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海底观测网络由于其特有的能源供给与信息传输优势,受到了广泛关注与重视。文中简要回顾了国内外海底观测网技术的发展现状,并就海底观测网技术发展趋势进行了探讨。  相似文献   

海底观测网因其实时、长期、连续、高精度时钟同步及原位等优势而逐渐成为人类研究海洋的新型平台,建设规模和应用水深都在不断扩大。海底观测网系统建设中,深水设备的精准定点布放及湿插拔作业是施工的难点。针对国内海底观测网精准定位布放作业存在的困难和问题,结合国内现有施工条件,提出一种大深度海底设备精准定点布放安装方法,实现南海深海海底观测网试验系统深水设备精准定位布放与ROV湿插拔作业,对未来大规模海底观测网及其它深水工程中设备的精准定点布放和安装,具有参考和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

加拿大在海底观测网研究方面居于世界领先地位,它的"海王星"海底观测网(NEPTUNE-Canada)被誉为人类的水下"哈勃",是全球首个深海海底大型联网观测站。维多利亚海底试验网(VENUS)与NEPTUNE都从属于加拿大海洋观测网络(ocean networks Canada,ONC),有着许多相同的概念和设计。VENUS支持研究近海观测,本文主要介绍VENUS的背景及科学研究目标,并在分析其基础设施及构建进展的基础上,提出对我国开展海底观测网建设的启示。  相似文献   

海底观测网络是推动海洋科学技术发展,了解地球环境系统的重要基础,也是帮助人类了解海洋从而促进全球经济发展的重要方法。文章回顾了各国在海底观测系统发展过程中的研究计划和建设情况;介绍了当前各国海底观测网络及其投入业务应用后,在多学科综合观测、多网络交互融合、数据交换利用以及海洋科学应用等方面的发展方向,对我国海底观测探测网络建设,深海新型传感器发展,海底观测网标准化体系完善等方向进行了分析展望。  相似文献   

在全球气候变化的背景下,现代化海洋牧场是我国应对近海生态环境恶化和渔业资源衰退、实现海洋生态文明和海洋强国战略的重要手段。而海洋牧场观测网是科学指导现代化海洋牧场建设,并进行科学管理的重要基础。为了保障现代化海洋牧场的可持续健康发展,山东省于2015年底开始在各海洋牧场建设生态环境海底观测站,并组网建成世界先进的海洋牧场观测网,目前已覆盖23处海洋牧场。设立观测网预警中心,负责海洋牧场观测网的日常运行和维护,同时开展水域多学科耦合过程的基础研究和业务化辅助决策的应用服务。海洋牧场观测网的建立和业务化运行初步实现了海洋牧场生态环境和渔业资源的"可测"、"可视"、"可控"和"可预警"。目前,我国现代化海洋牧场观测网的科学发展仍面临诸多挑战,建议进一步增强观测设备的自主研发能力和长期在线监测的稳定性,跨介质立体组网、实现海洋牧场的全方位立体监测,深化多学科耦合过程的基础研究并提供多元业务化辅助决策应用服务,为现代化海洋牧场的高质量发展保驾护航。  相似文献   

马荣华  范儒彬 《海岸工程》2020,39(4):309-318
阐述了广州海洋观测网建设的迫切性和必要性,对海洋观测网建设在海洋防灾减灾、海岸工程建设及海水养殖等方面的重要意义进行了分析说明。总结广州市海洋观测网建设现状和成果,并利用已有观测数据对2017年台风天鸽帕卡期间广州海域水文气象特征、2015—2017年枯水期咸潮入侵特征进行了分析。研究表明, 现有观测数据对台风和咸潮活动均具有较明显的反应,且对海洋防灾减灾工作具有重要的意义;为更有效地利用已有观测数据,将观测数据价值最大化,对观测网建设及运行过程中观测工作机制及业务化流程、数据质量控制、观测站布设合理性以及数据应用分析这几个方面存在的问题进行了探讨,提出了广州海洋观测网的优化、改进措施及未来发展方向。  相似文献   

文中设计了一套用于海底观测网的信息采集系统。提出了一种基于事件触发和定时驱动相结合的通过光网传送IP包的信息监控系统运行机制;提出了由岸站监控中心层、光传输主干层、海洋数据采集层组成的监控和信息采集监控系统总体构架;设计了通讯控制策略及自定义的通讯协议。采用该信息采集系统的海底观测网在试验海域进行了海底布放。经过8个月的海底连续运行,数据采集系统运行稳定,能够正确地采集海洋传感器和自身系统运行数据。  相似文献   

海底观测网络的出现改变了人们观测海洋的方式,成为了海洋科学界新的研究热点。通过介绍现有观测技术的局限性,探讨了海底观测网具有的特征及功能,总结了各国的研究进展,指出了我国大陆架科学钻探中海底观测网建设应考虑的观测内容及部署原则。  相似文献   

全球有缆海底观测网概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近期有缆海底观测网发展迅猛,世界各国包括加拿大、美国、日本和欧洲国家都依据自己的科学目标,建立了相应的有缆海底观测网。文章针对不同国家有缆海底观测网系统的组成和建设分别做了概述和评论。从1978年开始到现在,日本成功建设了10条有缆海底地震观测网,从早期同轴电缆作为主干电缆,发展到使用光电缆连接水下设施。加拿大成功建成近岸尺度和区域尺度两条有缆海底观测网。美国2012年成功建成目前世界上最长的一条区域海底观测网(约900km)。欧洲国家也正在开展在10个海区建立有缆观测网。跟随国外的步伐,我国和我国台湾地区也建立了自己的海底观测站(东海小衢山)和有缆观测网(中国台湾妈祖)。文章依据世界上已经建立的有缆海底观测网,分析认为与全球有缆观测网布设有关的遥控水下机器人是关键技术,并探讨了海底观测网今后的发展和面临的挑战。  相似文献   

海洋观测已呈现陆、海、空联合组网观测形式,这是海洋观测发展的必然趋势和未来走向。但我国在海洋水下观测能力方面极其薄弱,特别是与国际海洋发达国家相比存在较大差距,本文主要整理了国外水下观测网发展的有关政策、重点项目及技术装备,并对我国面临的海洋发展形势进行了分析,提出了我国海洋水下观测网发展战略建议,供有关管理人员和科研人员参考。  相似文献   

A Remotely Operated Serial Sampler for Collecting Gas-Tight Fluid Samples   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper describes the design, construction and preliminary test results for a gas-tight serial sampler intended to be deployed at seafloor for long-term operation to take time-series fluid samples from deep-sea environments such as cold seeps, water column and hydrothermal vents. The serial sampler is a modular system that is based on independent and identical sampling modules, which are designed to collect six 160 ml gas-tight fluid samples maintained at high pressure to a depth of 4000 meters. With two working modes, the sampler can be deployed either with seafloor cabled observatory for remote control or as a stand-alone device for autonomous operation. A prototype of the instrument has been constructed and tested on the MARS cabled observatory for two months. The laboratory and field tests proved the success of the design and construction of the serial sampler, and indicated the potential for future ocean sciences.  相似文献   

Development and experiments of the Sea-Wing underwater glider   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Underwater gliders,which glide through water columns by use of a pair of wings,are efficient long-distance,long-duration marine environment observatory platforms.The Sea-Wing underwater glider,developed by the Shenyang Institute of Automation,CAS,is designed for the application of deep-sea environment variables observation.The system components,the mechanical design,and the control system design of the Sea-Wing underwater glider are described in this paper.The pitch and roll adjusting models are derived based on the mechanical design,and the adjusting capabilities for the pitch and roll are analyzed according to the models.Field experiments have been carried out for validating the gliding motion and the ability of measuring ocean environment variables.Experimental results of the motion performances of the glider are presented.  相似文献   

为有效保护近海海底观测网观测安全,免受渔船拖网和抛锚等损坏的问题,设计了一套多警戒浮标(直径2.4~3.0 m)的实时监控系统,该警戒浮标可获取浮标本身工作状态,并能实时、动态、连续的将警戒浮标的运行状态发送到陆基岸站,实现对保护目标海域的实时监控,同时该浮标系统可进行扩充实现对海洋环境要素的观测。警戒浮标布设采用正多边形(三角形、正方形和正五边形等)预警保护方式,浮标以保护节点为中心等距布放,组网形成有效的海上保护围栏,保障海底观测系统的安全运行;供电系统采用太阳能电池和蓄电池组合供能方式,可保证在连续阴天的情况下警戒浮标系统运行100天。该警戒浮标技术已在东海海底观测网保护中成功示范运行6个月,该技术可为近海海底观测保护提供有效技术保障。  相似文献   

Understanding long-term trends in species abundance and distribution represents an important challenge for future research in the deep sea, particularly as management of human impacts becomes a more important concern. However, until natural higher frequency variability is better understood, it will be difficult to interpret any long-term trends that may be apparent in data sets. We present here the results of the first year of observations at the NEPTUNE Canada cabled observatory site in Barkley Canyon, off the coast of Vancouver Island, in the northeast Pacific Ocean. Presence/absence and abundance data for 28 faunal groups were extracted from daily video records from an observatory camera. Concurrent CTD and current meter data were collected from co-located instruments. Water mass properties, currents and faunal community composition exhibited notable seasonal trends. Distinct seasonal faunal groupings were observed, together with summer and winter trends in temperature, salinity and current patterns. Variations in abundance of decapod crustaceans and fishes were responsible for most differences between faunal groups. We suggest that faunal composition may have been responding to seasonal variations in food availability, together with direct and indirect physical influences on predator and prey abundance.  相似文献   

Although the spatial distribution of hydrothermal vent assemblages in relation to environmental conditions has been assessed in several studies, there is little documented data on the temporal variation of the fauna and corresponding abiotic factors in a vent community. Here, we present one of the longest integrated (faunal and environmental data) time series ever obtained in a hydrothermal ecosystem. The data were acquired using the TEMPO ecological module that was deployed between 2006 and 2008 on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, providing the first insights into the day-to-day variations in a Bathymodiolus azoricus mussel assemblage from the Lucky Strike vent field for the 48 days during which the video camera operated. The time-series yielded additional valuable information on longer-term variation in faunal distribution (comparing ~2 years), temperature (11.7 months) and iron concentrations (3.8 months).Results from daily observations showed that the vent mussel assemblage was quite stable over the 48 days of the study, reflecting the relative stability of environmental conditions during this period. B. azoricus mussels appeared to thrive in areas of very limited hydrothermal fluid input in habitats that are, as in other deep-sea ecosystems, significantly influenced by ocean tidal signals. Variation in species abundance was observed but, with the exception of Mirocaris fortunata shrimp, no links could be established with measured environmental variables. Although we did not observe any clear tidal influence on vent fauna, it is likely that physiological processes and species’ activities are influenced by these periodic variations. Longer time series are currently being acquired by different experiments deployed on the EMSO-Açores MoMAR observatory (2010–2013 and still recording). They should further improve our knowledge of the dynamics of hydrothermal systems and their associated faunal communities.  相似文献   

利用PSR模型中压力、状态、响应相互作用的关系阐述围填海开发活动对海洋资源的影响,基于压力、状态、响应子系统确定并标准化处理了影响评价指标,根据判断矩阵分析结果赋值了指标权重,构建了围填海开发活动对海洋资源影响的评价体系,应用该评价体系进行了福建省福清湾及海坛峡海域围填海开发活动对其海洋资源的影响分析,评价结果表明福清湾及海坛峡海域围填海开发活动对其海洋资源的影响较小。  相似文献   

在介绍了WebGIS和地学虚拟环境技术特征的基础上,研究了WebGIS技术在地学虚拟环境中的应用。从系统结构、用户界面、数据模型等三个方面,对WebGIs技术用于地学虚拟环境的深层次系统框架进行了研讨,并对WebGIS技术与地学虚拟环境技术进行结合的实际过程进行了说明。  相似文献   

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