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运用溶解动力学实验及活性连续体模型表征了长江河口至东海邻近海域表层沉积物中铁(Fe)和磷(P)的活性。通过动力学数据拟合得到了活性组分的理论含量m0和表观速率常数k。结果表明,Fe(Ⅱ)普遍存在于表层沉积物中,这应是高活性有机络合态Fe(Ⅲ)絮凝/沉淀到沉积物中后快速还原的结果。沉积物中黏土及总有机碳(TOC)含量对Fe(Ⅱ)的m0及其k值起重要控制作用。从长江河口至邻近海域沉积物中Fe(Ⅱ)均以FeCO3形态为主,FeCO3的溶解及与之相结合磷(主要为交换态P和自生P)的释放导致Fe(Ⅱ)和P具有相似的溶解动力学特征。与吸附于Fe(Ⅱ)矿物相的P相比,与Fe(Ⅱ)矿物相共沉淀的P的m0较高,但k较低。与TOC含量较低的粗粒沉积物中的Fe(Ⅲ)相比,TOC含量较高的细粒沉积物中Fe(Ⅲ)的m0值较小,但k值较大。以上特征是Fe不同的氧化还原过程导致的。Fe(Ⅲ)氧化物的含量(m0)和活性(k)总体上控制着与之相结合P的含量(m0)及溶解活性(k)。虽然传统活性Fe形态分析未能揭示出长江河口沉积物中活性Fe的富集作用,但溶解动力学表征结果表明,Fe的絮凝/沉淀导致河口沉积物中活性Fe的明显富集,且该过程主要发生在盐度明显增加的低盐度河口区。  相似文献   
任杰  张颖 《海洋学报》2019,41(9):105-113
本文利用2010年枯季在珠江口进行的大、中、小潮LISST剖面及底边界层观测资料,分析了磨刀门河口枯季稳定存在的絮团三峰结构,即构建絮团的基本粒子的平均粒径约为8.3~9.0 μm,小絮团为36~100 μm,大絮团大于180 μm。小潮期,盐跃层捕集的悬浮泥沙以强絮凝过程为主,大絮团含量占优;中、大潮期,平均粒径普遍增大,絮凝占优。潮内的动力变化对絮团多峰结构及形态参数的影响不明显,絮凝与解凝处于动态平衡。结合坐底三角架的湍流资料和简化的群体平衡模型(Population Balance Equation,PBE),进一步揭示了絮团变化的湍流动力机制。高流速下的强紊动剪切力,直接导致大絮团被破坏形成小絮凝体,絮凝体平均粒径减小,反之絮凝强于解凝作用。同时,基于高斯矩积分方法求解PBE,得到的粒径分布基本与观测值吻合,说明在有较好的现场湍流与粒径观测资料的条件下,PBE包含的湍流动力机制可以用来研究黏性泥沙的絮凝过程。  相似文献   
Slaughterhouse wastewater is one of the main sources of environmental pollutants, containing a high amount of organic matter (chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)), total nitrogen (TN), total suspended solids (TSS), total phosphorus (TP), grease, and oil. The main aim of the present research is optimizing the coagulation–flocculation process and examining the effects of experimental factors with each other, for example, pH, the concentration of two different coagulants (FeCl3 and alum), rapid mixing rate, and settling time. Therefore, it is aimed to treat slaughterhouse wastewater using the coagulation–flocculation process with the optimization of the response surface methodology (RSM). COD, turbidity, and suspended solids (SS) of the treated wastewater are chosen as the response variables. Furthermore, the optimal conditions for three responses are acquired by employing the desirability function approach. When the experimental results of two coagulants are compared, it is observed that the alum coagulant gave better results for the three responses. The alum coagulant utilized in the present research is able to increase COD, SS, and turbidity removal efficiency by 75.25%, 90.16%, and 91.18%, respectively. It is possible to optimize coagulation–flocculation by utilizing the RSM analysis, which proves that coagulation can pre‐treat slaughterhouse wastewater.  相似文献   
The concentrations of dissolved aluminum (Al) in the upper St. Lawrence Estuary were determined during periods of high and intermediate river-discharge. Laboratory experiments simulating estuarine processes were also conducted in order to examine possible mechanisms controlling the Al distribution. During the high river-discharge, the Al concentration at river end-member was 1.63 µM and decreased exponentially with increasing salinity. An almost complete removal of dissolved Al was observed in the low salinity area up to 10 with an intensive removal in the turbidity maximum zone. Principal mechanisms responsible for the Al removal inferred from the laboratory experiments were flocculation and adsorption onto suspended particulate matter (SPM). During the intermediate river-discharge, the Al concentration was 0.72 µM at the river end-member and again decreased with increasing salinity. However, the removal was less pronounced, being only about 25%. Good fits with model predictions and laboratory experiments suggest that principal removal mechanisms were authigenic aluminosilicate formation and adsorption onto SPM. In the upper St. Lawrence Estuary, Al distribution is controlled by a combination of three removal mechanisms: flocculation, authigenic aluminosilicate formation, and adsorption. Each mechanism can become a dominant factor depending on the concentration level and speciation of dissolved Al in the river water.  相似文献   
沉积结构与沉积构造的研究是目前细粒沉积学中的重要内容。同时,富有机质泥/页岩的纹层成因也一直是困扰人们的难题。影响湖盆细粒沉积物纹层形成的因素很多,其中盐度、有机质含量是非常重要的因素,尤其是油页岩在淡水与咸水环境均可发育,其纹层的形成与水体盐度有何关系需要深入探讨。通过长试管静置实验,模拟并观察在静水条件下,黏土矿物、富有机质泥质沉积物在淡水、微咸水及咸水3种湖盆水体环境中的沉降过程与沉降速率,通过实验观察绘制沉降过程曲线并计算沉降速率。研究表明: 在淡水中富有机质泥的沉降速率明显高于黏土矿物的沉降速率;而在微咸水与咸水中,黏土矿物的沉降速率明显比富有机质泥要高;同时,2种类型的细粒沉积物在3类水体环境中各自的沉降速率也存在不同的规律。通过分析实验结果,指出在不同水介质条件下,絮凝作用类型的差异与浮力作用的影响是造成细粒沉积速率差异的主要原因。而有机质、黏土矿物及水体盐度共同控制细粒沉积物的沉降速率,一旦这些条件发生变化,那么就容易形成类似或不同的纹层,尤其是有机质丰度与盐度变化时,更容易形成不同成分的纹层。因此,油页岩的形成除需要相对安静水体环境外,还与有机质丰度、黏土矿物含量、絮凝过程及水体盐度变化的综合响应有关,而并非单独与水体盐度相关。另外,受沉积作用影响,湖盆不同区域的细粒沉积构造类型有差异。  相似文献   
针对武汉地区不同地层、不同工艺产生的建筑工程废弃泥浆,通过光谱仪分析了其主要化学成分,并通过过滤、真空抽滤、离心以及不同絮凝剂的正交试验,以上清液浊度和清液率为主要指标对废弃泥浆泥水分离效果进行评价。试验发现:废弃泥浆固相颗粒以有机质为主;采用过滤方式取得的清液浊度较低,但清液率较少;采用真空抽滤方式处理废弃泥浆可以获得较多的上清液;采用离心方式能处理除含特细颗粒外的多数废弃泥浆;正交试验表明阳离子絮凝剂(PAM)处理废弃泥浆效果较好。  相似文献   
Pore dilation, the compaction of humic acids on peat fibres due to the process of flocculation, causes the hydraulic conductivity of peat to increase with increasing pore water electrical conductivity. This is a reversible process and a reduction in the pore water conductivity produces a decrease in the hydraulic conductivity due to the constriction of pores. We verify how this dilation and constriction of pores, resulting from the application of artificial pore water (primarily deionized water), affects laboratory measurements of the hydraulic conductivity of peat. Repeat measurements of the hydraulic conductivity were performed on samples of Sphagnum peat. It is shown that the application of deionized water during constant head permeameter tests causes a significant decrease in the hydraulic conductivity. Between tests, the hydraulic conductivity of the peat continues to decline without an associate decrease in the pore water electrical conductivity because of a lagged pore constriction effect. We suggest that the use of artificially high or low pore water electrical conductivities, during laboratory hydraulic conductivity measurements, is likely to lead to significant errors. Experimental protocols must, therefore, be revised to take better account of the pore water chemistry. The ionic concentrations of the natural pore fluid should be replicated during hydraulic conductivity tests, either by using pore fluid extracted from the study site or by artificially replicating the major ionic composition of the natural pore fluid. In addition, prior to the hydraulic conductivity measurements, peat samples should be flushed with this solution until the hydraulic conductivity stabilizes and the samples subsequently allowed to equilibrate. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
改性粘土法是一种高效、环保的有害藻华应急处置技术,可通过絮凝作用有效去除水体中藻华生物。但利用改性粘土絮凝产毒藻后,水体中胞内外藻毒素的变化情况目前尚不清楚。文章考察了I型改性粘土(MCI)絮凝典型产毒甲藻——太平洋亚历山大藻(Alexandriumpacificum)后,水体中残留藻细胞内和胞外麻痹性贝类毒素(paralytic shellfish toxins, PSTs)含量、组分的变化情况。实验结果表明, MC I对密度为6.11×10~3 cells/mL的A. pacificum 3小时去除率达62%,水体中残留藻细胞单细胞毒素含量和PSTs组分与对照组无显著差异,但水体中总PSTs含量大大降低,其中由絮凝沉降导致的胞内PSTs被去除量占水体中PSTs总减少量的90%以上。另外,针对MC I对胞外PSTs吸附效果的研究发现,低于0.5 g/L的MC I对胞外PSTs无明显吸附效果,而在利用0.2 g/L MC I絮凝去除大部分亚历山大藻后,水体中胞外PSTs含量无明显变化。由此可以推测该用量下的MC I未造成大量藻细胞破裂向水体中释放毒素。该研究结果将为改性粘土治理有毒甲藻藻华的现场应用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The preloading method has been widely applied in land reclamation as a green and economical approach to ground improvement. To improve the consolidation behavior, the addition of lime generally improves soil performance. In this article, a modified oedometer equipped with a tactile pressure sensor and a bender–extender element is employed. The effects of lime treatment on the geotechnical properties of dredged mud are investigated; these properties include the coefficient of the earth pressure at rest (K0), settlement, drainage behavior, and evolution of the elastic wave velocity. The results reveal that the addition of lime not only influences the specimen’s deformation behavior but also influences its shear strength during and after loading. Combined with the evolution of the elastic wave velocity, the microstructural evolution of the specimen could be described and explained. It is concluded that a compressional wave is more sensitive to the change in the specimen’s void ratio and saturation. For K0, initially (<25?kPa), the higher the lime content is, the greater the K0 fluctuation is. Afterwards, the higher the lime content is, the smaller the K0 fluctuation is, and finally K0 slowly approaches approximately 0.2.  相似文献   
Research over the last decade has shown that the suspended sediment loads of many rivers are dominated by composite particles. These particles are also known as aggregates or flocs, and are commonly made up of constituent mineral particles, which evidence a wide range of grain sizes, and organic matter. The resulting in situ or effective particle size characteristics of fluvial suspended sediment exert a major control on all processes of entrainment, transport and deposition. The significance of composite suspended sediment particles in glacial meltwater streams has, however, not been established. Existing data on the particle size characteristics of suspended sediment in glacial meltwaters relate to the dispersed mineral fraction (absolute particle size), which, for certain size fractions, may bear little relationship to the effective or in situ distribution. Existing understanding of composite particle formation within freshwater environments would suggest that in‐stream flocculation processes do not take place in glacial meltwater systems because of the absence of organic binding agents. However, we report preliminary scanning electron microscopy data for one Alpine and two Himalayan glaciers that show composite particles are present in the suspended sediment load of the meltwater system. The genesis and structure of these composite particles and their constituent grain size characteristics are discussed. We present evidence for the existence of both aggregates, or composite particles whose features are largely inherited from source materials, and flocs, which represent composite particles produced by in‐stream flocculation processes. In the absence of organic materials, the latter may result solely from electrochemical flocculation in the meltwater sediment system. This type of floc formation has not been reported previously in the freshwater fluvial environment. Further work is needed to test the wider significance of these data and to investigate the effective particle size characteristics of suspended sediment associated with high concentration outburst events. Such events make a major contribution to suspended sediment fluxes in meltwater streams and may provide conditions that are conducive to composite particle formation by flocculation. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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