algorithm which adopts Euclidean distance norm in this paper. The experimental result shows that these two methods are able to detect clusters of varying shapes, sizes and densities which FCM cannot do. Moreover, they can improve the classification accuracy of remote sensing images.  相似文献   
一、引言建筑物变形监测是反映大坝安全状态的三大物理量之一,变形监测包括水平、垂直位移等监测。滑坡突发性强,危害巨大,是我国分布最为广泛的地质灾害类型。近几年来,我国非常重视对滑坡的安全监测及预报,并从不同角度、采用不同方法致力于该项具体研究工作。建筑物变形监测  相似文献   
深海自主/遥控式水下机器人(ARV)作为新兴的复合型水下机器人,融合了自主式水下机器人的灵活性和遥控式水下机器人的人机交互性等优势,开启了自主与遥控混合作业的新模式。深海ARV可切换为AUV自主航行模式,独立采集周边区域近海底地形地貌、地质结构以及环境参数等数据,也能下潜至目标区域后切换为ROV遥控模式进行局部观察和采样操作,其探测作业一体化技术代表了具备复杂使命执行力的第三代深海水下机器人的发展方向。通过分析国内外深海混合型水下机器人的发展现状,结合ARV在中国深海矿产资源调查中的主要应用案例和取得的成果,以6 000米级“问海一号”ARV系统的研发为例,给出其关键技术集成以及面对的技术挑战,并对未来深海ARV的应用场景、功能集成和发展方向提出了一些设想和建议。  相似文献   
邢杰炜 《水文》2012,(4):71-73
传统浮标投掷器采用手动刀割型式,效率低、可靠性较差。本文所述的无线射频遥控浮标投掷器,采用遥控浮标投掷器中的开关来控制直流减速电机运转,使浮标悬挂杆同步转动,当浮标悬挂杆由水平转动到垂直方向时,浮标在重力作用下掉落。依次操作,可以连续投放多个浮标。浮标投放设施的运行以交流电动机作为牵引动力,从而实现浮标法测流设施的高效、可靠运转。  相似文献   
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