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毫米波测云雷达的特点及其研究现状与展望   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
云在大气的能量分配、辐射传输,尤其是水循环系统中有不可忽视的作用。云探测对云物理、人工影响天气、气候变化和航空航天等领域有重要意义,是大气科学研究的热点之一。尽管目前已经发展了很多种遥感设备对云进行观测(如激光雷达、卫星、云幂仪等),但这些设备无法得到高时空分辨率的云水平和垂直结构,而毫米波雷达是云三维精细结构探测的重要工具。由于毫米波雷达具有更接近小粒子尺度的短波长,因此更适合用来探测弱云,同时毫米波雷达也存在衰减严重的缺点。介绍了毫米波雷达的特点以及其探测小粒子的优势;对比分析了其与新一代多普勒天气雷达、晴空风廓线雷达的差异,得出:毫米波雷达具有高时空分辨率,能够更精确地反映云的垂直和水平结构,比普通天气雷达更适合监测云的变化。概括了国内外毫米波测云雷达的发展现状以及在云物理研究方面的情况,并展望了国内毫米波雷达未来研究的方向。  相似文献   
GRAPES-Meso云分析系统的设计与试验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究应用LAPS(Local Analysis and Prediction System)云分析方案,基于美国"风暴分析预报中心"开发的中尺度模式ARPS(Advanced Regional Prediction System)的资料分析系统ADAS(ARPS Data Analysis System),开发了GRAPES-Meso(Mesoscale of the Global and Regional Assimilation and Prediction System)区域中尺度数值预报模式的云分析系统,首次实现了地面云观测资料、卫星云图、多普勒雷达反射率资料在GRAPRS模式中的综合同化应用。详尽分析了地面云观测资料、卫星红外云图、可见光云图、多普勒雷达反射率多种观测资料对GRAPES模式初始三维云覆盖、多相混合比等云微物理因子以及初始场的调整。通过对2009年6月28日至7月4日湖南省一次强降水过程的模拟试验检验云分析系统的性能,对比分析表明:(1)云分析系统通过地面云观测资料、卫星红外云图、可见光云图、多普勒雷达反射率的同化,能够反演出三维云覆盖状况;(2)在三维云覆盖的基础上结合云底云顶高度,能够反演出云水、雨水、云冰等微粒,并显著改善模式初始湿度场;(3)云分析系统能够显著缩短模式的热启动时间,明显增大了开始几小时的降水量预报,对24小时的降水预报效果也有显著改善。  相似文献   
A tropical cyclone is a kind of violent weather system that takes place in warmer tropical oceans and spins rapidly around its center and at the same time moves along surrounding flows. It is generally recognized that the large-scale circulation plays a major role in determining the movement of tropical cyclones and the effects of steering flows are the highest priority in the forecasting of tropical cyclone motion and track. This article adopts a new method to derive the steering flow and select a typical swerving track case (typhoon Dan, coded 9914) to illustrate the validity of the method. The general approach is to modify the vorticity, geostropical vorticity and divergence, investigate the change in the non-divergent stream function, geoptential and velocity potential, respectively, and compute a modified velocity field to determine the steering flow. Unlike other methods in regular use such as weighted average of wind fields or geopoential height, this method has the least adverse effects on the environmental field and could derive a proper steering flow which fits well with storm motion. Combined with other internal and external forcings, this method could have wide application in the prediction of tropical cyclone track.  相似文献   
利用多普勒雷达基本反射率、径向速度资料以及径向速度计算的风切变结果,对一次典型的下击暴流天气过程进行了分析.结果发现:强对流单体合并加强形成弓状回波,在弓状回波前沿反射率因子梯度大值区产生下击暴流,造成地面强风灾害;下击暴流过程中,中层以上一直存在强度不断增大的径向风辐合,为系统发展提供动力支持;下击暴流发生时,底层会出现相应的径向风辐散,是地面大风的直接反应;高低层垂直切变反映了强对流单体内部风场配置结构为底层有较强的暖湿入流、高层有明显的上层出流、中层以上升气流为主,这样的流场配置正是一般强对流单体中的常见特征.  相似文献   
In mountain areas, radar observations are often contaminated (1) by echoes from high-speed moving vehicles and (2) by point-wise ground clutter under either normal propagation (NP) or anomalous propagation (AP) conditions. Level Ⅱ data are collected from KMTX (Salt Lake City, Utah) radar to analyze these two types of contamination in the mountain area around the Great Salt Lake. Human experts provide the "ground truth" for possible contamination of either type on each individual pixel. Common features are then extracted for contaminated pixels of each type. For example, pixels contaminated by echoes from high-speed moving vehicles are characterized by large radial velocity and spectrum width. Echoes from a moving train tend to have larger velocity and reflectivity but smaller spectrum width than those from moving vehicles on highways. These contaminated pixels are only seen in areas of large terrain gradient (in the radial direction along the radar beam). The same is true for the second type of contamination - pointwise ground clutters. Six quality control (QC) parameters are selected to quantify the extracted features. Histograms are computed for each QC parameter and grouped for contaminated pixels of each type and also for non-contaminated pixels. Based on the computed histograms, a fuzzy logical algorithm is developed for automated detection of contaminated pixels. The algorithm is tested with KMTX radar data under different (clear and rainy) weather conditions.  相似文献   
基于天气雷达网三维拼图的混合反射率因子生成技术   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
首先基于1:25万的DEM(digital elevation model)数据、雷达站点信息、雷达波束高斯分布模式和标准大气情况下的波束传播路径计算了雷达的波束阻挡率,并把它与雷达实测的反射率因子分布情况进行比较,发现两者具有很好的定性一致性和很强的定量相关性;其次根据设置的波束阻挡率阈值和波束下限(波束底部越过地形的高度)阈值得到不受地形阻挡的最小扫描仰角在同一平面上的投影,即混合扫描仰角,这样计算出来的混合扫描仰角与雷达扫描方式无关,可用于不同扫描方式下的混合扫描反射率因子(没有波束阻挡的最低扫描仰角的反射率因子在同一平面上的投影)的获取;然后根据混合扫描仰角,利用标准大气情况下的雷达测高公式计算等射束高度,把来自雷达网中各雷达的等射束高度进行拼接得到等射束高度拼图,其中在各雷达重叠覆盖区,取最小的等射束高度;最后利用新一代天气雷达网三维拼图反射率因子数据以及等射束高度拼图数据得到天气雷达网的混合反射率因子,以便用于大范围降水估算算法中的降水率的计算.  相似文献   
利用新疆乌鲁木齐和五家渠的双多普勒雷达同步观测资料与双多普勒雷达风场反演技术,结合多种气象资料(1 min间隔的地面自动站资料、探空资料和NCEP再分析场资料等),综合分析了2005年6月26日新疆乌鲁木齐附近一次强飑线过程。其流场特征是低层存在明显的辐合线,中层辐合,高层辐散。中低层的风场辐合使旧回波右侧(西南侧)一定距离处依次生成新回波并与旧回波合并,对流单体间的辐合线促使其迅速合并,是飑线发展的重要原因。对流单体间的合并是从中层开始的,然后扩展到低层。在低层对流单体合并后,飑线前部有一明显的辐合线,入流区、大的回波强度梯度区和弱回波区非常明显;同时,不同发展阶段的风场配置有明显的不同,上升气流和下沉气流在多单体风暴中同时存在。本次飑线过程中低层是东南风的入流气流,与对流带后部的西北风气流相遇后向上倾斜上升,在中高层形成飑前砧状云,这与国内外中纬度飑线的结构基本一致,但本次飑线过程只有前缘强烈的对流区,没有尾随的层状云降水。自动气象站、多普勒雷达及其反演的风场很好地揭示了该飑线的发生、发展、爆发过程及其回波和风场的空间结构特点。  相似文献   
选取2020年3—9月深圳求雨坛的X波段双偏振相控阵雷达探测数据, 与同位置的S波段双偏振雷达进行对比。通过一定限制条件定量分析引入误差的原因, 发现反射率因子ZH和差分反射率ZDR的标定误差和随机误差较大, 其中ZH误差变化范围为-0.5~4.5 dB, ZDR误差变化范围为-0.7~0.2 dB。在上述较大误差影响下, 传统模糊逻辑相态识别方法的水凝物相态识别结果不可靠, 因此根据不同相态的雷达参量特征范围以及融化层高度建立基本结构为二叉树的决策树相态识别方法。针对上述方法的实际应用效果, 分别从水凝物相态识别结果对误差的敏感性和空间分布的合理性进行评估, 结果表明: 决策树相态识别方法的水凝物相态识别结果稳定性高于模糊逻辑相态识别方法, 且在对流云中的水凝物相态分布更加合理, 能够发挥X波段双偏振相控阵雷达在研究云内水凝物相态演变的优势。  相似文献   
藏东南地区的墨脱县位于雅鲁藏布江下游的河谷区域,是印度洋水汽进入高原的最主要水汽通道。墨脱作为西藏年平均降水量最多的地区,是青藏高原云降水系统的重要组成部分。本文以2020年墨脱地区的Ka波段云雷达观测数据为基础,首先对云雷达功率谱数据进行预处理,并采用降水现象仪对云雷达观测进行验证。在此基础上,选取了2020年3月6日和8月24日具有层状云降水特性的两次弱降水过程,利用云雷达功率谱数据反演了雨滴谱,探究墨脱地区旱季和雨季弱降水的微物理特征。结果表明:云雷达观测与降水现象仪雨滴谱数据计算的Ka波段云雷达回波强度理论值存在大约12 dB的系统误差,订正之后二者随时间变化一致性较好,云雷达反演的近地面雨滴谱特征与降水现象仪观测接近。墨脱地区零度层高度随季节变化明显,旱季零度层高度较低(例如地面上1.5 km左右),而雨季零度层高度较高(例如地面上4 km左右)。墨脱层状云雨滴谱的宽度较窄,降水粒子直径不超过3 mm。在零度层以上,根据谱偏度和峰度的垂直变化可以推测冰晶粒子直径随高度下降缓慢增长, 但旱季冰晶粒子增长比雨季更为明显。经过零度层后,冰晶粒子转化为雨滴,雨滴在下落过程中由于碰并及蒸发作用造成浓度减小,直径越小的粒子浓度减小越快。在近地面,由于蒸发作用的加强导致随高度降低雨滴浓度明显减小。  相似文献   
The accuracy of quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE) for dual-polarization radars can be improved by using a localized rainfall estimation algorithm derived from the raindrop size distribution (DSD). In the present study, DSDs observed at Suzhou City, Jiangsu province; Yangjiang City, Guangdong province; and Naqu City, Tibet are analyzed during the rainy season together with the corresponding polarimetric variables for the above three regions. Most importantly, these DSD data are used to develop optimal “synthetic” QPE algorithms for S-, C-, and X-band dual-polarization radars, which will be built or upgraded in the three regions. Meanwhile, a new piecewise fitting method (PFM) is proposed. It has been found that the number concentration N(D) of small raindrops (D<1mm) is the highest in Suzhou, while that of larger raindrops (D>1mm) is the highest in Yangjiang. The characteristics of the differential reflectivity (ZDR) and specific differential phase (KDP) are significantly different in the three locations, suggesting that different rainfall estimators are needed for different locations. Further performance assessment of the QPE based on DSD data indicates that the PFM QPE algorithm (LDSD) performs better than the conventional fitting method (CFM), and the localized QPE algorithm can improve the QPE accuracy. Observations from S-band dual-polarization radars and rain gauges in the Southern China Monsoon Rainfall Experiment are implemented to verify the performances of the QPE algorithms proposed in the present study. It is found that compared with non-localized algorithms, the localized LDSD algorithm yields the best results with at least 7.66% and 8.43% reductions in the RMSE and NE, respectively, which implies that while polarimetric variables can reflect DSD characteristics, the localized QPE algorithm remains necessary.  相似文献   
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