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针对土方填筑过程中压实度的监控需求,综合高精度GNSS卫星定位技术和连续压实控制技术,研发了能够实现全过程监控的压实管理系统,介绍了整个压实管理系统的组成和各个子系统的功能,然后从所有子系统协同工作的作业流程上展现了管理系统的整体性。在碾压这一核心子系统中,通过压实工艺指标监控和压实质量指标监控,能够有效地控制压实作业的施工质量。连续压实管理系统能够对土方工程进行全过程实时监控和管理,是BIM系统在土方压实工程中的重大尝试,具有重大的应用前景和优势。  相似文献   
与其他钵水母相比,倒立水母具有独特行为:在生命周期的大部分时间里,它都在海底呈倒立附着、“睡眠”的状态。为探索与这一独特行为相关的遗传信息,本研究对安朵仙水母(Cassiopea andromeda)和同属于钵水母纲的海蜇(Rhopilema esculentum)、巴布亚硝水母(Mastigias papua)进行首次全基因组测序、拼接和注释,并重点分析了这3种钵水母与感觉功能、神经系统发育相关的重要转录调节因子HoxPOU基因家族的多样性与系统发育关系。遗传分析显示,刺胞动物门中HoxPOU基因家族具有明显的物种间差异性。对Hox基因的分析首次发现钵水母及水螅(Hydra vulgaris)的“前段Hox基因”产生了部分缺失,并进一步印证了刺胞动物不存在“中段Hox基因”的假说。安朵仙水母和海蜇具有相对全面的ParaHox基因种类,即GSXXLOX/CDX基因,而巴布亚硝水母只有GSX基因。在POU基因多样性方面,安朵仙水母、海蜇、星状海葵(Nematostella vectensis)的基因组具有全部4类POU,而巴布亚硝水母、海月水母(Aurelia aurita)、水螅只有2类POU。在本研究分析的刺胞动物中,安朵仙水母的POU-1,-6亚型的核苷酸多态性最高;安朵仙水母与指形鹿角珊瑚(Acropora digitifera)、星状海葵的POU-2/3/5亚型的序列多样性较其他钵水母更高。另外,3种钵水母与水螅粘附蛋白的比较结果表明,安朵仙水母具有巴布亚硝水母和海蜇所不具有的粘附相关鼠李糖结合凝集素和一类抗氧化活性物质铁螯合物还原酶。综上所述,安朵仙水母具有更多POU编码基因和复杂POU亚型,以及具有粘附相关凝集素和还原酶的编码基因,可能是与安朵仙水母倒立附着生活方式相关的关键遗传信息。  相似文献   
石茜  杜博  张良培 《测绘学报》2012,41(3):417-420
提出一种基于局部判别正切空间排列(local discriminative tangent space alignment,LDTSA)的高光谱影像降维方法。LDTSA源于局部正切空间排列(LTSA)中的排列机制,在一个局域块内利用线性局部正切平面对类内样本的流形结构建模,同时还考虑到类间判别信息以最大化判别边界。利用多幅高光谱数据进行降维和分类试验。结果表明,LDTSA主要有三个优点:①在小样本问题上性能稳定;②在降维过程中保持类别间的判别信息;③有效挖掘数据集的几何流形结构。  相似文献   
孙军  谌芸  杨舒楠  代刊  陈涛  姚蓉  徐珺 《气象》2012,38(10):1267-1277
本文是“北京7.21特大暴雨极端性分析及思考”的第二部分,第一部分“观测分析及思考”对此次过程的降水特点、水汽特点、中尺度对流系统(MCS)的环境场条件和发生发展过程进行了分析,指出这是一次极端降水过程。本文进一步从影响降水的因子:降水效率、水汽、上升运动、持续时间等方面进一步探讨极端性降水的成因,所用资料为业务中常用的模式分析和各种观测资料。分析表明,本次过程为典型华北暴雨环流形势,其中高层气流辐散区与低层低涡切变线的耦合是直接诱因;较高的环境相对湿度和湿层较厚,较低的抬升凝结高度和自由对流高度以及热带降水性质提高了本次过程的降水效率;异常大的水汽含量(可降水量达60-80mm)及与其相关的物理量异常,可作为判断极端降水的重要因子;环境大气具有中下层条件性不稳定,上层湿中性层结特性,CAPE值中等,同时上层干侵入增加了对流不稳定,有利于上升运动发展;低涡切变线及华北地形共同触发了MCS的在暖区生成发展;低涡北跳、MCS后向传播特性使暖区MCS东移速度慢,形成“列车效应”,造成降雨持续时间长。本文最后探讨了极端降水的预报思路。  相似文献   
蔡煜  曹平 《岩土力学》2016,37(Z2):369-374
Burgers模型只能描述岩石蠕变的前两个阶段,为了描述蠕变全过程,考虑蠕变参数的时间效应及损伤带来的影响,采用非定常黏性元件取代Burgers模型中串联的定常黏性元件,使其能描述加速蠕变阶段。根据损伤变量的变化特征,假定了一个函数,经过Lemaitre应变等效原理,代入Kelvin模型可得到能描述蠕变衰减阶段的模型。试验数据拟合结果显示,改进的Burgers模型能很好地描述加速蠕变阶段,模型拟合曲线与试验曲线基本吻合,相关系数高,参数取值也在合理范围内;非定常Burgers模型更适合描述不同应力下的岩石蠕变特征曲线。  相似文献   
分子生物学技术在赤潮毒素分析监测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有毒赤潮事件的频繁爆发,不仅对海洋生物及自然资源造成了极大的危害,还严重威胁到公众健康。因此,各国都在积极寻求快速灵敏的检测方法,加强对赤潮毒素的分析及监测。现代分子生物学技术的发展为新型快速检测方法的建立提供了可能。对利用分子生物学技术对赤潮毒素进行检测的几种方法——全细胞PCR法、DNA探针法及信使基因细胞受体法进行了讨论。这些新技术旨在检测出环境中的痕量赤潮毒素和有害生物,杜绝赤潮毒素或有毒藻进入到食物链,从而最大限度保护公众健康、水环境及自然资源。  相似文献   
A narrowband radio interferometer has been developed and used to locate the entire sources of VHF radiations from a negative cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning discharge which contains 19 strokes. This system uses five antennas to form an array consisting of short- and long-baselines along two or- thogonal directions. The system error which comes from frequency conversion is reduced by phase detection through direct high frequency amplifying. An interactive graphic analysis procedure is used to remove the fringe ambiguities which exist inherently in interferometry and to determine the direction of lightning radiation sources in two dimensions (azimuth and elevation) as a function of time at a time resolution of microsecond orders. With the developed system, the whole progression process in time and space of a lightning flash can be reconstructed. In this paper, combining the synchronous data of electric filed change and VHF radiation, the whole processes of an example negative CG flash have been studied in detail. It is found that the preliminary breakdown event of the CG flash started from negative charge region and exhibited firstly a downward pregression and then an upward propagation. There were very intense and continuous radiations during stepped leaders which became much stronger when the first return stroke began. In contrast, there were less and only discrete radiations during dart leaders. Stepped leader and dart leader may transform to each other depending on the state of the ionization of the path. The progression speed of initial stepped leaders was about 105 ms?1, while that was about 4.1×106 and 6.0×106 ms?1 for dart leaders and dart-stepped leaders, respectively. M events produced hook-shaped field changes accompanied by active burst of radiations at their begin- nings. Followed these active radiation processes, M events appeared to contact finally into conducting main discharge channels. The mean progression speed of M events was about 7×107 ms?1, greater than that of the dart leaders and dart-step leaders. K events and attempted leaders were essentially the same as dart leaders except that they could not reach the ground and initiate return strokes.  相似文献   
Usu volcano has erupted nine times since 1663. Most eruptive events started with an explosive eruption, which was followed by the formation of lava domes. However, the ages of several summit lava domes and craters remain uncertain. The petrological features of tephra deposits erupted from 1663 to 1853 are known to change systematically. In this study, we correlated lavas with tephras under the assumption that lava and tephra samples from the same event would have similar petrological features. Although the initial explosive eruption in 1663 was not accompanied by lava effusion, lava dome or cryptodome formation was associated with subsequent explosive eruptions. We inferred the location of the vent associated with each event from the location of the associated lava dome and the pyroclastic flow deposit distribution and found that the position of the active vent within the summit caldera differed for each eruption from the late 17th through the 19th century. Moreover, we identified a previously unrecognized lava dome produced by a late 17th century eruption; this dome was largely destroyed by an explosive eruption in 1822 and was replaced by a new lava dome during a later stage of the 1822 event at nearly the same place as the destroyed dome. This new interpretation of the sequence of events is consistent with historical sketches and documents. Our results show that petrological correlation, together with geological evidence, is useful not only for reconstructing volcanic eruption sequences but also for gaining insight into future potential disasters.  相似文献   
新时代对煤炭行业提出了新要求,带来了新挑战、新机遇。在总结煤炭学者最新研究成果的基础上,中国煤炭地质总局提出了煤炭资源全生命周期的自主论述,将新时代煤炭资源全生命周期划分为绿色勘查、绿色开发、清洁利用和恢复绿色四个阶段,探讨了各阶段地质技术的相互关系、技术重点与特征,构建了新时代煤炭资源全生命周期地质技术工作框架,展望了主要攻关方向,为促进煤炭行业“安全、高效、绿色、智能”发展提供了地质保障技术思路。  相似文献   
对全球及一些地区地震在地球自转速率长周期变化的加速和减速段里年发生次数进行了分析,得到的结果表明,就全球地震而言,减速期7级以上地震年发生次数似乎略高于加速期,8级以上地震年发生次数似乎相当,没有明显差异,8.5级以上地震年发生次数似乎比加速期里高.太平洋东带和太平洋北带的地震,在减速期的年发生次数似乎一致地比加速期略...  相似文献   
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