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蒋礼学  李彦 《中国沙漠》2008,28(6):1118-1124
以古尔班通古特沙漠南缘原始荒漠的三种建群灌木多枝柽柳、梭梭和琵琶柴为研究对象,采用挖掘法调查其根系构性特征及其与土壤水分的关系,同时测定其比叶面积(SLA),比叶重(LMA),单位重量叶氮含量(Nmass)及单位面积叶氮含量(Narea)。结果表明,三种荒漠灌木的根系分属不同的功能型,多枝柽柳是深根潜水性植物,琵琶柴是浅根性植物,而梭梭介于两者之间。而且,三种荒漠灌木随着根系分布的由深到浅,即随着土壤水分亏缺的加剧,在叶性因子方面做了一定的适应性调整。这些事实表明,在水分为主要限制因子的干旱生境中,根系构型特征在很大程度上决定了灌木的叶性策略。同时研究表明,荒漠灌木在抗旱和生长之间存在相对平衡的关系。  相似文献   
为构建多鳞(Sillago sihama)遗传连锁图谱并鉴定生长等重要经济性状数量性状位点(QTL),实验通过基因分型测序(GBS)技术对163个多鳞个体(2个亲本和161个全同胞家系F1代)进行测序及标记分型,并通过复合区间定位法对该物种的体重、体高、体厚、眼径、体长和背鳍前长6个生长性状进行QTL定位分析。结果显示,多鳞首张高密度遗传连锁图谱全长2 154.803 c M,标记间平均遗传距离0.455 c M,共有4 735个SNP标记分配到24个连锁群。QTL定位分析结果发现在6个生长性状中共检测到20个生长显著相关QTL位点,分布在8个连锁群上,单个QTL的LOD值范围为3.02~4.23,可解释的表型变异范围为0.14%~8.42%。其中,在连锁群LG08聚集了8个生长性状显著相关的QTL。通过对候选QTL区间内的基因进行功能注释,共筛选到了19个潜在生长调控相关基因,包含igf1、igf2、sstr5、sst1a、tgfbr2、gas1、igfals、gfg6、gfg20、bmp7、kdm5c、tti1以及rbm10等。实验获得的遗传标记及相关候选基因是多鳞生长相关性状标记...  相似文献   
横带髭鲷(Hapalogenys mucronatus)是我国优质近海岛礁性鱼类,具有较高的经济、营养和观赏价值,有着良好的发展前景。为研究横带髭鲷野生群体的表型性状对体重的影响效果,测定了全长(X1)、体长(X2)、头长(X3)、躯干长(X4)、尾部长(X5)、眼径(X6)、体高(X7)、尾柄高(X8)、体宽(X9)、眼间距(X10)10个表型性状及体重(Y),利用相关分析、通径分析、回归分析等方法探究了表型性状对体重的影响,并建立多元回归方程,分别以列入回归方程的4个表型性状为自变量,体重为因变量进行曲线模型拟合,筛选出最优拟合模型。结果表明,体重的变异系数最大,而表型性状则相对较小。横带髭鲷各性状之间均呈现极显著正相关关系(P<0.01),全长与体长的相关系数(0.967)最大,体高与体重的相关系数(0.958)次之。通径分析发现体高对体重的直接作用最大(0...  相似文献   
红螯螯虾(Cherax quadricarinatus)又名澳洲淡水龙虾,属于名贵的淡水经济虾类,对环境条件耐受性强,出肉率明显高于其他品种。分别对4种体重规格红螯螯虾肌肉营养组成和表型性状进行系统性分析,采用国标法测定肌肉粗蛋白、粗脂肪及粗灰分含量,采用氨基酸分析仪测定肌肉氨基酸含量及组成,采用气相色谱法测定肌肉脂肪酸组成。结果表明,红螯螯虾全长和体长显著增加(20~80g组),雌虾全长和体长显著高于雄虾(60~80g组);头胸甲长和头胸甲宽以80~100g组雄虾最大,在60~80 g组中雌虾显著高于雄虾,头胸甲高在规格60 g以上不再有显著变化;腹部肌肉重以80~100 g组雄虾最大,但与60~80 g组雌虾无显著性差异,各组雌虾出肉率显著高于雄虾(P<0.05)。肌肉粗脂肪含量以80~100 g组雄虾最高,40~60 g组雄虾最低(P<0.05);肌肉灰分含量小规格20~40 g组较高,40~60 g组雌虾最低。红螯螯虾肌肉氨基酸(AA)、总氨基酸(TAA)、必需氨基酸(EAA)和呈味氨基酸(DAA)均随规格变大而逐渐降低;在氨基酸评分(AAS)模式下,各组第一限制性...  相似文献   
淡水蚌类是全球最受威胁的动物群之一.加强淡水蚌类灭绝机制的研究,对促进野生淡水蚌类生物多样性的保护和管理具有重要的意义.淡水蚌类具有独特的生活史,发育过程中的钩介幼虫必须依赖于宿主鱼才能完成变态发育.淡水蚌局部种群之间的交流是通过宿主鱼的迁移和幼虫漂流来实现的.通过对鄱阳湖12个采样地点调查,计算了39种淡水蚌的局部定居率和灭绝率,利用一般线性模型,通过比较最低赤池信息准则和许瓦兹贝叶斯准则来评估淡水蚌类的8个生物学特征对预测种群局部定居率和灭绝率的可行性.结果表明:淡水蚌类的生物学特征与局部定居率和灭绝率存在相关性,可以用来预测种群局部定居和灭绝,其中种群结构和繁殖时期这两个生物学特征是预测局部定居率的最佳组合模型,分布密度、繁殖能力、保护现状和运动能力是预测局部灭绝率的最佳结合模型.就鄱阳湖淡水蚌类而言,局部灭绝率显著超过局部定居率,表明局部种群隔离程度正在加重,面临着严重的种群灭绝危机.  相似文献   
鄱阳湖湿地土壤微生物活性对年际水文变化的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湿地自然水文节律的改变影响着湿地生态系统的稳定与安全.为探究湿地水文变化对土壤微生物活性的影响,以鄱阳湖洲滩湿地3种典型植被狗牙根(Cynodon dactylon)、南荻(Triarrhena lutarioriparia)和苔草(Carex cinerascens)下表层土壤(0~20 cm)为研究对象,对湿地土壤微生物呼吸、微生物生物量和水解酶等土壤活性特征进行连续3年的实验监测,分析年际水位变化对不同植被湿地土壤微生物活性的影响.结果表明:丰水年显著提高土壤中养分的可利用性(有机质、总磷、速效磷),提高土壤微生物生物量、微生物熵、水解酶活性,表明丰水年有利于湿地生态系统的物质循环转化.水文条件也能通过影响湿地植被生长改变土壤养分状况,进而对植被下土壤微生物活性产生显著影响.诸多土壤理化因子中,可溶性有机碳是驱动微生物活性变化最关键的因子.进一步分析表明,由植被类型所代表的长期水文累积效应对湿地土壤理化及微生物活性的调节作用大于单纯的年际水文变化.  相似文献   
Functional groups have become an important tool for characterizing communities of marine and estuarine environments. Their use also holds promise for a better understanding of the temporal dynamics of phytoplankton. This study aimed to evaluate the contributions of phytoplankton size fractions and functional groups characterizing short‐term variation throughout tidal cycles and between dry and rainy seasons in a tropical estuarine system. Camamu Bay is an oligotrophic estuarine system that is under strong influence from tropical shelf waters and is characterized by high salinity and low concentrations of dissolved nutrients. Surface‐water samples were collected at nine sampling sites distributed among the three hydrodynamic regions of the bay, and at a mooring, at 3‐hr intervals during tidal cycles (12 hr each) in both the rainy and the dry season. Although the abundances of the phytoplankton fractions (pico‐, nano‐, and micro‐) were higher in the rainy season and during periods of higher tide, they were not significantly higher. The phytoplankton community in the bay comprises three functional groups: GI = “colonial” (i.e., chain‐forming diatoms and filamentous cyanobacteria); GII = “GALD >40” (i.e., pennate and centric diatoms with MDL >40 µm), and GIII = “flagellates” (i.e., species with motility via flagella). Nanoflagellates were the most abundant form in the bay, while chain‐forming diatoms, in particular, contributed to the microphytoplankton fraction during both the rainy and dry seasons. Functional groups, as defined by cluster analysis, reflected ecological strategies compatible with the high hydrodynamics of Camamu Bay, which is characterized by processes of tidal‐forced intense mixing, mainly during periods of spring tides. The phytoplankton of the bay was found to possess a series of attributes (functional traits) that endow them with some resistance to sinking. Functional diversity indexes (FEve, FDiv, and FDis) indicated a stable community without significant short‐term variation due to low variability in the environmental conditions of the system during the study period.  相似文献   
随机选取5月龄、10月龄、15月龄的青蛤(Cyclina sinensis)混合家系各220枚作为研究对象,通过测定其壳长(SL)、壳高(SH)、壳宽(SW)和活体质量(W),并采用相关性、通径和决定系数的统计分析探讨青蛤形态性状对活体质量的影响效力。结果表明:各性状与活体质量间的相关性均达极显著水平(P0.01),其中5月龄、10月龄和15月龄相关系数最大的均为壳高;通径分析结果显示,对不同月龄的活体质量的直接影响最大的均是壳高、其次壳宽、最后壳长;5月龄和15月龄的壳高和壳宽共同决定系数最大,分别为0.269和0.262, 10月龄的壳高决定系数最大为0.338。利用逐步回归的方法分别建立5月龄、10月龄、15月龄青蛤活体质量的最优回归方程分别是:W5=–0.564+0.061SH+0.051SW,R2=0.933;W10=–2.585+0.040SL+0.149SH+0.101SW,R2=0.934;W15=–7.359+0.123SL+0.210SH+0.273SW,R2=0.957。本研究结果可为青蛤高产新品系阶段选优和良种选育提供基础数据。  相似文献   
Leaf to canopy upscaling approach affects the estimation of canopy traits   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In remote sensing applications, leaf traits are often upscaled to canopy level using sunlit leaf samples collected from the upper canopy. The implicit assumption is that the top of canopy foliage material dominates canopy reflectance and the variability in leaf traits across the canopy is very small. However, the effect of different approaches of upscaling leaf traits to canopy level on model performance and estimation accuracy remains poorly understood. This is especially important in short or sparse canopies where foliage material from the lower canopy potentially contributes to the canopy reflectance. The principal aim of this study is to examine the effect of different approaches when upscaling leaf traits to canopy level on model performance and estimation accuracy using spectral measurements (in-situ canopy hyperspectral and simulated Sentinel-2 data) in short woody vegetation. To achieve this, we measured foliar nitrogen (N), leaf mass per area (LMA), foliar chlorophyll and carbon together with leaf area index (LAI) at three vertical canopy layers (lower, middle and upper) along the plant stem in a controlled laboratory environment. We then upscaled the leaf traits to canopy level by multiplying leaf traits by LAI based on different combinations of the three canopy layers. Concurrently, in-situ canopy reflectance was measured using an ASD FieldSpec-3 Pro FR spectrometer, and the canopy traits were related to in-situ spectral measurements using partial least square regression (PLSR). The PLSR models were cross-validated based on repeated k-fold, and the normalized root mean square errors (nRMSEcv) obtained from each upscaling approach were compared using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey’s post hoc test. Results of the study showed that leaf-to-canopy upscaling approaches that consider the contribution of leaf traits from the exposed upper canopy layer together with the shaded middle canopy layer yield significantly (p < 0.05) lower error (nRMSEcv < 0.2 for canopy N, LMA and carbon) as well as high explained variance (R2 > 0.71) for both in-situ hyperspectral and simulated Sentinel-2 data. The widely-used upscaling approach that considers only leaf traits from the upper illuminated canopy layer yielded a relatively high error (nRMSEcv>0.2) and lower explained variance (R2 < 0.71) for canopy N, LMA and carbon. In contrast, canopy chlorophyll upscaled based on leaf samples collected from the upper canopy and total canopy LAI exhibited a more accurate relationship with spectral measurements compared with other upscaling approaches. Results of this study demonstrate that leaf to canopy upscaling approaches have a profound effect on canopy traits estimation for both in-situ hyperspectral measurements and simulated Sentinel-2 data in short woody vegetation. These findings have implications for field sampling protocols of leaf traits measurement as well as upscaling leaf traits to canopy level especially in short and less foliated vegetation where leaves from the lower canopy contribute to the canopy reflectance.  相似文献   
不同来源美人鱼发光杆菌美人鱼亚种菌株表型差异性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美人鱼发光杆菌美人鱼亚种(Photobacterium damselae subsp.damselae)可感染多种海水养殖动物发病,为研究不同菌株之间的表型差异性,作者对不同来源的25株美人鱼发光杆菌美人鱼亚种菌株的溶血特性、生理生化特征、药物敏感性以及5种最敏感抗生素的最小抑菌浓度进行了分析。结果表明:(1)25株菌株在TSB培养基上均为白色不透明圆形菌落,TCBS培养基上菌落显绿色,直径为1~2 mm,革兰氏染色均为阴性;(2)25株菌对3%胰胨水、无盐胰胨水、葡萄糖、肌醇、3%NaCl、ONPG以及精氨酸双水解酶等22种生化反应呈现出高度一致性,对于丙二酸盐、赖氨酸脱羧酶、尿素酶以及西蒙氏枸橼酸盐表现出明显差异;(3)所有菌株中仅有2株菌表现出β溶血,23株菌表现出α溶血;(4)25株菌对丁胺卡那、链霉素、复方新诺明、乙酰螺旋霉素以及苯唑青霉素5种抗生素均表现出耐药性;对萘啶酸、氟罗沙星、菌必治、头孢胺噻肟、盖伯斯林以及洛美沙星6种抗生素均表现敏感性;对恩诺沙星等27种抗生素的药物敏感性存在显著差异;(5)5种抗生素的MIC检测结果表明,25株菌对萘啶酸以及环丙沙星的MIC基本一致,浓度分别是2.5~10μg/mL以及低于2.5μg/mL,对多粘菌素B、氧氟沙星以及洛美沙星3种抗生素差异较大。通过本研究证实不同来源的美人鱼发光杆菌美人鱼亚种菌株表型特征存在明显差异。  相似文献   
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