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基于考虑区域地震动衰减关系、场地效应及震中破裂等多因素的烈度快速评估模型,结合震害预测方法,研发了一套震害预测系统,并以2017年8月9日精河MS6.6地震的震害预测为例,将对其的预测结果与当前主流系统进行对比。结果表明,采用ShakeMap_CNST系统能对地震的影响范围和烈度进行更为准确的估计,在人员伤亡、受灾人口估计、紧急安置人数及经济损失评估等方面,相对于其他系统,本系统的结果与现场调查的结果更为接近。  相似文献   
利用西南区域数值预报模式系统SWCWARMS,结合全国汛期高空加密观测资料,对2013年6月29—30日的一次西南涡暴雨过程进行数值模拟和敏感性试验。结果表明,与控制试验相比,同化试验模拟的降雨与实况更为接近,并成功模拟出四川东部的强降雨中心,对于西南涡的模拟,同化试验西南涡出现时间更早,强度更强。并且,通过两组试验初值差异对比发现,同化试验初值在四川盆地对流层中低层表现出更强的低压,更强的涡度以及更强的旋转风扰动,四川盆地西部边坡也存在更强的上升气流,这都有利于西南涡的发生、发展。另外,同化汛期高空加密观测资料对强降雨中心单站的预报改进也较明显。因此,加强汛期加密气象观测,有利于揭示西南涡的发生、发展及其降雨天气影响,也有助于提升数值预报业务技术水平。  相似文献   
Based on the field investigation of the building types and damage caused to them by the Hutubi MS6.2 earthquake on December 8, 2016, we analyzed the damage characteristics and causes for different types of buildings. In conclusion we put forward some suggestions for the restoration and reconstruction in the earthquake affected area in future.  相似文献   
常想德  孙静  李帅 《中国地震》2017,33(4):771-780
通过对2017年8月9日精河6.6级地震灾区内共计355个调查点的实地调查,确定了此次地震的烈度分布。灾区最高烈度为Ⅷ度(8度),灾区面积15623km2,灾区总人口487696人,其中,受灾人口133695人,地震共造成36人受伤;对各烈度区内不同结构类型房屋的震害现象进行了整理,分析了不同结构类型房屋的抗震能力与震害原因,结果显示,土木结构房屋倒塌及屋檐塌落是导致人员受伤的主要原因;砖木结构房屋缺乏抗震设施,破坏形式多样;砖混结构房屋在高烈度区破坏较重;框架结构房屋主体完好但填充墙普遍出现破坏。安居富民房屋抗震性能良好。  相似文献   
本文主要研究了面向估计性能的双通道带宽分配策略问题.为了减小网络化控制系统中时滞现象对信号传输的影响,将系统建模为Markov跳变时滞系统.采用双通道传输策略,提升数据到达率,减少数据包的丢失.考虑到信道容量的有限性不利于大量数据的高效传输,将有限的带宽灵活地分配于两个通道,使得信道容量得到充分利用.在此基础上,本文提出了面向估计性能的双通道带宽分配策略,设计了双通道量化传输方案以及状态估计器,推导出了时变估计误差系统满足H性能的充分条件,并得出估计器增益矩阵设计方法,最后给出实例验证了所设计系统的有效性.  相似文献   
徐祥德  王寅钧  赵天良  姚文清 《气象》2014,40(10):1165-1173
基于云南省大理2008年3、5、7月GPS加密探空试验时段(14和02时)资料,结合边界层铁塔综合观测资料,采用温度梯度法、逆温强度法和涡动相关法分别计算高原东南缘对流边界层(convective boundary layer,CBL)及稳定边界层(stable boundary layer,SBL)顶高度,通过计算获取感热通量、潜热通量、湍流动能、切变项以及浮力项与大气动力、热力过程垂直相关特征综合分析,可发现湍能方程中浮力项、感热、潜热通量与NCEP再分析资料计算获取的大气视热源相关特征显著,这某种程度反映了高原东南缘近地层大气湍流动量、热量输送对低层大气视热源Q_1的重要贡献。低层视热源Q_1亦表现出与湍能方程分量类似的日变化周期,此特征反映了高原东南缘大气热源变化与下垫面水热过程及其湍流输送日变化密切相关;浮力项与湍能等项对大气低层热源与涡动特征、热力混合结构的形成有重要作用;低层大气视热源、水汽汇均与边界层高度有显著相关,综合分析结果某种程度描述了青藏高原东南缘近地层湍流动量、热量输送状况与低层大气热源,热力混合边界层结构的综合相关物理图像,初步探索了高原东南缘对流活跃区大气湍流运动与大气动力、热力过程相互作用特征。研究表明近地层湍流通量变化某种程度可反映未来局地大气视热源垂直结构变化的"强信号"特征。本文上述研究结论也可启发我们进一步关注近地层湍流通量异常变化特征及其对局地降水过程大气热源结构演变的影响问题。  相似文献   
Based on 1961-2000 NCEP/NCAR monthly mean reanalysis datasets, vapor transfer and hydrological budget over the Tibetan Plateau are investigated. The Plateau is a vapor sink all the year round. In summer, vapor is convergent in lower levels (from surface to 500 hPa) and divergent in upper levels (from 400 to 300 hPa), with 450 hPa referred to as level of non-divergence. Two levels have different hydrologic budget signatures: the budget is negative at the upper levels from February to November, i.e., vapor transfers from the upper levels over the plateau; as to the lower, the negative (positive) budget occurs during the winter (summer) half year. Evidence also indicates that Tibetan Plateau is a "vapor transition belt", vapor from the south and the west is transferred from lower to upper levels there in summer, which will affect surrounding regions, including eastern China, especially, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze. Vapor transfer exerts significant influence on precipitation in summertime months. Vapor transferred from the upper layers helps humidify eastern China, with coefficient -0.3 of the upper budget to the precipitation over the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze (MLRY); also, vapor transferred from east side (27.5°-32.5°N) of the upper level has remarkable relationship with precipitation, the coefficient being 0.41. The convergence of the lower level vapor has great effects on the local precipitation over the plateau, with coefficient reaching 0.44, and the vapor passage affects the advance and retreat of the rainbelt. In general, atmospheric hydrologic budget and vapor transfer over the plateau have noticeable effects on precipitation of the target region as well as the ambient areas.  相似文献   
WRF模式对青藏高原那曲地区大气边界层模拟适用性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)模式4种边界层参数化方案对青藏高原那曲地区边界层特征进行了数值模拟,并利用"第三次青藏高原大气科学试验"在青藏高原那曲地区5个站点的观测资料对模拟结果进行验证,分析不同参数化方案在那曲地区的适用性。研究表明,YSU、MYJ、ACM2和BouLac方案对2 m气温和地表温度的模拟偏低。BouLac方案模拟的地表温度偏差较小。通过对能量平衡各分量的对比分析发现,温度模拟偏低可能是向下长波辐射模拟偏低以及感热通量和潜热通量交换过强导致的。对于边界层风、位温和相对湿度垂直结构的模拟,局地方案的模拟效果均优于非局地方案。BouLac方案对那曲地区近地层温度、边界层内位温和相对湿度的垂直分布模拟效果较好。   相似文献   
A heavy rainfall event that occurred over the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Basin(YRB) during July11–13 2000 is explored in this study. The potential/stream function is used to analyze the upstream "strong signals" of the water vapor transport in the Tibetan Plateau(TP). The studied time period covers from 2000 LST 5 July to 2000 LST 15 July(temporal resolution: 6 hours). By analyzing the three-dimensional structure of the water vapor flux, vorticity and divergence prior to and during the heavy rainfall event, the upstream "strong signals" related to this heavy rainfall event are revealed. A strong correlation exists between the heavy rainfall event in the YRB and the convective clouds over the TP. The "convergence zone" of the water vapor transport is also identified, based on correlation analysis of the water vapor flux two days and one day prior to, and on the day of, the heavy rainfall. And this "convergence zone" coincides with the migration of the maximum rainfall over the YRB. This specific coupled structure actually plays a key role in generating heavy rainfall over the YRB. The eastward movement of the coupled system with a divergence/convergence center of the potential function at the upper/lower level resembles the spatiotemporal evolution of the heavy rainfall event over the YRB. These upstream "strong signals" are clearly traced in this study through analyzing the three-dimensional structure of the potential/stream function of upstream water vapor transport.  相似文献   
Based on 1961-2000 NCEP/NCAR monthly mean reanalysis datasets, vapor transfer and hydrological budget over the Tibetan Plateau are investigated. The Plateau is a vapor sink all the year round. In summer, vapor is convergent in lower levels (from surface to 500 hPa) and divergent in upper levels (from 400 to 300 hPa), with 450 hPa referred to as level of non-divergence. Two levels have different hydrologic budget signatures: the budget is negative at the upper levels from February to November, i.e., vapor transfers from the upper levels over the plateau; as to the lower, the negative (positive) budget occurs during the winter (summer) half year. Evidence also indicates that Tibetan Plateau is a "vapor transition belt", vapor from the south and the west is transferred from lower to upper levels there in summer, which will affect surrounding regions, including eastern China, especially, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze. Vapor transfer exerts significant influence on precipitation in summertime months. Vapor transferred from the upper layers helps humidify eastern China, with coefficient -0.3 of the upper budget to the precipitation over the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze (MLRY); also, vapor transferred from east side (27.5o-32.5oN) of the upper level has remarkable relationship with precipitation, the coefficient being 0.41. The convergence of the lower level vapor has great effects on the local precipitation over the plateau, with coefficient reaching 0.44, and the vapor passage affects the advance and retreat of the rainbelt. In general, atmospheric hydrologic budget and vapor transfer over the plateau have noticeable effects on precipitation of the target region as well as the ambient areas.  相似文献   
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