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一氧化氮和铁对海洋微藻生长的交互影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在实验室进行了一氧化氮(NO)和铁对海洋微藻中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)生长影响实验.实验结果如下:在铁限制情况下,外源NO能明显提高微藻的生长速率,增加生物量,但NO和铁对浮游植物生长影响是一个复杂的过程,它受到NO的浓度、培养液的营养水平、铁的浓度等因素的影响,同时培养液中铁的浓度也直接影响到微藻的生长和NO的释放量.因此,一氧化氮与铁在浮游植物生长过程中是交互影响的.  相似文献   
IR spectra of Cu (Ⅱ)-marine solid particle systems show that Cu (Ⅱ)-marine solid particle ion exchange causes a stepwise change in the surface H-bonding hydroxyl groups on illite . montmorillonite, CaCO3,r. AlOOH and goethite, but that this does not affect the surface free hydroxyl groups on illite. montmorillonite and CaCO3. and framework hydroxyl group on goethite and on γ- AlOOH . Over the range of Cu(Ⅱ) exchange amounts in the present experiment, four stepwise changes were discovered for the surface H- bonding hydroxyl group on illite. while two stepwise changes were observed on the other marine solids. The interfacial stepwise ion exchange theory was first demonstrated by the above experimental evidence .  相似文献   
本文研究了海水中钼(Ⅵ)与粘土矿物(高岭石、蒙脱石)、水合氧化铁(赤铁矿、无定形氧化铁)和水合氧化锰(水锰矿、相互作用的交换百分率E(%)-pH曲线.钼在这三类固体粒子上的E(%)-pH曲线分别为新发现的N-型曲线,以及峰型和反S型曲线.其中N-型曲线在负离子交换吸附文献中尚未见报道,本文提出用"静电交换和分级离子/配位子交换共同作用"的观点作理论解释.峰型和反S型E(%)-pH曲线可用固-液界面上负离子交换吸附作用解释.钼(Ⅵ)在这三类粒子上的交换能力顺序为:水合氧化锰>水合氧化铁>粘土矿物.  相似文献   
本文研究了海水中钼(Ⅵ)与粘土矿物(高岭石、蒙脱石)、水合氧化铁(赤铁矿、无定形氧化铁)和水合氧化锰(水锰矿、δ-MnO_2)相互作用等温线,钼(Ⅵ)-粘土矿物体系所得是一种具有极大值的N-型等温线,钼(Ⅵ)-水合氧化物体系所得是具有一个拐点和两个台阶的"台阶型"等温线。这两类等温线在负离子交换吸附文献上均尚未见报道。N-型等温线的产生是因溶液中钼(Ⅵ)的复杂存在形式和负离子交换机理复合作用的结果。"台阶型"等温线的形成则是氧化物表面存在着几类能量不同的羟基分级交换吸附的结果。  相似文献   
杨桂朋  张正斌 《海洋学报》1992,14(5):135-141
前 言 海洋中溶解有机碳的浓度一般为0.5~2(×10~(-6)),只是海水中无机物的1/10~5,此外尚有更少的固体粒状有机物.海水中有机物的存在量虽然不大,但在许多场合下起着很重要的作用,特别是在液-固界面相互作用中可能起关键作用.许多研究表明,天然水中的颗粒物能显著地吸附有机物,并且在吸附有机物后使其表面带有负电荷,吸附的有机物对微量金属元素的吸附和天然颗粒物的凝聚有着十分重要的影响.因此,研究有机物在悬浮颗粒物上的吸附作用也就显得十分必要.  相似文献   
The results obtained from the Cu(Ⅱ)%-pH curve of the system in the presence of added amino acid indicated that the added amino acids of higher concentration can inhibit the Cu(Ⅱ)-δ-MnO2 ion exchange and that their inhibiting effects decrease in the following sequence when the initial amino acid concentrations are 20.00 ppm: histidine > cystine > glutamic acid > proline > alanine > glycine. The determination of amino acid in solution performed with an amino acid analyser showed that added amino acids react chemically on the surface of the δ-MnO2 According to thermodynamic equilibria relations in the system, amino acids can be changed to amines because of their decarboxylation on the surface of the δ-MnO2. Considering (1) the effect-inhibiting factor of amine F (β, Ka, pH) representing the complex potential of amine with Cu(Ⅱ) insolution and (2) the acidic constant of - NH3+ group in the amine molecule representing the ability of cation exchange of the amine with δ-MnO2, the inhibiting seqence of  相似文献   
碳酸钙颗粒在海水中三千多米以上几乎不发生溶解作用,而在三千多米以下溶解速率明显增加。对应的溶解突跃面称为碳酸钙溶解跃面。深海沉积中碳酸钙含量在四千米左右,由多到少迅速减少。沉积中碳酸钙含量只有百分之几或消失时的海洋深度称为碳酸钙补偿深度。在溶解跃面与补偿深度这段深度中,碳酸钙颗粒发生大量的溶解作用。这是地球上  相似文献   
The seawater complexation capacity for heavy metals (copper, lead and cadmium )in the South China Sea was determined by anodic voltammetry and the conditional stability constants of these complexes were calculated. The data showed that the complexation capacity of the South China Sea water was greater than that of seawater in the Huanghe Estuary and the coast water of Qingdao. The sequence of complexation capacity is C(CuL)>C(PbL)>C(CdL), and the conditional stability constants were in an opposite sequence: K.(CuL) Cd and Pb were similan to those obtained by Buckley (1986) for the Atlantic Ocean water. Complexation capacity is maximum at the surface layer, decreasing with depth, reaching minimum at 750m, but increasing again near the sea bottom.  相似文献   
ImODUcrIONThepoolofdissolvedorganicrnatter,eva1uatalasdissolvedorganiccarbonpoC),hasbostudndforrnanyycars(Med,l964,SkopintSevCtal.,l966).Continentalmar-ginshavedrihypotheSedtobeasirnPortanttothemarinecarbonbiogeochdricalCy-desasthedeepsea(Walsh,l99l),butinmostdiscussions,onlyexportofparticulateorganieswasconsidetal.HighconcentIationofDOCincoastalwatershasaspedlroleinexportingcarbonfromcontinentalmarginstotheopenocean.UndelstandingtheroleoftheoceanmarginsintheglobalcarbonCycAsdependsla…  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONColloids (orsub micrometerparticles)areoperationallydefinedasparticlesbetween 1nmand1 μm (Vold ,R .D .andVold ,M .J.,1 983) .Thedistributionbetween“dissolved”and“particu late”phaseinaquaticchemistryusedtobedefinedbyafiltrationwith 0 .45 μmporesizefilters.Th…  相似文献   
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