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This paper addresses joint wind-wave induced dynamic responses of a semi-type offshore floating wind turbine (OFWT) under normal states and fault event conditions. The analysis in this paper is conducted in time domain, using an aero-hydro-servo-elastic simulation code-FAST. Owing to the unique viscous features of the reference system, the original viscous damping model implemented in FAST is replaced with a quadratic one to gain an accurate capture of viscous effects. Simulation cases involve free-decay motion in still water, steady motions in the presence of regular waves and wind as well as dynamic response in operational sea states with and without wind. Simulations also include the cases for transient responses induced by fast blade pitching after emergency shutdown. The features of platform motions, local structural loads and a typical mooring line tension force under a variety of excitations are obtained and investigated.  相似文献   
针对大庆油田朝503区块地层压力高、地层流体活跃、水平井施工难度大的特点,通过室内实验,将原有的低粘高切油包水钻井液体系配方进行了改进完善,使其在密度上限达到2.00 g/cm^3时,油水比可控范围90∶10~75∶25,仍然具有良好的流变性、电稳定性和沉降稳定性。经过在朝42-平125井的应用,满足现场的施工要求,保证了井下安全。  相似文献   
Earthquake safety assessment of concrete arch and gravity dams   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
Based on research studies currently being carried out at Dalian University of Technology, some important aspects for the earthquake safety assessment of concrete dams are reviewed and discussed. First, the rate-dependent behavior of concrete subjected to earthquake loading is examined, emphasizing the properties of concrete under cyclic and biaxial loading conditions. Second, a modified four-parameter Hsieh-Ting-Chen viscoplastic consistency model is developed to simulate the rate-dependent behavior of concrete. The earthquake response of a 278m high arch dam is analyzed, and the results show that the strain-rate effects become noticeable in the inelastic range. Third, a more accurate non-smooth Newton algorithm for the solution of three-dimensional frictional contact problems is developed to study the joint opening effects of arch dams during strong earthquakes. Such effects on two nearly 300m high arch dams have been studied. It was found that the canyon shape has great influence on the magnitude and distribution of the joint opening along the dam axis. Fourth, the scaled boundary finite element method presented by Song and Wolf is employed to study the dam-reservoir-foundation interaction effects of concrete dams. Particular emphases were placed on the variation of foundation stiffness and the anisotropic behavior of the foundation material on the dynamic response of concrete dams. Finally, nonlinear modeling of concrete to study the damage evolution of concrete dams during strong earthquakes is discussed. An elastic-damage mechanics approach for damage prediction of concrete gravity dams is described as an example. These findings are helpful in understanding the dynamic behavior of concrete dams and promoting the improvement of seismic safety assessment methods.  相似文献   
郑利涛  胡志强  唐洪祥 《岩土力学》2012,33(9):2771-2780
对于超固结黏土和密实砂土等软化材料或非关联塑性材料组成的地基、边坡及挡土墙墙后土体,在其破坏过程中,会产生应变局部化现象,使得控制方程的类型发生改变,从而导致出现数值解不惟一和解的网格相关性等现象。为了克服这些数值困难,基于强间断分析方法,及单元内嵌不连续面的有限元模型,对地基、土坡、墙后土体的渐进破坏过程进行了数值模拟。计算结果表明,单元内嵌不连续面模型可以有效地模拟土工结构失稳破坏过程,并且能够明显地改善采用常规有限元方法所产生的网格尺寸相关性问题。这一方法可作为传统极限平衡法进行稳定分析、承载力分析的有益补充。  相似文献   
浮式风机的平台作为支撑系统,其六自由度刚体运动响应决定上层风机的运动状态,也影响叶轮的环境载荷。叶轮的运动使周围流场变得复杂,叶片承受着非定常的气动载荷。研究中考虑叶片结构的运动,将基于定常流场的叶素动量理论用于局部叶素的气动分析,考虑偏航模型,充分模拟气流与叶轮的相互作用。在给定平台各个自由度运动下,计算叶轮气动参数,分析平台运动带来的影响,从入流速度方面探究引起气动载荷变化的本质原因。研究发现,叶轮气动性能和转动轴的方向有关,若平台运动改变转动轴方向,会引起气动载荷以多倍于叶轮旋转的频率发生周期变化,平台转动自由度的运动对叶轮气动性能影响显著。  相似文献   
针对大型浮式液化天然气储卸生产装置FLNG的液舱晃荡压力变化特征,在深水试验池中开展带液舱模型的FLNG水池模型试验研究。通过试验,获得了FLNG在风浪流联合作用下的浮体六自由度运动,以及相应的液面高度变化数据。通过液舱的液面高度变化数据,提出平液面假设,并在此基础上,求得液舱晃荡引起的舱壁压力变化结果。研究中进一步讨论了液舱晃荡压力的影响因素,并将试验数据与CCS船级社规范计算结果进行对比,为FLNG液舱晃荡压力引起的结构安全性评估提供技术支持。  相似文献   
本文提出了数字地图在地形匹配技术TERCOM算法中的改进方案,首先利用惯导输出位置的差进行地形匹配的相关运算,并讨论了连续匹配的实现。通过仿真证明,改进方案可以达到非常好的地形匹配定位精度,具有良好的应用价值。  相似文献   
产业集群的理论本质在于专业化集聚基础上的地方化结网。基于对奇瑞汽车集群跟踪研究,获取了2005年、2010年、2014年的企业关系数据,刻画了企业网络演化过程及驱动机制。发现: 1997~2014年,奇瑞汽车集群网络经历了“松散型网络-紧凑型网络-开放型网络”演化过程,网络密度和聚类系数不断增强,平均最短路径不断缩小,其中产业联系网络发育最为成熟,社会交流网络次之,创新合作网络发育最不完善;奇瑞汽车集群网络演化机制本质上是路径依赖机制(政府作用、关系资源),关系选择机制(战略择定、市场选择)及学习创新机制(技术交流)共同作用的结果。在松散型网络、紧凑型网络和开放型网络阶段,路径依赖机制、关系选择机制和学习创新机制分别发挥主导性作用;奇瑞主导型集群网络正逐渐从地方集群网络向跨区域、跨集群网络发展,这与全球汽车产业网络整体发展相一致。  相似文献   
中国地市工业集聚与污染排放的空间特征及计量检验   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:4  
采用空间分析和计量模型等方法,研究中国285个地级及以上城市工业集聚和污染排放的空间特征及内在关系,结果表明:工业集聚与污染排放的重心分布、轨迹、距离、速度差异较大。东部的工业集聚水平高于中西部,工业污染中西部更突出。工业集聚与污染排放总体呈负相关关系,局域上分为低高、高低、低低3种关联类型。工业集聚在全国及东中西部均有利于降低工业污染,但是对不同区域减排作用的大小有所不同,作用由大到小依次是西部、中部和东部。 对于工业污染的防治,应继续走集聚化道路。东部要优化产业结构,控制合理的集聚规模;中西部应加强产业集聚,提高技术溢出的污染减排效应。  相似文献   
中部六大城市群产业转移综合承接能力评价研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
从产业承接地角度出发,以中部六大城市群为研究对象,基于前人研究的基础上选取7个2级指标和27个3级指标建立评价指标体系,运用主成分分析法对中部六大城市群产业转移综合承接能力进行评价,得出:从城市群层面看,城市群之间承接能力悬殊,各子系统水平差距大; 从城市层面看,中心城市承接产业能力突出,但整体水平有待提高, 高低梯度城市数量呈“两极分化”状态;从总体看,城市群综合承接能力不仅受中心城市承接能力影响,也与城市群内非中心城市承接能力密切相关。基于相关的研究结论,有针对性地从成本因素、对外开放合作程度、市场吸引力、技术创新能力、产业配套能力、经济发展水平和产业结构水平7个方面给出了提高中部六大城市群产业承接能力的建议措施。  相似文献   
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