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冯梦龙主张戏曲创作要"奇",且"调协韵严",基于此,他对晚明剧坛创作中存在的问题予以批评。这些批评从两个方面展开。在"曲"的方面,他批评了民间传奇创作、文人创新、汤显祖及其追随者等;在"戏"的方面,他提出"奇"的标准——"事奇"和"掀翻窠臼",并批评很多作品难以做到这两点。冯梦龙对晚明剧坛的批评原则立于对形式的推崇,故而有其局限性。  相似文献   
李勇 《天文学报》2001,42(2):215-224
利用对具有月龄特征的历谱规律的研究成果,以推定甲骨文的绝对年代,从而提供了建立商后期甲骨文年代序列的新方法,并给出了13版卜辞的例证,通过分析殷历月的结构,得出殷历中“二癸月”和“四癸月”的月首分别为首甲日和首癸日,初步归纳出殷历月法,月首为初三,月长等于逆望月周期,建立固定,且找到建立丑之例,置闰规律未知,已存在年终,年中置闰两种闰法。  相似文献   
Identifying China’s leading world city: a network approach   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper reports our research on China’s world cities. Formal network analysis of air passenger linkages for recent years among China’s most populous cities and among many of the world’s largest cities allows us to identify the country’s leading world city from among the leading Mainland candidates, Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. We theorize our findings about China’s world cities in relation to both global forces (and China’s increasing entanglement with them) and the policies and actions of the national state. We examine the national and global urban network through a longitudinal, two-level analysis of airline passenger travel for four time points between about 1990 and 2005. We show that Beijing was China’s leading world city at the beginning of the time period, a status it lost nationally in as early as 1995, and then globally 10 years later. On the other hand Shanghai became China’s leading world city, and it acquired this status first nationally in 2000, and then globally in 2005. The changing status of the Chinese capital corresponds to the country’s increasing involvement with the capitalist world economy. Shanghai’s ascendance as the leading world city in China may indicate that global forces have come to play an increasingly important role relative to that of the developmental state.
Michael F. TimberlakeEmail:
宋辽寒冷干旱期的急剧降温,使河西地区降水量迅速减少,气候变得更为干旱。植被枯萎,风暴、沙暴、尘暴、火灾、旱灾、饥荒等灾害事件频繁发生,从而引发了一系列生态环境问题和战争动乱,对中国政治、社会、经济、文化产生重大影响。依据历史资料和考古研究成果及地质记录中“事件标志层”层位、年代,确定宋辽寒冷干旱期发生于公元1000~1050年,发展于公元1050~1100年,强盛于公元1100~1320年,消亡于公元1320~1335年。  相似文献   
军事地理是谋兵布防的平台。明代被迫在南北两条战线作战:北部沿长城一线防御少数民族南下;东南沿海抗击倭寇入侵。因此,明代格外重视军事地理的研究,研究成果丰硕,著述很多。概述明代军事地理研究成果,不仅是回顾历史,而是借鉴经验。一些著作中提出的御敌方略至今有参考价值。  相似文献   
气候变化影响着农作物的生长。文章通过对比济南大辛庄遗址中、晚商时期的植物遗存和济南刘家庄遗址商末周初的植物遗存,发现两个遗址主要农作物均包括粟(Setaria italica (L.)Beauv.)、黍(Panicum miliaceum L.)、大豆(Glycine max(L.)Merr.)和小麦(Ttiticum aestivum L.),大辛庄遗址水稻(Oryza sativa L.)绝对数量较多,但刘家庄遗址未发现水稻。综合本地区其他遗址的植物考古研究结果,可以发现山东地区岳石文化时期、商代水稻仍是主要粮食作物之一,但到商末周初水稻数量急剧减少。同时,邻近的中原地区和关中地区,多处商周时期遗址水稻种植也普遍出现萎缩。多项地质记录表明,商末(3000 a B.P.前后)东亚夏季风快速减弱,降水量显著下降。山东地区受东亚季风影响,这一时期降水量减少,难以保证稻作农业所需的持续充足的水源,从而影响到水稻产量和种植规模。因此,商末气候变化很可能是刘家庄遗址商末周初水稻缺失以及山东地区商末周初水稻数量骤降的主要原因之一,也同时影响到整个黄河中下游这一时期的稻作农业。  相似文献   
The temporal-spatial geographic distribution of archaeological sites and its feature between 10.0–2.8 ka BP(ka BP= thousands of years before 0 BP, where "0 BP" is defined as the year AD 1950) were determined, based on GIS spatial analysis in the Poyang Lake Basin. The relationship between geographic distribution of sites of different periods under subsistence existence of ancient civilizations, climate and environmental change was investigated. The results revealed numerous archaeological sites of the Neolithic Age(10.0–3.6 ka BP). The sites were mainly located in the northern part of the Poyang Lake Basin, a hilly and mountainous area with many river terraces suitable for the development of human civilization. The number of archaeological sites rapidly increased during the Shang and Zhou dynasties(3.6–2.8 ka BP) and spread widely on the floodplains of the middle and lower reaches of Ganjiang River and onto the west, south, and southeast beach areas of the Poyang Lake. Holocene records of climate change suggested that it was possible that climate fluctuations had a great impact on human evolution in the study area. Before 3.6 ka BP, westward and northward expansion of Neolithic cultures in the Poyang Lake watershed occurred under the background of climate amelioration(becoming warmer and wetter). The ancient people lived in the hilly areas with high elevation. The simple mode of a fishing and gathering economy was mostly suited to this area in the early Neolithic Age. The scope of human activities was expanded and cultural diversity developed in the late Neolithic Age. However, with population growth and increasing survival pressure in a dry-cold climatic stage after 3.6 ka BP, this simple living mode had to be abandoned, and various forms of economy, the majority being agriculture, were developed on flood plains of the lower reaches of numerous rivers around Poyang Lake. This promoted flourishing of the Bronze culture of South China.  相似文献   
为研究三肇凹陷和尚2井区块扶杨油层油气成藏规律,采用断裂密集带与油气分布叠合的方法,分析断裂密集带在油气成藏分布中的作用.结果表明:三肇凹陷扶杨油层发育35条断裂密集带,尚2井区块扶杨油层发育9条断裂密集带;油主要分布在断裂密集带两侧,少量分布在断裂密集带内部.断裂密集带对油运移的控制作用表现在2方面:(1)断裂密集带边界断裂为油输导断裂;(2)断裂密集带不利于油横穿其侧向运移,但可沿其侧向运移.断裂密集带对油聚集的控制作用表现在2方面:(1)断裂密集带两侧的地垒和断阶构造是油聚集的有利部位;(2)断裂密集带内部的背形构造也是油聚集的有利部位.  相似文献   
巢湖流域新石器至汉代古聚落变更与环境变迁   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
以GIS为手段,在对巢湖流域新石器中晚期至汉代聚落遗址时空分布特征进行分析的基础上,探讨流域内古聚落变更对环境变迁的响应关系.研究表明,巢湖流域新石器中晚期至汉代古聚落变更的规律主要表现为,随着时代推进聚落遗址从高海拔逐渐向低海拔地区转移并向湖泊靠近,这种变更响应于中全新世以来流域气候由温暖湿润向温和干燥的发展,以及由此导致的巢湖湖泊收缩、水位持续下降和生活范围扩展,反映了在气候变化的大背景下,地貌演化和水文条件的改变对古聚落变更的影响;而各时期聚落遗址西多东少的分布格局,则与流域东部极易受河道摆动和洪涝灾害影响的地貌条件有关.因此,气候变化成为巢湖流域古聚落变更的重要激发因子,对古聚落的分布、扩展、演变都产生了重要影响,古聚落变更对环境变迁的响应明显.  相似文献   
清代东北地区土地开发及其动因分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
论述了清代东北地区土地开发过程、特点和趋动因子。指出封禁时期土地开发主要集中于辽河流域及辽西地区,吉、黑两地只有零星开发,总的呈现一派大荒景象。开禁后,先后在奉天、吉林、黑龙江进行了大面积的放垦。大规模的移民和高速度的土地开发世所少见。最后分析了影响东北地区土地开发的主要趋动因子,指出巨大的人口压力、连年的大灾荒以及清朝政府的土地开发政策是造成清代晚期东北地区大规模移民和高速度土地开发的重要原因。  相似文献   
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