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沉水植物作为水生态系统的重要组成成分,在水生态系统物质循环和能量流动中发挥着重要作用,其覆盖度和生物量是评价湖泊等浅水水体系统稳定性的关键参数随着高效和无损伤监测的回声探测仪在沉水植物盖度监测中的应用,其精确度算法也受到了越来越多的关注本研究以成功恢复沉水植物的浅水湖泊杭州西湖为研究对象,利用BioSonics便携型回声探测仪——MX采集沉水植物回声样本同时结合人工样方设置,采集与回声探测对应位点的沉水植物样本,验证回声探测结果的精确性通过建立回归模型分析回声探测得到的沉水植物体积百分比(PVI)与人工样方获得的对应平均鲜重关系,结果表明二者具有较好的相关性分别采用普通克里金法、反距离权重法、径向基函数法3种插值方法对同一季节的不同湖泊和同一湖泊的不同季节未采集区域沉水植物的盖度数据进行插值分析,并对插值结果进行交叉验证,以确定方法的精确度交叉验证结果表明,插值精确度反距离权重法径向基函数法普通克里金法研究结果为回声探测与插值分析方法结合在大尺度浅水水体中沉水植物监测应用提供了技术支撑.  相似文献   
To analyze the effects of gas cannons on clouds and precipitation, multisource observational data, including those from National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis, Hangzhou and Huzhou new-generation weather radars, laser disdrometer, ground-based automatic weather station, wind profiler radar, and Lin''an C-band dual polarization radar, were adopted in this study. Based on the variational dual-Doppler wind retrieval method and the polarimetric variables obtained by the dual-polarization radar, we analyzed the microphysical processes and the variations in the macro - and microphysical quantities in clouds from the perspective of the synoptic background before precipitation enhancement, the polarization echo characteristics before, during and after enhancement, and the evolution of the fine three-dimensional kinematic structure and the microphysical structure. The results show that the precipitation enhancement operation promoted the development of radar echoes and prolonged their duration, and both the horizontal and vertical wind speeds increased. The dual-polarization radar echo showed that the diameter of the precipitation particles increased, and the concentration of raindrops increased after precipitation enhancement. The raindrops were lifted to a height corresponding to 0 to -20 ℃ due to vertical updrafts. Based on the disdrometer data during precipitation enhancement, the concentration of small raindrops (lgNw) showed a significant increase, and the mass-weighted diameter Dm value decreased, indicating that the precipitation enhancement operation played a certain“lubricating”effect. After the precipitation enhancement, the concentration of raindrops did not change much compared with that during the enhancement process, while the Dm increased, corresponding to an increase in rain intensity. The results suggest the positive effect of gas cannons on precipitation enhancement.  相似文献   
By using the conventional observations, radar data, NCEP/NCAR FNL 1o×1o reanalysis data and numerical simulation data and with the construction and calculation of radar echo parameters, this paper presents the structural characteristics and physical processes of a short-time heavy precipitation supercell that occurred in the squall line process in Shanxi Province on 24 June 2020. The results show that this squall line event occurred in front of a surface cold front, combined with infiltration of low-level cold air and continuous increase of near-surface humidity in the afternoon. The surface mesoscale convergence line and mesoscale dew point front contributed to the development and systemization of the squall line by a large degree. The short-time extremely heavy precipitation in Pingshun County was caused by the development of a supercell from thunderstorm cells on the front side of the squall line. The characteristics of sharp increase in vertical integral liquid water content, persistent increase in reflectivity factor and continuous rise in the echo top height appeared about 23 min earlier than the severe precipitation, which has qualitative indicating significance for the nowcasting of short-time heavy precipitation. A quantitative analysis of the radar echo parameters suggests that the “sudden drop”of FV40 was a precursor signal of cells’coalescence and rapid development to the mature stage. The areal change of the echo core at the 6 km height was highly subject to the merging and developing of cells, the rapid change of hydrometeor particles in clouds and the precipitation intensity. Changes in the cross-sectional area of convective cells at different heights can indirectly reflect the changes of liquid particles and ice particles in clouds, which is indicatively meaningful for predicting the coalescing and developing-to-maturing of cells and heavy precipitation 30-45 min earlier. A comprehensive echo parameter prediction model constructed by the random forest principle can predict the magnitude of short-time heavy precipitation 40-50 min in advance. Numerical simulation reveals that large amounts of water vapor existed in the near-surface atmosphere, and that the cells rapidly obtained moisture from the ambient atmosphere and developed rapidly through maternal feeding. The cold cloud zone was narrow, upright and had a high stretch height. The upward motion in clouds was strong and deep, and very rich in liquid water content. The graupel particles had a large vertical distribution range, the coexistence area of graupel and snow was large, the height of raindrops was close to the surface with a wide horizontal scale, and the precipitation efficiency was high. These may be the important elements responsible for the occurrence of the short-time heavy precipitation that exceeded historical extreme values. On the basis of the above analyses, a comprehensive parameter (CP) prediction model is worked out, which can estimate the developing trend of supercells and the intensity of short-time heavy precipitation about 1 h in advance.  相似文献   
选取2018年夏季邵阳地区的17个雷暴单体和9个非雷暴单体,分析了单体30 dBz、35 dBz和40 dBz回波顶高及0℃、-10℃和-20℃层超过30 dBz、35 dBz和40 dBz的回波面积与闪电发生的关系,利用40 dBz回波顶高、-10℃层以上超过40 dBz的回波面积及其与单体总面积的百分比对该地区闪电进行预报。结果表明:雷暴单体和非雷暴单体在回波强度为40 dBz时,超过0℃、-10℃和-20℃三种层结高度所占百分比的差值最大。-10℃层的40 dBz回波顶高较其他层结高度能更好地区分邵阳地区的雷暴单体与非雷暴单体。-10℃层以上超过40 dBz的面积所占单体总面积百分比大于1%这一阈值时,可作为区分雷暴单体和非雷暴单体的一个有效预警指标。综合使用40 dBz回波顶高、-10℃层以上超过40 dBz的回波面积及其与单体总面积的百分比对12个单体样本进行检验,雷暴单体预报的准确率达66.7%,非雷暴单体判断的准确率为83.3%。  相似文献   
利用常规观测资料、多普勒雷达资料以及NECP(1°×1°)逐6 h再分析资料,对2016年9月22日内蒙古河套地区强冰雹天气成因进行分析,结果表明:在前倾槽有利的天气尺度环流背景下,中高层干冷空气叠加在低层暖湿空气上形成了对流不稳定层结条件。较大的对流有效位能(CAPE)、假相当位温θse高能区、0~6 km中等强度的垂直风切变有利于强冰雹的形成。反射率因子有"钩状回波"、前侧入流缺口、后侧入流缺口;前侧入流缺口表明有上升气流,强盛的上升气流有利于空中大冰雹的增长,后侧入流缺口表明有下沉气流,有可能引起破坏性大风。基本径向速度剖面有明显的中气旋特征,强烈的辐合有利于对流风暴上升运动的进一步发展;对流风暴后侧有辐散下沉气流降落到地面,辐散风出流促使对流风暴前沿的暖湿气流强迫抬升,从而使上升运动得到进一步的加强。反射率因子剖面有弱回波区、回波悬垂且55 dBZ以上的强回波核心位置超过-20℃层等温线高度以上;弱回波区左侧的回波强度高达55~60 dBZ且已经接地,表明有大冰雹降落到地面。  相似文献   
2018年9月17日09:37—10:00,在登陆台风“山竹”外围螺旋雨带中,广东省佛山市三水区到肇庆市四会区发生了EF2级强龙卷,龙卷路径长度18 km,持续时间23 min,平均时速47 km/h,导致不少建筑物损毁。本次过程佛山市进行了龙卷预警试验,提前37 min发布了龙卷预警,龙卷没有造成人员伤亡。利用观测资料对产生强龙卷的环境场特征、地面自动站和雷达观测的中小尺度特征以及龙卷预警试验进行了分析,结果表明:产生龙卷的微型超级单体出现在台风外围和副高边缘之间的强东南急流中,具有低层辐合、高层辐散、水汽充足等典型台风外围龙卷环流形势特征;强的低空0~1 km垂直风切变、大的风暴相对螺旋度和低的抬升凝结高度等环境条件利于龙卷的生成;龙卷影响时,邻近地面自动气象站观测要素表现出明显的信号,瞬时大风和最低气压的极值区呈东南至西北向带状分布,与龙卷路径一致,龙卷过境前后,单站气压“漏斗”明显,5 min降压/升压幅度达-2.5 hPa/+2.1 hPa;广州多普勒天气雷达探测到龙卷母体风暴的低层钩状回波和入流缺口特征,以及低层强中气旋和类TVS特征。预警试验初步表明,对台风龙卷高发区,在环境场有利情况下,若低层出现中等或以上强度中气旋,其底高在1 km以下,可以考虑发布龙卷预警。   相似文献   
2017年江西汛期设区市城区暴雨回波特征分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
邓虹霞  智海  马中元  张瑛  何文 《气象科学》2019,39(2):274-284
使用江西WebGIS雷达拼图和自动站雨量、雷电监测、强天气监测等数据,以及MICAPS常规天气图资料,对2017年3—7月江西汛期11个设区市26次城区暴雨过程的雷达回波特征进行分析。结果表明:2017年江西汛期共出现52日暴雨过程,其中江西11个设区市所在地城区出现26次暴雨。在这26次城区暴雨个例中,有23次伴随出现短时强降水,有3次降水比较均匀。暴雨维持时间长短不一,最长的有15 h,最短只有3 h,平均是10 h。有5次出现大风天气,21次没有大风出现。雷达回波特征主要有3种:块状(强单体、超级单体)、带状(飑线、回波带)、絮状(絮带、絮团)。这3种回波形态特征,出现率最高的是絮状回波,即比较宽、嵌有中等强度的对流单体絮带状回波带,强度40~55 dBz,出现16次,概率62%;其次是窄而长、紧密排列由强单体组成的飑线回波带,强度50~60 dBz,出现8次,概率30%;块状(强单体、超级单体)回波强度最强,中心强度达到60~70 dBz,出现2次,概率8%。  相似文献   
为研究双偏振雷达资料在冬季冰雹监测预警中的应用,利用厦门S波段双偏振雷达资料,分析了2016年12月21日福建漳州冰雹的回波特征。发现在降雹过程中,最强回波达69 dBZ,三体散射回波径向长度达16 km,旁瓣回波切向宽达20 km,低层的钩状回波与入流缺口明显;冰雹区的差分反射率因子Z_(dr)和差分相位常数K_(dp)数值小,冰水混合区的相关系数ρ_(hv)较低。分析表明:此冰雹个例并非典型的超级单体,但存在超级单体的部分偏振回波特征,回波前侧下沉气流存在Z_(dr)弧,可延伸到中层,在入流缺口和后侧下沉气流处,Z_(dr)柱和K_(dp)柱成对出现,中层存在CC的低值环。  相似文献   
高分辨率模式雷达回波预报能力分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘静  才奎志  谭政华 《气象》2019,45(12):1710-1717
利用2018年7—8月GRAPES_3 km、东北短临(WRFRUC)高分辨率模式综合雷达回波预报数据和辽宁省SWAN雷达组合反射率(MCR)实况,基于邻域法FSS评分指数,分析模式在台风北上和副热带高压边缘暴雨过程中的雷达回波预报能力。结果表明:两家模式在不同降水过程中对小阈值雷达回波有较好的预报技巧,随着回波量级增大,模式预报FSS逐渐减小,雷达回波55 dBz时,FSS甚至为0。当邻域半径是3时,35 dBz以下的回波预报中GRAPES模式在台风北上暴雨中的预报技巧低于副热带高压边缘,35 dBz则相反。WRFRUC模式始终表现为台风北上暴雨中预报较好。当邻域半径9时,WRFRUC模式在台风暴雨中的FSS评分高于GRAPES模式,GRAPES模式在副热带高压暴雨中的FSS评分始终高于WRFRUC模式。GRAPES和WRFRUC模式的最大FSS评分技巧均出现在邻域半径是11时,分别为0.239和0.195。GRAPES模式中FSS评分在12 h逐小时预报中前3个时次较强,WRFRUC模式则表现为中间时次强,两头弱。  相似文献   
利用全球磁流体模拟的结果,本文研究了行星际磁场B_y对弓激波位型的影响.结果显示:随着行星际磁场B_y绝对值的增大,弓激波的日下点距离、旋转对称张角、南北非对称性以及旋转非对称性均随之增加.其中,B_y对弓激波日下点距离的影响可达5 RE左右.东向B_y和西向B_y对弓激波位型影响具有对称性,东向B_y和西向B_y大小相同时弓激波日下点距离、旋转对称张角以及旋转非对称性参数均相同,而南北非对称性参数大小相同正负相反.行星际磁场B_y占主导时弓激波尾部横截面在南北方向上拉伸,并且拉伸程度随着B_y绝对值的增大而增大,弓激波尾部横截面的拉伸现象与磁声波马赫数密切相关.  相似文献   
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