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胶州湾铅-210比活度的分布模式及百年尺度的沉积速率   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
2006年6月在胶州湾采集柱状岩心并对岩心沉积物中铅-210比活度进行测试分析,结果表明,铅-210沿岩心的垂向分布具有两段、三段模式和异常的多段、倒置模式等。基于铅-210的CIC(constant initial concentration)计年模式和铯-137时标,并且结合历史海底地形对比,计算出近百年来胶州湾海域的现代沉积速率为1.49~24.96 mm/a,沉积通量为0.17~2.62 g/(cm2.a)。除沧口水道末端个别区域外,胶州湾多数区域(包含水道)的沉积速率较低,量级为100mm/a,湾内水道主要呈现出微淤甚至侵蚀,表明近百年来胶州湾沉积环境相对稳定,在可作为航道资源的湾内水道并未出现显著淤积。  相似文献   
2001年9月对东洞庭湖保护区大型底栖动物进行调查,共记录动物4门8纲20科51种.其中,寡毛类2科18种(35.3%),软体动物8科15种(29.4%),水生昆虫7科14种(27.5%),其他动物4种(9.1%).软体动物是东洞庭湖底栖动物的最主要类群(占总丰度的71.1%).其中,腹足类的长角涵螺(Alocinma longicornis)、铜锈环棱螺(Bellamya aeruginosa)、中华沼螺(Parafossarulus sinensis)、纹沼螺(P.striatulus)和寡毛类的苏氏尾鳃蚓(Branchiura sowerbyi)为该保护区的优势种.样点间平均物种丰富度6.3,三种多样性指数(Margalef,Simpson和Shannon)平均值分布为1.38、4.05和1.47.刮食者和直接收集者为底栖动物最重要的摄食类群(占总密度的66.7%和19.9%).结合GPS,将野外调查数据构建GIS数据库.基于GIS软件平台,运用Kringing插值法,构建动物丰度、生物多样性及污染生物指数(BI)等的空间分布格局,较为直观地反映了保护区底栖动物的分布情况及污染状况.提取出主要生物类群(软体动物、寡毛类和摇蚊幼虫)和5种优势种分布的高浓度块,显示寡毛类与其它两类的分布基本不重叠,主要分布在保护区的东南和西北的深水区域.进一步分析检验各主要分布区域的16种水体理化指标,发现水深是影响保护区底栖动物分布的关键因子,而硫酸盐则主要制约寡毛类的分布格局,硬度是影响软体动物分布的主要因子.全湖平均Hilsenhoff生物指数(BI)值8.18,指示保护区承受较高的有机污染,模拟生成的BI分布图显示,西南部的深水区域、北部及东南部的局部区域水质相对较好,而东北部的沿岸带大部分水体及南部近六门闸的部分区域水体水质相对较差.  相似文献   
The present study preliminarily examined the differences in maximum handling size, prey size and species selectivity of growth hormone transgenic and non-transgenic common carp Cyprinus carpio when foraging on four gastropods species( Bellamya aeruginosa, Radix auricularia, Parafossarulus sinensis and Alocinma longicornis) under laboratory conditions. In the maximum handling size trial, five fish from each age group(1-year-old and 2-year-old) and each genotype(transgenic and non-transgenic) of common carp were individually allowed to feed on B. aeruginosa with wide shell height range. The results showed that maximum handling size increased linearly with fish length, and there was no significant difference in maximum handling size between the two genotypes. In the size selection trial, three pairs of 2-year-old transgenic and non-transgenic carp were individually allowed to feed on three size groups of B. aeruginosa. The results show that the two genotypes of C. carpio favored the small-sized group over the large-sized group. In the species selection trial, three pairs of 2-year-old transgenic and non-transgenic carp were individually allowed to feed on thin-shelled B. aeruginosa and thick-shelled R. auricularia, and five pairs of 2-year-old transgenic and non-transgenic carp were individually allowed to feed on two gastropods species( P. sinensis and A. longicornis) with similar size and shell strength. The results showed that both genotypes preferred thin-shelled Radix auricularia rather than thick-shelled B. aeruginosa, but there were no significant difference in selectivity between the two genotypes when fed on P. sinensis and A. longicornis. The present study indicates that transgenic and non-transgenic C. carpio show similar selectivity of predation on the size-and species-limited gastropods. While this information may be useful for assessing the environmental risk of transgenic carp, it does not necessarily demonstrate that transgenic common carp might have lesser environmental impacts than non-transgenic carp.  相似文献   
废黄河三角洲是南黄海内陆架的重要物源。为深入探索废黄河口海域沉积物输运机制,利用2015~2016年夏季与冬季在废黄河口外海域10个站位获取的现场沉积动力数据,计算潮不对称参数、余流、悬沙输运量等。分析结果表明,废黄河口海域沉积物输运模式存在显著的空间差异,大部分海域悬沙沿等深线向南输运,仅在近岸侧局部悬沙向岸或向北输运、离岸最远处站位向北输运但输运率较小;近岸浅水海域以平流输沙为主,其他离岸区域以再悬浮作用为主。由于流速和悬沙浓度之间的相位差,导致余流(净水输运)方向与净悬沙输运方向存在差异。研究沉降速度与悬沙输运涨落潮不对称的关系,发现沉降速度越大,悬沙输运的不对称性就越显著;沉降速度是造成近底部流速与悬沙浓度相位差的主要原因,导致废黄河口外净悬沙输运存在显著的垂向差异。  相似文献   
河口海岸地区底床的冲淤变化是沉积动力学研究主要内容之一,而野外观测是准确获得现场底床冲淤变化信息的关键。本文利用观测近底边界层三维水动力信息的声学三维多普勒流速仪(Acoustic Doppler Velocimetry,ADV)对长江口南槽底床高度变化进行了野外测量,为验证野外现场实测数据的可靠性,设计了2个室内试验,并对ADV测量底床高度的可行性进行了验证:试验一对比了人工测量的ADV换能器实际距离底床高度H与ADV自身记录的其换能器距离底床高度h,确定了ADV测量底床高度的范围;试验二利用ADV测量静置的高浊度水体,确定了含沙量对ADV测量造成影响。试验结果表明:①由ADV内部存储的vhd数据文件可以直接获取换能器距离底床的高度,但是这一测量结果存在适用范围,换能器实际距离底床高度H需要满足150 mm≤H≤370 mm;②当换能器实际距离底床高度H <150 mm时,可通过提取pck数据文件获取换能器距离底床的高度;③当换能器实际距离底床高度H>370 mm时,仪器无法获取该数值;④当水体含沙量超过14.36 kg/m3时,ADV测量同样无法获取到换能器距离底床高度信息。  相似文献   
海南博鳌海域的沉积物输运趋势与沉积速率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2001年与2009年分别在博鳌海域进行表层沉积物和柱状沉积物取样,通过粒度分析和计算获取沉积物粒度参数,借助放射性同位素测年估算沉积速率.结果表明,与2001年相比,目前万泉河口、沙美内海有细化趋势(由粗砂变为细砂),玉带滩北部沉积物变粗,而玉带滩南部变化不大.此外,目前沙美内海北部沉积物输运趋势和2001年正好相反,南部则基本一致.万泉河口北侧沙嘴由淤积变为侵蚀,与实地调查一致.玉带滩北部沉积物沿岸向南、向外海输运,原处于侵蚀状态的南部岸段现已处于稳定阶段,这与2001年和2009年两个时段的岸线对比结果吻合.210Pb测年结果发现,潟湖内的沉积速率约为2mm·a-1,和2001年的测年结果基本一致.  相似文献   
In order to study the mechanism of flow-sediment movement, it is essential to obtain measured data of water hydrodynamic and sediment concentration process with high spatial and temporal resolution in the bottom boundary layer (BBL). Field observations were carried out in the northwest Caofeidian sea area in the Bohai Bay. Near 2 m isobath (under the lowest tidal level), a tripod system was installed with AWAC (Acoustic Wave And Current), ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers), OBS-3A (Optical Backscatter Point Sensor), ADV (Acoustic Doppler Velocimeters), etc. The accurate measurement of the bottom boundary layer during a single tidal period was carried out, together with a long-term sediment concentration measurement under different hydrological conditions. All the measured data were used to analyze the characteristics of wave-current-sediment movement and the BBL. Analysis was performed on flow structure, shear stress, roughness, eddy viscosity and other parameters of the BBL. Two major findings were made. Firstly, from the measured data, the three-layer distribution model of the velocity profiles and eddy viscosities in the wave-current BBL are proposed in the observed sea area; secondly, the sediment movement is related closely to wind-waves in the muddy coast area where sediment is clayey silt: 1) The observed suspended sediment concentration under light wind conditions is very low, with the peak value generally smaller than 0.1 kg/m3 and the average value being 0.03 kg/m3; 2) The sediment concentration increases continuously under the gales over 6-7 in Beaufort scale, under a sustained wind action. The measured peak sediment concentration at 0.4 m above the seabed is 0.15-0.32 kg/m3, and the average sediment concentration during wind-wave action is 0.08-0.18 kg/m3, which is about 3-6 times the value under light wind conditions. The critical wave height signaling remarkable changes of sediment concentration is 0.5 m. The results show that the suspended load sediment concentration is mainly influenced by wave-induced sediment suspension.  相似文献   
根据2011 年7 月3 日原4 日在苦水洋海域获取的全潮水文资料和底质样品,计算潮周期水、沙输运率,分析了其沉 积动力特征。基于1979年历史海图资料与最新测量的水道地形进行对比,进一步探讨苦水洋水道的地形演变过程及稳定性。 结果表明,苦水洋潮流作用较强,水道内沉积物主要以悬移质形式输运,在近岸段沿水道向岸净输沙,但在(121.606毅E, 33.029毅N)以东以向海输运为主。近三十多年来,苦水洋西水道深槽与口门北水道逐渐贯通,水道整体趋于顺直。  相似文献   
长江河口悬沙与盐分输运机制分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以美国弗吉尼亚州20世纪70年代和21世纪初两个年代进行的岸线现状调查工作为例,介绍了30年来美国岸线现状调查的目标、指导原则、调查内容、数据来源、报告编写等内容,并与我国20世纪80年代开展的"全国海岸带和海涂资源综合调查"工作以及当前正在开展的"我国近海海洋综合调查与评价"专项的海岸带调查进行了对比,讨论了两国在海岸带调查方面的异同,以及可供借鉴之处。  相似文献   
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