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采用部分因子设计构建了23个全同胞家系,应用单性状及两性状动物模型对文蛤(Meretrix meretrix)早期不同生长发育时期的生长性状进行遗传力和相关性估计。结果表明,文蛤附着变态期以及稚贝期生长性状的遗传力并无显著差别,在0.11~0.41范围内变化,属于中等遗传力。非遗传的共同环境效应随着年龄的增长而呈现上升趋势,由附着变态期的0.02逐渐增加到稚贝期的0.38,且稚贝期的共同环境效应显著大于其附着变态期(P0.01)。壳长与壳高表型相关和遗传相关的分析结果显示,从附着变态期到稚贝期,壳长与壳高之间的表型相关及遗传相关都存在极显著的正相关性,相关系数的范围分别为0.84~0.95、0.93~0.99。早期发育连续时间段生长性状之间的遗传相关均为正相关,但并不显著,且不同时期的遗传相关也不尽相同(0.34~0.71)。  相似文献   
在2011~2013年间对粤东地区进行了20余次野外大型海藻资源调查,采集了大量标本。利用形态特征,对部分标本进行了分类学研究。经鉴定,标本中包含江蓠属5个种及变种,即芋根江蓠Gracilaria blodgettii Harvey、异枝江蓠G.bailinae Chang et Xia、细基江蓠G.tenuistipitata Chang et Xia、细基江蓠繁枝变种G.tenuistipitata var.liui Zhang et Xia、长喙江蓠G.longirostris Zhang et Wang。它们的主要鉴定特征分别为:芋根江蓠的分枝基部明显缢缩;异枝江蓠的藻体暗绿色,初级分枝围绕主轴互生、偏生或叉分;细基江蓠的藻体主轴基部纤细,分枝简单;细基江蓠繁枝变种的藻体纤细,分枝繁多;长喙江蓠的囊果具有明显的长喙状突起。其中,芋根江蓠和异枝江蓠在粤东地区属首次报道,文章对其进行了较详细的介绍。该研究结果丰富了粤东江蓠属的物种多样性,为粤东地区江蓠属物种资源的保护和利用提供了分类学依据。  相似文献   
The precise and accurate knowledge of genetic parameters is a prerequisite for making efficient selection strategies in breeding programs.A number of estimators of heritability about important economic traits in many marine mollusks are available in the literature,however very few research have evaluated about the accuracy of genetic parameters estimated with different family structures.Thus,in the present study,the effect of parent sample size for estimating the precision of genetic parameters of four growth traits in clam M.meretrix by factorial designs were analyzed through restricted maximum likelihood(REML) and Bayesian.The results showed that the average estimated heritabilities of growth traits obtained from REML were 0.23–0.32 for 9 and 16 full-sib families and 0.19–0.22 for 25 full-sib families.When using Bayesian inference,the average estimated heritabilities were0.11–0.12 for 9 and 16 full-sib families and 0.13–0.16 for 25 full-sib families.Compared with REML,Bayesian got lower heritabilities,but still remained at a medium level.When the number of parents increased from 6 to 10,the estimated heritabilities were more closed to 0.20 in REML and 0.12 in Bayesian inference.Genetic correlations among traits were positive and high and had no significant difference between different sizes of designs.The accuracies of estimated breeding values from the 9 and 16 families were less precise than those from 25 families.Our results provide a basic genetic evaluation for growth traits and should be useful for the design and operation of a practical selective breeding program in the clam M.meretrix.  相似文献   
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