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基于GPS与三轴磁强计的联合导航算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了修正近地轨道(小于1000 km)地磁场模型,提高导航的精度,在地磁导航系统中引入GPS作为一个新的测量设备,提出了一种基于三轴磁强计与GPS的联合导航算法.该算法取卫星的位置和速度向量作为状态向量,建立状态方程;取卫星周围的磁场强度和GPS接收的信号作为观测量,建立观测方程;并以GPS确定的轨道状态量为标准量,去估计磁场模型参数的修正量,构成冷备冗余导航算法.仿真结果表明,提出的导航算法对轨道位置的估计误差小于50 m,速度的估计误差小于0.1 m/s,导航算法的精度和收敛性都优于使用单一地磁导航的系统.  相似文献   
利用局地增长模培育法对两次典型飑线过程进行了对流尺度集合预报试验,通过与传统增长模培育法对比,检验了局地增长模培育法的实际预报效果。通过概率匹配平均处理后,将降水预报结果与实况资料进行对比分析,并用分数技巧评分来代替传统公平技巧评分实现对降水结果的合理检验,得出结论:1)在飑线降水预报上,局地增长模培育法优于增长模培育法。2)分数技巧评分比公平技巧评分更好地反映对流尺度集合预报能力,特别是在大暴雨量级降水评估上。3)降水评分结果显示,集合平均对于小雨、中雨和大雨级别降水的预报技巧高于概率匹配平均,概率匹配平均对于暴雨和大暴雨级别降水更有优势。  相似文献   
以刺参为代表的高价值棘皮动物在我国的养殖规模不断扩大,市场价值越来越高,但有关棘皮动物育种数据管理与分析的系统并未开发。本平台是以ASReml软件为遗传评估核心,使用Mysql数据库和java、R语言,利用maven、myeclipse2017工具开发的一套基于B/S框架,在Linux环境下运行的育种数据管理与分析系统。平台包含6大功能模块:系统管理、种质信息、表型数据库、表型数据分析、基因组数据库和基因组数据分析等。能实现棘皮动物表型数据、系谱数据和基因组数据的管理、育种值分析、遗传力估算、近交和亲缘系数计算、遗传进展计算和选种配种方案制定。运用该平台对刺参育种模拟数据进行管理、分析与应用,利用模拟表型数据和基因组数据对刺参的棘刺、体重进行了遗传力分析和育种值计算,并提出选种配种方案。该平台的推广和应用将提升棘皮动物育种效率,对我国棘皮动物育种工作的发展具有重要的促进作用。  相似文献   
采用静水压力抑制受精卵第一次卵裂的方法,进行了诱导牙鲆四倍体的研究。结果表明,将受精卵保持在(15.5±0.5)℃,从受精后70min开始用55MPa的压力处理6min后,正常仔鱼孵化率最高达到15.6%,此时的四倍体诱导率也最高达到63.3%。利用获得的最佳诱导条件处理获得了数千尾体长8—15cm的幼鱼,流式细胞仪检测和红血球长径测量结果显示,处理组幼鱼中四倍体约占13.3%,说明四倍体培育成功。该成果为开展牙鲆多倍体育种奠定了基础。  相似文献   
采用巢式设计方法和人工受精技术, 对红鳍东方鲀(Takifugu rubripes)选育家系的构建与标准化培育技术进行研究。按照1雄配2雌的原则, 选取养殖、野生和日本3个群体的红鳍东方鲀进行定向交配, 并对红鳍东方鲀早期阶段苗种进行了环境标准化和一、二、三、四级数量标准化培育。结果表明, 红鳍东方鲀亲鱼产卵量大, 对构建父系半同胞家系十分有利; 从4次数量标准化看, 每次各家系内鱼苗数量都较为集中, 各阶段各家系的成活率也较高, 但存在部分家系间数量差异显著; 经过4次数量标准化, 成功构建22个父系半同胞家系, 48个母系全同胞家系。对早期阶段家系构建和培育存在的问题, 进行了探讨并提出拟解决方法, 为大规模建立红鳍东方鲀家系提供参照。  相似文献   
蛤仔(Ruditapes philippinarum)养成期壳长遗传力与育种值估计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用巢式设计构建了菲律宾蛤仔的8个父系半同胞家系和24个全同胞家系。在90、300、330和450日龄,每个家系随机取30个个体测量壳长,并对数据进行遗传分析。将全同胞效应、母本效应和移入土池时壳长协变量组合成8个不同模型,应用REML法估计遗传力,BLUP法估计育种值。结果表明,移入土池时各家系平均壳长协变量是重要影响因子,全同胞效应和母本效应影响较小。在90、300和330日龄的最优模型为考虑加性遗传效应和移入土池时各家系平均壳长协变量的模型AB,450日龄的最优模型为仅考虑加性遗传效应的模型A。应用最优模型估计的90、300、330和450日龄壳长遗传力分别为0.571、0.966、0.622和0.865。应用最优模型估计育种值,对表型值选择法和育种值选择法比较的结果表明,对家系进行选择时,在300日龄用育种值选择法比表型值选择法平均壳长高3.56%,在90和330日龄时比表型值选择法分别低1.53%和3.71%。对个体进行选择时,按照10%和1%留种,在90、300和330日龄表型选择法比育种值选择法高16.86%、2.54%,16.27%和24.51%、2.03%,23.23%。除在300日龄对家系进行选择时育种值选择法优于表型值选择法外,表型值选择法均优于育种值选择法。  相似文献   
White-breasted cormorants Phalacrocorax [carbo] lucidus breed around South Africa's coast and at inland localities. Along the coasts of the Northern, Western and Eastern Cape provinces, numbers breeding were similar during the periods 1977–1981 (1 116 pairs at 41 localities) and 2008–2012 (1 280 pairs at 41 localities). Along the coast of KwaZulu-Natal (not counted in 1977–1981), 197 pairs bred at nine localities in 2008–2012, when the overall number breeding around South Africa's coastline was about 1 477 pairs. Between the two study periods, numbers decreased in the Northern and Western Cape provinces following the loss of several breeding localities, but they increased in the Eastern Cape. In the Western Cape, however, numbers were stable east of Cape Agulhas and at nine well-monitored West Coast localities that were surveyed from 1978 to 2012. White-breasted cormorants breed throughout the year, with breeding at some localities more seasonal than at others and the timing of peaks in breeding varying at and between localities. In the vicinity of Saldanha Bay/Langebaan Lagoon (Western Cape), in Algoa Bay (Eastern Cape) and in northern KwaZulu-Natal, it is likely that birds moved between breeding localities in different years, although breeding often occurred at the same locality over several years. Human disturbance, presence of predators, competition for breeding space and occurrence of breeding by other waterbirds may influence movements between colonies. Securing sufficient good habitat at which white-breasted cormorants may breed will be important for conservation of the species. The species may breed at an age of 4 years, possibly younger. The bulk of their diet around South Africa's coast consists of inshore marine and estuarine fish species that are not intensively exploited by humans.  相似文献   
During 2008–2012, the number of crowned cormorants Phalacrocorax coronatus breeding in South Africa was c. 1 900 pairs, compared to 1 700 pairs for 1977–1981. Numbers at 10 islands in the Western Cape province fluctuated around a level of 1 100 pairs from 1991/1992 to 2011/2012, 300 more than from 1978/1979 to 1990/1991. These increases are attributable to the discovery of more colonies and an increased frequency of counting at the 10 islands after 1990/1991. The overall number of crowned cormorants breeding in South Africa is thought stable in the long term. Crowned cormorants feed mainly on small, inshore fish species that are not harvested by humans. Clinidae dominated the diet at 10 colonies adjoining the open sea, whereas Gobiidae contributed most food of birds at three colonies in a lagoon. The stability of the crowned cormorant population contrasts with decreases of some other seabirds endemic to southern Africa that feed primarily on prey that is exploited by fisheries. The crowned cormorant population decreased in the Northern Cape and small numbers initiated breeding at colonies to the east of Cape Agulhas at the turn of the century, but most of the population continues to breed to the west of Cape Agulhas. In some instances the availability of suitable breeding habitat may limit numbers breeding.  相似文献   
砗蚝(Hippopus hippopus)的人工繁育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2016年4—9月开展了砗蚝(Hippopus hippopus)人工繁育技术研究。采用五羟色胺进行催产、促使配子排放;精卵分别收集,进行异体间受精以避免自交;受精卵经过30h孵化,选出600万D形幼虫进行培育。砗蚝的早期生活史与砗磲(Tridacna spp.)相似,经历前期面盘幼虫、中期面盘幼虫、后期面盘幼虫、足面盘幼虫、单水管稚贝、双水管稚贝、外套膜触手稚贝、幼贝等阶段。与砗磲不同的是,砗蚝怀卵量较少,但卵径较大,D型幼虫也较大,幼虫趋光性更强,壳长2.0mm以后外套膜不伸出壳缘外,幼贝贝壳形态也不同于砗磲。同砗磲幼虫一样,砗蚝幼虫需要构建虫黄藻系统之后,才能出现鳃、次生壳等,从而完成变态成为稚贝。砗蚝幼虫变态率较低,仅为1.4%。中间育成期间,丝状藻和锥形螺是稚贝培育的主要敌害,需及时清理才能确保稚幼贝正常生长发育。经过120d的精心饲育,培养出平均壳长6.3mm幼贝500余个。本研究为进一步开展砗蚝人工繁育、中间育成、增殖放流、资源修复及移植保育提供了参考。  相似文献   
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