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The Ras Al-Subiyah area is considered one of the most promising areas in Kuwait for future development. This development will include a new town called Subiyah and its associated infrastructure. This area is also being considered as the location for connection between Boubyan Island, which is now undergoing major development and the Kuwait mainland. The present study investigates the geomorphology of the Ras Al-Sabiyah area in the northern sector of Kuwait. The study area is generally flat, and it is located west of the Jal Az-Zor escarpment. It is bordered on the east by the Khor Al-Sabiyah tidal channel and on the south by Kuwait Bay. The area receives sediments from several sources; currently the most important are aeolian sediments and the deposition of mud delivered through the Khor Al-Sabiyah from the Iraqi marshes. The study area has been subjected to severe environmental changes due to the Gulf wars and the drainage of Iraqi marshes and the associated artificial changes in fluvial system. Twenty-two surface sediments were collected from the Ras Al-Subiyah area. Samples were collected to include the main geomorphologic characteristic features of the study area. Field observations and remote sensing images from 1990 and 2001 were used to produce an updated geomorphologic map for the Ras Al-Subiyah and a map showing geomorphic changes between 1990 and 2001. Grain size of the surface sediment ranges from gravel to medium sand. In general, grain size statistical analysis indicates that most of the areas are composed of two or more classes of sands transported and deposited from different sources including aeolian, sabkhas, river and the bays. The variability in the grain size statistical parameters may be attributed to the complexity of surface morphology as well as the diversity in the type of depositional environment in the Ras Al-Subiyah area. The total area subjected to change during the 12-year period (1990–2001) is about 32 km2 as calculated using GIS techniques.  相似文献   
Anders Schomacker   《Earth》2008,90(3-4):103-113
In the geological record, hummocky dead-ice moraines represent the final product of the melt-out of dead-ice. Processes and rates of dead-ice melting in ice-cored moraines and at debris-covered glaciers are commonly believed to be governed by climate and debris-cover properties. Here, backwasting rates from 14 dead-ice areas are assessed in relation to mean annual air temperature, mean summer air temperature, mean annual precipitation, mean summer precipitation, and annual sum of positive degree days. The highest correlation was found between backwasting rate and mean annual air temperature. However, the correlation between melt rates and climate parameters is low, stressing that processes and topography play a major role in governing the rates of backwasting. The rates of backwasting from modern glacial environments should serve as input to de-icing models for ancient dead-ice areas in order to assess the mode and duration of deposition.A challenge for future explorations of dead-ice environments is to obtain long-term records of field-based monitoring of melt progression. Furthermore, many modern satellite-borne sensors have high potentials for recordings of multi-temporal Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) for detection and quantification of changes in dead-ice environments. In recent years, high-accuracy DEMs from airborne laser scanning altimetry (LiDAR) are emerging as an additional data source. However, time series of high-resolution aerial photographs remain essential for both visual inspection and high-resolution stereographic DEM production.  相似文献   
试论地貌学的新进展和趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地貌变化有内在的规律,对环境保育、资源利用和自然灾害防治有重要影响。作为交叉学科和地理学的重要分支学科,地貌学具有重要理论价值和实际意义。过去10多年来,随着遥感、地理信息技术和沉积物定年、地球物理和地球化学探测以及数值模拟等新技术和新方法的应用,地貌学家的研究视野和深度不断扩大与加深,在构造地貌、气候地貌和人类活动与地貌过程等传统领域有很多新进展,揭示了不同地貌单元的变化规律和机理,极大地推动了地貌学的发展。在新时代,除了继续加强传统地貌单元的深入研究外,地貌学的发展应与全球环境变化和未来地球等重大科学问题(计划)紧密结合;地貌学家要关心人类活动对地貌过程的影响及适应,并利用新技术开展地貌过程的定量重建和数值模拟。同时加强地理学专业学生的地质学基础学习、发展定量地貌学和行星地貌学、系统开展人类活动对地貌过程的影响和适应研究,是提升中国地貌学水平的途径,也可为推动国际地貌学发展做出贡献。  相似文献   
柴达木盆地盐湖锂矿床成矿过程及分布规律   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
柴达木盆地盐湖蕴藏230×10~4t锂,集中分布在别勒滩、东西台等4个盐湖,占我国卤水锂资源总量~80%,战略资源地位不言而喻。近年来提锂技术及工程化研究倍受重视,而对盐湖锂矿成因和分布规律的了解凸显不足,锂矿资源流失严重与之不无关联。研究查明,昆仑山高温热泉群含锂泉水长期注入洪—那河,流入终端盐湖,蒸发富集成矿;锂的年输入通量748.8 t,结合区内盐湖锂矿总储量保守估算,成矿期始于14 ka BP之后;洪—那河早期主要流向别勒滩,在山前冲积扇向北推进、扇前河改道北流后,方才形成含锂河水当前分配格局。据此,破解了别勒滩锂矿在研究区储量最大的原由。还查明了锂矿床仅存在于别勒滩,而在达布逊等3个区段不能成矿的原因。阐明了锂的来源与新生代火山喷发岩、深部岩浆房、昆仑大断裂活动有关,以及含锂热水持续远程输送至盐湖成矿的地貌和水文气候动因。企业应当根据锂的分布规律和矿床特征,迅速转变钾肥生产模式。  相似文献   
Remotely sensed data show details of the geomorphic features and landscape evolution west of the Nile. The detected features include remnants of paleochannels, flutes and rock-mass movements. Fused radar/optical data, altitudinal profiles and 3D perspective view provided evidences of massive landslides that fully blocked the earlier Nile channel near to the Western Desert plateau. This channel was ~30 km west of the present Nile at ~100 m above the present level of the Nile. Subsequently, the fluvial activities shifted about ~10 km eastward, leaving behind several remnants of paleochannels, fluvial deposits, ancient landscape and Nilotic fauna. The automatic extraction of stream networks clearly depicts the developments of paleochannels. Our results revealed that fluvial activity switched from the Gallaba plain to the present Nile course through a series of tectonic and climatic changes. Furthermore, integration of radar and optical images provided an explanation for causes of the undulated forms ‘flutes’.  相似文献   
在西非的象牙海岸Issia地区分布着许多铌钽矿床,包括原生矿和砂矿。原生矿产在分带很好的伟晶岩中。这个地区发育着许多花岗岩和花岗伟晶岩。伟晶岩可分为:(1)分异不好的伟晶岩,无矿化;(2)含Be伟晶岩,分带较好,见绿柱石;(3)含Be-Nb-Ta的伟晶岩,分带很好,是矿体;(4)Be-Nb-Ta-Li伟晶岩,分带很好,是矿体。除了10多个原生矿外,还有许多砂矿。砂矿有两种类型:一种近原生矿的坡积砂矿,另一种是经河流冲刷搬运后的冲积砂矿。我们选择了Etienne-Meguhe砂矿作为近原生矿的坡积砂矿的代表,Bemadi矿作为河流冲积型的砂矿的代表,对这两种类型的砂矿的风化、搬运、沉积机理进行了比较研究。研究发现不同的搬运距离和搬运模式对铌钽砂矿的主要矿物——铌钽铁矿的化学性质没有什么影响,而其物理形态则发生了变化。坡积型砂矿的铌钽铁矿常与石英、长石等矿物连生,其颗粒大小与原生的Nb-Ta伟晶岩中的铌钽铁矿一致;经河流冲积而形成的砂矿中,铌钽铁矿颗粒变小、轮廓变得圆滑,几乎无连生矿物,但矿体集中,常在河流的冲积扇中分布,易开采。  相似文献   
以地球系统中各圈层的相互作用为主线,分析总结了我国沙漠地貌过程、流水地貌过程、冰川地貌过程及风沙地貌过程等领域研究的部分进展。由于我国沙漠地理位置的特殊性,其形成和演变与岩石圈构造变动即青藏高原隆升有着紧密的联系,所以,对我国沙漠形成、演变的研究能为探讨青藏高原隆升历史提供重要佐证。近30年来,有关我国沙漠形成时代的认识更新较快。新的沉积记录显示,我国西北地区的沙漠在中新世时就已经出现了,但沙漠沙丘大规模扩展可能是在中更新世才开始的。既使在晚更新世以来,我国沙漠地区的气候也有过明显波动、沙漠地貌的特征也发生过显著变化。沙漠通过为沙尘暴提供物源,对全球变化产生驱动作用。从地表过程来看,风沙地貌的形成演变不仅受风力作用,而且受流水、湖泊等多种地貌动力过程的影响,地貌类型是各种动力过程共同作用的缩影。古冰川地貌曾是最早发现的第四纪气候变化的证据。随着新的测年技术的出现,学术界对我国第四纪古冰川地貌演化过程有了较系统、全面的认识。流水地貌过程应该是地球上作用区域最广的一种地貌动力过程,对流水地貌过程的认识目前正在向微观和宏观深入。  相似文献   
面向地貌学本源的数字地形分析研究进展与展望   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
数字地形分析(DTA)是地理信息科学(GIS)研究的热点。但是,当前基于数字高程模型(DEM)的数字地形分析在地貌学研究中存在重形态轻机理、重现象轻过程、重地上轻地下等问题,急需从单一的地貌形态分析,迈向面向成因、过程与机理等地貌学本源问题的研究转变。据此,本文系统梳理了面向地貌学本源的数字地形分析的相关研究现状,并从地貌学本源认识、地貌形态建模、地形因子提取、以及其他地形分析方法等研究进行了系统的回顾、梳理与分析。研究表明,基于DEM的数字地形分析虽具有地貌特征分析的潜力与优势,但是,数字地形分析存在数据表达与分析模式上的先天缺陷,亟待通过基础理论与关键技术的突破,实现理论与方法的创新发展,实现从“坡面”走向“区域”,从“形态”走向“过程”,从“地形”走向“地貌”。而当今地球系统科学的研究发展态势也到了数字地形分析研究从重视地貌形态走向揭示地貌学本源的关键阶段。因此,本文从DEM数据模型增值、地形因子及其地形空间关系、以及宏观地形分析等侧面展望了面向地貌学本源的数字地形分析研究。当今基于DEM的数字地形分析研究,正像当前的GIS是否能够真正支撑地理学发展一样,已经处于一个非常关键的十字路口。面向地貌学本源的数字地形分析研究思路可望成为地理信息科学领域理论与方法创新的一次重要探索与实践。  相似文献   
Geomorphology-oriented digital terrain analysis: Progress and perspectives   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Digital terrain analysis(DTA) is one of the most important contents in the research of geographical information science(GIS). However, on the basis of the digital elevation model(DEM), many problems exist in the current research of DTA in geomorphological studies. For instance, the current DTA research appears to be focused more on morphology, phenomenon, and modern surface rather than mechanism, process, and underlying terrain. The current DTA research needs to be urgently transformed from the study of landform morphology to one focusing on landform process and mechanism. On this basis, this study summarizes the current research status of geomorphology-oriented DTA and systematically reviews and analyzes the research about the knowledge of geomorphological ontology, terrain modeling, terrain derivative calculation, and terrain analytical methods. With the help of DEM data, DTA research has the advantage of carrying out geomorphological studies from the perspective of surface morphology. However, the study of DTA has inherent defects in terms of data expression and analytic patterns. Thus, breakthroughs in basic theories and key technologies are necessary. Moreover, scholars need to realize that DTA research must be transformed from phenomenon to mechanism, from morphology to process, and from terrain to landform. At present, the research development of earth science has reached the critical stage in which the DTA research should focus more on geomorphological ontology. Consequently, this study proposes several prospects of geomorphology-oriented DTA from the aspects of value-added DEM data model, terrain derivatives and their spatial relations, and macro-terrain analysis. The study of DTA based on DEM is at a critical period along with the issue on whether the current GIS technology can truly support the development of geography. The research idea of geomorphology-oriented DTA is expected to be an important exploration and practice in the field of GIS.  相似文献   
Shoreface sandstone deposits within the Early Carnian part of the Snadd Formation of the Norwegian Barents Sea can be traced for hundreds of kilometres in the depositional strike direction and for tens of kilometres in the depositional‐dip direction. This study uses three‐dimensional seismic attribute mapping and two‐dimensional regional seismic profiles to visualize the seismic facies of these shoreface deposits and to map their internal stratigraphic architecture at a regional scale. The shoreface deposits are generally elongate but show variable width from north‐east to south‐west, which corresponds to a sediment source in the northern part of the basin and a southward decrease in longshore sediment transport. The Snadd Formation presents an example of how large‐scale progradational shoreface deposits develop. The linear nature of its shoreface deposits contrasts with more irregular, cuspate wave‐dominated deltaic shorelines that contain river outlets, and instead implies longshore drift as the main sediment source. In map view, discrete sets of linear features bounded by truncation surfaces scale directly to beach ridge sets in modern counterparts. The shoreface deposits studied here are characteristic in terms of scale and basin‐wide continuity, and offer insight into the contrast between shallow marine deposition under stable Triassic Greenhouse and fluctuating Holocene Icehouse climates. Findings presented herein are also important for hydrocarbon exploration in the Barents Sea, because they describe a hitherto poorly understood reservoir play in the Triassic interval, wherein the most prominent reservoir plays have so far been considered to be found in channelized deposits in net‐progradational delta‐plain strata that form the topsets to shelf‐edge clinoforms. The documented presence of widespread wave‐dominated shoreface deposits also has implications for how the relative importance of different sedimentary processes is considered within the basin during this period.  相似文献   
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