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中国第三次北极科考队日前首次在北极冰区施放卫星定位低空探空仪,以了解这一地区的气象变化规律及其对中国气候变化的影响。  相似文献   
郭启云  李伟  张玉存 《气象科技》2013,41(3):453-458
经过国内学者和WMO的评估,GTS1 2型探空仪需要进行技术改进以适应高空气象观测业务的发展需求。2012年,GTS1 2型探空仪在原体制基础上进行了技术改进(暂命名为GTS1 2A型)。2012年8月在阳江探空站开展比对试验,试验结果表明:GTS1 2A型探空仪夜间温度测量性能良好,系统误差在-03 ℃以内,标准偏差总体上在02 ℃左右;日间温度除探测中高层和出入云时外,系统误差整体上在-03 ℃,标准偏差整体上在04 ℃以内;气压除近地层有约-15 hPa的系统误差外,整体上系统误差和标准偏差小于GTS1 2型探空仪,尤其标准偏差在全量程范围内在07 hPa以内;GTS1 2A型探空仪湿度测量结果与RS92型探空仪一致性较好,灵敏度明显优于GTS1 2型探空仪,系统误差和标准偏差整体上均在10%RH以内。  相似文献   
Three summer thunderstorms in the eastern region of China were analyzed in detail using multiple data, including Doppler radar, lightning location network, TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission), MT- SAT (Multi-Function Transport Satellite) images, NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction) Reanalysis, and radiosonde. Two of the three storms were sprite-producing and the other was non-sprite- producing. The two sprite-producing storms occurred on 1 2 August and 2~28 July 2007, producing 16 and one sprite, respectively. The non-sprite-producing storm occurred on 29-30 July 2007. The major ob- jective of the study was to try to find possible differences between sprite-producing and non-sprite producing storms using the multiple datasets. The results showed that the convection in the 1-2 August storm was the strongest compared with the other storms, and it produced the largest number of sprites. Precipitation ice, cloud ice and cloud water content in the convective regions in the 1-2 August storm were larger than in the other two storms, but the opposite was true in the weak convective regions. The storm microphysical prop- erties along lines through parent CG (cloud-to-ground lightning) locations showed no special characteristics related to sprites. The flash rate evolution in the 1-2 August storm provided additional confirmation that major sprite activity coincides with a rapid decrease in the negative CG flash rate. However, the evolution curve of the CG flash rate was erratic in the sprite-producing storm on 27-28 July, which was significantly different from that in the 1 2 August storm. The average positive CG peak current in sprite-producing storms was larger than that in the non-sprite-producing one.  相似文献   
探空温度测量太阳辐射误差的流体动力学分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对太阳辐射加热导致的误差限制了温度的准确度,提出了一种新的太阳辐射加热误差修正方法 数值分析法.通过计算流体动力学CFD软件对探空温度传感器进行了地面到32 km高空不同气压条件下的热数值模拟分析.在分析中考虑探空温度传感器的外部热环境情况,施加对流-太阳辐射耦合热边界条件,建立了探空温度传感器的热分析模型,并引入了表面涂层反射率和电阻体尺寸两个影响参数.分析数值仿真结果表明,海拔与太阳辐射加热误差之间并非简单的线性关系,而是随着海拔的增加斜率不断增大的曲线关系.现在业务使用的温度传感器表面涂层反射率的提高和电阻体尺寸的减小在高气压条件下降低辐射加热有明显效果,但在低气压条件下,太阳辐射对温度准确性的影响仍十分明显.  相似文献   
A heavy rainfall event along the mei-yu front during 22-23 June 2002 was chosen for this study. To assess the impact of the routine and additional IOP (intensive observation period) radiosonde observations on the mesoscale heavy rainfall forecast, a series of four-dimensional variational (4DVAR) data assimilation and model simulation experiments was conducted using nonhydrostatic mesoscale model MM5 and the MM5 4DVAR system. The effects of the intensive observations in the different areas on the heavy rainfall forecast were also investigated. The results showed that improvement of the forecast skill for mesoscale heavy rainfall intensity was possible from the assimilation of the IOP radiosonde observations. However,the impact of the IOP observations on the forecast of the rainfall pattern was not significant. Initial conditions obtained through the 4DVAR experiments with a 12-h assimilation window were capable of improving the 24-h forecast. The simulated results after the assimilation showed that it would be best to perform the intensive radiosonde observations in the upstream of the rainfall area and in the moisture passageway area at the same time. Initial conditions created by the 4DVAR led to the low-level moisture convergence over the rainfall area, enhanced frontogenesis and upward motion within the mei-yu front,and intensified middle- and high-level unstable stratification in front of the mei-yu front. Consequently,the heavy rainfall forecast was improved.  相似文献   
通过比对试验,采取同球比对施放方式,选择德国GRAW探空仪作为比对标准,使用总共12次同球比对数据,对中国长峰、华云和大桥3种型号探空仪的珠状电阻温度传感器开展比对分析.经典型个例分析与统计分析表明:3个型号国产探空仪高空温度廓线与德国GRAW探空仪具有较好的整体一致性,温度测量夜间性能均好于白天;长峰探空仪温度探测性能随高度变化比较稳定,而华云探空仪与大桥探空仪性能相仿,均随高度性能下降,尤其是30km以上高空;长峰探空仪温度探测整体性能最好,相对系统误差在0.2℃左右;而华云探空仪与大桥探空仪误差可达1℃,且均表现为整体上温度测值偏低.体积较小的珠状温度传感器将是未来高空温度探测的一个好的选择,下一步需要改善华云探空仪与大桥探空仪温度传感器表面涂层工艺,两者的温度辐射订正算法也需要进一步完善.  相似文献   
刘波  周宝才  叶勇 《黑龙江气象》2011,28(3):28+30-28,30
1引言 GFE(L)1型雷达主要用于高空大气综合性的探测,它与GTS1型数字式电子探空仪相配合,利用跟踪探空气球来测风。天控分系统根据和差环所获取的角误差信号或手动信号完成对天线的控制,以达到跟踪探空仪的目的。其工作方式有两种即手动和自动  相似文献   
GFE(L)1型二次测风雷达-GTS1型数字式探空仪系统软件包括两大部分,即放球软件和数据处理软件。L波段(1型)高空气象探测系统软件是与L波段(1型)高空气象探测系统配套使用  相似文献   
利用Vaisala系留探空仪系统在2008年1月乌鲁木齐探测所得资料,分析了降雪和非降雪过程中温度、湿度和风的垂直结构及其变化特征。结果表明:降雪和非降雪天,白天对流边界层特征均较明显,但在暖气团影响下,对流边界层特征消失,出现深厚平流逆温,夜间多出现贴地逆温。白天平流逆温强度较夜间逆温更强,白天逆温层出现湿中心,上部出现干中心。降雪天湿中心高度低于非降雪天。夜间近地层出现微弱的逆湿现象,上部出现干中心,降雪天近地层逆湿现象比非降雪天弱;降雪天和非降雪天近地层风向分布均较散乱,主导风向为偏北风,高空主导风向为东南风。风速多因风向改变而出现极大值或极小值,其值常以“高-低-高-低”形式出现于特定高度,风速因风向变化呈波动状随高度递增。  相似文献   
为达到高度计几厘米测高精度,湿对流层校正范围为3~45 cm,精确计算湿对流层校正是至关重要的。本文利用美国国家环境预报中心(National Centers for Environmental Prediction,NCEP)数据,采用模型法计算高度计湿对流层校正。计算结果与无线电探空仪计算结果比较,偏差为0.01 cm,均方根为2 cm;与Jason-1模型法湿对流层校正产品比较,偏差为0.2 cm,均方根为1.4 cm。因此,利用NCEP数据计算高度计湿对流层校正精度较高,能够满足高度计大气湿对流层校正精度要求。为高度计大气湿对流层校正的计算提供1种新方法。  相似文献   
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