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Based on a linear model, the present study provides analytical solutions for ideal triple forcing sources similar to sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) pat- terns associated with El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Modoki in winter. The ideal triple pattern is composed of an equatorially symmetric heat source in the middle and equatoriaUy asymmetric cold forcing in the southeast and northwest. The equatorially symmetric heat source excites low-level cyclonic circulation anomalies associated with Rossby waves in both hemispheres, while the northwest- ern and southeastern equatorially asymmetric cold sources induce low-level anomalous anticyclones associated with Rossby waves in the hemisphere where the forcing source is located. Low-level zonal winds converge toward the heat sources associated with Kelvin and Rossby waves. Due to unequal forcing intensity in the northwest and southeast, atmospheric responses around the equatorially symmetric forcing become asymmetric, and low-level cyclonic circulation anomalies in the Southern Hemisphere become greater than those in the Northern Hemisphere. Ascending (descending) flows coincide with heat (cold) sources, resulting in a double-cell structure over the regions of forcing sources. Ideal triple patterns similar to SSTA patterns associated with La Nina Modoki produce opposite atmospheric responses. The theoretical atmospheric responses are consistent with observed circulation anomalies associated with ENSO Modoki. Therefore, the theoretical solutions can explain the dynamics responsible for atmospheric circulation anomalies associated with ENSO Modoki events.  相似文献   
Based on the Zebiak-Cane model, the timedependent nonlinear forcing singular vector (NFSV)-type tendency errors with components of 4 and 12 (denoted by NFSV-4 and NFSV-12) are calculated for predetermined El Nifio events and compared with the constant NFSV (denoted by NFSV-1) from their patterns and resultant prediction errors. Specifically, NFSV-1 has a zonal dipolar sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) pattern with negative anomalies in the equatorial eastern Pacific and positive anomalies in the equatorial central-western Pa- cific. Although the first few components in NFSV-4 and NFSV-12 present patterns similar to NFSV-1, they tend to extend their dipoles farther westward; meanwhile, the positive anomalies gradually cover much smaller regions with the lag times. In addition, the authors calculate the predic- tion errors caused by the three kinds of NFSVs, and the results indicate that the prediction error induced by NFSV-12 is the largest, followed by the NFSV-4. However, when compared with the prediction errors caused by random tendency errors, the NFSVs generate significantly larger prediction errors. It is therefore shown that the spatial structure of tendency errors is important for producing large prediction errors. Furthermore, in exploring the tendency errors that cause the largest prediction error for E1 Nifio events, the timedependent NFSV should be evaluated.  相似文献   
东海某油气田XX调整井作业过程中,钻至设计井深后,决策加深钻进以钻探深部地层的含油气性.加深钻进至5108m发生溢流,压井过程中,钻杆在731 m位置发生刺漏,导致短路循环,置换法压井过程发生井漏、阻流管汇刺漏,同时由于平台设备压力等级不足导致情况进一步复杂化.经过一系列非常规措施,最终压井成功,是一次非常规压井的成功案例.  相似文献   
Q1井在弃井作业过程中遇到复杂情况,对套管的切割回收带来了很大的困难.由于φ244.5 mm套管外水泥环返至井口,使得套管在割断后无法提出,经过多次上移套管切割深度后,采用特殊的作业手段将套管提拉出井眼;后续在回收φ762 mm套管和φ508 mm*φ339.7 mm变径套管时,由于φ244.5 mm套管割深过浅,使得φ508 mm*φ339.7 mm变径套管的可切割长度极短,通过设计非常规的切割钻具组合、非常规的打捞方法才得以完成回收.详细介绍了打捞钻具组合设计、打捞方法,对水下井口的非常规弃井回收作业有借鉴意义.  相似文献   
绥中36-1-G43M井是我国海上油田首次自主实施四级完井的多底分支井,采用的是特殊设计的斜向器侧钻系统,即在主井眼中下入空心斜向器进行上分支侧钻作业,利用定向射孔技术勾通上下两个分支,生产管柱可实现分采.此项技术不仅有效解决了海上平台槽口不足的问题,同时对一些低效井的再利用提供了有效的解决措施,对提高油田采收率、降低开采成本有重要意义,在渤海油田中后期的大规模调整开发中有广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   
首先介绍了北斗伪距单点定位、伪距差分定位的基本原理和数学模型,然后根据自编程序,利用同济大学TJA站8天的数据进行计算及分析。结果显示:北斗伪距单点定位的精度平面方向上达到3.5m以内,高程方向优于8m,满足普通导航定位的需求。北斗差分定位的精度较伪距单点定位精度有了较大提高,其精度平面上达到1m以内,高程方向优于1.5m,能满足较高精度的需求。  相似文献   
正北京张家湾试验场添4眼多层监测井近日,水环地调中心在北京张家湾示踪试验场成功实施了4眼多层监测井,并重点对多层监测井止水效果检验等问题开展了一系列试验,均取得良好效果。此次实施的4眼监测井包括3眼连续多通道多层监测井和1眼巢式监测井。  相似文献   
正3月26日,国家知识产权局向河南省煤炭地质勘察研究总院颁发了"DST自动阀门"的实用新型专利证书。这是继该院2011年3月16日获得《DST试井自动开关器》专利后的又一项新专利。DST自动阀门是在第一代试井自动开关器基础上研制开发成功的。相比第一代DST开关器,产品有了很大的改进和进步。首先,该自动阀门结构紧凑、耐压性能高;其次,防堵性能好、密封性能优越,便于拆装、  相似文献   
正近期在广西东怀矿业有限公司东怀煤矿一号井(以下简称东怀煤矿一号井)入口,记者看到虹膜安全监控考勤系统,该系统首先在广西煤矿企业中投入使用。东怀煤矿投资30万元引进的虹膜考勤系统,是目前世界领先的一套矿井考勤系统,该系统采用先进的红外技术和生物物理特征相结合,可以通过人眼的虹膜准确输入、存储、提供下井人数及身份,准确掌握井下工作人员动态,为日常考勤、突发事件快速处理等提供了准确有效数据。这是该矿从技术层面创建绿色和谐矿山,实现重大安全生产事故15年零记录的  相似文献   
应用1979-2011年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和陕西地面月降水资料,分析计算东亚初夏季风强度指数和陕西降水距平一致率,采用统计相关分析方法分析初夏东亚季风强度指数与陕西降水异常的统计关系,并采用合成分析方法讨论了初夏强(弱)东亚季风年陕西多雨(少雨)的大气环流特征。结果表明:初夏东亚季风偏强,陕西易多雨,且陕北、关中比较显著,而初夏东亚夏季风偏弱,陕西易少雨,偏少的程度陕北北部最明显;初夏东亚季风偏强时,欧亚中高纬度距平场自西向东呈"+-+"的波列分布,环流场中乌拉尔山长波脊偏强,贝加尔湖到巴尔喀什湖低槽偏深,西太平洋副热带高压偏强,相应的对流层低层青藏高原东侧为偏南距平风,而华北为弱偏东距平风,在西北地区东部形成了距平风的气旋性切变,有利于该区域初夏多雨;初夏东亚夏季风偏弱时,欧亚中高纬度距平场距平自西向东呈"-+-"的分布,中亚长波脊强盛,西太平洋副热带高压偏弱且位置偏东。陕西主要受中亚高脊前西北气流控制,陕西初夏多晴热天气,易少雨;但初夏东亚季风偏弱时,东亚中纬度盛行平直西风气流,西风锋区位于40°N附近,西太平洋副热带高压位置偏西偏南,青藏高原位势高度偏低,并多短波槽或低值系统活动,陕西初夏受西风带系统和高原东移的低气压系统影响,陕西大部易多雨。  相似文献   
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