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准噶尔盆地西北缘玛湖凹陷中心区10×108 t级砾岩大油区的发现,带动了该区沉积储集层研究的不断深入。作者梳理了准噶尔盆地西北缘及玛湖凹陷的沉积储集层研究现状和进展,认为准噶尔盆地西北缘及玛湖凹陷的沉积储集层研究的进展主要表现为: (1)提出了新的砂砾岩储集层岩石相和岩石学分析方法;(2)探索形成了新的沉积储集层地球物理测井和地震描述技术;(3)针对不同层系,在沉积物源、沉积相、沉积环境、沉积体系和沉积模式等方面取得大量新认识,建立了大型退覆式浅水缓坡扇三角洲沉积模式,指导油气勘探不断获得新突破;(4)在成岩作用理论指导下,所发现的储集层埋藏深度不断增加。研究表明,玛湖凹陷的沉积体系具有继承性: 从二叠纪到新近纪,发育了火山—碎屑岩沉积体系、细粒—蒸发盐沉积体系以及粗粒冲积扇、扇三角洲、辫状河三角洲等沉积体系,气候、构造和湖平面变化控制了沉积体系的形成和演化。沉积储集层研究为玛湖砾岩大油田的发现提供了有力的理论支持。未来应当加强针对古老层系和深部地层的沉积储集层研究工作,重视新理论新技术在西北缘和玛湖沉积储集层研究中的应用,已经形成的理论技术需要在勘探实践中接受进一步检验和完善。  相似文献   
主要分析了构造抬升对水系和地形的影响和恢复,以从古生代灰岩围岩中大面积但零星出露的岩溶砾岩点为研究对象,对区域古水系和地形地貌恢复和反演做出了新的尝试。在收集资料和实测的基础上,尝试性探讨了利用稳定水体参照物高程反演抬升高度以及邻区山峰点的古高程、古水系,恢复区域上古地形地貌的技术方法。并以白彦地区为例,通过白彦岩溶砾岩的分布、产状、金刚石矿物含量、岩性等地质特征,恢复白彦地区古地形线、古水系位置和流向等古地理地貌,指出在白彦期时代,该区总体发育4个水系,邹城市大石墙水系、枣庄水系、平邑水系、费县水系,水系中金刚石含量较为丰富的砾岩点大多分布在凤凰山隆起中心,其中在平邑水系推测存在一个山地峡谷中的古湖泊。认为蒙山凸起中已知的常马庄地区的金伯利岩脉所含有金刚石可能主要供应平邑区水系,其他3个地区水系的金刚石可能来源于凤凰山及其东部隆起剥蚀地区。  相似文献   
滇中地区“因民角砾岩”的成因及归属问题目前暂无定论。笔者通过对东川-易门地区前人所划的因民组“因民角砾岩”进行1:5万野外地质调查工作,对其进行了初步的分类。根据其成因及时代划分为复成分砾岩、冰碛砾岩、滑塌角砾岩、引爆角砾岩和构造角砾岩。对“因民角砾岩”成因及时代的研究,特别是“冰碛砾岩、复成分砾岩”的提出,对于解决滇中早前寒武纪地层层序、时代归属、构造格架、大地构造位置及大区域地层对比,探讨滇中元古宙地史演化、古环境研究以及指导找矿都具有重要的指示意义。  相似文献   
Locations at Funzie on the island of Fetlar, and at Norwick on the island of Unst contain excellent examples of structures relating to the Caledonian age disruption and emplacement of the Shetland Ophiolite Complex. The Caledonian age Shetland Ophiolite Complex contains exceptionally well developed and exposed sections of the lower parts of the characteristic ophiolite sequence, including layered gabbro, cumulates and mantle rock. Composed of two tectonic units (the Lower Nappe and Upper Nappe) each underlain by an imbricate zone, it is among the finest and most accessible examples of ophiolitic rocks in Europe. The sites at Funzie and Norwick have been selected to be part of the Caledonian Structures of Great Britain Geological Conservation Review (GCR) network, as the best examples in Britain of structures relating to Caledonian ophiolite disruption and emplacement. As the Funzie GCR site and the Norwick GCR site they form the Caledonian Structures of Shetland GCR block.Accounts of all other sites in the Caledonian Structures of Great Britain Geological Conservation Review (GCR) network are already published (Treagus, 1992). Accounts of the Caledonian Structures of Shetland GCR block sites are, therefore, presented in this paper to complete publication of the Caledonian Structures of Great Britain Geological Conservation Review (GCR) network.  相似文献   
基于河北平原廊固凹陷东北部ACX03孔(深300.0 m)浅部14C年龄和磁性地层,建立钻孔第四纪地层格架,依据ACX03孔岩心沉积物、测井曲线和微体古生物特征划分沉积层段并分析沉积环境。研究结果表明: ACX03孔B/M(布容/松山)、M/G(松山/高斯)极性界线分别位于83.8 m、220.2 m,孔底年龄约3.2 Ma,划分13个沉积层段。上新统(220.2~300.0 m)为河道、河漫滩夹湖泊沉积,下更新统(85.2~220.2 m)为河道、湖泊、河漫滩沉积,中更新统(61.5~85.2 m)为分支河道夹河漫滩及河间洼地—湖沼沉积,上更新统(23.2~61.5 m)为河漫滩、分支河道沉积,全新统(0~23.2 m)为泛滥平原、河曲—牛轭湖沉积。对比ACX03孔与邻近钻孔第四纪地层认为,河北平原廊坊—固安一带早更新世差异性沉降最强,之后一直到全新世越来越弱。  相似文献   
山西榆社盆地新近系马会组砾岩层砾组特征及其地质意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对山西榆社盆地新近系中新统马会组砾岩层的分布特征、剖面特征和砾组特征分析,结合盆地内部和四周山区的岩性特征分析,阐述了砾岩层本身的性质、成因、来源和搬运方式等,探讨砾石沉积时盆地的水动力条件、气候环境、地貌特征和构造条件等。研究表明,马会组砾岩层为榆社盆地新近纪河湖相沉积的底砾岩,其中所含的3层砾岩在成因、来源、搬运和沉积环境上具有较好的一致性。马会组砾岩层为多期次、多来源、非稳定的冲湖积成因,为湖泊水进期的沉积物,指示干冷向温湿转变的气候环境;砾石的主要来源是盆地内部的基底地层及其东缘、北缘和西缘的山区;砾石遭受了较强的物理化学作用,还存在一定的生物作用;含量较少的花岗岩砾石经受了较长距离的搬运,其他岩性砾石经受了近—中距离的搬运。榆社盆地为喜马拉雅运动二幕晋东地区山地相对抬升形成的山间盆地,砾石沉积时已形成了中间低、四周高的盆地雏形。  相似文献   
关于内蒙古高原的隆升,长期以来研究较少,从更新世的冲、洪积物分布在现今1600~1700m海拔高程的山顶上出发,发现固阳盆地东北缘更新统的洪积物的沉积类型、沉积特点和粗碎屑岩系的组分以及孢粉的资料,无不与内蒙古高原隆升紧密相关.内蒙古高原隆升不是孤立的,而是受青藏高原隆升的控制,它们几乎是同步的或者说紧密相连的.  相似文献   
In Europe, fossil fruits and seeds of Rhodoleia (Hamamelidaceae) have been described from the Upper Cretaceous to the Miocene, whereas no fossil record of Rhodoleia has been reported in Asia, where the modern species occur. Herein, 21 fossil leaves identified as Rhodoleia tengchongensis sp. nov. are described from the Upper Pliocene of Tengchong County, Yunnan Province, Southwest China. The fossils exhibit elliptic lamina with entire margins, simple brochidodromous major secondary veins, mixed percurrent intercostal tertiary veins, and looped exterior tertiaries. The leaf cuticle is characterized by pentagonal or hexagonal cells, stellate multicellular trichomes, and paracytic stomata. The combination of leaf architecture and cuticular characteristics suggests that the fossil leaves should be classified into the genus Rhodoleia. The fossil distributions indicate that the genus Rhodoleia might originate from Central Europe, and that migrated to Asia prior to the Late Pliocene. Additionally, insect damage is investigated, and different types of damage, such as hole feeding, margin feeding, surface feeding, and galling, are observed on the thirteen fossil leaves. Based on the damage frequencies for the fossil and extant leaves, the specific feeding behavior of insects on Rhodoleia trees appears to have been established as early as the Late Pliocene. The high occurrence of Rhodoleia insect herbivory may attract the insect-foraging birds, thereby increasing the probability of pollination.  相似文献   
We describe the non-primate mammalian fauna from the late Pliocene to earliest Pleistocene deposits of Mille-Logya in the Lower Awash Valley, Ethiopia, dated to c. 2.9–2.4 Ma, and divided into three successive units: Gafura, Seraitu, and Uraitele. We identify 41 mammalian taxa (including rodents), the most diverse group being the Bovidae, with 17 taxa. While the Gafura assemblage still resembles those from the earlier Hadar Formation, the younger Seraitu assemblage documents a major turnover. While there is little change in the species present across this interval, the relative abundances of various taxa change dramatically, with suids being largely replaced by open-country bovids (Alcelaphini and Antilopini). We interpret this faunal change as reflective of an environmental shift, contemporaneous with the replacement of Australopithecus afarensis by Homo in the area.  相似文献   
The thick alluvial conglomerate sequences around the Tibetan Plateau have been notoriously difficult to date. Here we use the cosmogenic nuclide burial dating method to date the Yumen and Jiuquan formations, a ∼900 m thick fanglomerate found in the Hexi Corridor, the foredeep of the Qilian Shan, and exposed in the Laojunmiao anticline. We date 16 sites with simple burial dating and 2 sites with isochron burial dating, and use these dates to reinterpret the magnetostratigraphy of the section. We suggest that the bottom of the Yumen Formation, defined by a progressive unconformity, is around 5 My. Taking this timing as the initiation of anticline growth, the long-term crustal shortening rate at the ramp zone in western Qilian Shan is about 0.72 mm/yr, consistent with those obtained from middle and eastern Qilian Shan. The boundary between the Yumen and Jiuquan Formations is near ∼1.2 My. Three other angular unconformities are dated to ∼2.6–3.1, ∼2.2–2.5, and ∼1.2–1.7 My, respectively. Burial dating offers a robust chronology for these deposits, and when combined with paleomagnetic stratigraphy offers much tighter precision.  相似文献   
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