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东中国海黑潮海洋锋的季节变化特征及其成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张然  徐海明  张百超 《气象科学》2016,36(2):203-211
利用高分辨率海洋和大气再分析资料研究了东中国海黑潮海洋锋的季节变化特征及其成因。研究表明,东海黑潮海洋锋存在明显的季节变化,从冬季到次年春季逐渐增强,并在春季达到最强,初夏以后强度逐渐减弱,9—10月达到全年最弱。通过诊断混合层热流量方程发现,东海黑潮区一年四季均表现为暖的温度平流,有利于海洋锋的形成和维持,该暖平流也存在季节变化并在春季达到最大,对海洋锋在春季达到最强起了重要作用。海气界面净热通量在秋冬季对海洋锋的形成有促进作用,有利于海洋锋增强,而在春夏季则起抑制作用,促进海洋锋消亡。温度垂直输送全年对海洋锋起一定程度的抑制作用。总之,在海温水平平流和海表净热通量的共同作用下导致海洋锋春季达到最强,而夏秋季海表净热通量和温度垂直输送作用的共同作用致使海洋锋减弱并最后消失。因此,海洋的动力和热力共同作用导致了东海黑潮海洋锋的季节变化,其中海温水平平流和海表净热通量对海洋锋的季节变化起主要作用,而温度垂直输送项对海洋锋的发展起抑制作用,但影响相对较小。  相似文献   
We used the tropical oceanic planktonic diatom species Nitzschia marina, Rhizosolenia bergonii and Azpeitia africana/Azpeitia neocrenulata, most commonly found in the surface sediments of the northeasternmost South China Sea (SCS) where the Kuroshio Current enters the SCS through the Bashi Strait north of Luzon, to analyse the influence of the the Kuroshio Current on the SCS. The impact of the Kuroshio Current seems to be relatively strong during major warm periods and, to a lesser degree, in minor warm periods during the last 115 000 years. The strongest influence took place during the main part of the Holocene and during the very late phase of Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5e. It is possible to distinguish two magnitudes of change in the impact of the Kuroshio Current on the SCS: large changes occurred at shifts between glacial and interglacial conditions, while smaller changes seem to have recurred in both glacial and interglacial episodes as well as during the Holocene. Climatic/oceanographic changes and sea‐level variations were possibly the two most important mechanisms for the varying influences of the Kuroshio Current on the SCS. The interaction between the Kuroshio Current and monsoon‐related processes may also have played a role. However, because of restricted knowledge of the present‐day Kuroshio Current and the absence of a modern analogue to the ancient SCS due to the marked changes in palaeogeography, this relationship is difficult to establish. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
对取自西菲律宾海黑潮源区的Ph05-5和WF3岩芯进行了CaCO3和钙质超微化石研究.在利用氧同位素曲线对比和AMS14C数据进行地层划分的基础上,结合钙质超微化石的碳酸盐溶解指数和初级生产力指标,分析了晚第四纪黑潮源区碳酸盐旋回特征及其控制因素.约190ka BP以来CaCO3含量整体上都表现为冰期高、间冰期低的"太平洋型"旋回特征,但菲律宾以东海区在末次冰期(MIS 4到MIS 2期)内部又显示出间冰段含量高、冰段含量低的"大西洋型"旋回特征.碳酸盐旋回的控制因素在黑潮源区内部也有明显的差异,菲律宾以东海区以碳酸盐溶解作用为主,初级生产力起次要作用;而台湾东南部海区的主要因素则是初级生产力变化引起的钙质生物输入量的波动.菲律宾以东海区末次冰期内部表现出的"大西洋型"旋回特征则是溶解作用和初级生产力共同影响的结果.  相似文献   
冬季黑潮延伸体异常增暖对东亚夏季风影响的数值试验   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用NCAR CAM3全球大气环流模式数值试验,研究了冬季黑潮延伸体的海温异常增暖对东亚夏季风的影响。结果表明,冬季黑潮延伸体海温异常增暖将导致东亚夏季风增强北推。表征夏季风强度的EASMI(the East Asian Summer Monsoon Index)和LSTDI(the Land-Sea Thernal Difference Index)在夏季风爆发后都呈现了明显的增强趋势,且LSTDI对海温异常增暖的响应更为敏感。华北、南海和菲律宾以东的低空西南季风显著增强,副热带西风急流轴以北(南)西风加强(减弱)。日本群岛及周边海域和中国东部长江以南至秦岭一线的降水明显减少;华北、南海、东海、黄海和菲律宾以东的西太平洋上的降水增多。华北是东亚夏季风对黑潮延伸体的海温异常响应最敏感的区域。东亚地区近地面温度表现为一致的增温特征,而30~50 °N之间对流层的整体升温导致了海陆热力差异的加大,这是促使东亚夏季风增强的重要原因。中国及周边地区环流和降水异常分布和西北太平洋副热带高压增强北抬有关。  相似文献   
Based on the data of SST and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, the relationship is analyzed of spring SSTA in the Kuroshio region with summer precipitation in China, summer 500 hPa field and water vapor transport, using the methods of Morlet wave, correlation and composite analysis. The results show that annual and interdecadal change of spring SST in the Kuroshio region is distinct. Spring SST displays a significantly increasing trend and there exist different periodic oscillations in the Kuroshio region, with the 23-year periodic oscillation being the most obvious. Troughs and ridges in the mid- and higher- latitudes turn deeper in high Kuroshio SSTA years. At the same time, the western Pacific subtropical high strengthens and stretches westwards. As a result, the warm / wet air from the west of the subtropical high locates in the mid- and lower- reaches of the Yangtze River and south China and summer rainfall in the above regions increases accordingly. Composite anomalous water vapor flux fields indicate that the vapor transport from the South China Sea and western Pacific and the vapor from the north converge over the mid- and lower- reaches of the Yangtze River and south China, which results in the increase of the summer rainfall in the mid- and lower- reaches of the Yangtze River and south China. On the contrary, the summer rainfall in the mid- and lower- reaches of the Yangtze River and south China decreases correspondingly in low Kuroshio SSTA years.  相似文献   
A study of the circulation in the northern South China Sea (SCS) is carried out with the aid of a three-dimensional, high-resolution regional ocean model. One control and two sensitivity experiments are performed to qualitatively investigate the effects of surface wind forcing, Kuroshio intrusion, and bottom topographic influence on the circulation in the northern SCS. The model results show that a branch of the Kuroshio in the upper layer can intrude into the SCS and have direct influence on the circulation over the continental shelf break in the northern SCS. There are strong southward pressure gradients along a zonal belt largely seaward of the continental slope. The pressure gradients are opposite in the southern and northern parts of the Luzon Strait, indicating inflow and outflow through the strait, respectively. The sensitivity experiments suggest that the Kuroshio intrusion is responsible for generating the imposed pressure head along the shelf break and has no obvious seasonal variations. The lateral forcing through the Luzon Strait and Taiwan Strait can induce the southwestward slope current and the northeastward SCS Warm Current in the northern SCS. Without the lateral forcing, there is the continental slope. The wind forcing mainly causes the The wind-induced water pile-up results in the southward no high-pressure-gradient zonal belt seaward of seasonal variation of the circulation in the SCS. high pressure gradient along the northwestern boundary of the basin. Without the blocking of the plateau around Dongsha Islands, the intruded Kuroshio tends to extend northwest and the SCS branch of the Kuroshio becomes wider and stronger. The analyses presented here are qualitative in nature but should lead to a better understanding of the oceanic responses in the northern SCS to these external influence factors.  相似文献   
东海黑潮暖舌的演变及其对我国气温的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用高分辨率的海温分析资料模式资料,分析了黑潮暖舌与我国气温的关系,初步探讨了太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)等造成黑潮暖舌变化的可能原因。结果表明,冬季和春季东海黑潮暖舌存在明显的年际和年代际变化。暖舌在1996/1997年发生了一次突变,此前暖舌处在偏冷的状态,之后转为偏暖的状态。我国冬季和春季气温存在一定的年代际变化,1997年之后,冬季除东北和新疆外,气温有所偏高,而春季气温全国表现为一致的显著偏高。冬季和春季气温对黑潮暖舌存在邻(域)响应。冬季东海黑潮暖舌指数与冬季我国东部气温存在正相关,并且这一相关性能够延续到次年春季。冬季黑潮暖舌指数与我国4月海陆热力差异指数也存在显著的正相关。当冬季暖舌偏强(弱)时,4月海陆热力差异指数偏高(低),即东亚地区海陆热力差异偏大(小)。春季黑潮暖舌指数与春季我国中部及南方地区气温也存在正相关,当春季黑潮暖舌偏强(弱)时,上述地区气温将偏高(低)。PDO和黑潮暖舌之间的相互作用存在一个反馈机制。西风的增强,可通过使海洋向大气释放热量增加和向南的埃克曼(Ekman)输送,降低北太平洋中部的SST,而这一地区SST的降低对应着PDO的暖位相。增强的负风应力旋度在北太平洋副热带流涡中强迫出的向南斯维尔德鲁普(Sverdrup)流也偏强,而向北流动的东海黑潮的增强正是补偿了这一向南的海流。黑潮增强后经过两个月将大量热量输送至北太平洋中部,增强了这一地区的SST,而这对应着PDO的冷位相。  相似文献   
Air–sea interaction over ocean fronts and eddies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Air–sea interaction at ocean fronts and eddies exhibits positive correlation between sea surface temperature (SST), wind speed, and heat fluxes out of the ocean, indicating that the ocean is forcing the atmosphere. This contrasts with larger scale climate modes where the negative correlations suggest that the atmosphere is driving the system. This paper examines the physical processes that lie behind the interaction of sharp SST gradients and the overlying marine atmospheric boundary layer and deeper atmosphere, using high resolution satellite data, field data and numerical models. The importance of different physical mechanisms of atmospheric response to SST gradients, such as the effect of surface stability variations on momentum transfer, pressure gradients, secondary circulations and cloud cover will be assessed. The atmospheric response is known to create small-scale wind stress curl and divergence anomalies, and a discussion of the feedback of these features onto the ocean will also be presented. These processes will be compared and contrasted for different regions such as the Equatorial Front in the Eastern Pacific, and oceanic fronts in mid-latitudes such as the Gulf Stream, Kuroshio, and Agulhas Return Current.  相似文献   
根据近海深度浅、热容量小的特点,建立了一个一维能量平衡模式,对东中国海年平均海温进行了模拟。模式较好地模拟出了平均海温的经向分布与纬向分布情况,结果与观测基本相符。同时还检验了模式对海温年际变化的模拟能力,得到了较好的结果。最后简要分析了能量平衡模式应用在近海上的优缺点。  相似文献   
1. IntroductionAs well known, Kuroshio is a famous and strongwest boundary current in the North Pacific. It trans-fers enormous energy from the low latitudes to themid-high latitudes and releases huge heat flux to theatmosphere above (Hsiung, 1985). The variation ofKuroshio exerts great influence on weather and cli-mate in East Asian.During 1950-60s, Lü (1950, 1964) found that thewestern North Pacific SSTA had a close relation withsummer rainfall in China. In the 1970s, evidencesshowed…  相似文献   
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