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The scaled boundary finite element method (SBFEM) is a novel semi-analytical technique combining the advantage of the finite element method (FEM) and the boundary element method (BEM) with its unique properties. In this paper, the SBFEM is used for computing wave passing submerged breakwaters, and the reflection coeffcient and transmission coefficient are given for the case of wave passing by a rectangular submerged breakwater, a rigid submerged barrier breakwater and a trapezium submerged breakwater in a constant water depth. The results are compared with the analytical solution and experimental results. Good agreement is obtained. Through comparison with the results using the dual boundary element method (DBEM), it is found that the SBFEM can obtain higher accuracy with fewer elements. Many submerged breakwaters with different dimensions are computed by the SBFEM, and the changing character of the reflection coeffcient and the transmission coefficient are given in the current study.  相似文献   
A numerical model is developed to simulate fully nonlinear extreme waves in finite and infinite water-depth wave tanks. A semi-mixed Eulerian-Lagrangian formulation is adopted and a higher-order boundary element method in conjunction with an image Green function is used for the fluid domain. The boundary values on the free surface are updated at each time step by a fourth-order Runga-Kutta time-marching scheme at each time step. Input wave characteristics are specified at the upstream boundary by an appropr...  相似文献   
一个新的非恒定型不规则波缓坡方程   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
缓坡方程由Berkhof所推导并在规则波折射绕射问题的研究上有着广泛的应用。然而对于不规则波折射绕射问题研究,缓坡方程还处于发展研究阶段,本文采用Pade近似并仿Kubo方法对缓坡波动方程进行了推导,得到了一个含有时间高阶导数项的不规则波缓坡方程,随即采用WKB方法对这个不规则波的缓坡方程进行了简化,推导出一个较为实用的含有一阶时间导数的不规则波缓坡的波动方程。通过数值手段对所推导的不规则波缓坡方程进行了数值模拟,其结果与物模实验较为一致  相似文献   
1.IntroductionVertical breakwaters are widely used for harbor and coastline protection in coastal engineering.Recently,perforated breakwaters have been often used in practice as they can effectively reduce thewaveforces actingon,the wave reflectionfromand…  相似文献   
柏威  滕斌 《海洋工程》2001,19(3):43-50
采用二阶时域理论对非线性波浪在任意三维物体周围的绕射问题进行了研究,对自由表面边界条件进行Taylor级数展开,应用摄动展开可以建立相应的边值问题,而且此边值问题的计算域不随时间变化,运用基于B-样条的边界元方法求解每一时刻的波浪场,二阶自由表面边界条件在时间上进行数值积分,在自由表面加了一个人工阻尼层以避免波浪的反射,速度势分解为已知的入射势和未知的散射势,初始条件采用二阶Stokes波浪场,通过加入物体表面边界条件,得到散射势在时间和空间上的发展,本文对圆柱所受规则波的二阶波浪力和波浪爬高进行了计算,数值结果表明此理论计算准确,效率高,数值稳定。  相似文献   
斜向波浪入射角和反射系数确定方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在海岸工程和水池实验中常常需要同时确定斜向波浪的传播方向和与海岸结构物相遇时的反射系数。应用三点浪高仪测波和迭代求解方法,建立了同时确定斜向波浪入射角和反射系数的分析方法。通过模拟数值信号,研究了测点不同排列方式、不同波浪入射方向、不同入射频率下本方法的分析灵敏程度。数值研究表明当测点间距指标p和q不同时趋于零时,任何一种排列方式求得的波浪反射系数和波浪入射角均具有很高的分析精度。  相似文献   
倾斜杆件上的波流力谱——实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
滕斌  李玉成 《海洋学报》1991,13(3):431-440
海洋结构中,大部分结构均由杆件组成的。对于垂直杆件上的波浪力,人们已经做了大量的理论和实验上的研究工作,得到了相当多的观测资料,建立了比较实用的计算方法。实际海洋结构上的杆件,一般都或多或少地倾斜着,垂直杆件只不过是倾斜杆件的一种特例。因此,波浪、水流对倾斜杆件的作用问题,更具有其广泛性和代表性。但由于倾斜杆件上波流作用力的复杂性,这一方面的研究,尤其是不规则波浪作用下的研究,至今见到的工作较少。实际工程计算中,往往借助于垂直桩柱下的资料和方法进行。  相似文献   
本文根据作者提出的线性化方法,对于斜向波浪和水流作用下水平杆件上的拖曳力做了线性化。根据线性波浪理论,求得了水平杆件上和整个杆件上的力谱矩阵。整个杆件上的力谱矩阵可通过单元波力谱与波向影响函数而得到。计算表明,波浪方向对力谱的影响较水流方向的影响更为显著。  相似文献   
赵明  滕斌  谭丽 《中国海洋工程》2004,18(3):335-346
In this paper, a numerical model is established for estimating the wave forces on a submerged horizontal circular cylinder. For predicting the wave motion, a set of two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations is solved numerically with a finite element method. In order to track the moving non-linear wave surface boundary, the Navier-Stokes equations are discretized in a moving mesh system. After each computational time step, the mesh is modified according to the changed wave surface boundary. In order to stabilize the numerical procedure, a three-step finite element method is applied in the time integration. The water sloshing in a tank and wave propagation over a submerged bar are simulated for the first time to validate the present model. The computational results agree well with the analytical solution and the experimental data.Finally, the model is applied to the simulation of interaction between waves and a submerged horizontal circular cylinder.The effects of the KC number and the cylinder depth on the wave forces are studied.  相似文献   
利用特征函数展开法对台阶式变深水槽中推板式造波机造波问题进行了研究,建立了相应速度势和波面的解析表达式。与高阶边界元方法(HOBEM)数值结果进行了对比,验证了本解析解的正确性。通过数值试验,研究了台阶对入射波的影响,同时分析了造波板所在位置(上部台阶)水深、水槽工作区(下部台阶)水深、造波板运动周期和造波板水平位置等因素对生成波浪高度的影响。由此选择合适的造波板所在位置及水深来得到所需要的波浪高度,进而根据需要生成波浪的周期和波幅 来反演造波板的运动。  相似文献   
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