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生计多样化背景下种植业非点源污染负荷演变   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
钟建兵  邵景安  杨玉竹 《地理学报》2016,71(7):1201-1214
依托三峡库区典型村农户访谈数据,基于收益最大目标决策框架,设定农村转型发展中3种农户生计类型情景:农业主导生计、兼业转向生计和非农主导生计,解析种植业产污负荷随主导生计非农转向的演变特征,探讨主导生计类型转向的动力机制。结果表明:① 样区耕地经营现状呈自耕、流转与撂荒并存的多元化发展格局,且表现出“入”小于“出”的特征,不同农户家庭类型间实际人均耕种规模为“半劳动力家庭”>“无劳动力家庭”>“劳动力家庭”;② 种植业单位面积产污负荷中,“半劳动力家庭”最高,“劳动力家庭”次之,“无劳动力家庭”最低,“劳动力家庭”内部又随劳动力人数增加呈先增再减趋势;③ 样区农户生计类型由农业主导向非农主导转型过程中,种植业产污负荷最大减幅达72.01%,兼业转向生计情景下削减幅度为19.61%~29.85%,非农主导生计情景下减幅为35.20%~72.01%,但TN、TP的减量特征并不一致;④ 劳动力配置与生计来源“非农化”促使农户主导生计类型向非农转化,生计非农演变的潜在农户收入/福祉权衡亦驱使生计决策转向非农化,不同农户家庭类型对生计转向的敏感程度表现为“劳动力家庭”>“半劳动力家庭”>“无劳动力家庭”;⑤ 在新型城镇化快速推进和创新新型工业体系构建过程中,山区农户生计类型进一步向非农转变,而这一过程又将促使种植业产生的污染负荷量进一步减少,要大幅削减种植业产污负荷,就必须制定有助于山区农户生计非农化的调控对策。  相似文献   
This case study on the Borkena wetlands in north‐eastern Ethiopia tells, through the voices of the inhabitants, the story of the occupation and management of an area where agro‐pastoralists (Urrane) and farmers have progressively settled. It shows how different policy changes and natural disasters have transformed the type of peoples' livelihoods and land use patterns in the wetland. It tells the history of relationships between smallholder peasants, irrigation farmers, commercial farms, and the Urrane, where conflicts as well as collaboration developed, and it shows how different stakeholders behave and consider their own situation. The study also reveals that development intervention by World Vision Ethiopia (WVE) had mixed impact on peoples' livelihoods in the wetland: sedentary peasants have benefited while the Urrane have been adversely affected. The main issue is the marginalization of pastoralists, with the denial of their traditional land use rights by three successive regimes and administrations. Any solution to the cohabitation of the different groups and livelihoods will have to address the issue of land rights for the pastoralists and promote the fair participation of all stakeholders in the future management of the wetlands. Good governance and the competence of the state actors at local levels are the crucial issues for the realization of the suggested solutions.  相似文献   
Food insecurity and increasing impoverishment of the masses in developing countries constitute a challenge for social scientists, whose theories have tried to catch up with the enormous challenges of diversity, dynamism and the impacts of the forces of­‘glocalisation’. This article reviews the efforts in the social sciences towards understanding food insecurity and suggests a framework incorporating dynamism and diversity in rural communities in the research process. Structural changes affecting peasant economies and peasant responses make existing general theories inappropriate without a contextual treatment. Insights from existing theories are used to construct a livelihood vulnerability framework for researching and understanding food insecurity in rural areas.  相似文献   
This article explores the impacts of market shocks and institutional change on smallholder livelihoods, and the challenge of adaptation in Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras. The rapid decline in coffee prices since the dissolution of the International Coffee Agreement in 1989 has had widespread and profound impacts across coffee-producing regions. The data collected in the three case studies of this project confirm the severity of the impact, particularly in the Mexican and Guatemalan communities. They also illustrate the importance of the historical relationship between farmers and public institutions in defining farmers' perception of risk, their awareness of the nature of the changes they face, and thus the flexibility of their responses to present and future uncertainty. The project's findings indicate that the existence and development of local networks among farmers, service providers and information sources may be critical for facilitating adaptation, particularly in the context of economic liberalization and globalized agriculture.  相似文献   
Based on the basic selection criteria of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) and food and livelihood security research trends, this paper established an evaluation framework and indicator system for food and livelihood security in GIAHS and selected the first GIAHS site in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau as a case for empirical evaluation. The results demonstrate that the food and livelihood security of farmers at this site was at a medium level, with an average evaluation value of 2.91, which still lagged behind the level of better food and livelihood security. Specifically, the average values of farmers’ evaluation of food security and livelihood security were 1.43 and 1.48, respectively, which show that farmers’ food security in the study area was at a medium level and that of livelihood security was relatively good. Simultaneously, the more simple a farmers’ economic activities (i.e., agriculture-oriented economic activities or non-agriculture-oriented economic activities), the worse their food and livelihood security; while the more diversified the economic activities (i.e., engaged in part-time economic activities), the better the food and livelihood security.  相似文献   
Conservation-compatible development of rural communities is an important part of nature conservation objectives. Understanding the role of agriculture, which is often practiced in or bordering the protected areas in rural China, is critical for managing conservation networks considering that limited spatial areas are available for enclosed protected areas. Important Agricultural Heritage Systems stand out for their multi-functionality, and some of their values are compatible with nature conservation. This paper examined the concept, management objectives and resource management characteristics of the Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (IAHS) by analysing their interactions with national parks in terms of community development. The results reveal that management strategies of dynamic conservation, integrated protection and adaptive management of the IAHS can contribute to those national park management objectives concerning conservation-compatible livelihood. However, the typology of the protected area system, including the traditional agricultural system as a new type, needs further consideration.  相似文献   
农户生计对气候变化的恢复力研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
熊思鸿  阎建忠  吴雅 《地理研究》2020,39(8):1934-1946
随着气候变化对自然生态环境和社会经济可持续发展影响的不断加剧,恢复力逐渐成为应对气候变化的一种新理念。首先梳理了不同领域恢复力概念,进而阐述了农户生计对气候变化的恢复力的科学内涵及研究框架。然后重点分析了农户生计对气候变化的恢复力在资本、政府机构、自组织能力和学习能力四方面的具体表现。最后从定性和定量两方面归纳了生计恢复力的度量方法。定性评价方法主要包括农户问卷调查、关键线人访谈、重点小组讨论、生计轨迹方法和案例分析等,定量评价方法包括指标替代法、结构动力学分析法、贝叶斯网络模型法、基准线对比法等。未来研究应注重完善农户生计对气候变化的恢复力评价方法、加强农户生计对气候变化的恢复力动态研究并且开展区域间农户生计对气候变化的恢复力对比研究。  相似文献   
人力资本是构建农户生计的关键要素,从人力资本视角探讨农户生计选择对于推动农户生计转型、实现乡村振兴具有重要意义。论文以西南贫困山区四川省凉山彝族自治州为案例区,采用2018年508个农户样本数据,应用回归模型,估算了人力资本对农户生计策略的影响。结果表明:人力资本是山区农户生计选择的重要影响因素,不同类型人力资本对农户生计策略的影响不同,且具有明显的空间差异。教育文化、健康状况对非农生计策略的选择具有正向影响,且高山区>二半山区>河谷区,健康状况对河谷区农户生计选择影响不显著;非农技能培训对非农生计策略选择具有显著的正向影响,且高山区>二半山区>河谷区;农业技能培训对非农生计策略选择具有负向影响,且高山区<二半山区<河谷区,但其对高山区农户生计选择并不显著;青壮年劳动力倾向于选择非农生计,务农人口老龄化问题严峻,高山区表现最为突出,二半山区次之,河谷区较不明显。最后,根据研究结论,探讨了人力资本、劳动力转移与乡村发展之间辩证关系及相关政策建议。  相似文献   
基于3个典型乡镇355户农户的调查数据考察武陵山片区农户的城镇化生计响应发现:① 农户生计响应是“城乡连续体”的“人业地”关系重构中乡村聚落的决策单元对城镇聚落吸附与扩散效应的综合反应,受宏观环境、外部条件和家庭因素的影响;② 区域性中心城市郊区、革命老区红色旅游景区和县城近郊特色农业种植区周边农户的生计综合响应、生计空间响应和生计产出响应依次递减,但生计资本和生计方式响应及各维度的响应强度排序不一致;③ 城乡二元体制的演变与新型城镇化战略、乡村振兴战略动态地规制与诱导农户,使其生计响应与国家阶段性战略目标相适应。地形平缓、距离县城较近、经济发展水平较高以及区域性中心城市郊区休闲驱动型城镇化对应于更广维度和更高强度的农户生计响应。收入来源以经商、务工为主,家庭成员中有小孩或老人,有较高教育程度家庭成员以及社会资本较高的农户,其生计响应的维度更广且强度更高。  相似文献   
生计风险及其对重点生态功能区农户生活满意度的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
基于甘南黄河水源补给区入户调查数据,在分析农户生计风险及生活满意度特征的基础上,探明生计风险对农户生活满意度的影响。结果发现:① 甘南黄河水源补给区农户面临的主要生计风险为自然灾害、家人患病和子女学费开支,其对农户的冲击最为严重且持续时间较长;② 农户大多遭受多重风险的冲击,其生计风险多样化指数为4.12,面临家人患病与自然灾害、家人患病与子女学费开支、家人患病与建房开支等风险组合冲击的家庭较多;③ 农户的生活满意度处于中等水平,且经济示范区高于重点保护区和恢复治理区;④ 农户生活满意度除受子女学费开支、草场/耕地质量下降、人畜饮水困难、家人去世开支、生态政策等风险的严重程度和持续时间、家人患病风险的持续时间以及金融资本、自然资本、社会资本、心理资本、生计方式多样化程度的影响外,受家人患病与子女学费开支、自然灾害与子女就业困难及生计风险的综合严重性程度与综合持续性程度交互作用的影响更加显著。最后,提出防范生计风险、提高生活满意度的政策建议。  相似文献   
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