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在自然环境(海水、淡水、土壤)中采用保护器或直流电源保护金属结构物时,在金属表面上常常会形成一层主要由氢氧化镁和碳酸钙等(有时有硅酸盐)组成的白色覆盖膜。这层覆盖膜具有相当好的防蚀作用。国外许多作者对于它的形成动力学和保护作用,稳固性,化学组成和结构,以及如何评价它的保护作用等方面进行了研究。据报导,由于膜的存在可以大大地減小保护电流,仅需原来的十分之一;或者  相似文献   
Steel piles at the tidal zone can be seriously corroded. Common protective methods such as painting or coating with rubber or other protective materials, etc. cannot provide full protection when used as supplementary protection because these traditional methods require strict pretreatment and sealing of the metallic surface from the corrosive mediums.and time for the protective coatings to solidify. This is very difficult under the severe action of waves and surges on the sea.With our oil-soluble DZ-2 tape, protection efficiency for hanging steel plates at the tidal and splash zones reaches to 82-99%. The protection efficiency of water soluble DZ tape at the tidal zone reaches to 92.9%. The DZ and DZ-2 tapes can rapidly reduce the original corrosion velocity to ten percent and one percent respectively as fully proved by the 500 hour rapid corrosion testing with indoor salt fog and by the relevant electrochemical parameters of instantaneous corrosion velocity,etc.DZ tape absorbs much OH- to cause a pH ri  相似文献   
为了防止海洋生物对海船、军舰、船坞、水下武器以及其他海上设备的有害附着,新的防污药品、防污涂料以及防污办法。正为许多学者所悉心研究;防污药品正逐渐地由无机物向有机物及放射性物质方面转变。但是,目前生产中广泛采用的仍然是无机毒品,防污涂料的防污效果与有效使用期限不但与药品的毒性有关,而且与药品在单位时间内自涂料膜渗出的剂量密切相关。如果单位时间内渗出剂量过大,则不经济,有效防污期限将大大缩短;如果单位时间内渗出剂量过小,则不能达到抑制生物附着和生长的目的。渗出率的大小常常是防污涂料的关键指标。因此渗出率的研究,不但能指导生产单位改进防污涂料的生产工艺,而且也为使用单位提供了选择和估价防污涂料的简单有效的方法。  相似文献   
An anticorrosion method using wet DZ1) tape and electrochemical cathodic protection is suggested. The advantages of this method over internationally patented sealing techniques lie in its electrochemically open system, high adsorption of OH- with resultant rise of pH, exchangeable electrolytes, simple pretreatment of the steel pipe, simplicity of application, lower cost, better protection even under ebb tide, and low transmission of oxygen and corrosion products.  相似文献   
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