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北京延庆山区降雪云物理特征的垂直观测和数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于风廓线雷达、云雷达、粒子谱仪、微波辐射计和自动站等垂直观测设备,结合中尺度数值模式WRF对2017年3月23~24日北京延庆海坨山地区的一次降雪过程进行了观测和数值模拟研究。研究结果表明:垂直探测仪器结合中尺度数值模式可以获得降雪的宏观结构和微物理信息,有助于对降雪的深入研究。此次降雪过程由中高层西南及偏南暖湿气流与低层东南偏冷空气交汇造成动力和水汽辐合抬升形成,4~5 km高度处的风切变有利于降雪的增强。上升气流有助于水汽的输送、冰雪转化以及雪晶凝华、聚合,冰晶数浓度中心对应着上升运动顶部。然而此次降雪云系低层过冷云水含量不足,降雪回波<20 dBZ,回波顶高<7 km,雪花垂直下落速度<2 m s-1,地面降水量大值与低层强回波区对应。降雪粒子谱分布范围较窄,以直径1 mm左右的小粒子为主,相态主要为干雪,基本不存在混合相态。  相似文献   
北京地区基础地质研究史   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北京素有“中国地质工作摇篮”之称,是中国最早开展地质调查的地方,从1863年9月美国学者庞培莱调查京西地质开始,已有150多年的历史。中国学者编写了第一部基础地质专著《北京西山地质志》;民国时期“燕山运动”的提出和“北京猿人”的发现成为影响全国乃至世界的基础地质重大成果;解放后,地质工作者在北京率先实现1∶5万区域地质调查的全覆盖,出版了《北京市区域地质志》和《北京猿人遗址综合研究》;在唐山大地震后,开展北京平原基础地质的综合研究,提升北京区域地质研究程度。北京现在和将来的城市地质调查应立足于基础地质研究。  相似文献   
The Generation Challenge Programme (GCP) was an international agrarian knowledge-production programme created in 2003 by the CGIAR. GCP aims at developing drought tolerant varieties by reconciling upstream biotechnology based advanced research with the downstream development at the farmer's field. The objective of this paper is to apply the theory of Commons Based Peer Production (CBPP) to analyse the knowledge production process of GCP, especially the case of drought tolerant rice research network in Indian context (GCP-RRN). CBPP represents the theorisation of a mode of production that can be distinguished from market (private) and state (public) knowledge-production systems that was developed by observing the phenomena of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). The organisational attributes of the CBPP mode applied in computer software production include the modulation of work, small-size granularity of components, and mechanisms that integrate these modules into an end product. Socio-economically, this form of production is based on cooperation, collaboration and collective action rather than property, contract and managerial hierarchies. This paper argues that GCP-RRN knowledge production is basically a hybridised one in which there are certain inclinations towards CBPP within certain larger context, and there are other attributes too that do not fall within CBPP theorisation. Further, this paper elaborates on the implications of this hybridised model for agrarian knowledge production discourse and institutions.  相似文献   
海洋调查船是专门进行海洋调查研究的工具,研究内容囊括了海洋气象、水声、物理、化学、生物、地质和水文等诸多学科,是我国海洋强国战略以及"一带一路"顺利实施的重要保障。海洋调查船按照使用的目的分为综合调查船、渔业调查船和极地调查船等。文章在各类调查船中分别选取了国内外具有代表性的船舶进行对比分析,总结了国内各类型调查船的优势和不足,对我国各类调查船的发展方向具有较好的借鉴意义。同时,文章根据对国内外调查船调查能力的对比,提出了我国调查船发展的建议:(1)完善调查船类型;(2)提高各类型船舶调查能力;(3)增加相应类型船舶数量,达到我国海洋调查需求;(4)推动海洋调查仪器设备的国产化进程;(5)加强国家海洋调查船队运行管理职能。  相似文献   
Over the years, the breadth and depth of EU marine policy has increased with revisions of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) and new legislation like the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP) and the Framework for Marine Spatial Planning Directive in Europe (FMSP). Not only do these different policies have different remits and hence scope, they also present a multitude of modes of implementation. Although the CFP and MSFD have many common goals when it comes to conservation and sustainable use of living marine resources, they differ substantially in governance set up and implementation modalities, including the underlying scientific advisory processes and structures. Regional cooperation and coordination is foreseen, but there is no governance model in place to coordinate requests for scientific advice, nor institutions coordinating the activities of advice providers, either across policies or across regions. This results in an increase in uncoordinated requests for scientific advice yet the pool of experts fuelling the advisory system is limited. As a result the European marine scientific advisory system is increasingly under pressure. In this paper the consequences of this problem are analysed and a redesign of the institutional governance setting to accommodate these challenges and make the science and advice system ready for the future is explored.  相似文献   
全球气候增暖对甘肃农作物生长影响的研究进展   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
系统总结了甘肃省科技攻关重大项目“甘肃干旱生态环境对全球气候变暖的响应研究”等3个课题的主要成果和研究进展。在揭示甘肃省现代气候变化基本特征是冬暖夏干的基础上,比较系统地综述了越冬作物(冬小麦、冬油菜)、喜凉作物(春小麦、马铃薯、胡麻)和喜温作物(玉米、棉花、酿酒葡萄)等8种主要农作物的生长发育、适生种植区高度和种植面积、产量和品质等对现代气候变化的响应特征。现代气候变化对甘肃农作物生长的影响非常突出,已对农作物安全生产与农业可持续发展构成了严重威胁。其研究结果为建立现代农业发展模式,旱作农业生产机制,农作物安全生产提供科学的指导意见。  相似文献   
Over the last decade, hundreds of climate change adaptation projects have been funded and implemented. Despite the importance of these first-generation adaptation projects for establishing funders and implementors’ “best practices,” very little is known about how early adaptation projects have endured, to what ends, and for whom. In this article, I propose a community-based methodology for ex-post assessment of climate change adaptation projects. This methodology contributes to recognitional justice by asking the individuals and collectives tasked with sustaining adaptation initiatives to define adaptation success and what criteria for success should be assessed. I apply this subjective assessment approach in 10 communities across Ecuador that participated in an internationally funded adaptation project that concluded in 2015. My analysis draws together participatory mapping, walking interviews with local leaders, participant observation, and surveys with former project participants. The results highlight that even adaptation projects that were deemed highly successful at their closure have uncertain futures. I find that the sustainability mechanisms that were envisioned by project implementors have not functioned, and communities are shouldering the burden of reviving failing adaptation interventions. These findings highlight that the current model of episodic funding for climate change adaptation projects and evaluation processes needs to be revisited to acknowledge the long-term challenges faced by communities. This analysis also calls attention to the importance of ex-post assessment for adaptation projects and the potential of subjective assessment approaches for building more ontological and epistemological pluralism in understandings of successful climate change adaptation.  相似文献   
为加快推进青岛旅游气象服务高质量发展,更好地满足青岛安全旅游、基本建成国际旅游目的地以及旅游产业健康发展等需要,本文在深入青岛旅游业各主要环节调研的基础上,分析了青岛旅游气象服务的现状、需求特点和面临的形势,探讨了“十四五”期间高质量发展的对策。结果表明:青岛独具特色的山地、滨海、城区旅游不仅对气象服务需求量大、特色鲜明、依赖程度高,而且精细化、针对性、数字化服务要求高。“十四五”期间,需重点从完善旅游气象专业观测网、开展旅游气象风险预警服务、完善预警与应急响应联动机制、开展气象荐游和个性化旅游气象服务、加强旅游气象数字化服务能力建设等方面系统着力。  相似文献   
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