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Although many have questioned the adequacy of quantitative methods for addressing issues of concern in critical geographies, such as social justice and inequality, many have argued that quantification can potentially make rich contributions to understanding and addressing these issues. In light of the recent attempts to reassert the critical potential and positive role of quantitative geography, we suggest in this introductory article for the Focus Section that the antagonism between critical and quantitative geographies is not beneficial to the discipline. We highlight some promising developments in modern quantitative geography and reflect on the ways in which the critical–quantitative binary can be at least partially eclipsed. We emphasize that knowledge in quantitative methods is essential for deciphering and challenging regressive political agendas, now often supported by numbers and quantitative analysis. Quantitative geography, when integrated with a critical sensibility and used appropriately, can be a powerful tool for fostering progressive social and political change.  相似文献   
曾国军  刘梅  刘博  蔡晓梅 《地理研究》2013,32(12):2366-2376
全球化是去地方化,抑或在全新体系中定义新的地方性、凸显地方性,学术界对此一直存在争论。伴随全球化进程,地方性饮食追逐人口流动跨地方扩展,这些跨地方饮食在保持文化原真性和适应本地顾客需求方面挣扎。如何保持原真性,保持何种原真性成为跨地方饮食文化生产的焦点。本文通过对地方性与跨地方、原真性与符号化的相关研究进行梳理,基于饮食文化原真性的理论分析,揭示了“原真性的符号化”这一跨地方饮食文化生产的重要过程。与此同时,还阐述了在跨地方饮食文化生产过程中,原真性符号化的必然性及其循环过程,旨在为跨地方饮食文化生产提供理论依据和实践指引,同时也有利于理解地方性文化的跨地方传播、创新与发展。  相似文献   
西方超越人类的地理学研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
卢薇  尹铎  朱竑 《地理学报》2019,74(10):2178-2191
随着现代科技发展与社会环境变化,人类与非人类的边界日益模糊,这使得以往研究中未能引起足够重视的非人类生命与物质逐渐引起学者们的关注。21世纪以来,在西方地理学界兴起的“回归唯物主义”思潮中,超越人类的地理学(MTHG)应运而生,并成为探索人类与非人类共同构成的世界的重要途径之一。通过对298篇相关期刊论文及著作的分析发现,超越人类的地理学主张“关系本体论”,其产生受到行动者网络理论、生物哲学与非表征理论的深刻影响,现有研究议题聚焦于新动物地理学与自然保护、城市社会文化与生态政治、物质性与商品经济、身体与生命健康、气候变化与环境问题等方面。本文通过梳理超越人类的地理学的理论源起并剖析各议题的经典研究案例,以期为中国地理学研究提供新的视域。  相似文献   
女性主义地理学观及其思想史意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文从本体论、认识论和方法论3个层面讨论了女性主义地理学观的建构,并说明了女性主义地理学对更新地理学观的意义,以及对当代主流人文地理学思潮的潜在影响。在本体论层面上,女性主义地理学一直直面西方传统社会文化思想中的等级制性别化二元论,建构了主张女性和男性在建构社会及社会空间中具有交互性关系的本体论。在认识论和方法论层面上,女性主义地理学证明了女性及其空间在西方社会中处于弱势的认识论和方法论根源,动摇了实证主义地理学认识论和方法论中永恒性、普遍性、客观性的预设,阐释了地理学认知过程中情感等主观因素的可靠性,并建构了“去中心化”的认识论和方法论框架。无论在本体论还是在认识论和方法论层面上,当前的女性主义地理学主流思潮都有一定的中和性色彩,这一倾向使女性主义地理学在地理学观演进,以及以人文地理学思想为代表的地理学思想演进中,都具有重要的位置。西方女性主义地理学的兴盛,与其直面西方的社会文化思想根源问题不无关联。在中国女性主义地理学开始发展的当下,注重分析中国女性及其空间问题产生的社会文化思想根源,将有助于中国女性主义地理学的发展,并提升其潜在的价值。  相似文献   
大数据时代,社交媒体的大量应用为研究游客情感体验以及探索其时空变化提供了新的数据源。采集3 a间西安市国内游客微博签到数据,运用热点格网图法、Getis-Ord Gi*方法和X-means聚类方法,从积极情感和消极情感2个维度研究西安市国内游客情感体验时空变化和演化规律。结果表明:(1) 城市中心、城市主轴线、主要商圈以及景区景点附近游客情感相对较高且稳定,高情感体验区域主要分布在曲江新区和西安古城旅游区。(2) 消极情感体验在西安的交通枢纽和城市边缘的空间占比高,交通枢纽主要以车站、城市进出口为主。(3) 整体上来看,3 a间西安市游客情感较为平稳,积极情感呈现“中心—边缘”的空间格局,消极情感和积极情感的呈现具有相似性,主要以3种类型为主:稳定型、相对稳定型和剧烈波动型。在3种类型中,稳定型的主要聚集地在城市中心、商圈附近、交通干线周边以及景区景点附近,相对稳定型占据西安市大面积区域,剧烈波动型处于距离城市中心较远的边缘。  相似文献   
欧阳漪  黄剑  陈晓亮 《地理科学进展》2020,39(12):2118-2128
论文梳理了地理学视角下的移民研究以及在全球化和新型城镇化背景下中国流动人口的研究,探讨在“文化转向”范式下移民地理学的研究进展和趋势。指出:① 地理学对移民的研究包括宏观上的迁移模式和动力机制的研究,中观尺度上移民的社会文化互动与地方协商问题,以及微观尺度上移民的日常生活、认同与情感;其中,“移民—地方”的核心人地关系,特别是移民的空间实践与地方协商成为了移民地理学关注的重点。② 受“文化转向”的影响,移民地理学研究正从宏观尺度的规律总结和普适性理论转移到研究移民日常生活、情感和认同背后的权力和社会关系,以揭示移民多样化的诉求。③ 移民地理学对中国移民的研究主要集中于城乡二元制度框架下对乡—城流动人口的关注,需要拓展全球化背景下多样化的移民群体的考察。研究试图拓展中国移民地理学的研究议题,思考基于发展中国家话语下的移民研究新知。  相似文献   
Anticipating the future is a key practice for the management of potential emergencies. Anticipatory action needs the future to become ready-to-hand. Focusing on the logics and practices of anticipatory action the paper discusses the relations between time and space in the context of risk and uncertainty. Spatializations of simulation technologies, preemptive emergency management and anticipatory action aim to disclose and extrapolate the future. In general, infrastructures are technologies which aim to materialize expectations concerning the future. In the case of emergency management infrastructural measures enable and/or constrain practices by inheriting specific logics.The concept of riskscapes (Müller-Mahn and Everts, 2013) poses to be a promising framework to grasp these issues. In our perspective, extrapolated riskscapes treat the future as an already interpreted and symbolically structured world. This involves not only looking at the temporality of riskscapes, but also dealing with geographies of inscribed futurity. Two case studies focusing on emergency management practices of firefighters will be deployed for illustration: the first observes the logics of preemptive emergency management and anticipatory action inscribed into materialities of infrastructures in the context of rail-bound hazmat transports; the second shows how computer simulations for crowded geographies facilitate decision-making and action for policing and crowd management.Instead of treating future in riskscapes as neutral, we highlight the politically situated practices that co-evolve with these technologies and their spatializations. The article discusses the dimension of time within riskscapes to gain a better understanding of the temporalization of space as in simulations and the spatialization of time as in infrastructures of emergency management.  相似文献   
This article draws attention to the visceral geographies of two unique Aotearoa New Zealand regional food festivals – Kāwhia KaiFest and Wildfoods Hokitika. We address the question: how do organisers and attendees sensually experience place through food festivals? Interviews, participant ‘sensing’, the researchers’ own bodies and ‘gut feelings’ were used as research instruments. The affective work of visceral pleasure and disgust highlight food that is deemed (in)edible. We argue that the visceral is crucial to understanding place for wild Hokitika or calm Kāwhia. The two food festivals provide insights and paradoxes into the embodied experiences of regional and culturally diverse tourism geographies.  相似文献   
This article explores the pedagogical implications of students' embodied and emotional reactions to difficult course material inside and outside of the classroom. Scholarship on teaching typically focuses on dimensions of students' cognitive engagement and development, yet geographical coursework often involves emotionally fraught topics: environmental cataclysm, poverty, inequality, oppression, (ill) health, etc. Instructors who anticipate their students' emotional experiences will be able to better engage with and use these experiences toward learning goals. Some topics may be most effectively taught through emotionally activated learning activities, prompting reflection on the role of visceral learning experiences in higher education.  相似文献   
流动视角下跨国教育空间的构建:国际学校案例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林丽斌  朱竑  张博 《地理科学》2021,41(7):1107-1115
流动视角下对多元教育空间的理解需要反思教育与不同地理空间和过程间的相互塑造,以及教育流动过程的关系化本质。以广州某典型国际学校为例,通过参与式观察和半结构化访谈等质性研究方法,分析了跨国教育空间构建过程中全球与本土、流动与驻留(stillness)间的张力。研究表明:知识、人、空间等要素以相互依托和嵌套的方式进行跨国流动,将国际学校打造为全方位、多层次的跨国“教育飞地”;同时,流动的过程并不意味着是对驻留的否定,两者同时塑造着学校空间。一定程度本土要素的加入并没有动摇学校作为国际教育机构的根基。总体来看,教育资源的整体性跨境流动在物理空间、社会服务和阶层意义上形成了与本土间的隔离。构建于本土的跨国教育未能实现真正的跨文化互动和联系,反而进一步强化了文化的差异和边界的形成。研究对教育地理学的丰富和国际化背景下城市特殊空间的研究具有积极推动意义。  相似文献   
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