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历次核试验进入海洋的~(137)Cs对中国近海影响的模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1945年以来,世界各主要核国家进行了数千次核试验,这些核试验产生的绝大部分放射性物质通过多种途径进入海洋,对海洋环境造成放射性污染。本文建立了一个准全球海洋的放射性物质输运和扩散数值模式,通过数值模拟手段评估了历史核试验释放的放射性物质137 Cs对中国近海海洋环境的影响。本文借助前人工作评估了核试验释放137Cs进入海洋的途径和总量;通过比较模拟结果与观测资料,表明本文建立的放射性物质模式能够较好地模拟出137Cs在中国近海及其邻近海域的分布情况和随时间演变特征;模拟结果表明中国近海里的137Cs浓度在20世纪50年代中期达到最大,其中吕宋海峡海域137Cs浓度最高,达80.99Bq/m3;进一步分析了2011年3月份日本福岛核事故前中国近海137Cs浓度分布状况,2011年整个中国近海137Cs浓度介于1.0~1.6Bq/m3间,且其浓度垂向分布较均匀,相对封闭的南海浓度略高于其他海域。  相似文献   
观测显示过去几十年间北极入海径流呈现增加趋势,CMIP5耦合模式预测表明21世纪北极入海径流仍会增加,在RCP8.5路径下,21世纪末北极入海径流量将会是1950年的1.4倍。本文利用冰-海耦合数值模式研究了北极径流增加对大西洋经向翻转环流的影响。基于两个数值实验的结果表明,如果北极入海径流按每年0.22%的速度(与RCP8.5路径下的速度相当)增加,大西洋经向翻转环流的强度在100、150和200年后将会分别减弱0.6(3%)、1.2(7%)和1.8(11%) Sv。北极入海径流增加导致大西洋经向翻转环流减弱的主要原因是,北极入海径流增加的淡水被输运到北大西洋后,会抑制北大西洋深层水的生成,这也会导致北大西洋深层水海水年龄的增加。  相似文献   
最近的观测表明赤道太平洋中部及东部的水温略低于拉尼娜事件的阈值,但大气与海洋的状态还不足以完全支持转为弱拉尼娜现象。本研究基于地球系统模式FIO-ESM和集合调整卡尔曼滤波同化方案建立的短期气候同化和预测系统,进行了1992-01-01—2016-10-31的模式同化,结果表明同化系统能够为预测提供较好的初始场。随后对2016—2017年拉尼娜事件的状态以及中国近海地区气温和降水异常进行了未来6个月的预测,结果表明赤道太平洋会在2016年年底继续降温,Nio3.4区海温异常将持续略低于拉尼娜事件的阈值-0.5℃,说明2016—2017年为弱拉尼娜事件,2017年春季东太平洋继续降温,表明此次拉尼娜事件可能会持续较长时间。预测结果同时也表明2016年冬季至2017年春季中国近海地区存在着北高南低的气温异常分布,中国南部地区降水存在负异常。拉尼娜带来的极端天气与气候异常会对中国沿岸地区带来巨大影响,但总体来说2016—2017年拉尼娜事件对中国的影响相对较弱。  相似文献   
2008年夏季中国第3次北极科学考察期间,利用锚碇潜标对北冰洋楚科奇陆架海域进行了为期33 d的海流剖面、近底层温度与盐度连续观测。观测数据显示楚科奇陆架海域近底层海水温度出现了两次较大幅度的快速升降现象。结合此次科学考察R断面温盐深仪(CTD)观测资料、以及卫星遥感海表温度(SST)和海表风场等资料,综合分析表明:观测到的这种快速升、降温现象不仅发生在近底层;这种快速升、降温现象应该是由海水温度锋面在夏季整体缓慢北移的同时存在短暂南北摆动所导致;温度锋面的季节性北移属于北极气候特征,而温度锋面短暂的南北摆动则与短期天气过程有关。  相似文献   
2013年北极最小海冰范围比2012年增加的原因分析   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
崔红艳  乔方利  舒启 《海洋学报》2015,37(11):23-32
北极海冰范围从1979年有卫星观测资料以来呈现明显下降趋势,尤其是9月份。2012年9月北极海冰范围达到有观测记录以来的最小值,而2013年9月比2012年同期增加了60%。增加的区域主要在东西伯利亚海区、楚科奇海和波弗特海区。本文应用距平和经验模态分解方法,分析了美国国家冰雪数据中心的北极海冰卫星数据、欧洲预报中心的夏季底层大气环流数据和上层海洋的温度,指出2013年北极最小海冰范围比2012年在北冰洋太平洋扇区增加的原因,是由于表面气温(SAT)降低、海平面气压(SLP)升高、气旋式风场异常、表面空气中水汽含量(SH)降低以及海表面温度(SST)降低5个条件形成的冰-SAT、冰-SST和冰-汽(SH)3个正反馈机制共同作用造成的。  相似文献   
气候模式FIO-ESM对2015/16年厄尔尼诺的预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recently atmospheric and oceanic observations indicate the tropical Pacific is at the El Ni?o condition. However,it's not clear whether this El Ni?o event of this year is comparable to the very strong one of 1997/98 which brought huge influence on the whole world. In this study, based on the Ensemble Adjusted Kalman Filter(EAKF)assimilation scheme and First Institute of Oceanography-Earth System Model(FIO-ESM), the assimilation system is setup, which can provide reasonable initial conditions for prediction. And the hindcast results suggest the skill of El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation(ENSO) prediction is comparable to other dynamical coupled models. Then the prediction for 2015/16 El Ni?o by using FIO-ESM is started from 1 November 2015. The ensemble results indicate that the 2015/16 El Ni?o will continue to be strong. By the end of 2015, the strongest strength is very like more than 2.0°C and the ensemble mean strength is 2.34°C, which indicates 2015/16 El Ni?o event will be very strong but slightly less than that of 1997/98 El Ni?o event(2.40°C) calculated relative a climatology based on the years1992–2014. The prediction results also suggest 2015/16 El Ni?o event will be a transition to ENSO-neutral level in the early spring(FMA) 2016, and then may transfer to La Ni?a in summer 2016.  相似文献   
2020年冬季(2020年12月至2021年2月),赤道中东太平洋海表温度持续下降,形成了一次拉尼娜事件。2021年春季,海表温度回升,转为中性状态。最新观测发现,2021年秋季以来海表温度再次降低,冬季是否会再次形成拉尼娜事件,其对我国冬季的气候有何影响? 本文利用自然资源部第一海洋研究所发展的短期气候预测系统FIO-CPSv2.0,以2021年10月1日为起报时间,对冬季气候进行了预测。结果表明,赤道中东太平洋冷异常将在11月达到鼎盛,形成一次弱拉尼娜事件,2022年1月将转为中性状态。在连续2年出现拉尼娜现象的气候背景下,2021年11月,除青藏高原、西南地区、东南沿海及台湾气温偏高外,我国大部分地区气温将偏低。12月之后,我国北方气温偏高而南方气温偏低的概率较大。此外,降水预测结果显示,初冬,南方降水偏多,而华北、东北部分地区降水偏少。2022年1月南方降水将偏少,而华北和东北降水将偏多。不同集合之间降水预测结果存在较大差异,表明降水预测结果仍有较高不确定性。  相似文献   
In order to evaluate the assimilation results from a global high resolution ocean model, the buoy observations from tropical atmosphere ocean(TAO) during August 2014 to July 2015 are employed. The horizontal resolution of wave-tide-circulation coupled ocean model developed by The First Institute of Oceanography(FIOCOM model) is 0.1°×0.1°, and ensemble adjustment Kalman filter is used to assimilate the sea surface temperature(SST), sea level anomaly(SLA) and Argo temperature/salinity profiles. The simulation results with and without data assimilation are examined. First, the overall statistic errors of model results are analyzed. The scatter diagrams of model simulations versus observations and corresponding error probability density distribution show that the errors of all the observed variables, including the temperature, isotherm depth of 20°C(D20), salinity and two horizontal component of velocity are reduced to some extent with a maximum improvement of 54% after assimilation. Second, time-averaged variables are used to investigate the horizontal and vertical structures of the model results. Owing to the data assimilation, the biases of the time-averaged distribution are reduced more than70% for the temperature and D20 especially in the eastern Pacific. The obvious improvement of D20 which represents the upper mixed layer depth indicates that the structure of the temperature after the data assimilation becomes more close to the reality and the vertical structure of the upper ocean becomes more reasonable. At last,the physical processes of time series are compared with observations. The time evolution processes of all variables after the data assimilation are more consistent with the observations. The temperature bias and RMSE of D20 are reduced by 76% and 56% respectively with the data assimilation. More events during this period are also reproduced after the data assimilation. Under the condition of strong 2014/2016 El Ni?o, the Equatorial Undercurrent(EUC) from the TAO is gradually increased during August to November in 2014, and followed by a decreasing process. Since the improvement of the structure in the upper ocean, these events of the EUC can be clearly found in the assimilation results. In conclusion, the data assimilation in this global high resolution model has successfully reduced the model biases and improved the structures of the upper ocean, and the physical processes in reality can be well produced.  相似文献   
2007和2012年北极最小海冰范围空间分布不同的原因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Satellite records show the minimum Arctic sea ice extents(SIEs) were observed in the Septembers of 2007 and2012, but the spatial distributions of sea ice concentration reduction in these two years were quite different.Atmospheric circulation pattern and the upper-ocean state in summer were investigated to explain the difference.By employing the ice-temperature and ice-specific humidity(SH) positive feedbacks in the Arctic Ocean, this paper shows that in 2007 and 2012 the higher surface air temperature(SAT) and sea level pressure(SLP)accompanied by more surface SH and higher sea surface temperature(SST), as a consequence, the strengthened poleward wind was favorable for melting summer Arctic sea ice in different regions in these two years. SAT was the dominant factor influencing the distribution of Arctic sea ice melting. The correlation coefficient is –0.84 between SAT anomalies in summer and the Arctic SIE anomalies in autumn. The increase SAT in different regions in the summers of 2007 and 2012 corresponded to a quicker melting of sea ice in the Arctic. The SLP and related wind were promoting factors connected with SAT. Strengthening poleward winds brought warm moist air to the Arctic and accelerated the melting of sea ice in different regions in the summers of 2007 and 2012. Associated with the rising air temperature, the higher surface SH and SST also played a positive role in reducing summer Arctic sea ice in different regions in these two years, which form two positive feedbacks mechanism.  相似文献   
对地球系统模式FIO-ESM同化实验中北极海冰模拟的评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
舒启  乔方利  鲍颖  尹训强 《海洋学报》2015,37(11):33-40
本文评估了地球系统模式FIO-ESM(First Institute of Oceanography-Earth System Model)基于集合调整Kalman滤波同化实验对1992-2013年北极海冰的模拟能力。结果显示:尽管同化资料只包括了全球海表温度和全球海面高度异常两类数据,而并没有对海冰进行同化,但实验结果能很好地模拟出与观测相符的北极海冰基本态和长期变化趋势,卫星观测和FIO-ESM同化实验所得的北极海冰覆盖范围在1992-2013年间的线性变化趋势分别为-7.06×105和-6.44×105 km2/(10a),同化所得的逐月海冰覆盖范围异常和卫星观测之间的相关系数为0.78。与FIO-ESM参加CMIP5(Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5)实验结果相比,该同化结果所模拟的北极海冰覆盖范围的长期变化趋势和海冰密集度的空间变化趋势均与卫星观测更加吻合,这说明该同化可为利用FIO-ESM开展北极短期气候预测提供较好的预测初始场。  相似文献   
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