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黄土台缘滑坡地表水入渗问题分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
黄土塬区提灌工程保证了农业生产,却造成了地下水位大幅抬升,使得近年来黄土台缘滑坡不断发生。黄土滑坡一个普遍特征就是后缘发育地裂缝以及落水洞,使地表水(灌溉水以及降雨)直接灌入坡体,诱发了大量黄土滑坡。因此,地表水入渗对于黄土滑坡机理研究以及滑坡防治具有重要意义。文章基于对陕西泾阳南塬黄土滑坡的现场调查,对黄土台缘滑坡地表水入渗工程地质问题进行了初步分析,包括:①地表水入渗与落水洞形成机制;②地表水入渗途径及其与黄土滑坡发育过程的关系;③降雨因素对于黄土滑坡的影响程度。  相似文献   
地形对黄土高原滑坡的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高分辨率地形与影像数据的缺乏已成为研究地表现象、特征与过程的重要瓶颈。低成本无人机设备和摄影测量技术的发展,打开了地学领域获取高分辨率数据的大门,大大提高了地质灾害野外调查与灾害编目的精度与效率。本文通过无人机野外调查和遥感室内目视解译,构建了一个包含307个黄土滑坡属性的数据库。在此基础上,通过数字地形分析和数理统计等方法,总结归纳了黄土滑坡样本数据的分布规律,探讨了地形对黄土滑坡分布的影响,阐述了地形相对高差对最长滑动距离、滑坡周长、滑坡面积的影响,提出了基于传统经验公式拟合的滑坡规模快速预测公式。结果表明:① 滑坡规模—频率分布具有明显的规律性,不同最大长度、最大宽度和周长的黄土滑坡数量分布均呈现正偏态分布,而不同面积的滑坡数量分布则服从幂函数分布;② 地形对黄土滑坡发育控制作用明显,不同地形高差、平均坡度、坡形的斜坡单元滑坡发育数量差异较大;③ 地形相对高差与滑坡的最长滑距、周长和面积的拟合曲线很好地符合幂律分布规律,但不同地形区的拟合效果有所差异,黄土丘陵区拟合效果最好,黄土高原全区次之,黄土台塬区最差;④ 本文建立的黄土滑坡规模快速预测模型,为黄土滑坡灾害调查提供了经验公式支撑。  相似文献   
DEM地表形态精度分析理论与方法的建立,对DEM数据的生产和广泛应用具有重要意义。本文从局地坡面形态的凸凹性角度,剖析规则格网DEM格网点位置、格网分辨率对DEM局地坡面凸凹性的影响,以期进一步完善和发展DEM质量分析的理论与方法。论文首先阐述了DEM局地坡面凸凹性的基本概念,研究建立了规则格网DEM的局地坡面凸凹性量化分析方法,并以黄土丘陵5、10、15、25、……、155 m DEM为例,采用比较分析方法研究了局地坡面凸凹性随DEM格网点位置和格网分辨率的变化特征。研究表明:对于本研究中的1:5万DEM,10 m(跃变率≤0.3%)是其最佳的格网分辨率阈值,当DEM实际格网分辨率高于该阈值时,实际DEM与最佳格网分辨率DEM具有近乎相同的局地坡面凸凹性,主要在正地形与负地形的过渡区域会发生不同程度的坡面凸凹性变化;当DEM实际格网分辨率低于该阈值时,实际DEM的局地坡面凸凹性,会随着DEM格网点布设位置和DEM格网分辨率发生较大的不确定性变化。  相似文献   
甘肃永靖黑方台4·29罗家坡黄土滑坡的特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
2015年4月29日上午,甘肃省永靖县盐锅峡镇黑方台滑坡高频发区的党川村罗家坡同一斜坡处连续发生了2次大规模黄土滑坡,总体积约65×10~4m~3,最大滑距630 m,摧毁14户居民房屋和3家工厂.通过现场详细调查、取样试验、1∶500地形测量、滑坡影像、视频等资料分析,对灌溉引发的罗家坡黄土滑坡的特征、滑动过程、形成机理进行了探讨.结果表明:第1次滑坡经过近2 a变形过程,整体突然失稳,高速远程滑动;第2次滑坡变形时间仅3 h,分块逐步滑动,滑动历时长而过程复杂,总体为低速远程滑动.高陡的地形和强度低、水敏感性强的土体是滑坡发生的基础,黄土台塬区长期农业灌溉是引发因素,大量水体入渗形成了20余米厚的饱和软弱基座,使抗剪强度降低,导致斜坡失稳滑动.黄土滑坡高速远程滑动的主要原因是滑坡剪出口位置高,滑动势能大,释放条件好,剪出口下部陡坡段为主要加速段;前方有开阔的滑动空间且有一定坡度、平缓的滑道;滑体底部饱和软弱黏性土在滑道上持续产生超孔隙水压力、液化等低摩阻效应,是远程滑动的润滑剂.同时,两次滑体间还存在冲击加速和能量传递作用.  相似文献   
张珊  杨树文  杨猛  李鹏元 《测绘科学》2016,41(12):142-146,211
针对兰州市1986—2016年间降雨型滑坡灾害的空间分布特征,该文基于ArcGIS,利用核密度估算方法分析滑坡点,通过多次测试比较确定了估算的最优距离阈值,得到概化程度高、数值变化平滑的栅格密度,并结合研究区内高程、坡度以及地质环境揭示了降雨型黄土滑坡灾害的空间分布特征。研究表明:滑坡点沿着黄河及其支流沿岸分布,密集程度有"两高两低"分布特点,高程、坡度与滑坡多发存在相关性,城关区滑坡点最多且呈环状分布,西固区次之,其他区较少。  相似文献   
基于可靠度理论的黄土高边坡优化设计   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
对黄土高边坡进行可靠性分析,应用数学原理和优化原理,建立了黄土高边坡的优化模型,对铜黄一级公路黄土高边坡进行分析验证。结果表明,该方法计算的结果与实际较接近.应用中易操作。  相似文献   
The southwest monsoon that dominated Central Himalaya has preserved loessic silt deposits preserved in patches that are proximal to periglacial areas. The occurrence of such silts suggests contemporary prevalence of cold and dry northwesterly winds. Field stratigraphy, geochemistry, mineral magnetism, infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) and radiocarbon dating has enabled reconstruction of an event chronology during the past 20 ka. Three events of loess accretion could be identified. The first two events of loess deposition occurred betweem 20 and 9 ka and were separated by a phase of moderate weathering. Pedogenesis at the end of this event gave rise to a well‐developed soil that was bracketed around 9 to > 4 ka. This was followed by the third phase of loess accretion that occurred around 4 to > 1 ka. Episodes of loess deposition and soil formation are interpreted in terms of changes in the strength of the Indian southwest monsoon. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Mangshan Plateau is located on the south bank of the Huang He (Yellow River) just west of the city of Zhengzhou, well outside the Loess Plateau in central China. Mixing models of the grain‐size data indicate that the loess deposits are mixtures of three loess components. Comparison of the mixing model with existing models established for a series of loess–palaeosol sequences from the Loess Plateau indicates that the Mangshan loess has been supplied from a proximal dust source, the Huang He floodplain, during major dust outbreaks. The high accumulation rates, the composition of the loess components, and especially the high proportions of a sandy loess component support this. Owing to the exceptionally high accumulation rates, the Mangshan grain size, magnetic susceptibility and carbonate records provide a high‐resolution archive of environmental and climate change. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The sand–loess transition zone in north China is sensitive to climate change, and is an ideal place to investigate past environmental changes. However, past climate change at millennial–centennial timescales in this region has not been well reconstructed because of limited numerical dating. Alternations of sandy loam soils with aeolian sand layers in the Mu Us and Otindag sand fields, which lie along the sand–loess transition zone, indicate multiple intervals of dune activity and stability. This change is probably a response to variations of the East Asian monsoon climate during the late Quaternary. The single aliquot regeneration (SAR) optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating protocol, which has been successfully applied to aeolian deposits worldwide, is applied to these two sand fields in this study. The OSL ages provide reliable constraints for reconstruction of past climate changes at suborbital timescale. Sections in both sand fields contain aeolian sand beds recording millennial‐scale episodes of dry climate and widespread dune activation, including episodes at about the same time as Heinrich Event 5 and the Younger Dryas in the North Atlantic region. These results demonstrate the potential of aeolian sediments in semi‐arid north China to record millennial‐scale climatic events, and also suggest that dry–wet climate variation at the desert margin in China may be linked to climatic change elsewhere in the Northern Hemisphere, through atmospheric circulation. This article was published online on 27 November 2008. An error was subsequently identified. This notice is included in the online and print versions to indicate that both have been corrected (16 December 2008). Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
黄土高原古植被与再造山川秀美   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
要想恢复秀美的山川,主要在于恢复被人类严重破坏的原始植被.黄土高原的原始植被到底是什么样子,学者们说法不一.孢粉分析是最重要的方法.目前,研究结果已揭示出黄土高原古植被在第四纪以来显示着时间上、空间上的变化.古土壤代表间冰期夏季风盛行的湿热气候,植被比较繁盛;黄土代表冰期冬季风盛行的干冷气候,植被凋凌.全新世中期5000~6000年前,现代间冰期气候最佳时期,半坡人生存之时,森林茂密并有亚热带植物入侵,但兰州一带1万年来一直保持着荒漠草原的面貌.因此,黄土高原植被的恢复应参照各地的原始植被并考虑现代气候条件,因地制宜地实施.在东南部可以恢复森林,中西部可以恢复森林草原,西北部只能种草恢复草原.  相似文献   
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