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The effects of climate change on the groundwater systems in the Grote-Nete catchment, Belgium, covering an area of 525 km2, is modeled using wet (greenhouse), cold or NATCC (North Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation Change) and dry climate scenarios. Low, central and high estimates of temperature changes are adopted for wet scenarios. Seasonal and annual water balance components including groundwater recharge are simulated using the WetSpass model, while mean annual groundwater elevations and discharge are simulated with a steady-state MODFLOW groundwater model. WetSpass results for the wet scenarios show that wet winters and drier summers are expected relative to the present situation. MODFLOW results for wet high scenario show groundwater levels increase by as much as 79 cm, which could affect the distribution and species richness of meadows. Results obtained for cold scenarios depict drier winters and wetter summers relative to the present. The dry scenarios predict dry conditions for the whole year. There is no recharge during the summer, which is mainly attributed to high evapotranspiration rates by forests and low precipitation. Average annual groundwater levels drop by 0.5 m, with maximum of 3.1 m on the eastern part of the Campine Plateau. This could endanger aquatic ecosystem, shrubs, and crop production.  相似文献   
A regional hydrogeochemical model was developed to evaluate the geochemical evolution of different groundwaters in an alluvial aquifer system in the Interior of Oman. In combination with environmental isotopes the model is able to extract qualitative and quantitative information about recharge, groundwater flow paths and hydraulic connections between different aquifers. The main source of water to the alluvial aquifer along the flow paths of Wadi Abyadh and Wadi Muaydin in the piedmont is groundwater from the high-altitude areas of the Jabal Akhdar and local infiltration along the wadi channels. In contrast, the piedmont alluvial aquifer along Wadi Halfayn is primarily replenished by lateral recharge from the ophiolite foothills to the east besides smaller contributions from the Jabal Akhdar and local infiltration. Further down gradient in the Southern Alluvial Plain aquifer a significant source of recharge is direct infiltration of rain and surface runoff, originating from a moisture source that approaches Oman from the south. The model shows that the main geochemical evolution of the alluvial groundwaters occurs along the flow path from the piedmont to the Southern Alluvial Plain, where dedolomitization is responsible for the observed changes in the chemical and carbon isotope composition in these waters.
Resumen Un modelo hidrogeoquímico regional fue desarrollado, para evaluar la evolución geoquímica de diferentes aguas subterráneas en un sistema acuífero aluvial ubicado en el interior de Omán. El modelo, en combinación con isótopos ambientales, es capaz de obtener información cualitativa y cuantitativa sobre recarga, direcciones de flujo de agua subterránea y sobre las conexiones hidráulicas entre diferentes acuíferos. La fuente principal de agua para el acuífero aluvial en el piedemonte son las aguas subterráneas, a lo largo de las direcciones de flujo del Wadi Abyadh y del Wadi Muaydin, desde las áreas de gran altura de Jabal Akhdar y como infiltración local a lo largo de los canales del wadi. En contraste, el acuífero aluvial del piedemonte a lo largo del Wadi Halfayn, esta alimentado principalmente por recarga lateral desde las partes bajas de las montañas de ofiolitas hacia el Este, además por pequeñas contribuciones desde el Jabal Akhdar e infiltración local. Siguiendo gradiente abajo en el acuífero de la Llanura Aluvial del Sur, allí tanto la infiltración directa de lluvia, como la escorrentía superficial constituyen fuentes significativas de recarga, las cuales se originan en una fuente de humedad que llega a Omán proveniente del Sur. El modelo muestra, que la evolución geoquímica principal de las aguas subterráneas en el aluvión, sucede a lo largo de la dirección de flujo, que va desde el piedemonte hacia la Llanura Aluvial Sur, en donde el proceso de des-dolomitización es el responsable de los cambios observados en la composición química y también del contenido de isótopos de carbono en estas aguas.

Résumé On a développé un modèle régional hydrogéochimique pour évaluer lévolution géochimique des différentes eaux souterraines dans le système aquifère de lintérieur dOman. Avec la contribution des isotopes denvironnement, le modèle est capable de fournir des informations qualitatives et quantitatives sur la recharge, les directions découlement et sur les connections hydrauliques entre les différents aquifères du système. La source principale pour laquifère situé au long de la direction découlement des oueds de Abdyah et de Muaydin dans le piémont est leau souterraine provenant des zones de haute altitude de Jabal Akhbar ainsi que linfiltration locale au long des canaux de loued. Par contre, à part dune petite contribution provenant des infiltrations locaux et de Jabal Akhbar, l aquifère alluvial de Wadi Halfayan est en principal alimenté par la recharge latérale provenant des ophiolites situées dans la partie est. Les plus importantes sources de recharge dans laval de laquifère de la Plaine Alluviale sont linfiltration directe et le ruissellement provenant dune source dhumidité qui sapproche dOman par le sud. Le modèle montre que la principale évolution géochimique se produise au long de la direction découlement qui part de piémont de la Plaine Alluviale du Sud, où le procès de dédolomisation est responsable pour les changements observés dans la composition géochimique et en carbone des eaux.
An integrated approach to assessing the regional impacts of climate and socio-economic change on groundwater recharge is described from East Anglia, UK. Many factors affect future groundwater recharge including changed precipitation and temperature regimes, coastal flooding, urbanization, woodland establishment, and changes in cropping and rotations.Important sources of uncertainty and shortcomings in recharge estimation are discussed in the light of the results. The uncertainty in, and importance of, socio-economic scenarios in exploring the consequences of unknown future changes are highlighted. Changes to soil properties are occurring over a range of time scales, such that the soils of the future may not have the same infiltration properties as existing soils. The potential implications involved in assuming unchanging soil properties are described.To focus on the direct impacts of climate change is to neglect the potentially important role of policy, societal values and economic processes in shaping the landscape above aquifers. If the likely consequences of future changes of groundwater recharge, resulting from both climate and socio-economic change, are to be assessed, hydrogeologists must increasingly work with researchers from other disciplines, such as socio-economists, agricultural modellers and soil scientists.
I. P. HolmanEmail: Phone: +44-(0)1525-863000Fax: +44-(0)1525-863344
This paper presents the findings of a collaborative research project of the Geological Survey of Lower Saxony (NLfB) and the Programme Group Systems Analysis and Technology Evaluation (STE) of Research Centre Jülich on the GIS-based determination of the mean long-term groundwater recharge in Lower Saxony using high-resolution digital data (Dörhöfer and others 2001). The model calculations were performed on the basis of the water-balance model GROWA (Kunkel and Wendland 2002) with a spatial resolution of 100x100 m2. The accuracy of the calculated groundwater recharge values for the period 1961–1990 was verified on the basis of data from gauging stations and displayed a good agreement between observed runoff values and model results.  相似文献   
In southwest Niger, the Continental Terminal water table displays a natural hollow shape about 10 m in depth over an area of 4000 km2. A 10-year survey of this hollow aquifer has shown that current recharge is above 20 mmyr?1. The water table has risen continuously since the 1950–1960s as a result of land clearance. This shows a disequilibrium in the aquifer balance. The long-term recharge rate is estimated by radioisotopes to be around mmyr?1. This figure fits with the only possible origin of the piezometric depression, i.e. evapotranspiration losses in its centre. To cite this article: G. Favreau et al., C. R. Geoscience 334 (2002) 395–401.  相似文献   
Rainfall is the main source of groundwater recharge in the Gaza Strip area in Palestine. The area is located in the semi-arid zone and there is no source of recharge other than rainfall. Estimation of groundwater recharge from rainfall is not an easy task since it depends on many uncertain parameters. The cumulative rainfall departure (CRD) method, which depends on the water balance principle, was used in this study to estimate the net groundwater recharge from rainfall. This method does not require much data as is the case with other classical recharge estimation methods. The CRD method was carried out using optimisation approach to minimise the root mean square error (RMSE) between the measured and the simulated groundwater head. The results of this method were compared with the results of other recharge estimation methods from literature. It was found that the results of the CRD method are very close to the results of the other methods, but with less data requirements and greater ease of application. Based on the CRD method, the annual amount of groundwater recharge from rainfall in the Gaza Strip is about 43 million m3. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   
本文提出了一种基于GIS的补给潜力分析方法。在实例研究中,通过对地形、地表物质组成、包气带岩性、植被覆盖等因子建立的专题图层的叠加分析,确定了地下水的补给潜力分区,结合研究区含水层分布特征,综合确定了水源地的靶区和开采潜力区。研究表明,利用GIS确定研究区降雨入渗补给量是一种高效、直观、可行的方法。  相似文献   
地下水入渗补给量是重要的水文地质参数。本文介绍了测定地下水入渗补给量的最新方法——惰性气体法的原理与方法,该方法适用于封闭条件下的深层地下水。  相似文献   
简要叙述了柳林泉域岩溶地下水水文地质结构,明确了奥陶系上马家沟组为最主要的含水层,通过对柳林泉水及泉域内“奥灰”钻孔水质分析化验资料的主要水化学特征进行对比,确定了柳林泉南北两岸的补给来源不同,南岸来自东部子系统,北岸来自北部子系统。  相似文献   
 Due to the rapid expansion of the Sudanese capital city far away from its three Niles, it has become a necessity to estimate the sustainability of the groundwater resources in this arid area. The purpose of this study – based on the stable-isotopic composition of groundwater – is to identify the sources of recharge and their relative contribution. The results show that groundwater infiltrated from the Niles under the present prevailing arid climate, with greater contribution from the White Nile compared to the Blue Nile, occupies an extension of 12 km from the Niles within the two main aquifers. Paleogroundwater of meteoric origin, infiltrated in the cooler pluvial earlier Holocene, occupies the outer zones beyond the Niles' effect. A rational utilization policy is recommended to preserve the finite groundwater resources. Received: 27 August 1998 · Accepted: 2 March 1999  相似文献   
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