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海南省麒麟菜自然保护区由文昌和琼海两个省级麒麟菜自然保护区合并而成,面积17 517 hm~2。区域内资源丰富,有麒麟菜2种,面积19.40 km~2,平均覆盖度0.54%;造礁石珊瑚75种,分布面积约92.34km~2,平均覆盖率10.21%;海草8种,面积约46.16 km~2,平均覆盖度35.15%。目前保护区存在功能区划缺失、重点保护对象缺位、保护区域重叠、管理力度不足及区域内资源退化严重等问题。提出了调整保护区结构、开放实验区参观考察和旅游功能以及健全保护区管理等相关建议,以期为海南省海洋保护区的建设与发展提供参考。  相似文献   
The influence of karst features on environmental studies in Turkey   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 The carbonate rocks of Turkey, which underlie about one third of the country, possess major water resources with great potential for electricity generation and water supplies. The ongoing development of karst features, especially in the southern part of Turkey, demonstrates specific environmental problems that occur in many karst water supply projects. Karst aquifers, springs, sinkholes, dolines, poljes and other karst features are of great importance from the standpoint of karst water resources and environmental research studies. In karst regions, conservation and protection of groundwater resources for both qualitative and quantitative evaluations is possible only when the catchment area is determined accurately. Since the catchment area in karst terrains is not limited by the surface drainage boundaries and the groundwater flows through well-developed coduits or fissures, the equations used in non-karstic areas cannot be applied to such karstic regions. Studies on the development of karst features and its environmental impacts in Turkey are of recent origin. Therefore, many unreliable methods are being applied in karstic areas. For example, the use of "shallow holes or sinkholes and fault zones" for septic water waste disposal or as sewage by those who are not familiar with karst, sometimes causes very serious problems of extensive groundwater pollution. This paper discusses the development of different karstic features in Turkey and case studies on its environmental impacts. Received: 27 December 1995 · Accepted: 10 July 1996  相似文献   
通过比较分析"十二五"时期新疆自治区土地利用计划指标、供地结构、供地面积、地均GDP以及土地税费等数据变化,总结归纳出土地开发利用现状呈现的基本特征和问题。最后,围绕供给侧结构性改革任务要求,提出"十三五"时期新疆自治区土地开发利用的相关政策建议。  相似文献   
甘肃黑河中游湿地保护利用现状及对策初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对甘肃黑河中游湿地保护利用现状进行全面分析评价的基础上,针对湿地保护利用中存在的问题,提出了保护恢复黑河中游湿地及可持续开发利用的对策。  相似文献   
江苏省湿地资源丰富,湿地种类多样,分布广泛,但面临着严重的污染和破坏,且湿地立法相对分散,没有形成完整的湿地保护法律体系。《环境保护法》的修订,特别是生态红线、按日计罚、生态补偿、公益诉讼等制度设计,为江苏省湿地保护立法提供了强有力的制度支撑。在此情形下,制定"江苏省湿地保护条例"显得十分必要。  相似文献   
Climate change and associated weather extremes and natural hazards have large impacts on the urban population of the Global South where population growth will rapidly increase the already large number of people who will be affected. Using Protection Motivation Theory (PMT), we investigate how hot temperatures, manifested as heat stress, is affecting the intentions of moving among the urban population in three Asian countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines). We conducted an online survey with 2219 respondents. Almost all respondents (98%) had experienced heat stress, albeit at different levels. When asked whether respondents would be likely to move away from their current locations because of heat, nearly a quarter (23%) reported that they were very likely to do so, and 50% that they probably would. Stronger moving intentions because of heat were associated with women and older people. Concerns about increases from damage from heat (threat appraisal) were more strongly associated with moving intentions than an understanding of the costs and benefits (coping appraisal). Among the threat appraisal, heat stress levels and risk perception were the strongest predictors of moving intentions because of heat. The results contrast with the findings of migration studies in response to sudden onset hazards and underpin the differences in adaptation behaviour in response to different climate change impacts. Moving away to cooler places as an adaptation strategy to heat may be challenging to foresee in terms of timing, capabilities, destination and potential costs because it may not happen soon. We strongly recommend further research on climate change migration of the urban population, including within urban and urban-to-urban movements. While many people move back after sudden onset disasters, heat potentially leads to permanent movements given it is likely to be better planned, and as the habitability of some places is increasingly compromised. Overall the effects of slow onset environmental hazards such as pollution and heat on migration warrant more research attention given the rapidity of urban population growth, particularly in the global south.  相似文献   
徐超  高燕  张超  支成龙  陈文韬 《地质论评》2021,67(Z1):67z1171-67z1172
正为维护国家矿产资源所有者权益,党的十八届三中全会提出"统一行使全民所有自然资源资产所有者职责"的改革方向。《矿产资源权益金制度改革方案》(国发[2017]29号)、《矿业权出让收益征收管理暂行办法》(财综[2017]35号)将以往只对国家出资探明矿产地收取、反映国家投资收益的探矿权采矿权价款,调整为适用于所有国家出让矿业权、体现国家所有者权益的矿业权出让收益。  相似文献   
刘硕  田西昭  张志强  翟星 《地下水》2010,32(3):92-93,96
研究了唐海县区域水文地质条件,分析了地下水资源量计开发利用状况,指出由于地下水超采引起地下水位下降、地面沉降、咸水入侵等生态环境问题,并针对存在问题,从优化布局、节约用水、完善监测等方面提出了应采取的各项保护措施,以确保地下水资源的可持续利用。  相似文献   
通过对山东大学齐鲁医院门诊保健综合楼工程建设对泉水是否影响的论证,认为场区内第四系碎屑岩孔隙裂隙水与奥陶系裂隙岩溶水为2个不同的含水系统。拟建工程在开挖深度内未揭穿第四系砾岩层,保留部分砾岩层作为基底持力层,并保持了下伏黏土的天然隔水性能,不会阻挡地下水径流补给通道,对泉水不会造成影响。  相似文献   
减少发展中国家毁林及森林退化的温室气体排放已成为《联合国气候变化框架公约》谈判的重要议题。从该公约的第十一次缔约方大会(COP11)以来,各缔约国就此议题提出了各自的观点,除在方法学等问题上存在争议外,在激励机制和毁林纳入清洁发展机制(CDM)与否上也存在分歧,巴西、中美洲及非洲的发展中国家希望通过基金的方式获得额外的资金和技术支持,而美国、澳大利亚和欧盟等发达国家却更倾向于CDM市场机制。结合中国森林管理方面的现状,分析了中国在此议题上可能受到的影响并提出了谈判的对策建议。  相似文献   
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