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Based on the data(including radius of maximum winds) from the JTWC(Joint Typhoon Warning Center),the tropical cyclones(TCs) radii of the outermost closed isobar, TCs best tracks from Shanghai Typhoon Institute and the Black Body Temperature(TBB) of the Japanese geostationary meteorological satellite M1 TR IR1, and combining13 tropical cyclones which landed in China again after visiting the island of Taiwan during the period from 2001 to2010, we analyzed the relationship between the number of convective cores within TC circulation and the intensity of TC with the method of convective-stratiform technique(CST) and statistical and composite analysis. The results are shown as follows:(1) The number of convective cores in the entire TC circulation is well corresponding with the outer spiral rainbands and the density of convective cores in the inner core area increases(decreases) generally with increasing(decreasing) TC intensity. At the same time, the number of convective cores within the outer spiral rainbands is more than that within the inner core and does not change much with the TC intensity. However, the density of convective cores within the outer spiral rainbands is lower than that within the inner core.(2) The relationship described above is sensitive to landing location to some extent but not sensitive to the structure of TC.(3) The average value of TBB in the inner core area increases(decreases) generally with increasing(decreasing) of TC intensity, which is also sensitive to landing situation to some extent. At the same time, the average value of TBB within the outer spiral rainbands is close to that within the entire TC circulation, and both of them are more than that within the inner core. However, they do not reflect TC intensity change significantly.(4) The results of statistical composite based on convective cores and TBB are complementary with each other, so a combination of both can reflect the relationship between TC rainbands and TC intensity much better.  相似文献   
利用NCEP/NCAR FNL(Final Analysis)资料,通过分析1 000~600 hPa(低层)、500~100 hPa(高层)气柱内水汽条件、垂直上升运动条件及计算非地转干Q矢量及其分解、非绝热加热作用,进一步揭示大气因子对“海棠”台风(2005)降水非对称分布特征形成的贡献。结果表明:(1) 台风路径左右两侧低层大气湿度条件相当,而高层大气的湿度则是右侧明显比左侧大。(2) 台风路径右侧的高、低层大气中的垂直上升运动的范围、强度均比左侧广、强。(3) 台风路径左右两侧的高层大气对垂直上升运动的强迫作用相当,而台风路径右侧低层大气垂直上升运动的范围、强度明显比左侧广、强。均呈现出明显的非对称分布特点。进一步Q矢量分解诊断分析表明,低层大气中尺度天气系统对垂直上升运动的强迫作用比大尺度天气系统的强迫作用大。(4) 台风路径左右两侧的高、低层大气中均一直存在非绝热加热作用,且在范围及强度上均呈现出一定的非对称分布特点。高层大气的湿度条件、低层大气对垂直上升运动的强迫作用,尤其是低层大气中尺度天气系统的强迫作用,及高、低层大气中的非绝热加热作用,均呈现出与“海棠”台风(2005)降水场相似的非对称分布特征,表明上述大气因子均有助于降水非对称分布特征的形成。   相似文献   
垂直螺旋度Hp由垂直速度和垂直涡度构成,反映涡度的垂直平流。通过尝试将Q矢量引入垂直螺旋度进行研究,即基于Q矢量散度和垂直涡度构造出一种新型垂直螺旋度HQ。HQ为Hp的拓展形式,二者差别主要在于计算HQ时无需求解垂直速度。同时,结合一次典型的江淮梅雨锋气旋暴雨过程研究,结果表明,HQ对降水落区及降水强度水平分布的不均匀性均具有较好的反映能力,且揭示出暴雨上空垂直涡度平流呈倾斜分布特征。进一步分析表明,对于垂直涡度而言,HQ三维空间分布特征与辐合的Q矢量散度有更多的相似性,这在一定程度上反映出HQ与Q矢量散度联系更为密切。  相似文献   
结合2009年第8号台风"莫拉克"登陆福建省引发的强降水过程,通过考虑对流凝结潜热加热,探讨了对非均匀饱和大气中非地转湿Q矢量(Qum)的改进。结果表明:(1)2009年8月9日08:00(北京时,下同)~10日08:00台风"莫拉克"给浙江大部分地区和福建中北部地区带来了一次暴雨过程,WRF模式较成功地模拟出了此次强降水过程。(2)850hPa Qum矢量散度场对同期降水落区具有一定指示意义,散度辐合强度变化与降水强度变化趋势有一定的对应关系。(3)此次暴雨过程中伴有大量的对流凝结潜热释放,最大潜热中心主要位于600hPa。(4)考虑对流凝结潜热加热作用得到改进的Qum矢量,600hPa改进后的Qum矢量散度辐合区对同期降水落区的指示作用得到进一步增强,诊断能力也得到进一步提高。  相似文献   
根据2016-2017年上海空气污染物和相关气象要素数据,分析上海2017年O3变化特征以及气象影响因素,并对造成O3污染的天气系统进行主观分型。结果表明:2017年上海市空气质量优良天数为275 d,占全年天数的75.3%,O3-8h污染天数为55 d。上海市O3-8h年均浓度115 μg·m-3,同比增幅超过10%,为2013年以来的最高值,主要体现为夏半年O3浓度的上升。与2016年相比,2017年夏半年西太平洋副热带高压偏西偏强,上海地区风速风向、温度、水汽、光照、辐射条件均有利于O3浓度上升。造成2017年高浓度O3污染主要有4种天气类型:副热带高压控制型(SH)、地面高压型(G)、均压场型(J)和低压型(D)。其中副热带高压控制型是典型的O3-8h污染天气型,占总污染日数的29.1%,且污染程度较重;低压型出现次数较少;地面高压型的臭氧平均污染程度最弱。  相似文献   
星载原子钟作为全球导航卫星系统(global navigation satellite system, GNSS)的核心载荷,其在轨性能指标决定着GNSS的PNT服务水平。由于太空电磁环境复杂,原子钟实际工作指标不稳定,对星载原子钟开展长期持续性能评估就显得尤为重要。本文综述了目前星载原子钟评估技术现状,对相位、频率、频率漂移率、拟合精度、拟合残差、频率稳定度等性能评估指标进行了分析总结,归纳了基于精密钟差产品进行星载原子钟评估的数据处理方法和流程,统计了现阶段GNSS星载原子钟类型和指标水平,并采集一年的精密卫星钟差数据对GNSS星载原子钟进行了综合评估与对比分析。最后,对现阶段GNSS星载原子钟性能评估技术现状和问题进行了总结及展望。  相似文献   
The distribution of precipitation field from the typhoon Haitang (2005) during its landing on Fujian province shows obvious asymmetric feature. Based on the NCEP/NCAR FNL (Final Analysis) data, this study reveals the contributions of atmospheric factor to the asymmetrical distribution characteristics of precipitation associated with the typhoon, through the analysis of water vapor condition, vertical ascending motion condition, the calculation of the dry Q vector and its decomposition, and adiabatic heating in the air column of 1000hPa -600hPa (lower atmosphere) and 500hPa-100hPa (upper atmosphere). The results are as follows: (1) In the lower atmosphere, the humidity on both sides of typhoon path can be equivalent, while it is more wet on the right side than left in the upper atmosphere, which obviously presents asymmetric distribution characteristics. (2) Both range and intensity of the vertical motion on the right side are wider and stronger than counterparts on the left side no matter in the lower or upper atmosphere. (3) In the upper atmosphere, forcing role of atmosphere in vertical upward motion on the right side of typhoon path is the same as that on the left, while it is significantly different in the lower atmosphere, which is significantly broader in scope and stronger in the intensity, along with obvious asymmetric distribution characteristics. In addition, the further analysis of the Q vector decomposition indicates that the forcing effect of mesoscale weather systems on vertical upward motion is stronger than that of large scale weather systems in the lower atmosphere. (4) The adiabatic heating always exists on both lower and upper atmosphere, and the range and intensity of the adiabatic heating forcing showed asymmetric distribution on both lower and upper atmosphere. (5) In a summary, the upper atmosphere humidity conditions, the forcing role of lower atmosphere in vertical upward motion, especially, to mesoscale weather system, and adiabatic heating in the lower atmosphere, all show similar asymmetric distribution characteristics to that of precipitation field from the typhoon Haitang (2005), that is to say, the atmospheric factors as mentioned above are all contributed to genesis of the asymmetric distribution characteristics of precipitation.  相似文献   
张勤  燕兴元  黄观文  解世超  曹钰 《测绘学报》1957,49(9):1101-1111
针对BDS-2和BDS-3卫星联合精密定轨和精密定位中高精度BDS-2 IGSO/MEO卫星天线相位中心改正在轨估计模型的缺失问题,本文采用了改进的PCV和z-offset参数估计方法,精化了BDS-2 IGSO/MEO卫星B1I/B3I无电离层组合PCC模型。数值验证结果表明:相比北斗官方发布的PCO地面标定值,本文精化的PCC模型使得精密轨道SLR残差的STD减小了0.6~2.4 cm,改善百分比为8.6%~33.3%;基于本文精化的BDS-2和已有BDS-3卫星精化的PCC模型使得精密定位浮点解在高程方向显著提升了9.5 mm(37.2%)。  相似文献   
通过浮标资料和模拟试验,对比不同路径下台风的10 m风场的时空演变规律。结果表明,由于登陆台湾岛位置不同,三种路径的台风在台湾海峡内风场随时间变化差异较大,北路台风在海峡内风向转变最早,中路台风风速极值出现最早,南路风速被削减最明显。在中尺度数值模式(Weather Research Forecasting, WRF)模拟试验中,YSU边界层参数方案模拟效果最优,对于中路台风的模拟效果最好。模拟结果表明,北路台风在过岛过程中,大风圈从北部绕过海拔较高的地形,风速减弱不明显;中路和南路台风由于中低层环流难以过山,强风中心通过动力减压作用出现在背风坡,并范围逐渐增大,取代原中心。地形敏感性试验表明,受中央山脉影响,在靠近台湾岛时迎风面大气堆积风速增强,南路台风的风场在登陆福建前受地形阻挡削减最大,中心风速减小幅度为20 m·s-1。  相似文献   
基于JTWC(the Joint Typhoon Warning Center)最大风速半径及热带气旋(TC)尺度资料、上海台风研究所台风最佳路径资料以及日本静止气象卫星M1TR红外IR1 TBB资料,针对2001—2010年期间经过台湾再次登陆大陆的13个TC个例,采用对流云-层云分类技术以及统计合成分析方法,探析TC环流内对流核数与TC强度之间可能存在的对应关系,结果表明:(1) 整个TC环流内对流核总数、外雨带内对流核总数及内核区域内对流核密度基本上都随着TC强度的增加(减弱)而增加(减少),同时,外雨带内对流核总数大于内核区域内对流核总数,且后者与TC强度之间的对应关系相对不明显,而内核区域内对流密度大于外雨带内对流核密度,且前者较后者与TC强度对应关系更为明显。(2) 外雨带内对流核总数、内核区域内对流核密度与TC强度之间的对应关系受TC结构影响很小,但对于TC登陆位置存在一定程度的敏感性。(3) TC内核区域内TBB平均值基本上随着TC强度的增加(减弱)而降低(升高),且这种对应关系对于TC登陆时间以及登陆位置存在一定程度的敏感性,同时,外雨带内TBB平均值与整个TC范围内TBB平均值接近,二者均明显高于同期内核区域内TBB平均值,且前二者与TC强度之间的对应关系相对不明显。(4) 基于对流核与基于TBB的统计合成分析结果两者之间具有很好的互补性,二者结合使用可以更全面反映出TC雨带与TC强度之间可能存在的对应关系。   相似文献   
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