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Biaxial test simulations using a packing of polygonal particles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The mechanical response of cohesionless granular materials under monotonic loading is studied by performing molecular dynamic simulations. The diversity of shapes of soil grains is modelled by using randomly generated convex polygons as granular particles. Results of the biaxial test obtained for dense and loose media show that samples achieve the same void ratio at large strains independent of their initial density state. This limit state resembles the so‐called critical state of soil mechanics, except for some stress fluctuations, which remain for large deformations. These fluctuations are studied at the micro‐mechanical level, by following the evolution of the co‐ordination number, force chains and the fraction of the sliding contacts of the sample. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper describes the study of a single-column structure used as well-head platform. In order to check the reliability of computation theory and programme, model tests have been carried out. The paper introduces the conclusion of tests and the dynamic properties of single-column platform are obtained.  相似文献   
梭鱼(Mugil so-iuy Basilewsky)为我国北方咸淡水鱼类人工养殖的主要对象,南方也有养殖,属鲻科鱼类,广泛分布于热带和亚热带水域。其中尤以鲻鱼(Mugil cephalus B.)为甚。由于它们中的大多数种类适盐性广、食物链低、生长快和肉味美,因而成为海水,咸淡水,乃至淡水鱼类养殖的很好对象。主要养于印度-太平洋区域、地中海和黑海沿岸。1969年,在保加利亚瓦尔纳召开的国际生物学计划海洋生产力组(IBP/PM)的会议上,与联合国粮农组织(PAO)一道,把鲻科鱼类列为国际性生物研究课题之一,受到有关国家的普遍重视。近十多年,对于鲻科鱼类的人工繁殖研究,在某些种类上已取得较大进展。鲻梭鱼,可期在几年内,进入种苗的生产阶段。 我国劳动人民对鲻科鱼类养殖至少已有四个世纪的悠久历史,积累了极为丰富的生产经验。但自古以来,都是利用天然种苗进行养殖。近年来,由于大量兴修水利,淡水入海的运流量不断减少,天然种苗场受到某些影响,能捕到的天然苗也不如以往丰盛,加之种苗资源本身因受气象的影响各年也有所变动。为了使生产能按计划进行,人工繁殖种苗已成为当务之急。 1967年,我所和原天津淡水渔业公司工农养殖场合作,对咸淡水养殖梭鱼的人工繁殖开始进行研究。并在人工诱导排卵方面取得成功,所获卵子得到受精和孵化。1968年,中国科学院实验生物研究所的部分同志也参加了这项试验。当年共获得一千万卵子,其中有二百万卵子获得受精。孵苗十四万多尾。因受寒潮影响,大量胚卵在即将孵出前,或在孵出仔鱼之后不久死去。最后仅培育九百余尾达2公分以上的梭鱼苗。这一年的试验,为咸淡水养殖梭鱼的全人工繁殖打开了"通途"。1969年,养殖场由地方移交给部队,我所继而与中国人民解放军某部队进行合作,一直到1972年截止。1969年,室外池塘育苗成活率达30%,育成6厘米以上的梭鱼苗二千尾左右。这些苗经过越冬,到第二年春天,体长达20厘米以上。1972年,经过人工诱导排卵的亲鱼,在池塘中自行产卵和受精,并孵出仔鱼。这对咸淡水养殖梭鱼的人工繁殖来说,又迈开了新的一步。 本文总结了六年来(1967-1972)咸淡水养殖梭鱼人工繁殖试验所取得的初步成果。对咸淡水养殖梭鱼的生物学特性以及自然繁殖也作了初步观察。现将这一材料发表,供有关单位参考。  相似文献   
不同产地龙须菜光合色素的比较研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
龙须菜是一种重要的产琼胶海藻。本文分析了从青岛、石岛、龙须岛采集的龙须菜的光合色素组成、光谱特性、光合作用速率及生长速度,从而研究扑光色素的组成与光合作用、生物物质积累之间的关系。三个龙须菜的产地之间相距上百里到几百里,彼此之间进行遗传物质交流的机会较少,存在着地理隔离的可能性。本研究表明,不同产地龙须菜光合色素的组成有差异:青岛的材料藻红蛋白含量较高,石岛及龙须岛材料叶绿素α含量较高。不同产地的材料荧光光谱也有差异。与其他产地的材料相比,龙须岛材料光补偿点较低,生长速度较快。本文对今后的生产需要提供了一些生物学参数。  相似文献   
The kinetics of the aqueous phase reactions of NO3 radicals with HCOOH/HCOO and CH3COOH/CH3COO have been investigated using a laser photolysis/long-path laser absorption technique. NO3 was produced via excimer laser photolysis of peroxodisulfate anions (S2O 8 2– ) at 351 nm followed by the reactions of sulfate radicals (SO 4 ) with excess nitrate. The time-resolved detection of NO3 was achieved by long-path laser absorption at 632.8 nm. For the reactions of NO3 with formic acid (1) and formate (2) rate coefficients ofk 1=(3.3±1.0)×105 l mol–1 s–1 andk 2=(5.0±0.4)×107 l mol–1 s–1 were found atT=298 K andI=0.19 mol/l. The following Arrhenius expressions were derived:k 1(T)=(3.4±0.3)×1010 exp[–(3400±600)/T] l mol–1 s–1 andk 2(T)=(8.2±0.8)×1010 exp[–(2200±700)/T] l mol–1 s–1. The rate coefficients for the reactions of NO3 with acetic acid (3) and acetate (4) atT=298 K andI=0.19 mol/l were determined as:k 3=(1.3±0.3)×104 l mol–1 s–1 andk 4=(2.3±0.4)×106 l mol–1 s–1. The temperature dependences for these reactions are described by:k 3(T)=(4.9±0.5)×109 exp[–(3800±700)/T] l mol–1 s–1 andk 4(T)=(1.0±0.2)×1012 exp[–(3800±1200)/T] l mol–1 s–1. The differences in reactivity of the anions HCOO and CH3COO compared to their corresponding acids HCOOH and CH3COOH are explained by the higher reactivity of NO3 in charge transfer processes compared to H atom abstraction. From a comparison of NO3 reactions with various droplets constituents it is concluded that the reaction of NO3 with HCOO may present a dominant loss reaction of NO3 in atmospheric droplets.  相似文献   
Quaternary buried ancient river channels are widespread in the shallow-level sediments of the northern shelf of the South China Sea. The sedimentary sequence mainly of fluvial deposits comprise an important component part of the low-stand system tract and transgressive system tract in the study region. The plannar variation and spatial association of the sedimentary features such as incised valley fillings, deltaic foreset wedges and block slides of shelf-marginal fans reflect the palaeogeographic environment during the fall of the regional sea level in the northern part of the South China Sea. Based on the high-resolution seismic reflection data and gelogical data from boreholes, the present paper makes an integrated interpretation of the Quaternary ancient river channels in the shallow sediments of the study area, studies the sedimentary features of the ancient channels such as their spatial distribution, seismic facies reflection indicators, sedimentary facies and sand -body types, and discusses thei  相似文献   
We measured the spatial variation of aluminium concentrations and computed its species distribution before and during mixing of acid mine drainage containing waters with near neutral receiving waters. Acid mine drainage was collected from the Loquitz Creek, Thuringia, Germany, and Garvey Creek, Westland, New Zealand, which drain slate mine workings and coal mine workings, resp. The acidneutralizing capacity (ANC) of the receiving streams and the mixing with waters having low Al-concentrations cause a decrease of aluminium concentrations below the confluence. Depending on volumes and ANCs involved, the content of free Al and sulphate bound Al decreases after mixing in favour of organic and hydroxide bound Al. In addition, below the junction of the Loquitz Creek and the Aue Creek with its high ANC, we observe the precipitation of aluminium hydroxides and Al hydroxysulphates.
Zusammenfassung Wir haben die räumliche Änderung der Aluminiumkonzentrationen vor und nach der Mischung von Flußwasser, versauert durch Bergwerksabwässer, mit nahezu neutralem Wasser der Vorfluter gemessen und haben dazu die Speziesverteilung berechnet. Saure Bergwerksabwässer sickern aus Halden eines Schiefertagebaus in Thüringen in die Loquitz ebenso wie aus Halden eines Kohletagebaus in den Garvey Creek, Westland, Neuseeland. Die Säuren-Neutralisierungskapazität der Vorfluter und die Mischung mit Al-armem Wasser bewirken eine Abnahme der Aluminiumkonzentrationen nach dem Zusammenfluß. In Abhängigkeit von beteiligten Abflüssen und Säuren-Neutralisierungskapazitäten nimmt der Gehalt an freiem Aluminium und sulfatgebundenem Aluminium nach der Mischung zugunsten von organisch- und hydroxy-gebundenem Aluminium ab. Ferner beobachten wir unterhalb des Zusammenflusses von Loquitz und Aue, der eine hohe Säuren-Neutralisierungskapazität eigen ist, eine Ausfällung von Aluminiumhydroxyden und Aluminiumhydroxysulfaten.

Résumé Nous avons mesuré la variation spatiale de la teneur en Al et calculé la distribution de ses différentes formes dans deux cours d'eau différents, qui reçoivent des eaux acides venant de mines situées sur leur cours. Ces mesures ont été faites d'une part sur le cours du Loquitz (Thuringe-Allemagne) qui reçoit des aux acides venant d'une mine d'ardoise et d'autre part sur le cours du Garvey (Westland - Nouvelle Zélande) qui reçoit les eaux d'une mine de charbon. Pour chaque cours d'eau, les mesures ont été faites en amont de la source d'apport, puis en aval, c'est-à-dire après le mélange avec les eaux acides. La capacité de neutralisation des acides (ANC) des eaux des cours d'eau récepteurs et la basse teneur en Al des eaux d'apport provoquent une diminution de la teneur en Al après le mélange. Dans une mesure liée aux volumes en jeu et à l'ANC, la teneur en Al libre et en Al lié au sulfate diminue près le mélange au profit de l'Al lié soit à des substances organiques, soit à des hydroxydes. De plus, en aval du confluent du Loquitz et de l'Aue, rivière à ANC élevé, nous observons la précipitation d'hydroxydes d'Al et d'hydroxisulfates d'Al.

, , - , . , , Garvey Creek, Westland, . , , , , , , , , , . , , , .
The major continental blocks in northeastern Asia are the North China block and the South China block, which have collided starting from the Korean peninsula. Geologic and geophysical interpretations reveal a well defined suture zone in northeastern China from Qinling through Dabie to Jiaodong. The discovery of high-pressure metamorphic rocks in the Hongseong area of the Korean peninsula, prominent evidence for the collision zone, indicates extension of the collision zone in northeastern China into the Korean peninsula. Interpretation of the GRACE satellite gravity dataset shows two prominent structural boundaries in the Yellow Sea. One extends from the Jiaodong Belt in eastern China to the Imjingang Belt in the Korean peninsula. The other extends from near Nanjing, eastern China, to Hongseong. Tectonic movement in or near the suture zone may be responsible for seismic activity in the western Korean peninsula and the development of the Yellow Sea sedimentary basin.  相似文献   
海底可视技术是一种可以直观地对海底地形地貌、表层沉积物类型、生物群落等进行实时观察的调查手段。本文介绍了海底摄像、电视抓斗、深拖系统和ROV四种海底可视技术,并对海底可视技术在南海北部陆坡天然气水合物勘查中的应用进行阐述。利用海底可视技术,在南海北部陆坡发现了天然气水合物气体“冷泉”喷溢形成的自生碳酸盐岩和活动于天然气水合物冷喷溢口或渗流口周围的菌席、双壳类、管状蠕虫等化能自养生物群,圈定出该陆坡由天然气水合物气体“冷泉”喷溢形成的巨型碳酸盐岩面积达430km^2。  相似文献   
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