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四川盆地中二叠统栖霞组勘探发现系列油气,资源潜力巨大。但广安地区中二叠统栖霞组的岩石学特征及沉积环境研究薄弱。在野外地质调查的基础上,结合室内岩石学、岩相学等综合分析,对广安地区栖霞组碳酸盐岩岩石特征、沉积相类型及其古地理展布特征进行了系统研究。结果表明:广安地区栖霞组主要发育亮晶颗粒灰岩、亮晶生物碎屑灰岩、微晶生物碎屑灰岩、微晶颗粒灰岩、生物碎屑微晶灰岩、含生物碎屑微晶灰岩和泥晶灰岩7种岩石类型;碳酸盐岩颗粒主要以生物碎屑为主,部分层位发育球粒;古生物化石以三叶虫、腕足和有孔虫为主,同时可见棘皮类和藻类;栖霞组沉积期主要为碳酸盐岩台地沉积环境,其中栖霞组晚期(栖二段)台缘滩和台内滩较为发育,为该区油气成藏提供了有利条件。  相似文献   
A combined geochronological and geochemical investigation for the same domain of zircon provides valuable information on timing and genesis, particularly in the case of multi‐growth metamorphic zircon. A high spatial resolution concurrent analytical method for zircon U‐Pb age and rare earth element content was successfully achieved in this study, using a multi‐collector secondary ion mass spectrometer (SIMS) at a ~ 8 μm diameter scale. Special instrument parameters were employed, including a high mass resolution of approximately 15000 applied to replace the previous energy filter method, and a dynamic multi‐collector mode used to reduce the measurement time to 18 min per analysis. Six zircon reference materials yielded precise and accurate 206Pb/238U ages, which are comparable to those obtained by the ordinary mono‐collector method, but with 2–3 times higher spatial resolution. All zircon grains measured in this study showed enriched heavy‐REE (HREE) contents consistent with previously reported values determined by LA and solution ICP‐MS methods. The light‐REE (LREE) mass fractions measured using both SIMS and LA‐ICP‐MS methods in this study, although with quite different volume, show consistent results within uncertainties.  相似文献   
邱浩浩 《地质与勘探》2020,56(6):1272-1277
黏土水泥浆材是采空区处治的优选注浆材料,但目前关于优化浆材配比的研究较少。针对毕威高速公路水塘隧道出口段采空区处治工程,提出采用黏土水泥浆液进行注浆处理,并进行室内试验研究,得到了不同配比浆液的凝结时间、结石率、结石密度、结石体抗压强度、渗透系数及冲蚀率等性能指标。试验结果表明,固相比较低的浆液凝结时间较短,抗压强度较高,渗透系数较大;随原浆比重增加,浆液的凝结时间缩短,强度提高且渗透系数降低;偏铝酸钠可有效缩短浆液的凝结时间;最终确定了黏土水泥浆材的配比和原浆比重。本次研究可为高速公路下伏采空区的注浆治理提供设计依据。  相似文献   
全球主要河流流域碳酸盐岩风化碳汇评估   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
碳酸盐岩风化吸收的大气CO2主要以HCO3 -形式连续地经由河流从大陆输送到海洋,成为陆地生态系统的重要碳汇。目前主要河流流域的碳酸盐岩风化碳汇估算存在不确定性,分布格局尚不清晰。基于GEMS-GLORI全球河流数据库提供的全球10万km 2以上主要河流流域多年平均监测数据,利用水化学径流法估算出全球主要河流流域碳酸盐岩对CO2的吸收速率为0.43±0.15 Pg CO2 yr -1,平均CO2吸收通量为7.93±2.8 t km -2 yr -1。CO2吸收通量在不同气候带下差异显著,热带和暖温带CO2年吸收速率占全球主要河流流域年吸收速率的62.95%。冷温带CO2年吸收速率占全球主要河流流域的33.05%,仅次于热带地区。本文划分出全球CO2吸收通量的9个关键带,关键带的交汇处CO2吸收通量较高。喀斯特出露流域碳酸盐岩对CO2吸收通量的均值为8.50 t km -2 yr -1,约为非喀斯特流域的3倍。全球喀斯特出露流域碳酸盐岩风化碳汇在全球碳循环、水循环及碳收支平衡估算研究方面占据重要地位。  相似文献   
为探究重金属在红树林沉积物及红树植物中的分布累积及迁移规律,选取了徐闻南山镇红树林为研究对象,通过测定红树林沉积物及红树植物不同部位(根、茎、叶)的重金属质量分数,运用富集因子、生物富集系数、转移系数及相关性分析等方法进行分析。结果表明:1)红树林沉积物重金属质量分数表现为铬(Cr)>锌(Zn)>镍(Ni)>铜(Cu)>铅(Pb)>砷(As)>汞(Hg)>镉(Cd),为中等变异程度;除了镍(Ni)元素外,其余7种重金属未超过国家一级标准,除了铅(Pb)元素外,其余7种重金属均超过广东省土壤环境背景值,说明研究区沉积物中重金属具有一定的积累效应。2)沉积物中砷(As)、铜(Cu)、锌(Zn)、汞(Hg)、镍(Ni)、铬(Cr)富集因子值均>1.5,说明受到轻微人为活动影响;各站位镍(Ni)富集因子值均>5,结合研究区背景,反映了镍(Ni)受到自然和人为输入的共同影响。3)白骨壤体内重金属主要集中在根部,而红海榄体内重金属在根茎叶中分布相对均匀。白骨壤根茎叶部位的大多数重金属质量分数远高于红海榄,说明白骨壤对重金属的吸附能力比红海榄强。汞(Hg)集中分布在植物的叶片部位,且与其他重金属之间相关性不明显;推测汞(Hg)主要通过叶片吸收进入植物体内,与交通运输污染有关。4)不同红树植物对不同重金属富集能力各异,白骨壤对重金属的富集能力表现为:镉(Cd)>砷(As)>铜(Cu)>锌(Zn)>汞(Hg)>铅(Pb)>镍(Ni)>铬(Cr),红海榄表现为:镉(Cd)>铜(Cu)>汞(Hg)>锌(Zn)>铅(Pb)>砷(As)>镍(Ni)>铬(Cr)。白骨壤和红海榄对汞(Hg)的运移能力都较强;红海榄对镉(Cd)的富集能力和转运能力都较强,而白骨壤对镉(Cd)富集能力较强,转运能力却较弱,这说明红树植物对重金属元素的富集能力与转运能力不存在正比关系。  相似文献   
文中详细研究了当前世界上最典型的海底观测网的建设发展规模、形式、设备类型以及我国海底观测网的发展现状,并对国内外海底观测网的发展趋势进行总结。对日本、加拿大、美国及欧洲的海底观测网进行了设备级研究,对我国台湾地区、东海、南海的海底观测网现状进行了研究,并讨论了国外先进观测网对我国的海底观测网建设的借鉴意义。文中总结出海底观测网发展的整体趋势为:单节点网络加速验证新型设备及传感器的水下能力;区域尺度网络用于加速多学科发展并提升灾害预警能力;而浮标平台网络作为补充,铺设在远海区域以降低阶段建设成本。  相似文献   
Increasing concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide are causing oceanic pH to decline worldwide, a phenomenon termed ocean acidification. Mounting experimental evidence indicates that near-future levels of CO2 will affect calcareous invertebrates such as corals, molluscs and gastropods, by reducing their scope for calcification. Despite extensive research into ocean acidification in recent years, the effects on non-calcifying anthozoans, such as sea anemones, remain little explored. In Western Europe, intertidal anemones such as Actinia equina are abundant, lower trophic-level organisms that function as important ecosystem engineers. Changes to behaviours of these simple predators could have implications for intertidal assemblages. This investigation identified the effects of reduced seawater pH on feeding and contest behaviour by A. equina. Video footage was recorded for A. equina feeding at current-day seawater (pH 8.1), and the least (pH 7.9) and most (pH 7.6) severe end-of-century predictions. Footage was also taken of contests over ownership of space between anemones exposed to reduced pH and those that were not. No statistically significant differences were identified in feeding duration or various aspects of contest behaviour including initiating, winning, inflating acrorhagi, inflicting acrorhagial peels and contest duration. Multivariate analyses showed no effect of pH on a combination of these variables. This provides contrast with other studies where anemones with symbiotic algae thrive in areas of natural increased acidity. Thus, novel experiments using intraspecific contests and resource-holding potential may prove an effective approach to understand sub-lethal consequences of ocean acidification for A. equina, other sea anemones and more broadly for marine ecosystems.  相似文献   
The North China Craton (NCC) has been thinned from >200 km to <100 km in its eastern part. The ancient subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) has been replaced by the juvenile SCLM in the Meoszoic. During this period, the NCC was destructed as indicated by extensive magmatism in the Early Cretaceous. While there is a consensus on the thinning and destruction of cratonic lithosphere in North China, it has been hotly debated about the mechanism of cartonic destruction. This study attempts to provide a resolution to current debates in the view of Mesozoic mafic magmatism in North China. We made a compilation of geochemical data available for Mesozoic mafic igneous rocks in the NCC. The results indicate that these mafic igneous rocks can be categorized into two series, manifesting a dramatic change in the nature of mantle sources at ~121 Ma. Mafic igneous rocks emplaced at this age start to show both oceanic island basalts (OIB)-like trace element distribution patterns and depleted to weakly enriched Sr-Nd isotope compositions. In contrast, mafic igneous rocks emplaced before and after this age exhibit both island arc basalts (IAB)-like trace element distribution patterns and enriched Sr-Nd isotope compositions. This difference indicates a geochemical mutation in the SCLM of North China at ~121 Ma. Although mafic magmatism also took place in the Late Triassic, it was related to exhumation of the deeply subducted South China continental crust because the subduction of Paleo-Pacific slab was not operated at that time. Paleo-Pacific slab started to subduct beneath the eastern margin of Eruasian continent since the Jurrasic. The subducting slab and its overlying SCLM wedge were coupled in the Jurassic, and slab dehydration resulted in hydration and weakening of the cratonic mantle. The mantle sources of ancient IAB-like mafic igneous rocks are a kind of ultramafic metasomatites that were generated by reaction of the cratonic mantle wedge peridotite not only with aqueous solutions derived from dehydration of the subducting Paleo-Pacific oceanic crust in the Jurassic but also with hydrous melts derived from partial melting of the subducting South China continental crust in the Triassic. On the other hand, the mantle sources of juvenile OIB-like mafic igneous rocks are also a kind of ultramafic metasomatites that were generated by reaction of the asthenospheric mantle underneath the North China lithosphere with hydrous felsic melts derived from partial melting of the subducting Paleo-Pacific oceanic crust. The subducting Paleo-Pacific slab became rollback at ~144 Ma. Afterwards the SCLM base was heated by laterally filled asthenospheric mantle, leading to thinning of the hydrated and weakened cratonic mantle. There was extensive bimodal magmatism at 130 to 120 Ma, marking intensive destruction of the cratonic lithosphere. Not only the ultramafic metasomatites in the lower part of the cratonic mantle wedge underwent partial melting to produce mafic igneous rocks showing negative εNd(t) values, depletion in Nb and Ta but enrichment in Pb, but also the lower continent crust overlying the cratonic mantle wedge was heated for extensive felsic magmatism. At the same time, the rollback slab surface was heated by the laterally filled asthenospheric mantle, resulting in partial melting of the previously dehydrated rocks beyond rutile stability on the slab surface. This produce still hydrous felsic melts, which metasomatized the overlying asthenospheric mantle peridotite to generate the ultramafic metasomatites that show positive εNd(t) values, no depletion or even enrichment in Nb and Ta but depletion in Pb. Partial melting of such metasomatites started at ~121 Ma, giving rise to the mafic igneous rocks with juvenile OIB-like geochemical signatures. In this context, the age of ~121 Ma may terminate replacement of the ancient SCLM by the juvenile SCLM in North China. Paleo-Pacific slab was not subducted to the mantle transition zone in the Mesozoic as revealed by modern seismic tomography, and it was subducted at a low angle since the Jurassic, like the subduction of Nazca Plate beneath American continent. This flat subduction would not only chemically metasomatize the cratonic mantle but also physically erode the cratonic mantle. Therefore, the interaction between Paleo-Pacific slab and the cratonic mantle is the first-order geodynamic mechanism for the thinning and destruction of cratonic lithosphere in North China.  相似文献   
The article presents the spatial and temporal dynamics of water temperature in two reservoirs on the upper course of the Dunajec River in the Polish Carpathians. It aims at presenting how spatial patterns and time evolution of water temperature in the reservoirs affect the water temperature in the river. The analysis is based on the results of water temperature measurements in hydrometric verticals in two reservoirs as well as in the river upstream and downstream of the reservoirs. The measurements were carried out in 2012 and 2013, in hydrometeorological conditions typical for each season of the year. Based on the measurements, it has been demonstrated that the complex of reservoirs affects the water temperature in the river over the year and the existence of the smaller lower reservoir may attenuate the cooling or heating effect of the main reservoir on the river.  相似文献   
In this paper, we study an interacting holographic dark energy model in the framework of fractal cosmology. The features of fractal cosmology could pass ultraviolet divergencies and also make a better understanding of the universe in different dimensions. We discuss a fractal FRW universe filled with the dark energy and cold dark matter interacting with each other. It is observed that the Hubble parameter embraces the recent observational range while the deceleration parameter demonstrates an accelerating universe and a behavior similar to \(\Lambda \mbox{CDM}\). Plotting the equation of state shows that it lies in phantom region for interaction mode. We use \(\mathit{Om}\)-diagnostic tool and it shows a phantom behavior of dark energy which is a condition of avoiding the formation of black holes. Finally we execute the StateFinder diagnostic pair and all the trajectories for interacting and non-interacting state of the model meet the fixed point \(\Lambda \mbox{CDM}\) at the start of the evolution. A behavior similar to Chaplygin gas also can be observed in statefinder plane. We find that new holographic dark energy model (NHDE) in fractal cosmology expressed the consistent behavior with recent observational data and can be considered as a model to avoid the formation of black holes in comparison with the main model of NHDE in the simple FRW universe. It has also been observed that for the interaction term varying with matter density, the model generates asymptotic de-Sitter solution. However, if the interaction term varies with energy density, then the model shows Big-Rip singularity. Using our modified CAMB code, we observed that the interacting model suppresses the CMB spectrum at low multipoles \(l<50\) and enhances the acoustic peaks. Based on the observational data sets used in this paper and using Metropolis-Hastings method of MCMC numerical calculation, it seems that the best value with \(1\sigma \) and \(2\sigma \) confidence interval are \(\Omega _{m0}=0.278^{+0.008~+0.010} _{-0.007~-0.009}\), \(H_{0}=69.9^{+0.95~+1.57}_{-0.95~-1.57}\), \(r_{c}=0.08^{+0.02~+0.027}_{-0.002~-0.0027}\), \(\beta =0.496^{+0.005~+0.009} _{-0.005~-0.009}\), \(c= 0.691^{+0.024~+0.039}_{-0.025~-0.037}\) and \(b^{2}=0.035\) according to which we find that the proposed model in the presence of interaction is compatible with the recent observational data.  相似文献   
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