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基于重力地质法(GGM)采用卫星重力异常数据反演了中国南海112°E~119°E,16°N~20°N范围1'×1'的海底地形模型,通过船测水深数据的直接格网化结果和ETOP01模型的检核进行了精度评价。结果表明,GGM模型较船测水深的直接格网化结果更为精细,在船测控制点分布均匀的海域,GGM模型能获得比ETOP01模型更高的精度。为进一步验证GGM模型受海底地形特征影响的情况,采用GGM模型与ETOP01模型分别内插出9356个检核点处的水深,并统计得到两模型差值的较差结果平均值为19.560m,标准差为130.156m,相对精度为4.79%。经分析得出:GGM模型与ETOP01模型在坡度变化平缓深海区有着较好的一致性,随着水深的依次变浅,二者的差异逐渐显现,在多海山的海域差异达到最大。最后,为充分发挥重力地质法在海底地形反演中的优势总结了其最佳适用条件。  相似文献   
The northern slope of the South China Sea is a gas-hydrate-bearing region related to a high deposition rate of organic-rich sediments co-occurring with intense methanogenesis in subseafloor environments.Anaerobic oxidation of methane(AOM) coupled with bacterial sulfate reduction results in the precipitation of solid phase minerals in seepage sediment,including pyrite and gypsum.Abundant aggregates of pyrites and gypsums are observed between the depth of 667 and 850 cm below the seafloor(cmbsf) in the entire core sediment of HS328 from the northern South China Sea.Most pyrites are tubes consisting of framboidal cores and outer crusts.Gypsum aggregates occur as rosettes and spheroids consisting of plates.Some of them grow over pyrite,indicating that gypsum precipitation postdates pyrite formation.The sulfur isotopic values(δ~(34) S) of pyrite vary greatly(from –46.6‰ to –12.3‰ V-CDT) and increase with depth.Thus,the pyrite in the shallow sediments resulted from organoclastic sulfate reduction(OSR) and is influenced by AOM with depth.The relative high abundance and δ~(34) S values of pyrite in sediments at depths from 580 to 810 cmbsf indicate that this interval is the location of a paleo-sulfate methane transition zone(SMTZ).The sulfur isotopic composition of gypsum(from–25‰ to –20.7‰) is much lower than that of the seawater sulfate,indicating the existence of a 34 S-depletion source of sulfur species that most likely are products of the oxidation of pyrites formed in OSR.Pyrite oxidation is controlled by ambient electron acceptors such as MnO_2,iron(Ⅲ) and oxygen driven by the SMTZ location shift to great depths.The δ~(34) S values of gypsum at greater depth are lower than those of the associated pyrite,revealing downward diffusion of 34 S-depleted sulfate from the mixture of oxidation of pyrite derived by OSR and the seawater sulfate.These sulfates also lead to an increase of calcium ions from the dissolution of calcium carbonate mineral,which will be favor to the formation of gypsum.Overall,the mineralogy and sulfur isotopic composition of the pyrite and gypsum suggest variable redox conditions caused by reduced seepage intensities,and the pyrite and gypsum can be a recorder of the intensity evolution of methane seepage.  相似文献   
南海东北部是寡营养海域,夏季浮游植物叶绿素浓度较低,热带气旋“风泵”效应带来的上层海洋扰动可能引起表层浮游植物的显著增长。以往的研究通常关注热带气旋风应力和海洋中尺度涡对上层海洋浮游植物的影响,本文利用航次CTD、实测叶绿素a浓度、Argo温盐剖面和遥感数据,探讨了台风“风泵”和黑潮共同作用下真光层内浮游植物的变化特征及其成因。结果表明,2015年台风“莲花”过境1周后产生向吕宋海峡西北侧南海海域(A区)入侵的黑潮流套,该入侵的黑潮流套使台风前原有的气旋涡消失,抑制了台风产生的上升流对表层(0~40 m)营养盐供给,使次表层(60~90 m)营养盐富集,进而抑制了表层的叶绿素a增长,促进了次表层叶绿素a的增长;吕宋海峡西侧南海海域(B区)表层的浮游植物叶绿素a浓度增加不仅是源于叶绿素最大层浮游植物的向上输运,更是由于浮游植物的繁殖增长;A区台风引起的流套式的黑潮入侵,促进了B区台风后气旋式流场的形成,产生的持续增强的气旋涡为B区表层叶绿素持续增长提供了充足的营养盐供给。  相似文献   
南海北部早渐新世发生明显的营养供给和二氧化碳浓度的变化,相关地质记录为研究颗石藻的生理机制提供了理想的自然实验室。在本研究中,我们建立了一个新的颗石藻群落演化的指标,定义为E*比值。该比值由富营养属种和中等-贫营养属种的相对丰度计算而得(E*=e/(e+c)×100,e代表富营养属种,c代表中等-贫营养属种)。其中富营养属种包括小ReticulofenestraReticulofenestra lockeri组,Reticulofenestra bisecta组和Coccolithus pelagicus组,而中等-贫营养属种包括Cyclicargolithus spp.。E*指标与早渐新世营养盐指标具有较强的相关性,但在不同二氧化碳浓度的条件下表现不同的公变趋势。将群落组合与已发表的二氧化碳浓度数据对比,我们提出颗石藻可能在二氧化碳持续降低的环境下改变其对碳源和营养盐的利用方式,指示颗石藻的碳浓缩机制可能开始于早渐新世。  相似文献   
Phytoplankton growth rates and mortality rates were experimentally examined at 21 stations during the 2017 spring intermonsoon(April to early May) in the northern and central South China Sea(SCS) using the dilution technique, with emphasis on a comparison between the northern and central SCS areas which had different environmental factors. There had been higher temperature but lower nutrients and chlorophyll a concentrations in the central SCS than those in the northern SCS. The mean rates of phytoplankton growth(μ_0) and microzooplankton grazing(m) were(0.88±0.33) d~(–1) and(0.55±0.22) d~(–1) in the central SCS, and both higher than those in the northern SCS with the values of μ_0((0.81±0.16) d~(–1)) and m((0.30±0.09) d~(–1)), respectively.Phytoplankton growth and microzooplankton grazing rates were significantly coupled in both areas. The microzooplankton grazing impact(m/μ_0) on phytoplankton was also higher in the central SCS(0.63±0.12) than that in the northern SCS(0.37±0.06). The microzooplankton abundance was significantly correlated with temperature in the surface. Temperature might more effectively promote the microzooplankton grazing rate than phytoplankton growth rate, which might contribute to higher m and m/μ_0 in the central SCS. Compared with temperature, nutrients mainly affected the growth rate of phytoplankton. In the nutrient enrichment treatment,the phytoplankton growth rate(μn) was higher than μ_0 in the central SCS, suggesting phytoplankton growth in the central SCS was nutrient limited. The ratio of μ_0/μn was significantly correlated with nutrients concentrations in the both areas, indicating the limitation of nutrients was related to the concentrations of background nutrients in the study stations.  相似文献   
南海北部具有丰富的温度锋面和中尺度涡,它们调节着局地的热量和能量平衡。本文利用卫星海洋高度异常和海表温度数据,并基于自动探测方法,探究了2007年至2017年南海北部中尺度涡边缘的海表温度锋面(涡致锋面)特征。反气旋/气旋边缘出现锋面的概率可达20%。气旋涡在各个方向上出现锋面的概率比较均匀,反气旋涡的东北部和西南部出现锋面的概率大于西北部和东南部。中尺度涡致锋面的数量有明显的季节变化,而涡动能未表现出明显的季节变化。中尺度涡致锋区的总涡动能是中尺度涡内动能的3倍,并且反气旋涡致锋面的总涡动能明显强于气旋涡致锋面的总涡动能。中尺度涡致锋面的数量和涡动能的年际变化与厄尔尼诺南方涛动指数没有明显的相关性。本研究也讨论了中尺度涡致锋面的可能机制,但是中尺度涡对海表温度锋的贡献需要进一步定量研究。  相似文献   
在天然气水合物发育区海底沉积物中甲烷厌氧氧化作用(AOM)是碳循环的重要组成部分。通过定量计算表层沉积物中甲烷迁移转化通量,可以更准确评估甲烷来源碳对沉积物碳库和海洋深部碳库影响。本文利用反应―运移模型对采集于南海神狐水合物发育区两个站位(SH-W19-PC、SH-W23-PC)采集的孔隙水SO_4~(2-)、溶解无机碳(DIC)、Ca~(2+)剖面进行拟合,同时对DIC碳同位素进行分析,确定近海底沉积物中的碳循环。研究显示两个站位孔隙水中SO_4~(2-)和Ca~(2+)浓度在剖面上随深度呈线性减少,DIC浓度随深度逐渐增加,其δ~(13)C_(DIC)值随深度逐渐降低至约-25‰,表明两个站位存在一定程度的AOM。模拟计算两个站位沉积物孔隙水溶解甲烷向上的通量分别为25.9和18.4 mmol·m~(-2) a~(-1),AOM作用产生的DIC分别占其总DIC量的70.7%和60%。由沉积物向海水中释放的DIC通量占DIC汇的约60%。因此,在天然气水合物发育区向海底渗漏甲烷大部分以DIC的形式进入上覆海水,这些具有极负碳同位素值的甲烷来源的DIC可能对局部深海碳库产生一定的影响。  相似文献   
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