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R.H. Dott 《Earth》1978,14(1):1-34
This paper is one of a series that commemorates the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists in 1926. At that time, thought about tectonics and sedimentation was dominated by the ruling hypothesis of continental accretion. Marginal geosynclines were thought to have been filled with sediments derived from borderlands of Precambrian rocks, and then welded tectonically to the continent. In the 1930s, the fundamental distinction noted by Bailey and Jones between graded graywacke- graptolitic slate suites and cross-bedded sandstone-shelly carbonate suites provided a prelude to Krynine's petrographic-tectonic sandstone clans. In the 1940s sedimentary petrography finally emerged from its heavy mineral era to broaden its vistas. Prior notions of evolutionary successions of sediment types linked to a supposed tectonic cycle (e.g. the European ophiolite-flysch-molasse sequence) became more explicit. Refinements of sandstone classifications by Folk, Pettijohn, Gilbert and others, coupled with Krynine's tectonic cycle and the stratigraphic syntheses of Krumbein, Sloss, Dapples, and others, led in the 1940s to the belief that tectonics is the ultimate sedimentary control.Meanwhile the geosyncline had been dissected by Stille and Kay (1936–1951). Ideas about sources of geosynclinal sediments and paleogeography were revised to include volcanic islands and tectonic lands raisedwithin geosynclines rather than borderlands of Precambrian rocks standing outside the geosynclines. In the 1950s and 1960s, sedimentologists exploited the turbidity current revolution and the combined paleocurrent-petrographic approach pioneered by Pettijohn to delineate in detail the paleography and provenances of orogenic belts. Provenance studies have recently reached a high level of sophistication thanks to the efforts of many workers (e.g. Blatt, Crook, Dickinson, Füchtbauer, McBride, Schwab, Suttner, etc.). This work has demonstrated clearly that the cratonic, volcanic and tectonic source land types proposed by Kay had all been important, but to varying degrees at different times and places. When plate tectonics arrived in the late 1960s, sedimentologists were all equipped to reinterpret their rocks using petrographic, paleocurrent and sedimentary structure analyses to help diagnose different types of plate boundaries and to aid in making palinspastic plate restorations. Thus the study of tectonics and sedimentation is alive and thriving a century later.  相似文献   
The microbial transformation of typical tar oil compounds such as acridine, benzo(b)thiophene, dibenzofuran, indane, and indene under different redox conditions was investigated in microcosm studies. Under aerobic conditions the inherent contamination in polluted soil as well as the added N‐, S‐, O‐ heterocyclic and homocyclic compounds were transformed predominantly apart from thiophene. 1‐Indanone was detected by RP‐HPLC‐DAD and GC‐MS as an intermediate metabolite from indane and indene. Under nitrate and sulfate reducing conditions indane, benzo(b)thiophene, and dibenzofuran were transformed in assays with the polluted soil samples from well B 65 and B 66 within 426 days, whereas they were persistent in assays with the highly polluted soil B 67. All heterocyclic and homocyclic compounds added to the non‐contaminated soil from well B 85 were not degraded under nitrate and sulfate reducing conditions, too. The results indicate that for the decision, wether natural attenuation can be implemented in the remediation of contaminated site, in addition to BTEX and PAHs especially the fate of further tar oil compounds in anoxic aquifers has to be considered.  相似文献   
Hydrochemistry of high altitude alpine lakes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The chemical characteristics of 320 Italian alpine lakes are presented and discussed: 38% of them have low ionic concentrations and conductivities below 20 μS/cm; 56% show a conductivity range of 20.1 to 200 μS/cm, and 6% are characterized by higher solute concentrations, up to 34.5 meq/l, with a corresponding maximum conductivity of 1,265 μS/cm.  相似文献   
Riassunto Richiamate brevemente le conoscenze fondamentali sulla scintillizzazione stellare, si espongono i principi generali di un procedimento inteso a ricavare elementi d'integrazione alle osservazioni sinottiche per la formulazione del presagio meteorico locale, partendo dalla accurata e sistematica misura della scintillazione stessa. Lo studio ha carattere preliminare, contenendo considerazioni generali la cui applicazione dovrà trovare conferma dallo sviluppo delle relative osservazioni.
Zusammenfassung Nach einem Überblick über die Entwicklung unserer Kenntnissen zur Erklärung des Funkelns der Sterne, gibt der Verf. die allgemeinen Richtlinien einer Methode, welche, stützend auf systematischen Beobachtungen dieser Erscheinung, die synoptischen Verfahren der Wettervorhersage unterstützen und ergänzen kann. Die Schrift gilt als vorläuflge Mitteilung, besonders in Anbetrachtung der Notwendigkeit einer entsprechenden Entwicklung und Verfeinerung der Beobachtungen.
Summary It is physiographically elaborated correlation among the volumetrical variations relates to the bottom Mediterranean Sea, occurred from 1824 to 1924, and the centurial continental-shelf sedimentation or water-level sea vertical variations of Italy and Tunisy, the neutral-line Cornaglia's, the axis of minima selection Thoulet's, the mud-line Murray's.It is too remarked the gross mistake of some geographer when the morphological confrontation it is limited linearly with only one dimension (coastlines variations) or surfacially with two dimensions (area's variations), not to esteeming of any account of the bathylithological synchronous variations, without orthodromical compensation of scale, if it is about of original maps differently dated.  相似文献   
Riassunto L'A. studia macro- e microsismicamente i terremoti del 14 giugno, 29 giugno e 15 dicembre 1945, determinandone la posizione delf'epicentio, che pei i primi due viene a cadere nell'Appennino Vogherese fra la Val Staffora e la Val di Nizza, per il terzo invece a N della congiungente Tortona-Alessandria. La profondita ipocentrale del terremoto del 29 giugno 1945 oscilla fra un valore minimo di 9 Km ottenuto macrosismicamente ed un valore massimo, ricavato per via microsismica, di 25 km; quello del 15 dicembre 1945 ha una profondità, microsismicamente calcolata sui 25 km; per quello del 14 giugno 1945 i risultati sono molto incerti. La scossa all'epicentro ha sempre nei tre sismi il carattere di sprofondamento.Posta a confronto colla struttura geologica della regione tale attività sismica non sembra derivare da un determinato elemento strutturale rilevabile; essa è probabilmente dovuta a sprofondamenti avvenuti a media profondità e presenta un'intensificazione in corrispondenza a direttrici tettoniche trasversali al locale andamento del corrugamento. I danni maggiori poi si possono mettere in stretto rapporto colla presenza di esigue formazioni alluvionali sciolte su roccia in posto.
Summary The author studies macro-microseismically the earthquakes which we have ascertained on the 14th of June, the 29th of June and the 15th of December in the year 1945, giving us the position of the epicentrum, which in the first two falls in Vogherese Appennino between Staffora and Nizza valleys, for the third instead north of Tortona-Alessandria connecting. The ipocentrum depth of the earthquake on the 29th of June goes from a lowest value of 9 km had macro-seismically to a maximum value had micro-seismically of about 25 km. The 15th of December one has a depth microseismically computed about 25 km, for the other on the 14th of June the outcomes are very dubious.The skate at the ipocentrum has in all these three seisms the sinking type.Having made a comparison with the geological structure of the country such a seismical activity does not seem to come from a determinate structural relieving element; it is of course owed sinkings that we had in a middle depth and has an intensity which are in conformity with transversal tectonical directresses. The biggest damages can be put in strait relation with the presence of very little alluvial formations.
Riassunto È un terremoto già studiato su dati sismografici daP. Caloi che ha ottenuto una profondità ipocentrale di 18 Km. in disaccordo con i 37–51 calcolati con analoghi metodi per altri terremoti precedenti pure del Veneto. L'A. ha rideterminato la profondità ip. per il terremoto in questione con procedimento macrosismico, deducendo soltanto 4–5 Km. D'altra parte riesaminando i metodi delCaloi si è convinto che i suoi 18 Km. sono quanto mai incerti ed anche in forte contrasto col valore ottenuto pure microsismograficamente dalloSchmerwitz di 43 Km. Al riguardo l'A. ricorda e discute altre notevoli contraddizioni che intervengono in importanti questioni sismologiche.
Summary The above mentioned earthquake was already investigated byP. Caloi only by seismographic data obtaining a depth of 18 Km., while others shocks in the same zone, investigated with similar methods, should have been originated in depths of 37–51 Km. Therefore, the A. has undertake a new determination using a macroseismic method and became a value of only 4–5 Km. The discrepance is particularly great on account of the value of 43 Km. obtained bySchmerwitz also with microseismic methods. The unreliability of similar results for the solution of some important seismologic problem is analised.
Riassunto Si esamina, sul fondamento di dati mareografici, la variazione del medio livello marino avvenuta negli ultimi 70 anni nei porti di Venezia, Trieste e Pola. Il movimento si attribuisce all'eustatismo glaciale. Risulta che il livello del mare aumenta di 3,8 cm. per decennio a Venezia, di 1,7 a Trieste e di 1,6 a Pola. L'aumento medio per i tre porti è di 2,4 cm. per decennio. Il notevole valore di Venezia è dovuto ad un contemporaneo abbassamento della zona costiera.
Summary From tidal records is examined the variation of the mean sealevel observed in the last 70 years in the ports of Venice, Trieste and Pola. The variation is attributed to the glacial eustatic. The mean sea-level increase for every ten years of 3,8 cm for Venice, 1,7 cm for Trieste and 1,6 cm for Pola. The remarkable value for Venice is caused from a contemporary abatement of the coast.

Zusammenfassung Man prüft auf Grund mareographischer Angaben Veränderungen des mittleren Wasserstandes, welche, in den letzten 70 Jahren in den Häfen von Venedig, Triest und Pola beobachtet wurden. Die Bewegung wird der glazialen Eustatik zugeschrieben. Es ergibt sich, dass das Meeresniveau in Venedig um 3,8 cm., in Triest 1,7 cm. und in Pola 1,6 cm. für Jahrzehnt steigt. Die mittlere Erhöhung der drei Häfen beträgt 2,4 cm. für Jahrzehnt. Der ansehnliche Wert von Venedig wird einer gleichzeitigen Senkung der Küstenzone zugeeignet.
Riassunto Ricercate le cause e le modalità secondo le quali si è verificato un vasto inquinamento da cromati alcalini nella falda acquifera della zona di Spinetta Marengo (Alessandria), l'A., mediante il rilevamento chimico-colorimetrico della diffusione dell'inquinamento, esaminate le caratteristiche della falda, introduce un nuovo metodo per determinare analiticamente e graficamente le variazioni della concentrazione. — A proposito di altro inquinamento da arseniato sodico verificatosi in un pozzo al Muggiano (La Spezia) vengono esaminate le caratteristiche in rapporto alla natura geologica del terreno.
Summary The A. had researched the cause and modality of the large defilement of alkalines chromates in the ground-water-flow of the zone of Spinetta Marengo (Alessandria). By means of chemical and colourimetrical methods, he examined the characteristics of the diffusion of the defilement and present a new method to determine analytically and graphically the variation of the concentration in every point of the zone. — After, the A. examined an other defilement of sodium-arseniate in a well of Muggiano (La Spezia) in reference to the geological feature of the ground.
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