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性类固醇激素对动物生长有一定的影响, 但其对鱼类雌、雄生长差异的影响机理尚不清楚。 为进一步了解动物雌雄生长差异的内在原因, 本文通过在体注射和荧光定量PCR 方法, 比较了性类 固醇激素(E2、MT)对尼罗罗非鱼雌鱼和雄鱼的生长及对垂体GH、肝脏GHR1、IGF-I mRNA 表达的 影响。结果表明: 性类固醇激素E2 和MT 对尼罗罗非鱼的生长及生长轴相关基因的表达均有显著的 影响, 并且这种影响存在明显的性别二态性。E2 明显促进雌鱼的生长但不显著影响雄鱼的生长, MT 显著促进雄鱼和雌鱼的生长; E2 可使雌鱼垂体GH 和肝脏GHR1 、IGF-I 的mRNA 水平显著升高 (P<0.05), 但降低雄鱼垂体GH和肝脏GHR1的mRNA表达; MT 显著提高雄鱼垂体GH和肝脏GHR1、 IGF-I mRNA 水平(P<0.05), 但降低雌鱼垂体GH 的mRNA 表达, 促进雌鱼肝脏GHR1 mRNA 的表达, 但对雄鱼肝脏GHR1 的促进作用明显大于雌鱼(P<0.05).上述结果表明, 性类固醇激素对不同性别尼 罗罗非鱼的生长及生长轴相关基因的mRNA 表达有不同的影响, 表现出明显的性别二态性, 提示不 同性别鱼体内性类固醇激素水平的不同可能是导致尼罗罗非鱼雌雄生长二态性的另一内在原因。  相似文献   
作者对引进的红罗非鱼进行了生物学特性、繁殖育种及海水驯养等方面的试验研究,结果得出:①亲鱼的怀卵量与体长呈正相关(关系式为:Y=124.78L—588.8),在北方地区每年产卵3—4次,产卵量为怀卵量的1/2;②水温25—30℃,11—18d受精卵孵出鱼苗;③红罗非鱼不仅可在淡水中生存,且在自然海水和半咸水中均能生存,是海水养殖的优良品种;④红罗非鱼同虾混养,可提高鱼虾成活率,增大养成规格。  相似文献   
研究青海钩虾对罗非鱼两品系吉富罗非鱼和彩虹鲷生长的促进作用。实验用青海钩虾与面粉、麸皮和豆饼制成 5组 ( ~ )配合饲料及良种场原用饲料 ( 组 )饲育吉富罗非鱼和彩虹鲷 ,经2 5 d试验结果表明 :( 1)彩虹鲷增重效果以 组饲料最高 ,平均增重为 4 4 .9g,较大于 组的 4 3.1g;( 2 )所有钩虾饲料对彩虹鲷的增色效果都高于良种场的原用饲料 组 ,其中以饲料 组最高 ;( 3)饲料 I组饲育吉富罗非鱼平均增重为 4 4 g,高于 组的 4 0 .1g;( 4 )吉富罗非鱼和彩虹鲷比较则显示出吉富罗非鱼的增重率明显高于彩虹鲷而饵料系数又较低的结果。  相似文献   
罗非鱼4个选育群体遗传结构SSR分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用SSR分子标记分析了吉富品系罗非鱼的两个家系(GF1和GF2)以及奥利亚罗非鱼(Fo)和奥本尼罗罗非鱼(Fn)群体的遗传结构。结果显示,扩增后等位基因数为3~8个,随引物不同而异,14对引物共扩增60个等位基因,扩增片断大小在102~267 bp之间。微卫星分析表明,奥本尼罗罗非鱼(Fn)的平均观测杂合度(0.764 3)和平均期望杂合度(0.519 6)均最高,吉富尼罗罗非鱼(GF1)平均多态信息含量(0.419 5)最高;吉富尼罗罗非鱼(GF2)平均观测杂合度(0.614 2),奥利亚罗非鱼(Fo)的平均期望观测度(0.446 6)、平均多态信息含量(0.359 2)最低;因此,吉富鱼(GF1)的遗传多样性最高,奥利亚的遗传多样性最低。Hardy-Weinberg平衡遗传偏离指数(D)奥利亚(Fo)和尼罗(Fn)(0.463 4和0.478 9)明显高于吉富的两家系(0.234 1和0.250 0)。Fo与GF2间遗传距离(0.477 0)最大;而GF1和GF2间的遗传距离(0.302 7)最小,遗传相似系数(0.607 3)最大,可推断新一代吉富罗非鱼与本地选育群体有相对较远的亲缘关系,更具杂种优势。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONInmoststudies,growthrateoffishwasfoundtodecreasewithincreasingdensity ,especiallywhenthedensitywasaboveacriticalpoint (RefstieandKittlesin ,1 976;Refstie,1 977;Trzebia towskietal.,1 981 ;VijayanandLeatherland ,1 988) .However,inacold watercarnivorousfish ,theA…  相似文献   
A morphometric analysis of the gills ofOreochromis alcalicus grahami has been carried out on specimens from ecologically distinct lagoons and a water-holding tank of Lake Magadi, a highly alkaline salt lake situated in a volcanically active region of the southern part of the Great Rift Valley in Kenya. The data were compared with those fromOreochromis niloticus, a close relative that lives in fresh water and with data from other fresh water and marine fish. Our primary goal was to identify the possible adaptive features which enable the fish to survive in an environment characterized by severely fluctuating levels of oxygen, a condition exacerbated by factors such as high temperature, alkalinity and osmolarity. The specimens ofO. a. grahami from the south-western lagoons of the lake had gills better adapted for gas exchange with a body mass specific diffusing capacity for oxygen which was about 2 times greater than that of the gills of the specimens from the fish spring lagoons and 2.5 times that of those from the water-holding tanks. Some parameters of the gills ofO. a. grahami, e.g. the gill filament length and number of gill filaments are significantly greater than those ofO. niloticus but the number of secondary lamellae, area of secondary lamellae and the diffusing capacity of the gills are similar in the two species. Compared with most other fish, the gills ofO. a. grahami appear to be particularly well adapted for gas exchange especially by having a thin water-blood barrier. Perhaps in no other extant fish have the gills had to be so exquisitely designed to meet environmental extremes and regulate complex and at times conflicting functions such as gas exchange, iono-regulation, acid-base balance and nitrogenous waste excretion as inO. a. grahami  相似文献   
用9对微卫星引物对尼罗罗非鱼Oreochromis niloticus、奥利亚罗非鱼O.aureus和红罗非鱼O.sp.群体的遗传变异进行了比较研究。在3个群体109个个体中共检测到60个等位基因,3个群体的平均等位基因数分别为4.11、1.33和3.44,平均观测杂合度分别为0.528、0.056和0.491,平均期望杂合度分别为0.644、0.091和0.526,平均多态信息含量分别为0.580、0.077和0.466。杂合子偏离度D值分别为0.148、0.222和0.044,表明3个罗非鱼群体存在不同程度的杂合子缺失。卡方检验表明3个群体的大部分位点偏离Hardy-Weinberg平衡,存在遗传漂变现象。群体间遗传分化显著(遗传分化指数FST在0.329到0.656之间,P<0.01)。尼罗罗非鱼和红罗非鱼群体间的遗传距离最小(0.47)。上述分析表明,尼罗罗非鱼的遗传多样性最高,奥利亚罗非鱼的遗传多样性最低,群体间分化显著。表明尼罗罗非鱼和红罗非鱼尚具有一定的选育潜力,而奥利亚罗非鱼遗传多样性低,不利于选择育种,需要引进新的种群。  相似文献   
采用主成分与判别分析的方法,研究尼罗罗非鱼形态性状的增长规律,并判定其最佳生长季节体格与月龄的关系。选择2—5月龄尼罗罗非鱼各100尾,测量体长、头长、躯干长、体高、尾柄长、尾柄高、体宽和体重共8个性状,并对其进行主成分与判别分析。主成分分析结果表明:尼罗罗非鱼各月龄的体型特征参数间均有不同程度的正相关(P<0.05),体重与体长、体高的相关性最显著;不同月龄尼罗罗非鱼性状的主成分有所不同,主成分1:2—5月龄均相同为增重因子;主成分2:2—4月龄均为尾柄因子,而5月龄是躯干因子;主成分3:2月龄是头部因子,3—4月龄是躯干因子,5月龄是尾柄因子。通过建立判别式来判断错过最佳生长季节尼罗罗非鱼的体格与大小相符的月龄,判别结果表明,总的判别准确率为99.25%,其中2—4月龄尼罗罗非鱼的判别准确率为100%。  相似文献   
Organochlorines in Hong Kong Fish   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Muscle samples from 15 species of fish (n=1) purchased from markets in Hong Kong and 10 liver samples of tilapia (Tilapia mossambica) collected from the Shing Mun River were analysed for organochlorines (polychlorinated biphenyls, ΣDDTs, hexachlorobenzene, hexachlorocyclohexanes, chlordanes, mirex and dieldrin). Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were detected in 15 market fish samples but the levels were very low (around 1 ng g−1). PCB levels in tilapia livers collected from Tai Wai (29.3–65.1 ng g−1) were higher than those from Fo Tan (3.5–23.2 ng g−1) suggesting that there may be some local point soucres. ΣDDTs were detected in all samples, ranging from 3.3 to 75.6 ng g−1 in the market fish and from 7.1 to 88.8 ng g−1 in tilapia. The DDE/DDT ratios in the market fish (0.12–0.75) showed higher variability than those of tilapia (0.30–0.46), suggesting that some of the market fish may have been collected from areas where DDT was recently used. Results of this preliminary study show that organochlorine levels in Hong Kong market fish are low and do not cause any concern for human consumption. An on-going monitoring program, however, is recommended.  相似文献   
海水池塘混合施肥养殖台湾红罗非鱼的鱼产力和负荷力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于1995年7—9月,在烟台市黄海水产集团公司第二养虾场,采用围隔实验法研究了海水池塘混合施肥养殖台湾红罗非鱼的鱼产力、负荷力和最适放养量。实验中每个围隔面积为 5m×5m,各设 1台 90W的搅水机(4 800r/ h)。每日施肥基准为:鸡粪干物质, 25kg/ha:氮肥, N0.15× 10-6;磷肥,P0.015× 10-6。结果表明,静水海水池塘混合施肥的鱼产力为0.79g/(m2·d),池塘对台湾红罗非鱼的负荷力为1796.0kg/ha,鱼(体重70g/ind)的最适放养量约为8000ind/ha。  相似文献   
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