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本文基于CSR最新公布的GRACE RL06版本数据,采用Slepian空域反演法估算了南极冰盖27个流域的质量变化.Slepian空域反演法结合了Slepian空间谱集中法和空域反演法的技术优势,能够有效降低GRACE在小区域反演时信号出现的严重泄漏和衰减,进而精确获得南极冰盖在每个流域的质量变化.相对于GRACE RL05版本数据,RL06在条带误差的控制上要更加优化,获得的南极冰盖质量变化时间序列也更加平滑,但在趋势估算上差别并不明显(小于10Gt/a).本文的估算结果显示:在2002年4月至2016年8月期间,整个南极冰盖质量变化速率为-118.6±16.3Gt/a,其中西南极为-142.4±10.5Gt/a,南极半岛为-29.2±2.1Gt/a,东南极则为52.9±8.6Gt/a.南极冰盖损失最大的区域集中在西南极Amundsen Sea Embayment(流域20-23),该地区质量变化速率为-203.5±4.1Gt/a,其次为南极半岛(流域24-27)以及东南极Victoria-Wilkes Land(流域13-15),质量变化速率分别为-29.2±2.1Gt/a和-19.0±4.7Gt/a,其中Amundsen Sea Embayment和南极半岛南部两个地区的冰排放呈现加速状态.南极冰盖质量显著增加的区域主要有西南极的Ellsworth Land(流域1)和Siple Coast(流域18和19)以及东南极的Coats-Queen Maud-Enderby Land(流域3-8),三个地区质量变化速率分别为17.2±2.4Gt/a、43.9±1.9Gt/a和62.7±3.8Gt/a,质量增加大多来自降雪累积,比如:Coats-Queen Maud-Enderby Land在2009年和2011年发生的大规模降雪事件,但也有来自冰川的增厚,如:Siple Coast地区Kamb冰流的持续加厚.此外,对GRACE估算的南极冰盖质量变化年际信号进行初步分析发现,GRACE年际信号与气候模型估算的冰盖表面质量平衡年际信号存在显著的线性相关关系,但与主要影响南极气候年际变化的气候事件之间却不存在线性相关关系,这说明南极冰盖质量变化的年际信号主要受冰盖表面质量平衡的支配,而气候事件对冰盖表面质量平衡的影响可能是复杂的非线性耦合过程.  相似文献   
土耳其卡赞天然碱矿由于地质条件复杂,首采层不溶物含量高,矿层倾角大,在商业开采过程中易发生堵井事故。本文以P078水平对接井组为例,介绍了其施工工艺和注采井史,分析了引起井组堵塞的原因。遵循“先易后难、降低风险、控制成本”的原则,先后进行了直井单井循环、固井泵车压井和循环泥浆清理井底等各种尝试,最后提出了分支侧钻重新连通的技术方案,并成功修复了溶采通道,恢复了井组的正常生产。并在钻井施工组织、修井设计与施工和溶采作业等方面提出了建议。该技术对类似故障井组的修复具有一定的指导作用和借鉴意义。  相似文献   
通过1∶5万矿山地质环境调查和遥感解译手段,对日照市矿山进行了全面的调查,查明各类矿山546处,主要集中在莒县和五莲县境内。除莒县刘官庄煤矿外,其余全部为露天开采矿山,主要选用直接开挖的方式,不仅破坏了地表环境,而且矿山生产活动产生的固体废弃物占用了大面积的土地。该文根据矿山地理位置及开采方式的不同,将相同类型的多个矿山划分为同一治理区,针对不同治理区的特点,采取科学有效的治理方法,建立健全矿山地质环境监督管理机制,切实解决矿山地质环境问题,改善生态环境。  相似文献   
结合抚顺西露天矿的地质环境背景,介绍了抚顺西露天矿南帮滑坡变形监测中地下水监测系统的构建情况。从降水入渗、岩体的透水性等角度对比了汛期及非汛期地下水的监测数据,并利用SPSS统计分析软件对单点地下水位变化值和滑坡位移变化值进行曲线估计回归分析并建立模型。结果表明,汛期持续强降雨是诱发西露天矿南帮滑坡变形的重要因素;强降雨入渗过程中,基岩裂隙水的变化存在明显的滞后性;单点地下水位变化值和滑坡位移变化值符合三次项曲线模型;非汛期,地下水位逐渐降低,滑坡地表变形速率也减缓。  相似文献   
Tectonic transition from a syn-rift stage to subsequent post-rift stage is an important mechanism in the evolution of extensional basins. The sedimentary infill records the crustal response to this process. We have obtained new detrital zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf signatures from the Lower Cretaceous stratigraphic successions encompassing the commonly accepted syn- to post-rift transition boundary, the T4 unconformity, in the Songliao Basin, NE China. These constrain the Songliao Basin’s evolution from its center to distal margins, providing insights into the sediment provenance and dispersal pattern over the tectonic transition. Analysis of zircons from the syn-rift (the Shahezi and Yingcheng formations) and immediate post-rift (the Lower and Middle Denglouku Formation) stages reveals Phanerozoic age populations with positive ?Hf(t) values, which were derived from the proximal juvenile mantle-derived melt origin bedrocks of the Songliao Block. In contrast, the overlying samples from the Upper Denglouku Formation deposited in the subsequent post-rift stage contain exotic and ancient zircon populations with ages of 2.5 Ga & 1.8 Ga and complex hafnium signatures, characteristic of a mixed origin. These are interpreted to be transported from distant cratonic terranes via larger drainage networks. It is obvious that the sediment dispersal pattern switched from being a local and hydrologically closed “intraregional” pattern to a “transcontinental” pattern during the transition. The time lag between the development of the T4 unconformity and the drainage reorganization also ensures a distinguishable ~3 Myr (106103 Ma, Late Albian) transition period of regional extent. During this transition stage, syn-rift faulting was replaced by post-rift thermal subsidence, exhibiting a uniform sag configuration. Our new findings are important for understanding other continental rift basins during syn- to post-rift transition, which often demonstrates a complex interaction between the linkage and integration of sub-basins, and the reorganization of fluvial drainages and catchment systems.  相似文献   
为研究矿山开采及修复过程中如何开展生物多样性管理,本文借鉴IUCN(世界自然保护联盟)发布的《矿山生物多样性管理系列指南》成果,将相关理论和方法应用到广东大宝山矿生态修复实践中。文章在介绍IUCN的“综合生物多样性管理体系”方法主要内容的基础上,将其作为大宝山矿实施生态修复依据,阐述了该管理体系在矿山生态修复工程中的应用,并结合广东大宝山矿的实际情况,提出了大宝山矿生物多样性管理的保护与修复框架,包括全周期的生物多样性管理手段,重点阐述大宝山矿生物多样性调查与监测、评价、保护与受损控制及恢复的技术方案,最后分析了对中国矿山生物多样性保护和修复的启示,IUCN矿山生物多样性管理系列指南对于指导我国矿山生态修复具有重要作用。  相似文献   
Karatungk Mine in northern Xinjiang, China, which is a large-scale magmatic Cu-Ni sulfide mine in the Central Asian orogenic belt, has a long history of mining. The mine is located at the merging belt between Altay orogenic belt and Junggar Basin, and has strong tectonic activities. In recent years, mining source detection has become an important target for mineral exploration due to the difficulties in ore body exploitation. In this paper,we systematically summarize the achievements of the geophysical explorations in Karatungk Mine from various aspects, including tectonic backgrounds of the mine, dynamic mechanisms, geophysical characteristics and scientific challenges in the future. Because of the restrictions of observation density and analysis methods, the fine geometrical structure of the mine cannot be completely characterized yet. Therefore,in order to obtain the high-resolution structure and detailed spatial distribution of orebodies, researchers should focus on combining multiple geophysical methods, developing high-resolution imaging methods, and improving petro physical experiments in the future.  相似文献   
HSE管理是现代企业走出国门、承揽国际大型项目的必备条件,并且在现代工程管理中具有越来越重要的地位。土耳其卡赞天然碱矿水溶开采对接井工程的实施过程中,在借鉴国内外相关行业经验的基础上,结合项目自身特点,成立了HSE管理机构,加强了人员安全培训和机械设备的升级改造,使之符合当地的行业安全标准。引入了JSA工作安全分析工具,建立了切实可行的HSE管理体系,并强调了现场监督,从而实施了行之有效的HSE管理,为该项目的顺利运行提供了有力的安全保障。  相似文献   
Stratigraphy, structure and host-rock chemistry are dominant controls on the location of Au in Archaean greenstone-hosted Au deposits, but the stratigraphy in such deposits is seldom obvious due to the monotonous nature of the host rocks or pervasive alteration associated with Au mineralisation. Portable, hand-held, X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) spectrometry provides a method to rapidly collect large amounts of whole-rock geochemical data that can yield new insights into both stratigraphy and Au localisation. Here we present results of pXRF analyses of samples from a representative section through Au-mineralised amphibolite-facies metabasaltic rocks at Plutonic Gold Mine, Western Australia. These data illustrate a geochemical stratigraphy in which individual lava flows can be identified on the basis of element concentrations. The most evolved basalts are at the structural base of the succession, and the least evolved at the top of the sequence, confirming previous geochemical interpretations and textural evidence that the sequence is overturned, and demonstrating for the first time that the presented section does not involve significant structural repetition. In conjunction with Au assay data, the pXRF data reveal that Au commonly occurs along basalt flow boundaries. The elemental concentration data clearly demonstrates for the first time the stratigraphic control on Au mineralisation that is not readily apparent at the macroscopic level. The methods described in this paper are readily applied, and have the potential to enhance the understanding of otherwise unclear stratigraphy and its control on mineralisation in many different types of deposits worldwide.  相似文献   
为实现矿山地质环境评价的科学、快捷和实用,编制了“矿山地质环境评价系统”软件.该文介绍其理论基础、开发思路及主要功能,并通过实例介绍其应用效果.  相似文献   
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