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程绍文  李艳  张晓梅  李照红 《地理科学》2017,37(10):1569-1576
以武当山为研究案例地,通过游客问卷与访谈调查,采用SPSS18.0统计软件定量分析武当山旅游体验对游客认知、思想、行为意愿等的影响。研究结果表明,① 武当山游客的旅游动机有宗教朝圣、文化体验、娱乐放松及感情交流4类;② 宗教文化旅游影响游客对目的地的形象感知及对道教文化的认知、态度及践行意愿;宗教文化旅游对游客的影响强弱因动机而不同,自强至弱依次为宗教朝圣、文化体验、感情交流及娱乐放松。  相似文献   
以AAAA,AAAAA级旅游景区为研究对象,采用地理数学方法和GIS空间分析工具分析长江经济带高级别旅游资源的空间分布特征和影响因素。结果表明:长江经济带高级别旅游资源的空间分布类型为凝聚型;高级别旅游资源的空间分布均衡性很低,在省域、区域尺度上呈集中非均衡分布;高级别旅游资源在空间分布密度上具有明显的差异性,以上海市和江苏省的苏州、无锡、南京以及浙江省的杭州、宁波为核心的长江三角洲及重庆都市区是高级别旅游资源分布最为密集的区域;水体资源禀赋、交通条件、经济发展水平及区域人口规模是影响长江经济带高级别旅游资源空间分布的主要影响因素。最后,提出了促进长江经济带旅游协调健康发展的建议。  相似文献   
认清灾害事件对游客动机的影响是灾后旅游市场恢复第一步。根据“5.12”汶川地震发生前(2008年4月27~5月5日)与发生后(2009年5月5~10日)两个时段游客问卷调查数据,采用多因素方差分析等方法定量研究地震对灾区旅游地国内游客旅游动机的影响。研究发现,地震对游客大部分动机影响显著,震后拉力动机重要性下降,推力动...  相似文献   
长江三角洲地区生态经济系统协调度及其预警(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
On the basis of Landsat TM data of the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) Economic Zone in 1991, 2001 and 2008, this article, taking 90 counties in this region as study units, built spatial data transformation models, ecosystem service value (ESV) and coordination degree of eco-economic system (CDES) models. With the aid of ArcGIS9.3, mass grid and vector data has been processed for spatial analyses. ESV and CDES indexes have demonstrated the relationship between economic development and eco-environment system and its evolu-tion characteristics in the researched areas. Furthermore, the indexes have also been used for functional zoning and pattern recognition. Some results can be shown as follows. Firstly, since 1991, land use in the YRD has greatly changed: urban land area has increased primar-ily from original paddy land, dry land, grassland, garden plot and other land. Secondly, the ESV model has proved the deterioration trend of the YRD ecological system from 1991 to 2001 and slower degradation trend during 2001-2008. Also, it is illustrated that land-use conversion from water area and paddy field to urban area and dry land could cause great damage to ecosystem stabilization. Thirdly, GDP in the central and southern parts of the YRD is higher than that in the northern part since 1991. GDP growth rate in the central part is higher than that in the northern part during 1991-2001. This growth rate in the central part is also higher than that in the southern and northern parts of the YRD from 2001 to 2008. Fourthly, the YRD could be categorized into 12 types of subregions in terms of CDES index. According to its spatial characteristic of CDES index value in the study area, eco-economic conflict area with low CDES value which is located in the central part is surrounded by eco-coordinated areas with high CDES values. This illustrates a core-periphery spatial structure exists in the YRD. During 1991-2001, the CDES value implied the convergent de-terioration trend of eco-economic system in the study area; while it gradually stepped into coexistence of divergent deterioration and coordination during 2001-2008. Finally, this paper analyzed five subregions in the YRD, including initially degrading zone, initially coordinative zone, continuously degrading zone, coordination-declined zone and coordination-promoted zone, based on eco-economic coordination and evolution patterns. And these subregions can be recognized and categorized by spatial transformation model.  相似文献   
运用空间分析法、位序-规模法则、多元回归等方法,对中国旅游微博的空间分布格局进行分析,并揭示旅游微博空间分布的影响因素。研究表明:1中国旅游微博以政府旅游微博为主体,旅游专业网站微博为重要补充,旅游景区、旅游协会微博所占比重较小。2旅游微博东密西疏的梯度分布格局较为突出,省际分布集中性强,且大多分布在人口规模大、行政级别高的城市。3旅游微博规模分布满足齐夫法则,双分形结构明显,但不同类型旅游微博规模等级结构以及发育程度差异较大。4旅游微博空间分布受人口规模、信息化程度、旅游资源禀赋等因素的综合影响,不同类型旅游微博空间分布的影响因素表现出一定的差异性。  相似文献   
现有研究表明,旅游目的地社区居民的旅游影响感知会影响他们对旅游的态度;但鲜有研究去分析旅游地社区居民的旅游发展期望对居民旅游态度的影响.本文以中国几寨沟和英国New Forest国家公园为例,运用SPSS统计分析技术,分析了两地居民旅游发展期望与旅游影响感知特点及其对居民旅游态度的影响路径及可能原因.研究结论表明:(1)居民的旅游获益感知直接影响居民的旅游支持度;(2)目的地居民的旅游发展期望直接影响着居民的旅游影响感知,尤其是旅游获益感知;并通过旅游影响感知的中介作用,间接影响居民的旅游态度;(3)自然旅游地居民的旅游发展期望都很积极正面,并存在明显的文化差异;尽管两地居民的旅游获益感知均显著逊于其旅游发展期望,但两地居民并没有因为期望落差而对当地旅游开发持否定态度.  相似文献   
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