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极地海冰浮标的现状与应用综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
海冰是气候系统的一个重要组成要素,原位观测是获取海冰特征参数以及开展海冰变化研究的重要手段.本文主要对以海冰为目标和平台的极地浮标的发展与应用进行综合阐述,简述了国际北极浮标计划和国际南极浮标计划的发展情况,以七种常用的浮标对极区海冰、大气和上层海洋等物理参数的监测为例归纳总结了海冰浮标的系统特性和技术特点,最后结合近年海冰浮标的应用情况,从技术发展和研究目标等方面讨论了极地海冰浮标未来发展的方向与趋势.  相似文献   
Intelligent robot technology has great potential for application in polar scientific expedition. During the 24th Chinese Antarctic Expedition in the summer of 2007/08, our ice-snow surface mobile and the low-flying robots were successfully employed for the first time in the Antarctic. This paper firstly gives a brief introduction to the intelligent robot technology developed abroad and used in the Antarctic, then focuses on the ice-snow surface mobile and the low-flying robots developed by China as well as their field trials in the Antarctic. Moreover, the authors have considered the potential demand for the intelligent robot technology in China's Antarctic scientific expedition, in the hope of providing some reference for the future development of robot technologies.  相似文献   
介绍一种能够高效探测海冰厚度的电磁感应方法及其在南极考察中的应用。该技术方法针对海冰和海水的电特性,利用电磁场原理精确探测仪器至冰水交界面的距离,以实现海冰厚度的测定。通过电磁感应(EM)仪观测的视电导率与同点位钻孔测量数据对比分析,获得视电导率与海冰厚度的换算关系式,通过对用该关系式计算出的海冰厚度进行验证,表明电磁感应技术能够获得可靠的海冰厚度数据。对探测剖面的海冰厚度统计表明,2005—2006年夏季南极内拉峡湾内海冰以平整冰为主,其厚度为0.8~1.4 m。  相似文献   
郭井学  孙波 《极地研究》2007,18(1):36-46
As an important component of the cryosphere,sea ice is very sensitive to the climate change.The study of the sea ice physics needs accurate sea ice thickness.This paper presents an electromagnetic-induction(EM) technique which can be used to measure the sea ice thickness distribution efficiently,and the successful application in Bothnian Bay.Based on the electromagnetic field theory and the electrical properties of sea ice and seawater,EM technique can detect the distance between the instrument and the ice/water interface accurately,than the sea ice thickness is obtained.Contrastive analysis of the apparent conductivity data obtained by EM and the value of drill-hole at same positions allows a construction of a transformable formula of the apparent conductivity to sea ice thickness.The verification of the sea ice thickness calculated by this formula indicates that EM technique is able to get reliable sea ice thickness with average relative error of only 12%.The statistic of all ice thickness profiles shows that the level ice distribution in Bothnian Bay was 0.4-0.6 m.  相似文献   
最小二乘偏移可以消除非规则采集、带限子波等因素对偏移结果的不利影响,提高成像剖面的分辨率和照明度,但巨大的计算成本严重制约了该方法的应用前景.本文基于地震数据的局部平面波合成/分解策略,对传统Kirchhoff时间正演/偏移的计算过程进行改进,发展了一种快速的最小二乘Kirchhoff射线束叠前时间偏移方法.同需要逐道数据映射运算的常规最小二乘Kirchhoff叠前时间偏移相比,本文方法不但具备相当的成像精度和反演收敛速度,同时由于数据的正/反向映射运算只需在稀疏的射线束中心位置进行,因此计算效率得到了大幅度的提升.文中给出的模型和实际数据算例证明了本方法的正确性和有效性.  相似文献   
智能机器人技术在极地科学考察事业中有着广阔的应用前景。2007/2008年度第24次南极科学考察中,我国开发的冰雪面移动和低空飞行机器人在南极成功实现了首次应用。扼要介绍国外开发的应用于南极的智能机器人技术,重点介绍我国开发的冰雪面移动和低空飞行机器人及其在南极现场的试验应用情况。此外,作者思考了我国南极考察事业对智能机器人技术的一些潜在需求,以期能对未来的机器人技术开发提供参考。  相似文献   
准确可靠的冰盖浅层冰雪温度是数值模式中评估极地冰盖物质平衡和能量平衡的重要因子。基于中国第32次南极科学考察在泰山站附近布放的综合监测站浅层10 m温度链观测数据,首次获得了泰山站雪层的高精度积雪温度垂直廓线,并探讨了表层积雪温度的日变化、月变化和季节变化特征。结果表明,冰盖雪层温度存在随深度传导的特点:雪层温度波动振幅随深度衰减,波动相位随深度滞后,波动曲线的波峰和波谷由表层向下传导至10 m深度均需100多天。泰山站冰盖表层积雪温度存在显著季节差异,冬季与夏季、春季与秋季的温度垂直轮廓线均相反但不完全对称,夏季表层的温度变化幅度要大于冬季的温度变化幅度,而秋季表层的温度变化幅度也高于春季的温度变化幅度,这与短波辐射的加热作用和季节波动的位相滞后存在密切的联系。  相似文献   
利用EM31-ICE电磁感应仪与激光测距仪、声纳等设备在中国第四次北极科学考察过程对海冰厚度进行走航观测,通过对数据预处理获得了海冰厚度数据,结合长期冰站上采集的多组冰厚样本,获得EM31-ICE的各项校正参数。同时通过对异常数据的分析以及小波去噪、统计处理等方法,得出最终的解释结果:在去程时海冰厚度主要分布在0.5-2.5m之间,而返程时的海冰厚度有明显变薄的倾向,主要分布在0.5-2.0m之间。在高纬度地区海冰厚度明显大于低纬度地区,并且在高纬度地区海冰厚度统计图中常出现两个波峰,而低纬度地区常是一个波峰。在整个去程与返程过程中,超过4m厚的海冰不到1%。  相似文献   
监测和预测冰盖的行为和演化趋势对于研究未来全球气候及海平面变化具有重要的科学意义。地球物理探测成为极地现场考察中最重要的技术手段并取得巨大成功,而航空地球物理的独特优势成为极地科考最有发展潜力的研究方向。经过多年努力,中国成为第4个拥有极地航空地球物理科学考察能力的国家,并在中国第32次南极考察期间完成东南极伊丽莎白公主地(PEL)数千平方千米的航空地球物理探测任务。对于航空地球物理勘探而言,航空测点定位是首要而基础性的工作,本文针对航空地球物理测量中GPS定位数据后处理工作目标,通过一系列的方法和软件对比试验,评价GPS后处理精度误差和应用效果,在试验基础上开发相应的软件完成GPS数据和各地球物理方法数据的匹配连接,进而总结极地航空地球物理GPS数据后处理工作流程,形成实用化的极地航空地球物理GPS数据后处理方案,对后续工作具有指导意义。  相似文献   
As an important component of the cryosphere,sea ice is very sensitive to the climate change.The study of the sea ice physics needs accurate sea ice thickness.This paper presents an electromagnetic-induction(EM) technique which can be used to measure the sea ice thickness distribution efficiently,and the successful application in Bothnian Bay.Based on the electromagnetic field theory and the electrical properties of sea ice and seawater,EM technique can detect the distance between the instrument and the ice/water interface accurately,than the sea ice thickness is obtained.Contrastive analysis of the apparent conductivity data obtained by EM and the value of drill-hole at same positions allows a construction of a transformable formula of the apparent conductivity to sea ice thickness.The verification of the sea ice thickness calculated by this formula indicates that EM technique is able to get reliable sea ice thickness with average relative error of only 12%.The statistic of all ice thickness profiles shows that the level ice distribution in Bothnian Bay was 0.4-0.6 m.  相似文献   
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